Double trouble
Requested by Yuki_Yakisoba
Sanford, Deimos & Y/n smut
Warnings: smut (obviously lol) sandwiched sex, stuck in closet and more
This a long one lol
It was a simple stealth mission they said. It was going to be simple they said. Well getting setting a fire alarm wasn't in the plan, and now you're being chased by a building worth of agents, you felt yourself loosing your breath but you couldn't stop or else you'd be dead.
As you ran through the building the swarm of agents was growing, it terrified you. The thought of being ran over and killed by this was a nightmare you over thought iand shocked to the core when it came true. Thoughts rapidly took over your mind, your feet taking over the chase. Your mind was racing rapidly throbbing of ideas to get out of this predicament. 'Come on brain. THINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINKTHINK THI NK O F SOMETHIN-'
Your thoughts and body were interrupted by a hoisted motion, something hooked on you. You felt yourself taking a extreme exhale and sharp breaths, a you heard a ringing and a muffled voice, you felt your face being held by two gruff and big hands and two more smaller hands on your shoulders.
"Y/n chill its us!" A voice said, you looked up and it was Sanford, behind you was deimos, your breathing soon became more calmer, legs slightly trembling from running, cold sweat going down your forehead, you felt like falling but you were quickly by deimos. Your state of mind felt like white noise. "Geez all that running must've taken a lot outta them, oh okay they fell asleep."
He said, he soon gently put you on the floor, using his backpack as pillow. Sanford and Deimos then discussed on the next plan to escape, there was an extremely narrow window so that was a no go. The agents were still on high alert, and by the light from the window it was about to be dawn to think fast.
"Deimos any signal?" Sanford said as deimos checked his phone, "no go looks like they have restricted, but I can use this!" Deimos says as he pulls out a beeper. "You keep a beeper on you?" "Yeah dude! You never know when you'll need on of theses." Deimos said, as he did his thing and sent the message off.
Once that was done, you awoken from your slumber. *yawn* "hey guys.." you said, your groggy state still in but warring off soon. "Oh hey y/n, how'd you sleep?" Sanford asked, patting your back. "Mmm it was alright, my dream didn't help though ugh." "What was the dream about?" Deimos said, his curiosity getting the best of him. "Oh it's nothing special I swear!" You exclaimed, face flushed and becoming a light red. "Oh come on if it's nothing special why so hesitate huh? Got anything to say on that y/n?" Deimos said, basically proving his point.
You stuttered before crossing your arms and facing the other way, deimos laughed at your reaction, an hour passes and nothing, "man this is gonna take forever." Deimos said, upset that he can't smoke because sanford took his cigarettes, as many times as deimos begged Sanford declined, it then turned into a physical 'fight' which was just deimos trying to reach the cigarettes but Sanford's tallness was no match for him, but the thing was, you in the middle. And your brain was going wild.
"Yo wait y/n-" deimos suddenly realized, and moved backwards and you were in arched position, face flushed and ass out. "Yo y/n you good bro." Deimos says as he pokes your back. "EVERYTHING ISFI-" you were cut off by deimos who heard foot steps passing by. You felt embarrassed and disappointed in yourself. Sanford then saw the signs, you were extremely horny.
And he as well, oddly enough.
You began to apologize extremely quickly and fast. Sanford and Deimos calmed you down as best as possible. Then you felt two things against your lower regions, you looked over and saw their boners, you froze up in embarrassment, covering up your red face and laying against the wall.
"Fuckfuckfuck-" you exclaimed, unsure what to do in this situation, but Sanford and Deimos had an idea, they sat next to you, waiting for you to calm down, and explained how to fix the problem, once they finished their explanation you nodded in agreement and once that was done it began.
You pulled up your hoodie and shirt, revealing your patted bra to them, they looked in awe, deimos reached out first before looking at you for permission, nodding yes deimos began to grope your breast gently, while Sanford's hand grazed over your stomach, pushing down on your pudge.
You then felt your bra becoming undone by Sanford, the two mounds gently bouncing out of the fabric prison, you felt yourself getting warmer by the second, deimos and sanford as well.
Soon enough you were sandwiched between the two, Sanford laying on floor with you on top (back to his chest) while Deimos was over both of you, Sanford was playing with your breast whilst Deimos was playing with your clit and fingering your insides, you tired to keep quiet but the feeling was too much.
You began to moan more loudly when you felt your orgasm coming, but unfortunately while your moans where music to the duos ears it also caused suspicion among the agents around the closet, deimos soon realized this and quickly stopped and covered your mouth with his other hand, Sanford quickly stopped when he realized what deimos was up to. While you were in a daze and whimpering slightly deimos made sure no one was around, peeking through the window every 5 minutes, then there was big bang.
Sanford quickly looked at the windows door, you as well seeing explosion smoke, you quickly pulled up your pants and helped Sanford up.
Deimos open the closet door and saw hank, he looked back sanford and you. "Our ride is here!" He says before running off to hank.
Once in the van, you guys talked about various things, plans for the next mission, location ideas, supply runs , etc. "ugh, finally outta that place." You said, stretching slightly, feeling your bones pop a few times before sitting back in your original position. "Yeah, wait how long were you running from that herd exactly?" Sanford asked, realizing that you were even able to keep out their distance. "Well uh, maybe around 30 minutes at best I think??" You said, slightly picking your skin on your fingers.
"Sheesh y/n, you got stamina I'm surprised that they didn't land a hit on you either." Sanford said while cleaned his hook. "Haha yeah, but right now I'm just tired and need a shower " You sighed out.
Once back at the base, walked over to your room, grabbing your towel and headed off to the bathroom, but unfortunately deimos had to use it first, so waited until he got out. Once he did you got in the bathroom and began your long awaited shower, the warm water gently hitting your skin made you extremely calm.
While you were in the shower Sanford and deimos were talking about the experience in the closet. "I don't man, bringing up the subject might make it look like we're creeps." Sanford said, "yeah I guess, lets just wait until she asks about it." Deimos said, sitting back down the couch.
Putting back the shower head in place and turning off the water, you grabbed a towel and made your way to your room. You have overheard some of sans and dei's convo, you began to think of it. 'It did feel nice, great even.' You began fantasize of the possibilities but you didn't wanna make it awkward so you just got dressed and headed off to the kitchen for snack. Looking in the fridge, you spot a ritz cracker roll. You yelled out to whoever wanted it but no one did so you just ate five and headed back to your room.
Then night came
While sleeping you heard a noise, half paranoid and awake, you grabbed a random screwdriver in your room and checked it out. Tip toeing your way in and slowly turning on the light, your stance looked like you were about to stab a man for nickel and quarter.
Deimos nearly dropped his cup before realizing it was you, "oh shi- jeez y/n, who gonna mug?" He said referring to the screwdriver in hand. "Oh this, well you never know man." You shrugged off before asking what deimos was doing. "Eh just getting some water." He said before drinking the last of it and rinsing the cup and putting it away. "Oh well, sleep tight." You said before walking off, deimos walked back to his room, where Sanford was still asleep. 'Damn, this fucking boner.'
In the morning you've awoken in a mess, hair a mess and fingers tired.
You had washed your hands, brush your teeth and hair and met up with the others, Sanford quickly noticed your mood. "Sleep well y/n?" The big man asked has he flipped the pancake into the plate. "Eh, I've had worse nights." You said while scratching the side of your neck. "You sureee, cause i heard a lot of shuffling in there, but not like in a peeping tom way like, bystander point of view." Deimos exclaimed, but you couldn't really care about it once you shoved your face in the pancakes.
After breakfast, you, Sanford and deimos were sent off to a mission for files and a hard drive, 'its said that the drive has vial information.' Doc stated, while on the drive, you deimos made small talk. "So y/n, remember that time in the closet..." "uh- oh yeah that time, what about it." You said, the memory playing in your head, 'damn I wish we could of gone farther .' You thought, "So me and Sanford were debating on whether or not if we could continue but we don't want make you uncomfortable about it.
The moment he brought it up you almost jumped in your seat in excitement but you contained yourself, *ahem* "sure deimos, I wouldn't mind a little fun tonight~" you said in a flirtatious tone.
This time skip was brought to you by a cat
After the mission you guys stopped by [insert fast food restaurant] for a quick bite, Sanford rolled up to the speaker and ordered 3 cheeseburgers and paid at the window, once paid you guys got your burgers an d n immediately started to chow down on them, you almost ate it the moment you got in your hands, "wow y/n you must've been hungry hungry." Sanford said as he looked in the review mirror, seeing you basically destroying the burger with your mouth.
Once finished with it you made the biggest burp you could and then said, "excuse me" and giggled. Deimos was impressed from the sight and sanford was flabbergasted, soon enough you guys were back at the base, carrying the files and hard drive in and giving them to doc, Sanford went into the kitchen for drink, "hey dei catch!" He said as he threw a juice at deimos and then at you. Later you guys discussed which room to do it in, you all agreed that to do it deimos's and Sanford's shared room.
As night fell came upon Nevada, nigh clubs opened, grunts slumber and more.
You had just gotten out the shower, and deimos had signaled for you come his way, once in the deimos locked the door and you all sat on the bed and the soon began.
All consent was said and agreed.
Sanford made the first move by putting his hand on your side and moving it up and down slowly before putting you on his lap and began to start kissing and nipping at your neck, following up deimos began to make out with you, putting his knees on the bed over yours and Sanfords, you placed your hands on his back , you started to get into this immensely.
You then felt a bite on your neck, causing you to yelp out in surprise causing deimos to use his tongue next and deepening it more, he stopped when you needed some air .
You guys moved further onto the bed, you felt your bra to becoming undone by Sanford who then fondled on your soft breasts while deimos moved down to your thighs and removing your underwear and slowly began to tease and eat you out. His tongue was grazing over your walls ever so gracefully, your moans in groans and sweet face of bliss were driving the two up the wall, their boners could be seen through their boxers and they were BIG.
He then moved away from your mouth, which caused you to whine a bit before feeling yourself being flipped upside down now with Deimos's cock in your face, it was around 6 inches long with a good amount of girth, you slowly opened your mouth before he pushed it down your throat gently as he could, while deimos face fucked you, Sanford was enjoying his time devouring your puss.
He teased your clit and ate your insides before feeling a sense of liquid in his mouth, you instinctively wrapped your legs around his neck, shoving his face into you even more, his smirk on his face was proving he knew what he was doing.
Deimos soon finished his round into your mouth, you swallowed most of you could but some still dripped down your face, Sanford was soon done with your puss now being extremely soaked to the brim, he then laid you down on the bed, your legs were completely opened.
The duo soon mad their positions, Sanford was under you while Deimos was on top, with a few more teasing, before feeling deimos's dick inside of you, the blush on your face was intense when you felt another coming in. 'Holy shit can I fit that iN OH SHIT YES I CAN' you thought to yourself as Sanford's cock came in, 7.5 inches long and a good amount of girth made you see stars fast.
"Y/n. You okay?" Deimos asked as Sanford shook you out of your thoughts, you quickly snapped back into reality and soon answering deimos with a "yes" and "I'll be alright" cheerfully. "If you say so, we're gonna start moving, tell us when it gets too much okay?" Sanford said, making sure you were okay with it.
And with that the thrusting began, deimos started off at a steady pace while Sanford was completely slow, causing you to grip the bed sheets, then faster thrusting soon came before you knew it, you started seeing stars, your body going limp through the speed differences, he didn't hesitate to fondle your boobs either, pinching and rubbing against your nipple with this finger and thumb.
You quickly felt another orgasm coming in, deimos as well but strangely not Sanford. Deimos soon began thrust faster and faster, his thrusting hitting against your ass was oddly feeling great, and soon came the final finish as deimos made a few more thrusts while making sure you were okay with cumming in the inside again, he thrusted his thick load into you, he panted and pulled out.
He then realized Sanford wasn't finished which seemed odd deimos couldn't care less about it.
He then grabbed his pants and boxers, pulling them up and telling you two he'll be in the living room.
Sanford then promptly pulled out, still hard and erected which made you think what he was planning, you asked him and he said, "I think it's better with actions than words y/n~" he said with a toothy grin on his face. You gulped down the lump in your throat before feeling two big hands grab your thighs and push against your chest and stomach, putting you in a matting press position, your eyes widen we slowly inserted himself in again.
This new angle made you do backflips in your mind, he didn't hesitate to go down HARD. Making you moan louder than before,with each layer of thrust the more impact you'd have.
With a few more thrusts and back scratches, Sanford came into you deeply, thick ropes of cum were in you Sanford then pulled out slowly to let you process of what just happened but you were to drunken from your high to register anything, and the cum dripping out of you wasn't helping either.
Lets just say you needed some help walking for the next few days.
My ass need to be in horny prison.
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