Addicted To You
Vansh tapped his leg on the floor mercilessly. If he came here then it was for two reasons.First to set his trap & second to see his Riddhima
Finally he said "Will you mind Mr.Kabir if I meet your employees..I mean it will help in creating a good relation between us"
"Ah !! Sure Mr.Vansh please come" said Kabir happily
Meanwhile Angre who was watching all this knew what was going on & why did his boss insisted on meeting a useless company's employees.
"I request everyone to please come over the main hall" announced Kabir.
Just in few minutes everybody stood there except one.That's Riddhima,actually she was fearful that Vansh was here to meet Kabir & as she knew what was Kabir's plan she grew restless,so she ordered coffee but due to fear her hand shook & it spoiled her dress.She came to clean when the announcement was done.
Vansh's eyes scanned every person there.But the person he want to meet was not there..he was growing restless
Meanwhile everyone adored him.Ishani & Sejal was totally in his thoughts like other girls & the men stood respectfully knowing his power & fame.
"Well as all of you know he is Mr.RaiSinghania.I know last night was a shocker for everyone but I'm glad that he changed his mind & are willing to join hands with our company" said Kabir.
Every body was shocked at first but then they cheered for this new foundation of friendship of their company with a powerful one which was known to the world.
"Finally the stain is gone" huffed Riddhima.When she came out,she found that nobody was there at the cabins. "Huh where are they gone?" saying this she walked to hall.
Suddenly she saw large crowd of employees.She made her way & tried to sneek.But as Ishani & Sejal was at the front line they helped her to come there.
Vansh saw a small figure making its way to the front line,when he observed carefully,he saw her,his breath halted for some seconds,he felt the same feeling like he felt for the first time he saw her.
A small smile formed on his lips which was unusual. He felt her as is his inner peace in his chaotic & dark life.
He scanned her from head to toe.
Well she was afraid.She knew Kabir's plan she thought now he gonna execute his plan.But suddenly she heard someone saying "Omg that's such a sort of good news"
For some minutes,she wasn't unable to analyze the situation she then asked her friends who told her everything.She was shocked but a part of her felt relieved that Kabir was no longer in trouble.
By all this time,Vansh's gaze was fixed upon her she was hell fearful,she felt uncomfortable too.Vansh noticed that he chuckled silently.
Vansh craned his next towards Kabir & said "If you don't mind I think it would be better if you introduce me to your employees"
Kabir thought this would be great & called his all employees one by one to introduce them to him.
Riddhima's was the last turn.She was feeling afraid but she didn't showed that.
"Mr.Vansh she is Riddhima.One of the best employees of our company.She is very much dedicated to her work & the best part is she can handle everything easily" introduced Kabir
Vansh walked forward.Riddhima flinched.
"I see you are such a precious soul" the smirk on his face felt very much dangerous to her.
"I'm Vansh! You talked to me right?"hearing these words from him made her more feel scared because she said many things last night which she shouldn't have but more than fear she felt guilty for her behavior.
"I don't mind things much..I hope you understood" Vansh chuckled
"Excuse me !! You both met.I mean what are you talking about" Kabir interfered
Vansh brushed off his words & said "nothing more Mr.Kabir last nice we met & had a very good talk isn't it Ms.Saikia" Vansh told looking at her.
Kabir smiled.
Meanwhile hearing this she was more scared & guilty.His eyes felt like piercing through her soul.
"Common are we enemies ? Let's shake hands girl !" Vansh said extending his hand.
Riddhima smiled.Something was there which was completely unreadable in Vansh's expression
Their hands met.Suddenly both of them felt some jolts like fire running through their viens.Riddhima immediately took her hands back.
Thier eyes met.Vansh was totally admiring her.Her eyes which has a hidden bravery, her face which glows light,everything seemed temptating to him.
The day he saw her,he decided to make her the queen of his world.He knew such a beauty with brain is made for him so that she can stay beside him.
Riddhima was confused at all these happenings.She knew everything will be ok as they both has become partners in business but somewhere in her heart she didn't felt it good.
"Actually we can become friends" Kabir exclaimed.He wanted to become friends with Vansh for his personal gain which Vansh understood completely because he can study people by just one look but Kabir wanted Riddhima to become friends because he knew she was going to his fiance soon so its better to become friends from now on.
Suddenly Kabir's phone rang & he excused himself for the phone.Now both were alone.
Riddhima knew what she should do she lowered her eyes & said "Mr.Vansh I-I'm sorry.Yesterday night I was being too rude.Without knowing you.I yelled at you. I shouldn't have done that.I-I'm s-so sorry"
Mean time Vansh was adoring her.He saw how her lips opened & closed delicately when words came out from her seemingly delicious mouth.Only one thought came to his mind,to suck those beautifully curved lips & taste her mouth with his tongue.
"Its okay" he said coming forward.
"So sorry for leaving you both here actually it was an important call" intervened Kabir.Vansh stopped himself & composed himself
"I thought to give a thought to your words" said Vansh.
Riddhima looked up at him.His penetrating eyes were still looking at her.She suddenly broke the eye contact & looked at the other side.Vansh smirked.
"Yes sure" said Kabir.
Riddhima's phone beeped indicating that she got a message.
Well Vansh didn't have to fear because he knew that she had no such relationships with boys which means she is single.So he don't have to worry of her getting messages from anybody.If someone would have been in her life, he would have ripped him such that his soul would have fear to reincarnate.
She read the message & asked to Kabir that she will take leave soon today.To which Kabir permitted. "Excuse me you all.I wish you both a very nice day" saying this she left.
Vansh's gaze followed her.
"I think I too should leave now Mr.Kabir" he was still looking at his Riddhima who walked away from him
"But we could have a longer conversation too" said Kabir.
Vansh glared at him "I have other works too" saying this he left.
Kabir was scared hearing Vansh's words & let him go thinking he must have really heavy works to do.
Riddhima took a taxi & she went away.
"Driver, follow this girl,don't lose trace of her otherwise you won't be alive to drive next time" Vansh threatened him.
The driver knew Vansh so he gulped & did whatever was said to him
Felt happy to see the eagerness for this story..
Well from now on, target gonna be constant
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Till then,
Happy Reading 😉
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