You sat there and laughed.
Taking a break from writing smut for a while, as much it as fun it is writing it, I do get tired from writing porn a lot, so heres some dark story for ya guys
Disclaimer: this kinda writing of my own thoughts and emotions, and I wanted to make it a story
You sat in the closet, sobbing into your knees. The people you trusted had turned on your for the thousandth time, you were in a hysteria of tears and snot. Your face was red enough to match a small ripping tomato.
While you heard there knocks and 'concerned' voices from behind the door, you knew they just wanted to check up on you to make sure they don't look like the bad guy who made a person cry. With an angry look and aggressive door open you stomped out of the closet and building, not carrying for those who'd claimed to be friends with you.
Days, months, years has passed since that day has happend. The walls of your trust have reached so high the even the kindest people make you question their motives, you didn't want to get hurt, you didn't want to be around people who'd take advantage of you and your kindness.
You were done with it all.
And now you find yourself with the dissenters of Nevada, you've been with them for a while, having a mutual understanding of what they are as a person and what not. You don't plan to get close to them any time soon.
Until you did, you've found yourself talking to them often and made a connection with them, not as much with 2b and hank and more of a connection with Deimos and Sanford. You saw deimos as the older troublemaker brother who knows how to tick you off, but enough for you to pull out a pocket knife.
Sanford is like the friend who'd be there and give you advice, a carrying yet terrifying man, due to his background.
So one night after finishing a mission with the two, you guys went to the local bar. The one where criminals and vigilantes and more could have a drink without the worry of the AAHW tracking them, once you three sat down and had a drink, you began telling your backgrounds, Deimos hinted that he was an ex agent from the AAHW but you and Sanford wasn't sure if he was joking or not due your drunken states.
Sanford's background was that he was a butcher back then, his obsession with torture started when he had to kill a live animal, lets just say that quickly lead down a very dark path.
Once you felt comfortable enough to tell your story, you heard a few chuckle, even though slightly drunken you looked at them with menacing eyes, telling them to mind their own business but soon after the rest of the bar started to laughing out loud at your story, you looked over to Sanford who were also somewhat laughing.
They were laughing at you.
Laughing at you like it was okay.
You felt violated greatly, you started to hyperventilate and tear up, feeling backed up into a corner of dread and weakness. The only person there who took notice of your state was the bartender but you quickly ran off into a closet before they could get a word in.
Everyone became silent as the door slammed with an echo, Deimos and Sanford had just realized their actions before going over to the closet door to check up on you.
But it was too late, tears of pain and suffering had released from your eyes as you cried, the memories of people hurting you, bottled up emotions, and so much more just spilled out from your tiny bottle of intake of pain.
Your sobs were loud, loud enough for Sanford and deimos to hear. The duos face filled with concern as they heard your wails of cries and screams of pain.
The bar didn't stop laughing until they heard banging from the closet, deimos tried to unlock the door before it opened with you with a bruise on your forehead. Sanford and Deimos quickly pulled out of the closet and apologized immediately for their behavior.
But the damage has been done.
I'm not sure if this counts as a vent, but take it as you will guys. And if anyone asks if I'm okay.
I'm low key thinking of thoughts of things I can't say because I'm afraid of worrying people, so take that as a mental maybe guys.
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