I Have Dreamed
So if you know me at all, you most probably know just how much I adore Lea Salonga so it should be to no surprise that this one shot is inspired by her version of the song "I Have Dreamed". So stating the fact, it's pretty darn obvious what the meaning behind the title is. Feel free to play the song as you read it.
Awoken by the soft light of the morning sun, Kylie yawned and was about to stretch when the cold morning breeze hit her bare skin. She shivered slightly and pulled her covers over her body--or at least she tried. A heavy, muscular limb rested against the bed covers, sandwiching them between his arm and her barely-clothed waist. She shifted her position to face the owner of this muscular arm and upon this movement, his fingers twitched and Ruru let out a groan in his sleep.
Kylie smiled as she stared at the love of her life-- his mouth vaguely agape, eyes peacefully closed and hair in a disheveled mess. Her hand found its way to his face and gently positioned itself on his cheek near his jaw. She snuggled closer to him seeking his body warmth and tenderly placed a kiss on his forehead which woke him up in the most serene way. Ruru's eyes fluttered open and revealed a haze of doziness clouding them.
None of them spoke, just smiled in contentment. They didn't feel like talking this early in the morning neither did they need it. Ruru felt his love's hand against his cheek and so he slowly put his hand over hers and guided it towards his lips, nuzzling it before kissing her fingers. Kylie, in return, rubbed her nose against his-- a nonverbal way to say "good morning" and "I love you". They were often like this during the rare mornings that the couple spent together given their busy schedules and the fact that they didn't live with each other yet. Cold, lazy mornings were usually spent cuddling in bed and eventually struggling to even brush their teeth and wash their faces. The laziness was leaning more on Ruru's part of the relationship.
"Please don't forget to give me my shirt back, love," Ruru finally spoke, breaking the silence. "You have enough of my clothes in your closet."
Kylie chuckled groggily, "Not my fault your clothes are so comfy."
"I will rip that thing off of you if I have to."
"Like you did with the one I wore last night?" she whispered suggestively while her pinky finger slid from his nose bridge to the crease above his upper lip.
"Kylie, Jesus!" he silently exclaimed as his face turned a bright scarlet. He, then, proceeded to hide his face on the pillow his head was upon.
"Shut up. You were the one who started it last night," she chortled and grabbed his face to face her.
He decided he could no longer stand the thought of what they did last night. Ruru slapped his hand over her mouth while she still shook slightly with laughter. Shushing her until she finally stopped laughing, his hand increased its pressure and squeezed her cheeks. Then, his lips pressed against her currently deformed face before releasing her.
Once the playfulness died down, a sense of calm filled the atmosphere once more as the young couple settled into each other. The silence lasted for a few seconds until Ruru spoke once again.
"I love you."
She smiled. Kylie never got tired of hearing that.
"I love you too. And I'm certain I forever will."
"Sounded like a wedding vow."
"Someday, love, I will be saying my vows to you."
Ruru shifted so that he was lying on his back. Kylie, then, proceeded to lie on his chest and wrap her arm around his abdomen whilst he played with her hair. Their bare legs intertwined with each other as Kylie's knees brushed against the lining of the boxers Ruru was wearing (the only thing he was wearing).
"When we have a kid, I'd want her to have hair like yours," Ruru blurted out of nowhere, taking Kylie by surprise.
Did he know of what she dreamt of last night?
"Well, yeah. Of course it wouldn't matter if it's a girl or boy but I feel like we're gonna have a girl first."
"I disagree. I feel like we're having a boy first."
"Why?" He kissed her head.
"Promise me you won't think me weird first."
"Love," he snorted.
"Promise me first!"
"Okay, I promise."
"Pinky?" She raised her pinky finger at him.
Ruru hooked his pinky finger with hers and then kissed their joined skin, "Pinky."
She bit her lip for a bit as if contemplating whether to tell him or not.
"I dreamt of him last night. Our son."
She could feel his lips form a grin atop her head when she said those words. They sounded so alien to them both yet it seemed so right.
"It was weird because he wasn't even a baby when I saw him. He was small enough to fit in my arms but not a baby— a toddler, about two or three," she continued.
Ruru dared not to utter a single word, instead just listening.
"In my dream, I was holding him and he was wonderful. He made me so happy just lying in my arms."
"The kid hasn't even been conceived yet he is already such a joy," he commented, grinning to himself.
"Oh, he was perfect, love!" She exclaimed, ignoring his comment. "He had my eyes and your smile and... and...he was beautiful and his face had this soft moonlight glow to it like a little angel. It all felt so real— his tiny hand against mine— and I loved him so, so much. I felt like I was betraying you because of how much I love him. And the thing is I could feel him loving me back, love, and it overwhelmed me. It was such a wonderful feeling, I can't even begin to describe it."
"You thought you were cheating on me?"
"Well, yeah, kind of. That is until he looked up at me with the most innocent eyes and he placed his tint baby hand on my face," she could feel herself tearing up remembering her dream. "He called me momma, love, and it felt so... right."
"He sounds perfect," he lifted her chin so she was facing him and left a chaste kiss on her forehead.
A few hours after Amir was born, Kylie did nothing but hold him close to her. Just like her dreams had told her, he was perfect.
Her dreams. Suddenly, she remembers the dream she had of him a few whiles ago.
She started humming a familiar tune from The King and I which seemed to just fit how she was feeling right now, it was almost freaky.
"I have dreamed that your arms are lovely
And I have dreamed what a joy you'll be
I have dreamed ev'ry word you'll whisper
When you're close, close to me
How you look in the glow of evening
I have dreamed and enjoyed the view
In these dreams I've loved you so
That by now I think I know
What it's like to be loved by you
I will love being loved by you
In these dreams I've loved you so
That by now I think I know
What it's like to be loved by you
I will love being loved by you."
Amir moved his little hand against his face so Kylie placed her little finger against it. The little baby felt his mother's touch and proceeded to open his palm and grip on to her with all the strength his small body had. His mother smiled.
"You're everything I've dreamed of and more."
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