School Family Day
Early morning frenzy filled the atmosphere as the two older children of the Madrid family excitedly jumped on their parents' bed.
"Wake up! Wake up!" Amir exclaimed.
Ruru grunted and burrowed himself in the space between his pillow and Kylie's.
"Baba, Mama, wake up! Time for family day at school! Wake up!" Noelle squealed jumping even higher and nearly falling off.
Amir caught his sister by the sleeve of her night dress and helped her stand upright again, "Rise and shine!!"
"Okay, okay, Mama's up. Stop shouting," Kylie smiled as she forced her eyes to open and sat up. "Kisses."
The two gave their mother sweet good morning kisses on the cheek while their feet slightly kicked their father to wake him up.
"Mama, look at him. He doesn't wanna wake up," Noelle tattled.
"Love, wake up. Stop being so lazy, come on. The kids need to get ready. Get up and help me," she said in a calm, quiet voice but with authorization in her voice. That was a special skill that she had.
"I'm up," Ruru smiled and grabbed his kids by their waists to smother kisses on their cheeks causing them to giggle.
"What do you guys want for breakfast?" Kylie asked, putting her head up in a messy bun. Her silk nighties riding up her petite structure as she tiptoed to stretch.
"Miss Scott said we should have something heavy for breakfast," Amir stated.
"So, should we have Baba's dumbbells for breakfast?" Ruru joked, fixing the bed.
"No, Silly! Something that will make us full!" the little girl laughed.
"Did you make your beds, young ones?" Kylie questioned lovingly.
"Yup!" they chorused.
"Good. Now, you two come with me, let's make breakfast. Baba, wake Silas up for me please."
"Yes, ma'am!" the three exclaimed followed by a chuckle from Kylie.
Ruru headed to their youngest kid's bedroom and halted at the cute sign on his door. He knocked before entering and found his son still sound asleep in his toddler bed.
He crouched down and ran his fingers through the boy's hair, "Silas, buddy, time to wake up."
"Mm," the two-year-old grunted, slightly brushing his cheek against his pillow.
"Baby, come on. Kuya and Ate are waiting for you downstairs," he lowered the toddler's blanket.
At the slight mention of his older siblings, Silas opened his eyes and eagerly asked in a groggy voice, "I go to Kuya and Ate's school?"
"Yeah, we're all going. So, come on, let's get up and gargle first, 'kay?" Ruru picked the boy up and placed him on the floor. "Help Baba make your bed please."
"Opo," he nodded.
"All done!" the boy proudly exclaimed as he placed his teddy bear on top of his pillows.
"Good job, Buddy! Now, we'll go gargle and eat breakfast, yes?" Ruru carried the boy again.
Meanwhile, Kylie had to open all six of her eyes to monitor her children in the kitchen. She did all the work with fire while Amir cut up the fruits (with a special kiddy knife, of course) and Noelle did the measuring.
"Mama, done with the mangoes and the bananas. What should I do now?" Amir asked politely.
"Go put the rightful bowls on the rightful places, Kulit, please. On the island counter not the table, okay?" she instructed.
"Opo," he nodded and grabbed the utensils from the drawers and helped himself to the stool.
"Kikay, all done with the ingredients?"
"Yes po," she grinned and started to help her brother with the bowls.
"Go, help yourselves with the cereal, Lovies. Not too much though or else you'd have no more space in your tummy for the tapsilog."
A few moments later, Ruru's heavy footsteps and Silas's squeals got louder as they neared the kitchen.
"Mowning!" Silas grinned, still having troubles with the letter r.
"Good morning, my love!" Kylie gushed and gave the boy a sweet kiss on the cheek.
"And me?" the teasing husband smirked.
Kylie, then, gave him a slight peck on the lips and went back to cooking.
"Good morning, Silas!" Noelle greeted as the boy was placed and buckled to his high chair.
"What about Kuya?" Amir tickled his side.
Silas squiggled and laughed, "Mowning to Kuya."
"Okay, okay. Go finish your cereal, guys. Tapsilog is coming."
"Silas, hold still, Bud!" Ruru begged exasperated.
Silas has been squiggling nonstop like a worm and refused to get into his shirt. He ran around his room in his shorts and his shirt still in Ruru's hand.
"Love, what's taking so-" Kylie stopped mid-sentence as she laid eyes on her half naked son.
Ruru looked at her with desperation in his eyes, begging her to help him.
"Silas Emilio, why are you not fully dressed?" she asked sternly trying so hard to keep in her smile, making the child stop in his tracks and face his mother.
"I put it on now," he put his hands up and allowed his father to dress him.
" Good boy. Now, let's go. Kuya and Ate are ready with their blue shirts," Kylie smiled and scooped her son in her arms.
Posted by knp_madrid:
"Go to school with Kuya and Ateeeeeee!!!" he screams every. Single. Day. Now, your dream becomes a reality, Kuting.
Thirty minutes later, the whole Madrid family was in the quadrangle of the school waiting for family day to officially begin. Amir and Silas played at the shaded part of the grass-covered place, supervised by Ruru, while Noelle watched miserably as she sat down with her mom.
"I'm sorry, Kikay. If you run with your brothers, you'll get very sweaty. Can't have our muse sweaty, right?" Kylie comforted her little girl.
"Yeah," she nodded.
Noelle was assigned to be the blue team's muse for the elementary department as she was really beautiful, but like everything else, being goddess-like had its negatives.
"Mama, all the other girls have makeup on. Why can't I?" she asked, twirling the strand of hair purposely left out of her bun between her fingers.
"Because makeup will melt away in the sun and you don't need it, Kikay," she explained and kissed the tip of the girl's nose.
Kylie looked at her little girl in a tie-on crop top and high-waisted white shorts. She couldn't help but smile at the little doll, "You look ravishing."
"Thank you. You too, Ma," she giggled.
In an instant, the boys were back from playing, their faces red and their breathing deep. They also had another little boy with them.
"Ma, this is my friend, Matteo. He's from the same section as me," Amir smiled, tapping the other boy's shoulder.
"Hi po!" Matteo greeted politely and respectfully put Kylie's hand against his forehead.
"Hey. You're a really nice boy," she smiled.
"Mama," Silas tapped her.
"The othews awe wunning thewe," he announced.
"The muses are being called! I have to go! See you after role call!" Noelle exclaimed, running to the rest of the children.
"Role call for what?" Ruru asked.
"The muses have a fashion show and the teachers need to make sure they're all present," Amir answered.
Ruru mouthed an "oh".
"You got this, Bud. Piece of cake," Ruru hyped Amir up for his race.
Amir was gonna compete against the big kids ranging from the 4th grade to the 6th. Currently, he was the only 4th grader to represent his team.
"Go, Kuya! Go, Kuya!" Silas jumped up and down. "Wun, Kuya?"
"Yeah, Kuya's gonna run. You cheer for me, okay?" the older brother says and continued to stretch.
"Kuya, just remember that Karissa is watching," Noelle teased.
"S-stop!" he looked down, trying to hide his blushing face but his red ears gave him away.
"Don't worry, I don't think she'll be rooting for you anyways. She's from the red team," she laughed, "But seriously, you can do this though!"
And it seemed like a bolt of lightning ripped through the sky when the signal was shot and the participators were off. Kylie followed her boy with her eyes, her fingers crossed. Amir started off at third place and then he just bolted to first place. His victory credited to Silas's "Go, Kuya! Go, Kuya!"
"I be just like Kuya," Silas grinned as they gave Amir high fives at the finish line.
"Really?" Amir breathed out, still panting.
"Yeah! Kuya wuuuuuun!" he squealed, trying to mimic his brother's running.
"I'm not sure if he's trying to say run or won," Noelle side commented and pinched her little brother's cheek slightly.
"No, Ate! Kuya wun! Wun!" he tried to explain, failing so bad, it was so cute! His eyebrows furrowed. Lips were pouted. Cheeks were red with frustration.
"Okay, okay, 'Las. We get it nalang," Kylie chuckled and carried her youngest to kiss his cheek.
"Baba, I have a fashion show to do in 30 minutes. Can we go prepare now please?" she looked up to her father.
"My Kikay's gonna walk the walk! Alright then," Ruru smiled and carried her in one arm, the other on Amir's shoulder. "Love, let's go?"
"Go!" Silas mimicked.
"Yes, go to Ate's fashion show," Noelle tickled him.
Kylie sat in her chair, a jitter bug beside her. Silas could not sit down quietly because his excitement overtook him.
"Baby, hey, Silas, listen to me please," she called his attention.
The youngster looked at his mother and Kylie almost melted, but she didn't. She kept her ground, "Lovie, stay put please. Ate's gonna walk on that runway in a while but you have to stay still."
"Ate walk? Walk to whewe?"
"Ate will walk there," Amir pointed to the stage. "She's gonna be walking with Adriel as her escort."
"Adriel? As in, THE Adriel?" Ruru listened in. The protective father slipping out.
"Yup. Adriel as in Noelle's crush, Adriel," Amir responded, slightly chuckling.
"Love, calm down. Your daughter is six years old. She won't get married yet. Chill," Kylie laughed.
"Ladies and gentlemen, one and all, welcome!" the hostess said and started to blabber about what would be going on and all.
The teams that walked the runway were placed in the order of the rainbow so red first and so on. Kids started to appear on stage in their cute little outfits according to their color.
"And to represent the blue team, we have our first graders, Noelle Amariah Madrid and Adriel Gregory Mercado!" they announced.
The two lovely children walked in sync with their matching outfits. Noelle confident in her blue volleyball sports wear. Adriel dashing in his basketball jersey.
Oceans of claps and acknowledgements filled the atmosphere as the two stroke a pose at the edge of the platform.
After a whole day jam packed with fun and games, the whole Madrid family sat under the shade of the biggest tree of the campus. They shared a comfortable silence as they all rested.
"Did you guys enjoy?" Ruru asked the most obvious question ever.
"Yes, super," Amir nodded, being the only Madrid kid still conscious.
"I think one little boy enjoyed today a lot," Kylie stated referring to Silas who was sleeping in her arms.
"Ang saya niya. Naka pasok na siya at last sa school ng Ate at Kuya," Ruru chuckled, his hands resting on Noelle's sleeping head on his lap.
"Hey, Babe," she called.
"Love you. All of you," she smiled.
"Love you all."
Credits to @naaliapadilla for this chapter. I hope this is okay.
Disclaimer: The picture that I used is not mine. It is from the instagram account of Samuel Li Weintraub.
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