Chapter 23
Zinat's POV
I looked around room it was a white room with green dots,I tried calling a nurse so that she will help me with some water but my voice wasn't audible I gave up and closed my eyes. Just then a nurse and a doctor came in,I smiled and mouthed 'water' to the nurse she smiled and handed me the water. I drank half of the cup and it kept aside
"Am glad to see you are already awake" the man wearing a white lab coat smiled he must be the doctor, I thought
"How long have i been out" I asked my voice still low
"8 hours" he replied making my eyes widen in surprise
"But Alhamdullilah everything is fine,you just hit your head and got a concussion but you are okay now, am glad your bipolar disorder II didn't turn into bipolar disorder I but still I will give you some pill that will help with your mental state" he said writing something down on his note
But i stopped listening to him the moment he said I had bipolar disorder II, maybe it isn't me maybe he is in the wrong room
"Umm excuse me I think you are in the wrong room" I said looking at him directly and his expression turned into a confused one
"Aren't you Zinat Aminu Bashir?" He asked checking the note pad that was in the nurse hand
"Yeah that's me,but I don't have bipolar disorder" I chuckled
"Umm our test shows that you have had it for 4 months now" the doctor explained
"Its either there is another Zinat Aminu Bashir in this hospital which there isn't or your family didn't tell you but I doubt there is another Zinat Aminu Bashir" the doctor added making my expression turn sour
"What are you implying doctor! That my family will lie to me, you expect me to believe I have had bipolar disorder for the past four months and my family didn't tell me!" I yelled making the nurse to flinch a bit
"That's not what I mean-what are you doing? where are you going" the doctor asked as he saw me remove the cannula that was attached to my hand, shit it stung like hell unlike in movies where they will act as if the didn't remove a needle from their vain,but this isn't the time to dwell on the pain I felt
I stood up and started heading to the door ignoring the doctors call I need to get to the bottom of this I know my family will never lie to me especially since its about my mental health
I felt a prick on my left arm as I was about to turn the door knob with my right hand, I tuned and saw the nurse has injected me making glare at her but i started feeling dizzy
She helped me to lay down on the bed
"I can't let you leave in this state you might get hit with a car again" the doctor reasoned and I nodded feeling drowsy and sleepy
"Here you should call your family and inform them that you are here" the nurse handed me my phone and left with the doctor,I dialed my mom's number and she picked at the first ring
"As'salamu alaikum zinat, how are you" mom cheerful said
"Wa'alaikumu salam ya ummi,Ana bi khair (am fine)" I lied
"Maa shaa Allah h-"
"Mama do I have bipolar disorder" I asked not letting her finish her sentence, the line went dead for 5 good seconds
"Wh-what are y-yo-you tal-king abou-t" mom asked stammering
"Mama answer my question" I stated calmly as I didn't have the strength to shout or raise my voice
"How-wh-who t-t-old you" she asked her voice cracking
"So its true" I replied gently massaging my temples,my voice was so calm as calm as a ocean but I was burning with rage
"Who else knows" I asked picking my nails
"Sofi, Nabil e-everyone,zinat we did it for your own good please don't get mad" she tried to reason
I wanted to shout and be like 'For my own good!! Or you didn't want people to say you have a crazy daughter!! You hid that I was mentally ill who does that!! So this is why you sent me to Dubai cause you all felt sorry for me, I can't believe everyone knew and you guys hid it from me, what a great family we are'
But I didn't, instead I cut the call and blocked all of my family members
The drug did it work and I drifted off to lala land
After an hour or so I woke up feeling much better,I pressed the button next to the bed and a nurse came to room
"How are you feeling" the nurse asked observing me
"Alhamdullilah I feel better, when can I be discharged" I asked already tired of laying on the bed
"You are gonna be discharged right now,I will just get the doctor to sign your discharge papers and you are free to go" she smiled and walked out
After 30 minutes or so the nurse and doctor came in saying I was free to go,after leaving the hospital premises that's when I remembered I can't go back to the hotel cause ya zafeer knows where it is located
So I decided to check in at a different hotel though it isn't as fancy as the one I left, but still its beautiful
I collected my room's key from the nice receptionist and headed to the elevator
The elevator door opened and I stepped out and found my room, 31
I said a soft salam even though nobody was in the room, my phone rang and it was an unknown number, I shrugged and picked up the call
"Hello?" I said making it sound like a question
"Zina-" I immediately cut off the call as i heard ya jafar's voice
Many unknown numbers kept calling but I didn't pick,I threw the phone at my bed and i took a hot shower and came out wearing a purple bathrobe that's when I realized that I don't have any clothes to wear cause I left them in the other hotel I use to stay at
I sighed as I checked my account balance and I have 6.8m left
And I sighed in relief,I wore back my midnight blue abaya and went for shopping
I bought multiple dresses,shirts,skirts,trousers,shoes, perfume,nighties and some jewelry
I got back to the hotel by 10pm,I was already exhausted I took another hot shower and bounced on my bed ready to sleep that's when I remembered I didn't take the pills the doctor prescribed for me, thankfully I didn't finish the bottled water I ordered for with my food
I took the pills and laid back on the bed,I said my dua's and drifted off to lala land
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