Best Part
Alright, kiddos, this one's gonna be a bit different than what I usually write. In this one shot, Kylie and Ruru are not married and are both medical practitioners or doctors.
"Dr. Padilla, code blue in room 7!" that would be the most adrenaline pumping thing in the whole universe for a person to hear, but for Kylie, Dr. Kylie Padilla rather, that's part of her daily routine especially during her shift in the emergency room.
She immediately sprinted towards the direction of the room to find her 10-year-old patient with a cardiovascular problem lying there with the lines on her monitor in a flat line.
"Doc, no pulse. Pupils unresponsive," her co-doctor informed.
"Okay, start chest compressions and charge 200 joules. WE HAVE TO KEEP THIS CHILD ALIVE!" she says with much authorization in her voice as she started the chest compressions herself.
As soon as 200 joules were charged, a nurse shouted, "Clear!"
Everyone cleared their hands of the patient and echoed, "Clear!"
"Got a pulse, Doc!" a nurse screamed and Kylie felt like a thorn has just been picked out of her throat.
Dr. Rocco Nacino started naming down a few tests to run as Kylie eased herself to breathe.
"Nacino, she needs to get her bypass surgery done ASAP."
"I know but we need her parents' consent, Padilla, it's illegal to do so without it," he replied.
"I know you are emotionally connected to the patient because of how long she's been in your hands, but please, Dr. Padilla, you're a medical professional. Now think like one!"
Kylie lowered her head and nodded, not wanting to disrespect her colleague. Tears brimmed in her eyes but she had to suck it in. She had to. She couldn't cry over some patient, she had to get used to this.
"Gosh, it's been more than 5 years since you got your license, Kylie! Toughen up!" she told herself as she walked to the nurse's station to get a gulp of water.
"Dr. Padilla, the test results for your patient from room 301 pediatric ward came back," said the medical intern in their hospital, handing her a few test results on a clipboard. "I-I don't wanna jump into conclusions because I might be wrong b-b-but-"
"What's your diagnosis? Spill it so I can tell you if it's right or wrong," she gently instructed.
"I think the patient has Krabbe disease, Dr. Padilla."
"Yes, she does," Kylie nods sadly knowing one of her young patients is terminally ill.
"When do we tell the patient's parents, Doc?"
"A-after lunch," she answers as she took off her robe and stethoscope to meet someone special in the doctor's lounge.
The door creaked open and the cold temperature of the room caused Kylie to shiver.
"Hey, Love. You cold?" a manly voice asked as his muscular arms wrapped around her small torso.
"A bit," she answered shortly.
"What's wrong?" he asked, concern prominent in his eyes as he sat her down on the couch. Ruru Madrid, Dr. Ruru Madrid, head of the rehabilitation department of the hospital, developmental pediatrician, and also Kylie's boyfriend.
"It's just been tough today. Mackenzie, my little patient since she was 6, went code blue a while ago and is need of a bypass and we can't perform yet because we don't have her parents' consent. I diagnosed an eight-year-old with Krabbe today and-and it's tough, Love."
"And it's only been half the day," Ruru replied as he snuggled her into his chest.
"Way to go, babe! And you're supposed to be the head of psych," she rolled her eyes.
He laughed, "Oh, come on, Ky! I was just kidding."
"Well, it isn't funny."
"Kylie, love, as doctors we deal with stuff like this and it doesn't get easier by the day but we need to understand that we have to stay strong for them, right?"
"We're not God, love. It's okay. They'll be okay," he comforted. "If it makes you feel any better, I diagnosed somebody with Asperger's this morning."
"Poor thing. Not being able to read emotions is horrible!" she dramatically sighed.
"I know. The other day, my patient with B.I.I.D. was rushed to the E.R. because he tried to chainsaw his leg off," he confessed, pressing his lips to her temple.
"I'm sorry, love. I didn't know you had to deal with tha-"
"And I also get puked or peed on almost daily because of my hands-on dealing with my pediatric patients."
Kylie couldn't help but laugh. She hit his arm lightly, "Kawawa ka naman!"
"Oh, yes! Kawawa ako and my damn girlfriend just keeps laughing at me!" he exaggeratedly pouted, intending to divert her attention even more from her patients.
"I'm sorry but you deserve to be puked and peed on!" she managed to say in between her giggles.
"See? That's what I'm saying!" he laughed along and tickled her side not caring if her ponytail slapped him in the face multiple times.
"S-stop! Oh my gosh, Ru, I cannot breathe! Dr. Madrid, I can't breathe, I'm serious!" she screamed.
Ruru panicked and let go of her trying to go all doctor on her, "Ky, are you okay? Shortness of breath? Tell me how you feel."
"I feel like I need to kill you!" she laughed and rolled on her belly to prevent the sound of her laugh to echo outside the lounge.
"God damn it, Ky! I thought you were going code blue on me," he chuckled.
"Stupid ass, I thought you were supposed to be the head of a department not some medical wanna-be!"
"Shut up!"
"Dr. Madrid, your patient, Mr. Halstead, the one with Mirrored Touch Synaesthesia, is here to see you now," a nurse politely knocked on the door.
"I'll be there in a minute. Thank you," he responded in a raised voice.
"Well, I guess this means I'll see you later then," Kylie let out a small smile.
"Yes, but I promise you, I'm gonna take you out tonight," he said before pecking her in the lips.
And just like that the best part of her working hours were finished.
@Nico_Ziel_17 this is based from your request. I hope you don't mind that I changed up the setting.
For the people that don't understand the terminology I just used, I'm sorry but please feel free to research it. It'll all make sense once you do.
Disclaimer: I am not a medical student (yet) and all the information I used here were gathered from the snippets that I learn from my older brother's college books and a little online research.
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