Chapter 12 Zane
Atticus's father left a crying Atticus in my arms. I looked down at the table and notice a notebook. Atticus was crying into my shirt soaking it with his tears. I felt sad seeing him like this.
"Atticus, are you alright?" I asked, playing with his hair.
"No," He said in his cracked voice.
"Can you tell me what is making you hurt?" I said, trying to keep myself from crying.
"Memories of the war. My father found my old war journal," He mumbled. I looked at the notebook.
"Is it the one on the table?" I questioned him. Atticus nodded. I pushed him away so I can see his face. He looked so cute. I smiled at him.
"I know I looked stupid," he muttered.
"You don't look stupid. You look cute," I smiled at him. He blushed awhile tears still cascaded down his face. I started to whip them away. Atticus flinch under my touch. I felt a sting in my chest. I pulled away from him. I felt hurt that he flinch under my touch, "Sorry," I said, putting my hands in my pockets.
"No, it's fine. It was just that the lasted time I was touch like that was during the war while being tortured," He said, grabbing my hands and placing them on his cheeks. I smiled at him. My heart was racing that he probably could hear it.
"Is that so," I said, sad smile. He nodded, "So, about that journal. Do you want to talk about it?" I asked.
"I really don't, but I probably should, huh," Atticus said with a smile.
"Alright," I said, letting him go and went to grab the book. He grabbed a hold of my arm.
"You're going to fine, Atticus," I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek. I limped to the stairs. I felt myself was lifted off the ground. I looked up to see Atticus picked me up. I smiled up at him. I thanked him as we headed up the stairs. We made it to the room that I was staying in.
"Do you really want to know about this?" Atticus asked, pointed at the journal that I held in my hands.
"Of course I do. I really want to know you," I said, getting quiet on the last sentence.
"All right but I should warn you. This journal contents things that I feel and felt at the time and sadness that comes with it," He said, sitting on the bed next to me.
"I know," I said.
"Alright," He said, getting himself ready to tell me his stories. Then he started with the first time at the based how he never saw the guy that gave him the journal. It must of been rough for him. I looked at him for him to continue. Atticus took a deep breath and continued his story.
~2 hour passed~
Atticus just finished his story about the time he was in the war. He really thought he wasn't going to make it. I can tell this journal was really the only thing that kept him sane through out the war. I felt like I had an easy life compared to his. He did not regret his decision. Not even for a second and still continued to fight for what is right. I really didn't know how bad it was over there. No one did and now that I know I wish he never went over.
"A-A-At-Atticus, I really wished that you never went over there," I stammered.
"If I didn't I might never met you," He said pulling me into his arms.
"Yeah but you went through was horrible. No one should be treated like that," I said angry.
"I know, amour," He said planted a kiss on my forehead. I feel like I was melting. He was different then what I first thought. I thought that people from Death Territory was evil and cruel with no heart but I was so wrong and I'm glade that I am.
"I love you, Atticus," I said softly.
"I love you too, Zane," Atticus said. We kissed and fell asleep with in each other embraced. My war angel and I will be fine.
Lasted chapter if you want a book 2 let me know but with no further a do bye
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