(please vote for the chapter)
Logan began to take off her jacket and throwing it to the side as her music started to die down, leaving just the screaming fans echoing throughout the arena.
"Can you believe it? Logan Perris is back in a WWE Ring," She heard Brooker T at the announce table say as she leaned against the top rope, looking over at Emma who passed her sunglasses to one of the workers.
But before the bell could ring, the Referee called both ladies towards the center to shake hands. Logan raised her eyebrows as Emma didn't even hesitate holding out her hand to shake. She started slowly walking towards her as Emma looked down at her hand, "Come on," She started to grow impatient.
Just as Logan was about to accept the offer to shake Emma's hand, Emma slapped Logan, her face flew to the left side as she stumbled from the impact. Her tongue darted out to wet her lips as she turned her head to look over at Emma, who had her back turned towards her boasting herself off to the crowd.
Logan walked over, grabbing a fistful of dirty-blonde hair and throwing her to the matt. Her eyes darkened as Emma landed on her back, looking up at her with a glare. "You wanna fight dirty?" Logan yelled down at her, raising two fingers, taunting her to run at her. "I can fight dirty too."
Emma rose up from the matt and both ladies started to circle eachother, she rose her hand over her head, reaching for one of Logan's hands. With a smirk on her face, and Logan's hestitant nature, both ladies had intertwined their fingers, and Logan sent a boot to the mid-section of Emma.
Logan grabbed ahold of Emma's arm, throwing her into the turnbuckle. She turned around, running after her but Emma had moved out of the way. Thanks to Logan's natural reflexes, she had stopped before hitting her head off the metal.
She looked out into the crowd, her tongue licking her bottom lip as she started nodding. She was impressed with the way Emma was dodging her blows, usuallly she would be dominating right now but she didn't particularly care, she kind of liked the game that was going.
Before Logan had a chance to react to anything else, Emma had grabbed a fistful of black hair and threw Logan to the matt. Emma started stomping away at the tan mid-section of Logan.
She quickly went for the count, but Logan got her shoulder up for the count of two.
"All you have to do is stay down! You hear me?" Emma screamed as she kneeled down, grabbing a fistful of hair and repeatedly hitting Logan's face off the matt before putting her head between her knees, putting pressure onto her neck.
"Let's go, Logan!" Clap, Clap, Clap! "Let's go, Logan!"
Logan clawed at Emma's boots, trying to find a way out of the submission hold as the audience around them started cheering Logan on. Her oxygen stopped as Emma's legs tightened around her neck, and Logan sent her fist flying at whatever she could hit. Whatever she did hit, worked because Emma's legs started loosing grip.
She sent another fist flying in the same direction as before, and finally Emma released the hold. But no matter how hard Logan had tried to gain some momentum, Emma was right back on her, digging her nails into her scalp and yanking her back up on two feet.
Emma yanked Logan over to the ropes, and she bounced off of them and sent a flying kick to her jaw when Emma bent down. Logan ran backwards, bouncing off the ropes again and brining her down with a crossbody.
She got up onto her feet and walked over to Emma, grabbed hold of her hair and dragged her up. Emma reversed it, slapping her across the face; hard. The impact could be heard around the arena, making the annoucetable shout.
Emma grabbed ahold of Logan's hair dragging her towards the turnbuckle, not caring that the referee was telling her to let go. Emma hit Logan's face off the turnbuckle a couple times before Logan turned, and leaned against the ropes.
Emma charged and Logan moved just in time to avoid the colalision of Emma's shoulder. Logan stumbled to her feet, and looked back at Emma who leaned against the corner for support. She walked over to Emma only to get a boot to the jaw. Again, she stumbled back but just as quickly she charged back only to have Emma catch her in mid-air and turn her upside down onto the turnbuckle.
Emma grabbed her hair, sending kicks to the small of her back repeatdly. Logan screamed out with each hit, her screams and the ref counting was the only thing that filled her ears. An arm forced the wind out of her chest, and then she was left dangling upside down.
Emma knocked Logan off of the turnbuckle harshly, leaving her to lean against the bottom rope for support, only to have Emma's whole weight come crashing into her after. Emma dragged Logan to the middle of the ring to pin her again, and she almost had it but just last minute did she get her shoulder up.
Emma couldn't believe that she got her shoulder up just when the Referee almost hit the matt for the three count. She made the mistake of taking her attention of Logan, even just for a second. Her inner demon awoke from inside her, giving her the boost of life that she needed.
Logan rose from the matt, looking up at Emma who was fighting with the referee. It was only until the Referee had got out of the way, that Emma's attention went back onto Logan, but it was too late.
Her foot collided with Emma's jaw and immediatly she fell to the matt, the hit echoing throughout the arena.
"There it is! The Kiss of Death!"
"Thanks for coming, Emma!"
Logan went for the pin immediatly, getting the three count. Her song broke out the crowd's cheers and she rose her hand in the air as the Referee pointed at her. "Here's your winner by pinfall, Logan Perris!"
Logan made her way back towards the curtain with her hand sheilding her stomach and a smile planted on her face.
After doubting her ability to compete tonight, she had beat the match, making her debut a success. The moment she had walked back through the black curtain was when she saw Sasha staring back at her with a huge smile. "See, I knew you could do it." She congraulated her, pulling her into a hug.
Seth was the second person to come and congratulate her, putting a comforting hand on her shoulder, which was tender to the touch. She knew that her body would be covered in bruises by tomorrow.
"I might've forgot how horrible our bodies felt after matches," Logan looked up at Seth with a sheepish grin. Seth let out a small chuckle and after Sasha let go of the dark-haired woman, he had pulled her into his arms. "You did great out there, my eyes never left the tv."
Logan let out a chuckle. "Thanks guys," She pulled herself from Seth's arms to look over at Sasha who was looking at them both with a smile on her face. "How's Bayley doing?" She questioned worringly.
"She's good. She's just getting something to eat right now, took some tylnol for her headache." Sasha informed Logan as she took the sweater Seth had offered her.
Logan nodded, "I'm just going to head to the catering before I take my interview. Wanna come with?" Logan looked at both of her friends, waiting for their agreement.
Logan, Sasha and Seth had made their way into Catering, and on the way there, some superstars that they happened to run into, congratulated Logan on her debut tonight. Inside the Catering room, Bayley sat next to Finn; both of them laughing at something on Bayley's phone.
"Shit, they got pizza!" Logan said happily, not caring about leaving her friends behind her and went straight for the opened box that happened to have two slices left of pepperoni.
She grabbed them both, and Seth groaned behind her from taking them. "What?" Logan asked after placing them both on a plate. "You took the last peices." He replied, sighing out in fustration and walking away.
"You can have a bite of mine." Logan rolled her eyes at Seth, who stood across from her, grabbing a hamburger patty.
Logan turned around and started walking towards where Sasha sat, "Logan, you have to come look at this!" Bayley called out to her, looking back at the brunette who decided to take the empty seat next to her.
Bayley handed her friend her phone, and Logan scanned the picture of Bayley and a dinosuar in the ring, hugging. "Someone tagged me in this today." Bayley told her and Logan let out a tiny chuckle.
"I hope they make me one," She handed Bayley back her phone and looked over at Finn who immeidatly averted his eyes. "I saw what happened in your match? Feeling alright?" Logan turned her attention back on her friend.
"Yeah, I'm fine." She shrugged, "Shit like that is bound to happen. Could've been worse."
Logan nodded, looking back over at Finn who stood up from his chair. "I'll talk to you later, got a match," He looked down at Bayley, who had nodded back up at him.
"You gonna be there tonight?" Bayley called out to Finn, remembering the small party she had planned. Finn turned back around and nodded, his gaze catching Logan's one last time before walking off.
Logan stood directly across Renee Young as the makeup team started to powder Renee Young's face, making sure she looked just as good as she did this morning when the show first started. The makeup team asked if they could fix Logan, but she shook it off, not really caring what she looked like.
Around the two ladies were the Camera men, setting up and making sure that they were set for the interview that was taking place very soon. As soon as the Makeup team finished up making Renee look her best, she took her microphone and cleared her throat.
"Alright Ladies, we are going live in 3..2.." Darren said, pointing at Renee and gave her a nod when the Camera turned on.
Renee looked towards the camera with a smile on her face as Logan stood just off of screen, waiting for her cue to walk into frame. "We are here tonight backstage in beautiful Phoenix, Arizona. Please welcome our special guest, Logan Perris."
Renee nodded at the camera and Logan walked into the frame, putting her hands in the pockets of her hoodie. It was until Renee had looked down, that Logan had realized just who's sweater she was wearing on live television, with the symbol, Seth Freaking Rollins on the shoulder of it. Great.
Renee shook it off and continued on with the interview, just as she rehearsed it. "Logan, this is such an epic moment for you. Put into words what you felt during your debut?" She asked her, putting the microphone by her mouth.
Logan shook her head as she looked down at her boots. "It's hard to put what I'm feeling into words, right now. Just about 3 years ago after I injured my knee I didn't expect to see myself back into a wrestling ring doing what I love most." She looked back at Renee.
"Logan, considering your past experiences with competing in a wrestling ring, do you have any words for the ladies in the back?"
Logan smirked slightly, "You know what? I've been in this type of business for a long time and I'm not claiming to be the best. I've been a champion, and I know what it takes. I clawed my way through TNA, and NXT. This will be no different." She replied to the question, "I've learned something valuable tonight. I have my work cut out for me in this Roster and I'm always up for a challenge. I'm clawing my way forward towards that championship and on the way there, I will show every women in this Roster what it takes to be a deserving champion."
Logan looked at the camera as it zoomed into her face. "Don't sit comfortable, sleep with your eyes open because the Queen is here and you never know who she'll knock down first." She looked back down at Renee and smiled slightly, walking off Camera and leaving Renee staring off at her.
I've just started this book yesterday, and here I am spamming all of you with chapters. I hope you don't mind. ;)
THIS TOOK FOREVER TO GET PUBLISHED. I've literally been sitting here for like 20 minutes waiting for the stupid gif to load because my internet is a piece of shit. like seriously, Telus get ur shit together, ur business sucks.
Anyways, please vote and comment on the chapter, telling me what you think of it, it would be appreciated.
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