Chapter 14 - Under the Table
Error's POV
I felt movement on my chest. When I opened my eyes, I saw Ink sleeping peacefully. He was still shirtless and straddling my waist.
My arms tightened around his body. Ink hummed as he buried his face into my neck.
'Ink's body is so warm. I want to stay like this forever.'
I could feel Ink's breath on my chin which gave me a relaxed feeling.
Looking up, I noticed the time that the clock read. It was time to get up. I groaned as I didn't want to end this moment between Ink and I.
Before I began to get up for the day, I lightly kissed Ink on the head. He groaned as he started wake up. His rainbow eyes locked with mine. Ink smiled which made a smile appear on my own face.
Ink: Good morning.
Me: Good morning, Ink.
Ink leaned in to kiss me which I returned immediately. We pulled away and stared at each other.
Ink: I'm assuming that you have to get up.
Me: Yeah but I don't want to.
Ink laughed while pushing himself up from my body. A small whimper escaped from me. My bodyguard picked up his clothing from the floor. I stood up and changed into a clean suit. Then, I attached my handgun to my belt.
Once I was finally ready, I went straight to my father's office. Ink followed closely behind me. Pushing open the doors, I saw my father sitting at his desk. He was talking with mother.
Me: Father.
Father: Son. How can I help you?
Me: I just came to say good morning to you before I started my day.
He nodded. I turned around to leave the office to eat breakfast.
The maids were cooking breakfast and it smelt really good. I sat down at the dining table, Ink standing next to my chair. His relaxed expression from earlier was replaced with a serious one. I missed his smile already.
Maid: Good morning, master. We prepared eggs and bacon just the way you like it. There also some biscuits with a strawberry jelly spread.
I thanked her after she set a cup of coffee next to my plate.
Maid: Sir.
She timidly said while approaching my bodyguard. Ink's attention was drawn to her.
Ink: Yes?
Maid: You should eat something as well. Here.
She handed him a plate with the same food on it. Ink was surprised for a second but eventually smiled.
Ink: Thank you.
He ate his food but continued to stand. I looked at up at Ink and motioned for him to sit down. He was still for a minute, sitting down after double checking with me.
The room was silent. The only sounds were Ink and I eating. Occasionally, I could hear the shoe clacks of the maids.
I looked at Ink. He was staring at the table, seeming to be thinking about nothing in particular. I had to resist grabbing Ink's hand and kissing it.
'I don't like that I have hide my love for you, Ink. Just because everyone else doesn't like queer people.'
I finished the last bite of my food. However, I waited for Ink to finish so he wouldn't be alone. He seemed to be a slower eater than me.
(Time Skip)
The music from the jazz band was calming. The restaurant wasn't full, some mafia and others were normal people. Normal people were only allowed in here as long as they showed they weren't a threat.
I looked at papers and Ink stood at the side of the booth, watching the room. Ink never seems to get a rest when out in public. I respect Ink a lot because of his urge to do his job.
Me: Ink.
Ink: Yes Er- sir?
Me: Sit down. Take a rest.
Ink: Sir, I'm working.
I patted the booth seat next to me.
Me: I'll be fine. This place is protected.
Ink sighed before sliding in the booth next to me. I had to hold myself back to keep from wrapping my arm around his waist. However, I couldn't hold back my smile when Ink smiled at me.
The waiter stopped by our table.
Waiter: Would you like anything Mr Queen?
Me: Two glasses of whiskey please.
He nodded and walked off to fulfill my order. Not long after, he came back with two glass of alcohol. He placed them on the table, nodded and then walked off.
I slowly pushed one of the glasses towards Ink. My bodyguard looked at me, looked at the glass, then back at me.
Ink: Sir, I can't drink on the job.
Me: Come on, Ink. You need to relax. For me, please?
I gave Ink puppy eyes, making him release a long sigh. Ink grabbed the glass before downing the entire thing in ten seconds. I backed away in shock.
Me: Damn Ink. How did you do that?
Ink: I was an alcoholic before I became a bodyguard. I'm... not proud of my past.
Me: I'm sorry for bringing that up.
Ink waved his hand, staring at the glass.
Me: I'd kiss you but people might see us.
Ink lightly smiled. He twirled his glass as he smile became more sly.
Ink: I mean, you can kiss my leg under the table. But I'm pretty sure you wouldn't want to.
I gave my bodyguard an evil grin. Leaning in, I whispered in Ink's 'ear'.
Me: Don't doubt me, Ink~
Ink laughed as he had a surprised expression. We stared at each other for a second. Then, I moved my hand to my pen before pushing it off the table.
Me: Oops~ Seems like I dropped something and it's now under the table~
Ink: I'll get it.
Me: No, no, I'll get it.
I slid off my seat and under the table to get my pen. I looked to my right, seeing Ink's leg. Sliding my hand up the back of Ink's calf, I leaned and planted a kiss on Ink's fabric covered leg. After that, I reappeared above the table with my pen in my hand.
Ink smiled, continuing to twirl his glass.
Me: I told you not doubt me~
Ink: And I didn't.
After laughing about it, we became silent. Ink's company was comforting and I loved being with him. Then Ink began to speak.
Ink: I guess I might as well...
Tell you my past
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