Babies, again
Requested by Heckhickeryheck33 something idk
Fem!preggo!reader x hank
Instead of hank and y/n being together,
hank encounters y/n who's pregnant and a few weeks away from giving birth.
Another day another limb thrown across the halls of the AAHW amirite? Yup, the smell of iron and musty mold filled hanks lungs before he coughed up the disgusting air out. "Shits this air enough to get cancer and shit I'm breaking a window open." He then threw a body to a window, breaking it and letting it somewhat breathable air in. "Thats better." Hank thought to himself as he felt the breathable air come in.
'Hank do you copy?' Hanks intercom went off as doc spoke and answered. "What's up doc?" 'Was that a pun?" "What?" "Nevermind, did you get the materials?' Doc asked as he typed away on his key board, checking data and information.
"Yeah I did, any luck yet?" 'Not yet, this is one Pretentious mother fucker' doc said, sighing before continuing the conversation. 'Continue to search more areas for information, you copy that?' "Copy."
And the conversation ended there.
Soon enough hank was searching any facility for information, either through passive aggression or murder, and most of it was murder. He had gathered some files, hard drives, etc. Hank soon grew hunger and was craving something to eat, so he goes to the closest convenience store and walked in. Everyone was minding their own business with out acknowledging the fact, that quite frankly.
The most wanted man in Nevada has entered. The only person to talk notice is the manager, and someone in a cloak.
The murder started walking down the aisles of the small convenience store, wondering what he shall devour or savor in a heartbeat, there was just a lot of unbranded things with direct words on it. COOKIES, GUMMIES, SODA etc. He thought it was funny. He then grabbed his desired snacks and drinks and went off to the cashier, who quivered in fear when they realized they were face to face.
Hank put down the snacks and soda, pulling out a few dollars to pay. Once the items were rung up and bagged hank paid and left. He's a murder but he has standards, once out the store he contuined his mission.
Meanwhile in the convince store
The person in the cloak walked up to the register to but their items, they were a bit questionable but no words were said. Once they left the store they headed off to their house, on the way they were jumped by a random gang. They stood their ground, ready to pull out their weapon before hearing a loud grumbling and shaking from the ground.
They stepped back before seeing some clown demon thing, jumping up from the ground and leaping towards the grounds with its stop sign and started killing. They quickly ran off with bags in hand, not wanting to get hurt anytime soon.
Once they made it to their hideout the took off the cloak and sat down on a chair.
(Insert a cool perspective change)
'Its been months since, I can't believe I have that one night stand with that guy, ugh.' You thought to yourself, before resting your head on the table. You sighed heavily before taking a shower, hopefully you won't fall on the tile floor and bruise your ass.
(Many minutes later)
After you got out the shower and dried yourself, you sat on your desk researching looking for information for ending the madness and hopefully things will get better soon, but thats a long road ahead for everyone involved.
You mumbled to yourself as you browsed through files, documents, flask drives of anything of the madness and auditor but only so little was found.
You felt a sharp poke on your side, you steadily but quickly made it to your bed, laying on your back as the pain contuines but slowly go away, little babies feet made small bumps on your bloated stomach, you sighed quietly before resetting your head against the headboard. You thought to yourself, 'would they even care if they had a kid, or would they just run away completely?' Multiple things ran through your head, eventually heading into a deep sleep, being woken up by the baby's movement several times, nonetheless deep sleep.
When you woke up, you felt slightly sore and droopy, tried to get up but failed unfortunately. Three hours later you were able to get up, feeling some abdomen pain but went away slowly, you checked the time it was 6:01 'Damn I was asleep that long-?'
You walked around nexus city, all the dim advertising led lights shined throughout the city it gave off a late 70 aesthetic or a old lifetime. As you walked you noticed that people were looking at you, to ease their suspicion you pulled your hood down enough to show your face, but not the point where someone immediately recognized you.
Soon enough you saw a small event happening, a lego competition? Sounds fun. You signed your "name" before waiting for the competition to start, while waiting you recognized a familiar face, it was hank-
Wait, a lego competition??? You questioned it but then shrugged it off, everyone has their interests even the most wanted. Once the competition started the host explained the rules and events:
Rule one! Don't steal pieces from others sets, if caught you're disqualified
Rule two! Be mindful of others, don't be mean to others
Rule three! jerking each other underneath the tables, its even sadder that we had to make this rule...
[You snorted before keeping your composure, along with other contestants. 'The real question is who we're the legends to do such thing' you thought to yourself before making it to the tables of multitude of legos]
The first round will be a scenery! Must have theme and appropriate
Second house! Gotta make a house or sorts
Final, a boat, gots to make boat outta legos, its basically law at this point
And with that the games have begun!
For the first round you made a orange farm, because oranges are delicious and your mind went to orange juice and soft pretzels 🥨. Once finished with your scenery lego area, you decided to see the other competitors inventions and their sets, someone made a replica of the Hogwarts entrance and someone also made the scene of the Eiffel tower, but not as big obliviously. You went back to your spot, luckily your set wasn't destroyed so you sat there waiting patiently, and the baby wasn't making it a hard time, surprisingly.
Hanks narrative
Hank got invested in his set fast and REALLY FAST like he didn't hesitate to go all out and you know what he made?
A bloody scenery with a blender right in the middle of it, the grunt next to him was quivering in fear and tried to finish his scenery.
Time skip to the end because this took days to finish
Hank won because it took the last round for the host to notice him, he got a life supply of meat and rice with some canned beans and vegetables, which is extremely lucky but hank was hesitant to take the prize so he gave it off to a random contestant, who happened to be wearing a cloak.
Neutral pov:
The cloaked person accepted the offer, but wasn't sure how to get the prize to their house, but they had to act fast before the meat spoils, the best option for them was using a portable shopping cart.
In the process of getting the stuff inside you got a sharp pain on your back, falling to the ground immediately and cursing under your breath before slightly hyperventilating, someone soon walked up behind you and helped you up, your eyes widen in fear.
It was Hank J Wimbleton, in the flesh.
"....familiar." He said as he examined your features and current state. You quivered in fear, hoping he doesn't hurt you in any way, shape or form. He then gently grabs you and takes you too a quite place.
"So.... Did you ever did a one night stand and uh-" he wasn't sure how to describe the next thing he was gonna say but you nodded your head, but you couldn't recall if it was him or someone else. Hank grumbled before asking another question about your current condition.
"How many weeks are you in?" Asked hank "about- uhh 4 months through actually" you chuckled out nervously, unsure what to do in this case. "....I might be the father." Hank said abruptly, because he remembered a few months back he had a one night stand with someone, Deimos and Sanford encouraged him to have a bit of fun.
You stammered out a very confused "what-" with eyes widen in disbelief, "yeahhhh uhhh" he replied as he rubbed his neck.
Skip from that awkward ordeal
Hank went back to the base, covered in blood of course (no he didn't kill you.) he came in with a sack of meat, cans and some rice. Sanford greeted him, hank gave him the sack before going to his room.
"Whats up with him?" Deimos peaked out from the living room, his head now in the hallway looking over to the sack and Sanford, Sanford just shrugged and checked what was inside of the sack, bagged meat, Rice bags and Canned vegetables. 'How he'd get all of this-?' Sanford thought before shrugging it off and putting the food away.
Deimos wondered if hank met some rando who was giving out free stashes of stuff, but he shrugged it off as well before returning to the living room.
Hank sat on the bed in his room with a paper in hand staring at the phone number written on it, it was from you.
'I'm gonna be a parent."
This took too long for my own sanity I apologize deeply to everyone. And also I think I have a reputation for writing pregnancy one shots- eh.
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