Chapter Twelve : Now He Knows
« There's always that one special place
that makes all of our problems disappear »
I turned around slowly.
"Hey Charlotte." I said with a fake smile, trying to not look suspicious.
"Don't say 'hey Charlotte'. I know you were with Emith, how could you?" She said, speaking softly at the end.
Charlotte put her head down and sighed. I walked towards her and hooked my fingers under her jaw. I lifted her head up so her eyes met mine.
"I'd never leave you Charlotte. I was just asking about my parents. I wanted to, no, I had to learn more about them." I said.
Charlotte's eyes searched mine for any sign that I was lying. I guess when she found none, she gave me a small smile.
"Good. Don't think I'd survive without your annoying self." She laughed.
I laughed as well. I guess Charlotte did enjoy my company, even just a little bit.
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"The hell! How do humans find this fun?" Charlotte yelled as she slammed her controller on the ground.
"Video games are fun, you just need to practice them." I replied.
"They're a waste of time." She mumbled.
"Sometimes." I laughed.
"What else is there to do here?" She asked.
"We could watch a movie, play a board game or go get food." I said.
"Food. I'm starving." Charlotte laughed.
We both headed downstairs but we were stopped before we could make it.
"Back inside your apartment. Now." Jared said angrily.
"Dude what's wrong?" I asked.
"Don't ask what's wrong Eliot! Everything is messed up!" He yelled as we walked back upstairs.
We entered my apartment again and all sat down in the living room.
"Now relax and tell us what's wrong" I said calmly.
"I'll tell you what's wrong! I was watching the tapes with the boss so we could try and get a better look at the missing patient. You know, the one girl that's been missing for a while now. I got a good look and then I realized: hey you know who looks exactly like that? Eliot's girlfriend!" Jared yelled.
"Well took you long enough to notice. Also I'm not his girlfriend; humans believe anything." Charlotte laughed.
"Eliot you almost cost us our jobs! What the hell are you thinking? She's mental!" Jared yelled.
"It's a long story." I mumbled.
"Well we've got the time." He replied.
So me and Charlotte sat there, explaining everything to Jared. I mean literally everything. All about the other dimension, the monsters, Charlotte, my parents and me.
"What?" Jared asked at the end of this.
"That's everything." Charlotte said.
"I can't believe this." He mumbled.
"Me neither." I agreed.
"No. I mean I can't honestly believe that you've gone crazy too! I mean come on Eliot. Monsters? Another dimension? Your own parents? You've gone insane." Jared yelled.
"Believe what you want. You still can't say anything." Charlotte shrugged as she leaned onto the back of the couch.
And closer to me.
"Oh yeah? Watch me." Jared laughed.
"They won't believe you anyways. Eliot is going to show up to work tomorrow and everyone will think you're crazy. We're not from here Jared. You couldn't even begin to dream of the stuff we can do." Charlotte said with her signature smirk on her face.
"Screw you." He spat.
"Watch what you say Jared." I hissed, already growing tired of this.
Jared sighed.
"Holy hell." He mumbled.
"Holy hell indeed." Charlotte laughed.
Jared stood up and started walking to the door.
"Where are you going?" I asked.
"I'm stressed now. Where do you think I'm going." He said.
I laughed and followed him towards the door.
"What is going on? Where are we going?" Charlotte asked as she followed us.
"When he's stressed there's only one place he ever goes." I replied.
"A bar?" Charlotte said.
"No, bars are just for fun. We're going to the arcade." I laughed.
Charlotte groaned and followed us towards the parking lot.
"Does that mean more video games?" She asked.
"Nope, they're arcade games. They're a hundred times better." I answered.
"We'll see about that." She mumbled.
We'll see indeed.
Well that's this chapter. Sorry for it being so short but this chapter was important to the story (somewhat). Jared knows now so.
This chapter and the next one will just be small filler chapters to keep the story going. Sorry about that.
Also I had to post on Friday cause I leave for my last camping trip of the summer today and I won't have internet so I can't post on Saturday.
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