Chapter 5
The entire car ride to the warehouse I was seething with anger. I wanted to rip off the heads of anyone that even said the wrong word to me tonight. I couldn't believe that I had to end my date with Hailey early, all because Jimmy wanted to be a fucking moron and talked to the cops. As I got near the warehouse I could see the outside lights glowing and lightening the side of the dark brown building.
Pulling up into the parking lot, I quickly turned my car off and got out, closing the door behind me with a loud clack. Quickly, I walked opened the door and went into the warehouse and went straight to the back of the place where they were keeping Jimmy at.
Once I got to the back, I could hear the sounds of Jimmy, wailing, screaming and crying at the top of his lungs for my men to spare his life. I could see Jimmy, covered in blood from the head wound that he had where of my men had bashed him in the head with a metal baseball bat, that was lying in corner. To be honest with you, his screaming and crying like a pansy only made my blood pump even more for the death sentence that I was about to deal out to Jimmy.
Quickly, I grabbed my tool box which I used for these particular types of occasions and walked over to where my men had Jimmy tied down in a chair. I sat the metal box which made a loud thump onto the concrete floors that we used in the warehouse. I leaned down to Jimmy, grabbing him by the sides of his face in a tight grip, which caused him to look directly at me.
As soon as he looked at me, he immediately turned white as a sheet. I smirked at him as I said, "Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy. What am I going to do with you. Huh? Every time I turn around you are always doing something stupid. But, don't worry Jimmy you won't have to worry about doing something ever again."
Letting go of Jimmy's face I turned and looked over to Aleksei who was pacing back and forth and even stopped for a few moments to run his fingers through his short brown hair in annoyance. I crossed my arms across my chest and stared at him for a few minutes before he stopped and finally looked at me.
"You ready to kill this fucker and get it done and over with? I have other things that need my attention." I said as I bent down and opened up my tool box, showing Jimmy a nice little peek at all the neat items that were inside. And grinned when I saw him almost pass out from fright.
I smirked a bit at Jimmy's reaction to my tools and then heard Aleksei walk over to me and stopped and said, "Yeah, let's get this little bitch out of the way, so, I can get home to Joann and my child. I'd love to see them at some point tonight."
With that said, I reached down to my tool box of horrors and pulled out a large butchers' knife and walked over to Jimmy and rubbed the sharp metal against the skin on his sweating face and smirked a devilish smirk at him. I watched as he cringed in his seat as he tried desperately to move away from me which was physically impossible for him to do.
I took the knife and rubbed it down his face and down to his neck. Once I moved the knife towards his throat I could hear him squealing like a stuck pig. "Oh, Jimmy. We are going to have fun killing you. Now, aren't we?!"
As he tried to shake his head in a sign of 'no' Boris walked up beside Jimmy, grabbed him by the hair of the head so that he couldn't move. I then watched as Aleksei grabbed a pair of wire cutters from my box and walked in front of Jimmy and then grabbed his right hand and then began to clip off his fingers one after another.
The sound of him wailing at the top of his lungs sounded like music to my ears for several minutes that was however, when I started feeling the oncoming signs of a headache. I wanted to rub my temples to try and ease the pain. But, I also wanted to continue with torturing Jimmy. I brushed off the pain and continued on.
Once, Jimmy had been beaten with a bat several more times until he had lost consciousness and was bleeding profusely from having all of his fingers clipped off. I decided to finish him off and slit his throat and then brushed the metallic scented blood off this knife and onto a paper towel that was nearby, then placed the knife back into my box of horrors.
With that done, I then ordered the rest of my men to take care of Jimmy's body, which they did by taking him a part piece by piece and placing each part in a separate bag. Once each bag was filled they then placed the body part in a van which was then to be taken to a funeral home which we had close connections with and burned in their crematory.
At some point while I was having a conversation with Aleksei about some minor things that needed to be handled, I noticed that blood was splattered all over the front of my expensive pinstriped charcoal Ermenegildo Zegna suit. It infuriated to see that suit pretty much destroyed considering that I spent nearly twenty thousand dollars on it when I had it customed made for me last year.
Angered, I excused myself for a few minutes and went outside to my car and popped open the trunk and took out the spare suit that I always kept in my car just in case things like this happened. Black suit in hand I closed my trunk with a hard slam and then walked into the bathroom in my office and quickly changed.
Finished, I walked back into my office and sat down at my desk and signed some papers that needed to be signed for the warehouse and then took them with me when I walked out of my office, taking my ruined suit along with me and walked to where Aleksei was standing at and talked to him for several minutes before I left to go home.
After finishing my conversation with Aleksei, I handed him the papers that I signed and then walked outside and got into my car, throwing my ruined suit in the passengers' seat and drove off to my house. Once arriving at home, I snatched my suit out of my car and got out and unlocked my front door and went inside, locking the door behind me.
Inside the house, I could feel the tiredness flowing through me and wanted desperately to be rid of this suit. So, I lit the large stone fireplace in the living room and then threw my suit inside and kept messing with it until it became nothing but a pile of hot ash. Once the fire and the ashes were out I then went to my bedroom, quickly showered and passed out in my bed, dreaming of what could have been of my date.
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