Chapter 20 - The Monster
Error's POV
Ink and I sat in the back of the car as we rode to a house. There was a small feeling of restlessness in my soul as our destination grew closer.
My hand went to my gun holster before pulling out my pistol. I opened the chamber to check that it was fully loaded.
The car suddenly slowed down which told me that we were finally there. Ink turned towards me, waiting for me to make the first move. I put on sunglasses as I exited the car.
There was a little garden in front of the window. Flowers grew out of the ground in a varity of colors and children toys were scattered about the front yard.
Ink quickly got out and joined me at my side. We walked to the front door. I raised my hand and lightly knocked on the wood.
While waiting, I crossed my arms over my chest. I could hear shuffling from behind the door. My thoughts were interrupted when Ink lightly nudged my side.
Me: What is it?
Ink: You look very threatening, sir. You might scare any children that this person might have.
The door opened to show a man dressed like a preacher. It seemed he had just arrived home from church. I knew his name as he was supposed to by supplying the mafia with payment.
His eyes widened when he recognized me.
Me: Good afternoon, Blanc.
I pushed open the door, entering his home. I looked around and made mental notes in my head. Ink stayed close to me.
Blanc: Come into the kitchen and have a drink?
He offered which I accepted. I pulled out a dining chair and sat in it. Ink leaned against the arch frame at the opening of the kitchen and living room.
There were childish drawings on the fridge which showed that Blanc had a close relationship with his child.
The man faced away from me as he put a kettle on the stove.
Blanc: Why are you here? What do you want?
I placed a leg over the other while taking off my sunglasses.
Me: For your monthly payment.
Blanc: I don't have the money. Life has been difficult lately. It's already difficult being a single father and I just spent it on gambling trying to make more money to support my daughter.
Me: Your affairs do not matter to me.
The man turned quickly and rushed towards me. He held a knife to my throat. I looked up at him without flinching or something emotion.
Me: I suggest you take your next action very carefully.
I said to him before hearing the click of a six revolver. My eyes moved and he shifted his body, letting us both see Ink holding out his gun towards the man. The hammer of the revolver was pulled back, ready to fire.
Ink had a deathly glare in his eyes as he challenged the preacher. I could understand partly as religious people were the ones who hated queers the most.
A soft voice suddenly came from the living room.
Blanc: Iris.
He said with a surprised tone in his voice. I saw a ten year old girl watching us. Ink hid his gun and Blanc held the knife behind his back.
Iris: What are you doing?
Blanc: I'm just talking with these men. Please go outside, this is a very serious conversation.
The small child lowered her head, leaving the house.
Me: Now... where were we?
I said as I stood up, straightening my suit in the process. I soon towered over the man.
Blanc stepped back and showed a glint of desperation. He finally realized that I had the intention of killing him if he didn't pay up.
Ink held out his gun but I motioned to him that I could handle this.
The man swung the knife at me. I stepped to the side, dodging the attack with ease. I took the knife and pushed him into the chair. His eyes were filled with fear.
He put his hand out when I aimed my pistol at him.
Blanc: Wait! I'll do whatever you want. I'll even sell my own daughter.
A burst of rage surged through me after hearing his statement. I picked him up, slamming him against the wall.
Me: You're a sick man, you know that? Because of your irresponsible actions, you're backed into a corner and now offering to sell your daughter. An innocent daughter who has nothing to do with this.
I stared directly into his eyes before sighing. I lowered him back onto the floor and stepped away. A minute had passed until I finally decided.
Me: I pardon you.
A spark of hope appeared in his eyes.
Blanc: You do?
Me: I do... from life.
I said as I pulled out my gun. One pull of the trigger was all that it took to put a bullet through his head. Blood covered the wall behind him. The lifeless man fell to the ground.
Turning towards Ink, I looked into his eyes. This was the first time that he has seen a part of the...
Real monster inside of me
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