She had her eyes on them all the time, almost every second of the day. Kylie sees everything that happens to her children in the house, being a very hands-on mom. So, it both pains and brings a sense of pride to her when she saw her son helping his sister with her writing. She isn't kidding when she says that she doesn't know where time went. Maybe she'll never really get used to this constant change caused by time.
"Mama, can I have a snack?" Amir asked, approaching her.
"Sure, Kuya. What do you want?" Kylie responded, suddenly more attentive albeit drowsy for no reason.
"I'll go get a granola bar."
"They're on the shelf, Kuya. I'll get them for you," she stood up.
"No, thanks, Ma. I can do it myself," Amir smiled and opened the food cabinet and reached for his snack with ease.
Kylie felt her chest twinge. He's so big already and it made her proud that he was such a big boy now but she couldn't help but feel sad about it. She felt like he was slowly slipping away from her fingers and everytime she had her grip again, he's growing up again. It saddened her that once upon a time, she was his sun and Ruru his moon, but now Amir was a bright star in a galaxy of his own. Soon enough, Noelle would follow her brother's steps.
"Mama?" she felt a small hand tapping her knee.
"Huh? Y-yes, Kikay?" she snapped out of her reverie and sat her daughter beside her.
"Baba's taking so long. Diba he's coming home na?" Noelle pouted.
"I'm sure he'll be home soon, Sweetheart. Just be a little patient, okay?" she replied and kissed the girl's forehead.
Noelle nodded.
"I heard somebody special to my heart is looking for me," a deep, masculine voice was heard.
Noelle got up and sprinted to the door, recognizing her father's voice, "Baba's home!"
"Hello, Kikay," Ruru smiled as Noelle's tiny figure approached him.
"Up, up!"
"Up, up, please," he reminded and took the little one in his arms as she pressed her forehead to the back of his hand.
"Baba," Amir smiled and showed his father some respect by making mano.
"Hey, Love," Kylie greeted, not making any sudden movements as to not hurt herself in her delicate state.
"Hi," Ruru smiled and pressed his lips against hers for a few seconds.
"You guys, ew!" Amir exclaimed jokingly. Their children were very used to seeing them all sweet and lovey-dovey like that.
"Kapag ikaw talaga nagka-girlfriend at nag-kiss kayo, susundan at susundan ko kayo para sabihin din yon sa inyo," Ruru joked and shuffled the hair of his firstborn.
"Oy, girlfriend ka diyan," Kylie reprimanded.
"Mama, always so serious," Amir snuggled closer to his mother.
"Love, I'm hungry. Is there any food in the kitchen?" Ruru asked walking towards the kitchen with Noelle still glued to his hip.
"BLT sandwich in the microwave, Love."
Then, a sudden wave of nausea shot through Kylie. It was so sudden and strong, it made her hold on to the island counter.
Ruru and the children noticed it. "Love, are you okay? What happened?"
"N-nothing serious, just a little tired, that's all," she smiled before running off to the comfort room, her hand over her mouth the whole time.
Kylie gently caressed her belly, "Lovebug, don't make Mama too nauseous. I didn't even tell your father yet."
"Love?" Ruru called as he entered the bathroom.
Quickly, she got up, her movement almost sharp. "Y-yeah?"
"What's wrong? Are you feeling okay?" he asked, concern so thick in his voice. He held her shoulders, "Did you just throw up?"
She bit her bottom lip, trying to keep her chill as she opened the drawer and pulled out a sheet of paper. She then handed it to him.
"What's this?" he asked curiously to himself as he received it. He unfolded it and saw his name at the top. "A letter?"
Dear Ruru,
You don't know me and you don't even know I exist yet, but I just want to tell you that I love you and I can't wait to see you. I heard you're really good at this whole parenting stuff. I hope your discipline works on me, Ru, or should I say Baba. Can't wait to see everybody!
The tum-tum
And behind it was the result of a hospital pregnancy test.
Ruru looked at her with eyes as wide as saucers. He felt delighted and lightheaded. It was happening again! "D-does this mean what I think this means?"
"Yes, Love. It does. We're having another one!" Kylie exclaimed excitedly.
"Oh. My. God! Another one! Woohoo!" Ruru jumped and when he landed, he almost squatted on the floor. He dragged his hands across his face as if trying to digest what he just heard.
"Love, get up," she laughed.
He stuck his face on her stomach, "Hey, there! Hi! Can you hear me, little critter? I'm your Baba. I love you. You know that, right?"
"God, why do you have to react to each pregnancy like this? It freaking melts me!" Kylie chuckled as tears started to prickle the side of her eyes.
Ruru kissed her belly and stood up straight to kiss her fully on the lips. His kiss was so full of joy and love and so much thanksgiving. "I love you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
"We love you too, Love. Me, Amir, Noelle, and little three love you very, very much," she smiled, one hand on her stomach and the other on his cheek.
Ruru gave her another sweet kiss on the lips as he ceased to keep his tears in his eyes, "My days! What have I done to deserve this?"
Kylie laughed and burrowed her nose in his chest and he wrapped his arms around her protectively as they walked out of the comfort room with glowing faces. Ruru kissed the top of her head and assisted her down the stairs.
"I still can't believe you're pregnant again," he states still on cloud nine.
Kylie nuzzled his jawline and bit his chin, "Your chin is so cute!"
Ruru looked at her with a snicker at the back of his throat, "Buntis ka nga."
Every single time Kylie was pregnant, she had this strange obsession with his face, especially his chin. She would often bite it or pinch it and mostly, she would nuzzle it.
"Hey, what's that?" Amir asked curiously approaching his parents with his sister and seeing the piece of paper in his father's hand. "Can I see it?"
He tried to reach for it, but Ruru raised his hand higher so he couldn't, "Nuh-uh. You're not allowed to know what it is yet."
"Baba, will you tell me? Pretty please?" Noelle batted her eyelashes.
Ruru had to gain his composure before replying, "No way, Jose! You'll know together."
"Well, let us know already. Please! Please! Please!" Noelle jumped up and down.
"Do you see my tummy?" Kylie started.
The two nodded vigorously, still as curious as cats.
"There's something in it. Well, someone," she smiled.
"What do you- OH MY GOSH! Really?! I'm finally gonna have a chance to have a baby brother!" Amir eyes widened as realization dawned on him.
"Yes, Kuya! Exactly!" Ruru gave him a high-five.
"What? I don't get it," Noelle face was tilted in confusion.
"You're gonna be an ate na. Yey!" Ruru answered, trying to get her excited too.
Kylie gently put Noelle's hand on top of her tummy, "There's a baby in Mama's tummy. He or she will he your baby sibling, Kikay."
"A baby?" she asked her face distorted in a weird way.
"Yes, little love. Isn't that exciting?" Ruru asked.
Noelle took her hand from her mother's grasp as tears started to spill from her eyes, "No, I don't like a baby sibling!"
She ran off to her room upstairs as her family stayed silent and still in shock of Noelle's sudden behavior. She was usually such a lovely, sweet little angel and she loved to play with her baby dolls so it bewildered them that she reacted negatively to the announcement.
"What just happened?" Kylie said, stunned.
"Don't worry. I'll go talk to her," Ruru smiled and kissed her forehead. "Son, stay with your mother."
"Yes, sir!"
"Kikay?" Ruru called as he opened the door to her room. As he stepped in the room, he saw all her baby dolls in the corner while she sat on her bed crying with her favorite stuffed bunny cuddled to her chest.
"Hello, my darling," he whispered and gathered her in his arms. He sat her in the space that his squatted legs created. "Do you wanna tell me why you did what you did a while ago?"
"No," she sobbed, her chubby cheeks stained with tears.
"Okay, I understand," he nodded and hugged her and put her arms around his neck. He ran his hand up and down her little back. "You can tell me when you want to, Princess."
She nodded and hugged her father tighter.
A few moments later, Noelle slowly let go of her father and snuggled in her father's chest.
"Do you wanna tell me what happened earlier?"
She nodded.
"Go on, Sweetheart. It's okay," he encouraged.
"I don't want you to not love me anymore," she sobbed.
Ruru looked at her intently with all the features she inherited from Kylie and cupped her face, "Kikay, that will never happen, you know that."
"B-but you'll have a new baby na and I won't be your baby anymore. And if it's a girl, I won't be your princess anymore."
"Kikay, my princess," he cooed and kissed her forehead, "Just because we're going to have a new addition to the family, we won't love you anymore. We won't even love you any less because, Baby, Mama and Baba and Kuya love you and each other so much. There isn't anything you could ever do to make me love you less."
Noelle looked like she was convinced but not entirely, doubt still blurred her eyes.
"Look at Kuya for instance. We didn't and still don't love him any less because we had you, right?"
She nodded.
"And do you know why?"
She shook her head.
"It's because, my little nugget," he pinched her little nose, "Every single time we add a new addition to the family, our hearts grow bigger and bigger and bigger to make sure there's enough love to go around, equally portioned love. So, we won't love you any less, okay?"
"Okay, but what if it's a baby girl? Diba you said if you have another baby girl, she'll be your princess nalang," she sounded worried.
"Oh, my Kikay. I was only kidding. You'll always be my princess. If it's a girl, then I'll have two princesses, pwede naman yun, diba?"
"Opo," she nodded and jumped on her father. "I'm sorry."
"It's not me you have to say sorry to, it's the baby," Ruru stood up and kept her in his arms as he walked down to the living room.
"I think Noelle has something to say," he announced.
Slowly, she walked to her mother, "Mama, I'm sorry."
"You're forgiven, little love. I knew you were sort of upset, huh?" Kylie smiled and rubbed her thumbs over the girl's cheeks.
"I'm not upset now. I wanna see my baby sibling," the little girl grinned widely. She hugged her mother's belly and left a little kiss. "I'm gonna be the best ate ever, I promise."
Done with your suggestion, @naaliapadilla ! Hope you like it.
Comment, vote, and leave a suggestion! Love lots!
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