Jungkook's Pov
After what happened yesterday , Yeji and I are on good terms . I was done dressing up I went to the kitchen and saw Jin Hyung and Yeji were cooking breakfast Jin Hyung, Jin Hyung was crying the bacon Yeji was trying the eggs I volunteered to make the toast Namjoon was setting the table Jimin and Taehyung were playing a game of Overwatch and after a few minutes Jeongin and Jackson came over
Jackson:hey everyone
Jeongin : good morning everyone , Jimin hyung can I play with y'all
Jimin:sure *Jeongin goes and joins them*
Taehyung: btw what happened when y'all left Mr Hwang's mansion
Jeongin:oh the usual Seungmin planted a bomb and it went off *he said not taking his eyes off the screen*
In the kitchen
Jackson:omg Yeji is that you
*Yeji turns around a d faces Jackson she squealed and hugged him*
Yeji: Jackson , I haven't seen you in what 2 years Omo how have you been
Jackson: I've been good and you
Yeji: I've been fine , but I'm debating whether or not to sign a contract with Jay Why Pee *Jackson and Yeji laughed*
Seokjin: everyone breakfast is ready *everyone rushes to the table when everyone is sitting*
Let us say grace
They said grace
*While they are eating*
Yeji: Seokjin-ssi this food is really nice wow I think you should start a restaurant
Seokjin:thank you Yeji *he said while moving his cutlery*I actually have one
Yeji:what's it called ?
Seokjin: 'Jinie eats' and please don't call me Seokjin-ssi you makee feel old call me Jin
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