Spider wow
More spider hank! Requested by: rememebringwahat who's very passionate about this and I respect that, never be ashamed about the ideas you have!
⚠️This chapter contains: cursing, gore, limbs being burned off, mutations and more.⚠️
Anyways into the chapter!
[Somewhere in Nevada. . . .]
It was dark day in Nevada, hank was sent on a solo mission by doc to grab to files. Seems easy enough right?
But not everything goes as planned for everyone. As hank arrived at the location he decided to use a sneak tactic this time instead of his usual guns blazing entree.
He made his way through a vent, crawling at slow and quiet pace, not wanting anyone to get suspicious about his whereabouts. He soon saw a bunch of daddy long legs around him, he didn't care about them, as long they weren't messing with him and he wasn't messing with them, they chill.
He was still crawling through the vents as quietly as possible. But due to his big figure that was kinda hard to do. Soon enough the agents were hearing thuds through the ceiling. And hank just said fuck it and smashed down to the ground and started killing.
Blood and guts were splurging everywhere, agents dying left and right, it was blood bath, hank was nearly covered in it but shook his body like a dog and the blood came off splattering the walls and floors.
He began running again, killing agents with a sword he stole from one. Soon enough he reached a laboratory, he assumed that files were in here. So he started searching through file cabinets, drawers all of it, then he finally found it! The files that he needed and to get outta there.
An announcement yelled through the intercoms. " HES IN LABORATORY ROOM 7561! I REPEAT HES IN LABORATORY ROOM 7561!"
Soon enough you could hear a thousand foot steps behind the doors, hank Put the files in his back pocket and got some weapons to defend himself, and with a loud bang you see agents, engineers and others coming through the door shooting and yelling at hank. (Why did I get second hand embarrassment from this sentence-)
While hank was fighting off grunts and such he didn't realize there was sniper who had a tranquilizer ready and fired at him. The tranquilizer was strong and big enough to knock him cold.
It was cold.
It felt like a void
It felt like floating
It felt like agony and peace at the same time.
Then suddenly-
"Wake your ass up Wimbleton." Said a voice. Hank eyes was soon widen at the sight of a scientist grunt. "You have no authority-" he was cut off from a shock that was sent to his back. He didn't yell,meh didn't want to show how much vulnerability he has, he had a lot but of course it's like stamina, it can last for so long.
This went on for days, hank was in hell, his arm was cut off, cuts and bruises were all over his body, blood was trickling to the floor, he was masked so there were able to his face. He hated every second of it. He wanted to massacre them all.
He wanted to.
He needed to.
Soon enough the scientist came back with multiple needles filled with the same liquid. They began to equip it to a machine, hank was being held down.
This image contains blood
I drew this due to the fact I fact I forgot what the word was lmao plus no book is complete with out a picture.
The needles were now being poked into hanks spinal back, chest, and near his eyes. After the needles were emptied and the liquids now inside of hanks body. It was silent....
Too silent...
Then suddenly hank roared like a lion, or a spider per say... his restrains breaking, legs coming out of his back, eyes popping on the side of his face, web like substance covering his body and then breaking revealing he has a new arm and clothes back on.
"HOLY SHIT- EMERGENCY! CODE B- " he didn't even finish his sentence, his skull was crushed in a second by hanks new arm.
Hank screeched again and began rampaging through the laboratory looking for the files again, he found them again and started leaving the facility, killing any agent or grunt that came across in his path.
The janitor: *sees Spider hank* "yeah no- I don't get payed enough to deal with that-" and walked away.
Once out of the facility he made his way back to the base, most likely going to get a scolding from doc, scaring the life out of you and Sanford, Deimos most likely going to amazed but in fear at the same time.
At the base/bunker
You were pacing back and forth, worried about hanks sudden disappearance. 'Did he get killed for good?' 'Is he in pain?' 'Did he-' your thoughts were cut off due a an extremely load knock at the garage door. Sanford and Deimos and even doc came of their rooms and checked what was happening.
Once in the garage, weapons ready and prepared for what to come. Once doc pressed the button to open the door, it slowly reveals a giant spider hank.
Once all of you saw him your reaction were completely different from what hank expected. You screamed in joy and tears, jumping in place stimulating hands in fists and going up and down. Sanford and Deimos were screaming the life out of themselves holding each other, Doc stood there for a good second and then fainted, things falling out of his hands.
"HANK HANK! THANK GOD YOUR ALIVE I THOUGHT YOU DIED FOR GOOD!" you screamed and ran to him, hugging him. Well one of his spider legs, you soon felt him picking you up and hugging you. "You don't think I'm creepy- or hideous-?" He said in a quiet voice. "Of course not! I love creepy crawlers! Especially spiders! And it seems you gotten a an upgrade from one!" You said hugging him. "..." he stayed silent. Surprised at the fact you accepted him like this.
"Well that explains everything." Doc said fixing his googles a little, hank was now in his normal state, patched up, bandages changed and everything and now sitting on the operating table. Doc was going over some dna tests and found out the thing that hank was injected with a spider serum. "It seemed like they were experimenting with different breeds of spiders and wanting a strong outcome." Doc said while inspecting the blood sample under the microscope, he specialized it to his liking so he'd be able to get more information than the average scientist would.
"Well looks like that solved that mystery- Oh!" You said while getting interrupted by hank grabbing you and taking you to his room to cuddle, he went through hell so of course he wanted some love from his partner.
"Alright big guy let's get some sleep, you deserve it.." you said hugging him, he made a purring like noise as he falls asleep.
Lmao this took a long time but it was fun, listening to squidwards nose on repeat at 3am hits different. Anyways cya in the next chapter!
-Ari Author
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