Chapter Sixteen : Explanations And Heartbreaks
« We can never keep everything
bottled up for long »
When I slowly started to wake up, I was greeted with the sound of machines beeping and the horrible smell of chemicals and death. I knew I was in a hospital. As more of my senses came back I was able to picture what was going on. The machines beeped to the sound of my heart beat, people being pushed in gurneys or wheelchairs made a noise as they went down the hall, and small droplets of liquid kept hitting my right arm and my chest. Small sniffles and cries were heard but I knew it wasn't me.
I opened my eyes and stared up at the ceiling for a minute. I took a deep breath before turning my head to the right. Charlotte's angelic face was stained with tears and her eyes were red from crying.
"I thought you were dead. Again." She cried as she rested her head on my arm.
I moved my left arm, while being careful not to move Charlotte, and wrapped it around her back. We stayed hugging while I waited for Charlotte to calm down. Once she was able to relax and compose herself again, she sat up. She gave me a sad smile.
"Do you remember anything?" She asked.
I wanted to say no. I still desperately wanted to forget the murder of my best friend. Yet after his death, the last thing I remember was taking my first shot at the bar.
"Somewhat." I answered honestly.
"What's the last thing you remember?" She questioned.
"Ordering a ton of shots and drinking my first one." I replied.
It wasn't hard to put two and two together. I knew I had gotten drunk and ended up passing out from drinking too much. The thing was, I was worried about what I had said and done as I was drunk.
"So you don't remember me coming to the bar and trying to take to you? You don't remember the fight I got into with the woman because she tried don't remember me calling your name and begging you to even look at me as I was being escorted out of the first bar you went to? You don't remember passing out on the street!" She said calmly at first but then started yelling at the end.
"No." I whispered.
"I know it's hard Eliot, but I can't lose you. Not now, not ever." She said as she looked out the window of my hospital room.
I placed my hand on hers and she moved her attention back to me.
"I know I'm bipolar as hell, but I still have feelings and I still care. Eliot you're the closest thing I have to a friend, hell, you're the closest thing I have to family too. I don't have you to waste your life and make horrible decisions just because.....god damn it. Eliot I can't lose you ok? I just can't." She said.
I didn't know what to say. I may be a psychologist and have to deal with people's emotions everyday, but I didn't know how to deal with mine. I was at a loss for words.
"I know. You don't have to say anything back, but I have to continue." Charlotte added as if she was reading my thoughts.
She waited a moment, then took another deep breath, and continued.
"I was kicked out for a reason. The rules back home and messed up, but it's home. A few years ago I came to this dimension. It was my first time here and I was excited. Nixon had taken me to show my how corrupt the human society was supposed to be and to prove that our rules and society were the best. I was here for about two days, until I saw him. He was with this blonde lady and they seemed to be on a date. She was pretty but when I looked at him, everything just seemed complete. I had never felt anything like it before." She started.
She stopped and I gave her a nod to say that I understood, was here for her, and that she should continue talking.
"We never had anything like that back home, but I knew what it was. The feeling I had was breaking one of our most enforced rules, but I didn't care. Sadly I was only there looking at him for a few minutes. Nixon dragged me back home and we never spoke of that incident for a few months. Then all of a sudden Nixon was yelling about how someone had found out and how many strings he had to pull to keep me back home. I didn't care, I kept thinking of him and then a week later I was kicked out and sent here." She explained.
"Did you find the guy?" I asked curiously.
"Yes." She whispered.
"Then go to him Charlotte." I smiled.
Charlotte didn't say anything. All she did was stand up and walk out of the room. All she did was leave me curious about who the guy was and why Charlotte hadn't gone to him.
Why was she still here with me?
Chapter sixteen.
Now we know Charlotte's story, but what's going to happen next?
Follow me on Instagram: invisible5792
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