“ I missed the melody of your heartbeat “ said nandini keeping her head on his heart
“ and I missed your fragrance ,this smell of your hairs ,the touch of your soft skin,your blush ,your smile,your pout and …” he took a pause putting her hair string behind her ear
“ and ??” she asked raising her head little up to look him
“ and just our thing…” said manik coming over her,they was about to resume their romance session but on hearing aryan’s voice nandini became shocked
“ manik aryan is here “ she said while pushing him
“ oh come on nandini he can’t be here I send him far from the city ,now let me resume my work “saying this he rub his nose in her neck but on hearing his noise again manik became alert….
“ see I told you he is here but as always you didn’t listen to me,now what we will do??oh god if he got to know about us then ….” She worriedly asked him on which he assure her that he will handle everything…
“ don’t worry nandini I am here and before he could hurt you I’ll finish his chapter” saying this he loaded his gun…..
Nandini tried to stop him,but he asked her to keep quiet he moves ahead and peep outside to see him,aryan was walking towards them which was making nandini worried ,with his each step her heartbeats were increasing ,whereas manik was ready to shoot him,aryan was about to open the gate but before he could open a person called aryan
“ ACP Aryan or I say the Russian mafia is here what a pleasant surprise….” He said being happy
“ well I didn’t knew that it was your place..” said aryan looking at him but on seeing that person nandini was too shocked to react only one word came out from her mouth …”va…ns..h”
“ interesting very interesting you are here and still don't know about this place belongs to me ???btw why did you come here??”asked vansh walking towards him
“ vo actually I think manik is here…” said aryan making him chuckle
“Are you fallen in love with him ??don't mind but the way you are running behind him shows that ,BTW don’t you know enemy doesn’t visit each other’s place and he very well know that this resort is mine….”
“but my man gave this information to me…” said aryan taking steps towards him
“ well I guess your man gave you wrong information but if you still didn’t believe me then you can check here but yeah keep in mind for me trust is the essential element for business ,I hope you remember that…” vansh remind him
“ of course how can I forget that because of you I got succeeded to get into nandini”s life….”
“manik I can’t believe that vansh is helping him ,now you have to tell me the truth what’s happening this suspense is killing me….”
“ nandini we don’t have time for this now we have to check your appa’s house first,because he has doubt on us” she nodded
“ that bastard burned this place completely there is not a single trace of any evidence damm..” he ruffed his hairs in frustration whereas nandini became emotional seeing all this
“ hey nandini please don’t cry “ he said while wiping her tears from the back of his palm…
“ manik this place has so many memories of appa ,you know he always used to say that this is not only a home but a part of him and now it….” She broke down in his arms manik tried to calm her down by saying that appa is not physically present here but he is still alive in her heart and his memories
In mind he take an oath to destroy him …
“ aryan ,aryan ,aryan tch tch tch do you really think that you could stole those diamonds from me??poor boy do you ever think that after knowing your reality what nandini will do??nah you never thought this ,,,
Am I right or I am right ??” asked manik sitting in front of aryan like a king..
“ so tell me what do you want….??” Asked aryan angrily
“ you have nothing to give me but I have something to give you…
Oh comeon don’t be confused ,I know that you killed mr Moorthy because he wasn’t searching proves against me but he was trying to expose you and I was just helping him but when you got to know about it you killed his all family members including him but guess what all are alive including mr Moorthy…” said manik making him shocked
“ don’t lie I know he died I also burned that place to destroy all the evidences you are saying this because you don’t have any proofs “ aryan tried to act confidence
“ well if this false assumptions gives you hope than think that way I don’t mind at all but before that see this video“saying this he showed him a video in which mr Moorthy was lying on the bed some wires were attached on his body seeing that floor vanishes beneath his leg…….
“ noo… it… can’t be t..r.ue….”
“ oh come on arayn you planned so much but you forgot one thing that a king is a king and a pawn always remains a pawn ,no matter how good you play but a pawn can never win the game……”said manik having his famous smirk
“ what do you want in return ??” he asked making him chuckle
“ well as I said before you can’t give me anything but yeah if you really want to give me something then give my nandini back to me just clear all the misunderstanding which you have created between us,and yeah don’t forget she is my life ..
Don’t you dare to hurt her or else I won’t take a single second to kill you…”
“ manik you ,yourself told me your biggest weakness ,I know that a pawn can’t win the game but he can surely kill the king,just think what will you do when I will kill your nandini in front of your eyes…” said aryan having evil smile on your face…
Nandini pov
Manik where are you ??this aryan is a psyco please manik come soon....
Scene 2
"Manik there is a bad news aryan went to another country along with nandini I guess he is going to harm nandini...."said cabir
"This man invited his death himself now countdown of his death began"
Ermmm so how was the update??
Is mr moorthy alive??
The answer is…… next part
Vansh is supporting aryan???
Han??nah???what do you guys think??
I know so many question but the answer will be given to all of you in next part,do comments to share your pov
#happy reading
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