Chapter 50|Epilogue
3 years later.....
"Habibi come on hurry up we are going to be late" A five months pregnant Zina shouted from the stairs as she placed her hands on her small baby bump
"I'm coming calm down" Mahmoud yelled back as he skipped down the stairs with anwar their three year old son and anisa in his arms, she is 1
Zina rolled her eyes before carrying her small bag and headed to the car,Mahmoud followed suite
After she strapped her sit belt she collected anisa from him
"Mama we are goinsh to shi antiesh and unclesh?" Anwar asked in his cute baby voice
"Yes anwar" his mother replied making him shout 'yay'
"You sure you don't need to pee one last time right" Mahmoud asked just to make sure before he starts driving
"Oh my god yes babe I don't need to pee! If you keep asking me that I'm going to start feeling the need to do so" Zina rolled her eyes as she rocks anisa who was smiling
"Okay then" he replied and drove out of their driveway
Zina's POV
I'm sure everyone has arrived at the family house except Mahmoud and I ,we are always the last ones to arrive but ya zafeer is starting to take our place
Ya zafeer got married to Layla,yes shocking I know,so turns out after they met the first time that was when he went to pick me up from their house they met again.A thug stole her phone and luckily ya zafeer was nearby,he caught the guy and gave her phone back, Layla being the snob she is just mumbled a thank you and walk past him without sparing him another glance making ya zafeer curious about her so he asked for her number and after much pleading she agreed and gave it to him, one thing lead to another and they are now married with twins, girls namely Amna and Amani.Aisha Layla's twin sister also got married to her crush/cousin Imran and gave birth to a boy, amir
While ya Nabil also got married to afrah last year,so funny wallahi. According to what ya Nabil said and I will qoute "Wallahi tun da ta shigo gidan nan na ji kaman an haskaka min rayuwa na (since the first the she entered this house, my life has lightened up)" making everyone laugh at his stupidity,at first we didn't think he was serious but turned out he was and afrah felt the same way too, so ammi and mama got them married after he got a job and now afrah is 8 months pregnant!
Sofi however hasn't gotten pregnant even after three years of marriage and she's been down about it but everyone keeps on assuring her not to give up, the doctors said nothing is wrong with her or husband it's just not the right time.Fadil does his best and be the best husband ever making us feel at ease because he really loves her and takes good care of here. Safiya wanted him to get married again so that he can have a heir and someone to call his child but declined and got mad at for ever suggesting that, he said and i quote "I don't want any child from any woman,just you". Sofi then asked him that if they still haven't given birth next year they should adopt and he agreed
Zainab my ex best friend and sultan my ex boyfriend got divorced in the end,turned out that sultan has been maltreating her and it made me feel bad for her,she came and apologized to me and I just said okay from that day on I've never set my eyes on her but rumors are that she got married again to a Turkish man while sultan is paying some time in jail for drug abuse and drug trafficking
Ayman, Ayman woke up from his coma 2 years ago and we are cool now he is really happy for me I think even if he is not he pretends, he got married last year also to Yasmin one of Aira's friend, Aira also got married 2 years ago to her cousin, Hammad and gave birth to a boy whom they named Jawad.Her and I continued being friends after she apologized for how she treated when I visited, Zarah is now a teenager in her rebellious phase so ammi sent her to Russia for a week to get her back to her senses and it worked
And Adnan also got married 3 years ago but he also got married again 6 months ago, yes he has two wives! Unbelievable and both of the wives get along surprisingly.The first wife, halima have birth to two boys, not twins, ra'ees and haneef while the second wife, Amina is 4 months pregnant
Ya nana,my sister also gave birth years ago to a boy that they named after our Father,Aminu
"Babe we have arrived" Mahmoud spoke making me to stop reminiscing about the past
''Good I got to pee" I replied coming out of the car with anisa perched on my waist
''As'salamualaikum" I salaamed as I entered the crowded living room
"Ah ahn maman anisa da anisa sannu da zuwa (anisa's mum and anisa welcome)" Sofi shouted as she hugs me
"Yauwa, please collect her I need to pee" I said and handed anisa to her without waiting for a reply
I headed to my old room and used the bathroom, on my way out I spotted afrah
I chuckled before moving to talk to her
"Pregnant woman sannu" I teased making her glare at me but non the less smile
"Wallahi na gaji (I swear I'm tired)" she said placing her hand on my shoulder for support
"Toh why didn't you use the bathroom downstairs?" I asked looking at her
"Someone was using it and I couldn't wait" she replied sitting down on the chair in the corridor
"Toh koh zan kira Nabil ya zo ya dauke ki ne (should I call Nabil so that he will carry you)" I teased making her laugh and say yes, I looked at her in awe
"So you are not even shy" I smiled folding my hands
"Toh what's there to be shy? Kin ga idan baza ki kira shi ba yanzon nan na kauwala mishi kira (look of you aren't going to call him I'm going to shout his name right now)" Afrah said adjusting her sitting position and I just stood there in watching her and amazed by her boldness
"Wai baza ki kira shi ba(won't you call him), na ga wani moi-moi da zu(I saw moi-moi earlier)I want to eat It please" she said
"Nabil! Nabil! Nabil!" Afrah shouted making me chuckle at her craziness
"Na'am,what happen" ya Nabil rushed to her side making me step back and watch ikon Allah
"I can't walk down the stair and I saw them serving moi-moi earlier please carry me let's go before the moi-moi finishes" she pouted and in one scoop he carried her in bridal style, I stood there mouth wide agape
"Lallai ne yaran nan ba ku da kunya kohh (the audacity of this kids,you don't have shame right)" ya nana glared trying her best to not smile
"Ya nana ba maganan rashin kunya ba ne na fa kasa dawo wa kasa ne faaa, kuma nasan zaku iya cinye moi-moi din nan kafin ma dawo (its not shamelessness I couldn't come back and I know you guys can finish eating the moi-moi I saw earlier before coming back)" Afrah defended her and husband's dignity making us laugh
I passed her the moi-moi that she has been dying to eat and sat down close to Mahmoud and anwar
"Safiya look at the amount of food you are eating anya?" Layla questioned suspiciously as she wiggled her brows making us all turn our attention to sofi
"Uhmm Alhamdulilah guys I'm 3 months pregnant!!!" Sofii shouted as she stood up making the girls scream and dance while the guys shake there heads in amusement
"Alhamdulilah Maa shaa Allah" we all chorused with big smiles on our faces
"I'm so happy for you" I said wiping my tears after I finished hugging her
"Me too" she laughed wiping my tears
"Awwn sister goals" Afrah shouted with her mouthful of moi-moi making us laugh
I went back to my sit and we continued talking about nothing and everything with everyone
I looked around and smiled as I saw everyone laughing about a thing or two... Alhamdulilah indeed Allah is the best planner,if I hadn't broken up with sultan none of this would have probably happened,if I didn't get bipolar disorder I wouldn't have meet my handsome husband and gave birth to two wonderful children Alhamdulilah...........
Alhamdulilah that's the end of Mafia's Mistress! Thank you so much for taking your time and reading,please vote on the chapters you didn't and if you voted on all the chapters thank you so much shout out to @sistaa006 and AuthorAladdin for always voting.Please tell your friends and your friend's friends to read this book and vote.....Thank you once again and bye, see you in my next book Love & War
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