Kylie glanced out the window that led to their two-car garage and saw the newly bought Bentley parked there. She felt herself filling with anger again. It certainly was a very expensive car but boy, did she wanna get rid of it right now. She thought it looked stupid beside their Peugeot minivan. Stupid and useless like a novelty item from a gift shop. It was nice and shiny but so flashy and a huge waste of money if you ask her.
"Staring at dear old Bentley, love? A beaut, isn't she?" Ruru grinned behind her.
She rolled her eyes and stomped out of the room leaving her husband puzzled. Kylie entered her son's nursery and watched as he flipped through the pages of his animal books. Somehow, a little bit of her anger slipped away.
"Whale-shark!" a three-year-old Amir exclaimed as he pointed to the whale-shark in his book.
Kylie smiled and ran her fingers through his hair, "Yeah, babe. It's a whale-shark. You're so smart. What about that one? What's that one?"
The little boy pointed to the Hawaiian fish and slowly answered, "Humuhumunukunukuapua'a!"
"Good job, baby! Can you tell me something about that?" she asked, exercising his thinking and vocabulary.
"It's from Hawaii!" he exclaimed, so proud of himself.
The proud mother gave her son a little clap and proceeded to point to another fish in the book, "What about that one?"
"Flounder, bubby," chortled Kylie, "Flounder with an L."
"It looks like sand!"
"That's a smart baby! You take after your father, huh?" Ruru joked as he stood by the door.
Kylie rolled her eyes again, "I beg to disagree."
"That's mean," he feigned his hurt.
"I'm mean but at least I'm not irresponsible," she whispered loud enough for Ruru to hear.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"I don't know. Go ask your Bentley," she said in a gentle tone, fully aware they were in the presence of their son. She diverted her attention to her son, "You stay here, alright? Mama's gonna be right back."
At the end of the hall, far from Amir's ears stood Kylie with smoke basically coming out of her nose.
"Kylie, that was a low blow. In front of our son, really?"
"Oh, so now you're really concerned about our son's well being?"
"Are you calling me a bad father?"
"Don't you dare put words in my mouth. I never said such a thing!" she snapped.
"You didn't say it but you sure did imply it!"
"Well, if the shoe fits!"
"Kylie, where the hell is this even coming from?" he huffed frustrated breath.
"Oh, you wanna know where this is coming from? It's coming from the fact that you made the stupidest decision without even consulting me first!"
Then, it clicked.
"Are you talking about the Bentley? Ky, it's just a car-"
"Yes, a shit ton of MY money. It's my money that I earned so I don't get what you're so upset about."
Kylie scoffed, "Just in case you forgot, you have a son now! You have a wife! A family! You're not a bachelor anymore so you should at least consider the fact that your son does and will need money to live!"
"Ky, if you're worried about money, I can always make more."
"Ru, that's not the point! The point is-"
A loud sob resonated from the small figure that stood between the both of them.
"No fighting!"
Kylie felt ashamed of herself and picked her little boy up. She held him close to her chest and kissed his head.
"I'm sorry we were so loud. We weren't fighting. Did we scare you, sweetheart?"
Amir nodded and burrowed himself in the nook of his mother's neck. Kylie walked to the other end of the hall where Amir's nursery was found not even bothering to look back on her husband.
She placed her son down upon his toddler bed and wiped away his tears, "Hush, everything's okay, love. No need for the tears."
"No fighting?" the child looked up through glossy eyes.
"No fighting. It's okay."
"No fighting but I think Mama and I have some grown up talking to do," Ruru emerges from the door and heads to his son, "So, buddy, it would be great if you could stay here for a bit so we can talk grown up stuff."
The boy nodded and proceeded to play with his toys as his parents practically dragged each other to their bedroom.
"Now, explain to me CALMLY what in the world your problem is," Ruru watched as his wife crossed her arms.
"You bought a Bentley without consulting me."
"It's my money though so I don't get it."
"Ru, that's just it! You can't think like that anymore. The money you make isn't just yours, it's also Amir's and I just wish you would have thought of that before you spent all that money. I don't even care about the fact that you didn't ask for my opinion before buying it anymore but your son, Ru! Your son has a long way to go before he can earn for himself and you didn't even think about how much money it would cost to get him to that point of his life!"
Kylie sat herself down on the edge of the bed and cradled her head in her hands, "Like this is the minor issue but I hate the way it makes me feel that you didn't care to talk to me about it. Ru, does my opinion not matter to you? Do I not have a say in your life?"
Ruru almost slapped himself across the face as he realized how reckless and insensitive he was at that moment. He sat beside her and took one of her hands in his and intertwined their fingers.
"No, love, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel that way. Your opinions do matter to me. They matter so much."
"Then, why didn't you ask me first?"
"Because I got so excited about the fact that the car was on sale and I- I'm sorry, love. I was just being irresponsible and reckless and insensitive. I won't do it again, I'm so sorry."
"Well, there's nothing we can do about it now. You already bought it," she sighed.
"If you're worried about Amir's future, please don't be. We have a bank account just for his college funds, remember? But I get where you're coming from and I'm really sorry," he kissed her hand.
"I'm sorry I overreacted a bit," she put her other hand above his and ran her thumb against his knuckles.
"A bit?"
"Okay, fine. A lot," she chuckled slightly.
There was a silence that filled the room. A silence that felt like it was supposed to be there.
"I love you," he blurts out.
"Love you too," she smiled.
And just like that, they were okay again.
Requested by @CarylleKylie
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