Chapter 19
Once arriving at Vincenzo's mansion, we all got out of the SUV and walked around to the back and opened it and pulled out the dead body and the bomb that was Vincenzo's present. When the body was on the ground, I looked to Wade and said. "You carry the body and the bomb and place it in closet in Vincenzo's entryway hallway. Aleksei. You are coming with me we are going to go find Hailey and Boris. So, that Boris can set the bomb. Nick and Paul. I want you two to keep a look out and take out anyone that comes close to you. Are we all clear, about what I just said?" I asked.
"Yes. Pakhan!" They all said in unison. I nodded and we all broke off and left and went in our separate groups.
Aleksei and I searched Vincenzo's property for a few hours until we finally found the basement, only to find that the basement door was locked. I cussed in silence and then kicked the basement door in anger and then turned to Aleksei and asked. "How the hell are we going to get them out?"
"Your answer is just as good as mine, Pakhan." He replied.
Hearing that I felt rage hit me harder this time and I punched the wall as hard as I could. Causing my hand to throb in pain. I ignored the pain and then a revelation hit me and turned to Aleksei and asked. "Do you still keep paper clips in your jacket pocket liked you used to?"
"Yeah, why?" He asked.
"Well. You used to be a lock smith back before you started working for the group. So, use those paper clips of yours and get that damn door open." I replied.
Aleksei reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a paper clip and unfolded it and looked at me and then said. "Alright, Pakhan. But this is going to take a bit of time."
"That's no problem at all. Just go ahead and get started. The faster you start then the quicker that you will get this finished." I said and then pulled my piece from my holster.
I then watched him bend down towards the key hole and then said. "Alright, Pakhan. Keep watch on my back and make sure that no one tries to kill me."
"No problem. I'm on it." I said and then turned my back to him and faced the empty hallway entrance.
I stood there waiting for Aleksei to get finished and finally after about thirty minutes he finally got the damn door open and I then heard the basement door creak open and turn to Aleksei and heard him say. "Here you go boss."
With the door finally open, Aleksei and I rushed in our guns drawn and at the ready to fire at any one of Vincenzo's men that even popped up. As soon as I got closer to the main part of the basement I saw Hailey and Boris leaning against the wall of the basement and propped against each other side by side. Both unconscious.
I lowered my gun and clenched my fist at the sight the was before me. And then placed my gun back into my holster and then leaned down to Hailey and took her face in my hands and then said. "Sweetheart. You need to wake up for me." I said to her and then gently stroked her face with my free hand.
As soon as I uttered those words, I watched as Hailey's eyes fluttered open and then looked up at me. And then watched as she wrapped her arms around my neck. And then said. "Draco, I knew that you would come."
"Of course, I would. And I always will." I replied and then kissed her on the lips and pulled her close to me and held her tight.
However, as soon as I went to go and pick up Hailey and get her closer to me. I heard as Aleksei slapped Boris across his face. Which woke the big angry bastard up. He took one look at Aleksei and instantly knew that he was the one who had hit him. Hailey and I watched as Boris grabbed Aleksei by the sides of his jacket and then gave him a good shake, and then gave Aleksei a hard punch to the gut once he had dropped him.
I snickered a bit and then decided that we needed to hurry up and set that damn bomb and get the fuck out of here. I looked to the two and then said. "Alright. Get your shit together and come on so we can go. The quicker that we get this shit done then finally have Vincenzo out of our lives for good."
As soon as those words left my lips they both stopped what they were doing and then we all quickly rushed to the closet door where Boris set the bomb and we went outside, taking Wade, Nick and Paul with us. As soon as we got out I hugged Hailey close to me and then looked into her eyes and then said. "I've been wondering about something."
"What's that Draco?" She asked.
"Well, how would you like it if we got married tomorrow morning?"
I watched as Hailey stood there and thought about it for a few minutes and then heard her reply. "Of course, Draco. I would be more than happy too." She said happily and then kissed me.
While we were in the middle of our kiss, I heard Boris clear his throat and then said. "If you two don't mind I would like to bomb this place and get the fuck out of here. I've been here longer than I want."
We stopped our kiss and I then looked to Boris and gave him the go ahead. Boris took that signal and then hit a button on his phone. As soon as he did that the bomb exploded and we watched as the entire mansion exploded into a fiery mess.
Happy that this was all over we all got into the SUV leaving Vincenzo to his demise.
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