Chapter One : The New Patient
« The unexpected is just the beginning.
The unexpected is what changes our lives »
"Damn it." I mumbled as I slammed my pen down on the desk out of frustration.
Ink spilled out of the pen but I was quick enough to grab the files I had been working on.
"Hey Eliot. Man, you've got to take a break from those. You've been working at them all damn day." My best friend and coworker, Jared, said as he walked into my office.
I sighed before closing file two out of a hundred.
"Ok, I'm taking a break. Happy?" I replied.
"Yes, now let's go. There was some new patient brought in by the cops." Jared demanded.
"Who's patient are they going to be?" I asked.
"Yours." He smirked.
Of course they were mine. Almost every patient got sent to me. I don't mean to complain, I love my job as a psychologist here at the mental institution, but they really needed to get more than four psychologists here if we're going to keep getting so many patients.
I sighed before getting up and following Jared to where the patient was.
"So do they have a rank yet?" I asked.
We ranked patients from one to five. One being the lowest, meaning you'd probably be able to leave here in less than a year. Then there's the level five patients, the ones who have slim to none of a chance of getting out of here. Luckily for me we've never had a level five patient since I started working here.
"Not yet. The boss wanted you to do the ranking. Apparently he's too busy." Jared answered with a scoff.
The only time I'd met my boss was when I was hired. After that he was always in his office, probably drinking, doing some online gambling or doing....things with women.
"Of course he is." I said sarcastically.
"Well anyways we're here." Jared said.
I opened the door in front of me and stepped inside. Inside the room was a police officer and a wall of one-way glass that lets us see into the next room where the patient was being held.
"What have we got?" I asked.
"Found screaming in an alleyway. Sounded like a serious conversation until I realized I can't hear anyone talking back. Started putting up a fight and calling for help to something behind her, but there was no one there. She kept saying something was in the car with us but it was just me and her." The officer replied.
"She?" I asked surprised.
We rarely got female patents here. Of course the occasional drug addict but never really anything serious. Females were normally sent to a different mental hospital.
"Yep, she."
"Well we might as well go in. Bring a doctor." I said.
A doctor stepped into the room a few minutes later. The officer had left while ago, so me and Jared stepped into the room along with the doctor.
"So far I assume she is mentally ill. According to what the officer reported, she seems to see things that are not there and therefore she acts upon life as if her visions are real." The doctor said.
I looked over at the girl hiding in the corner. Her long silver hair falling over her shoulders and covering her face from my view.
Until she looked up at me. A pair of vivid blue eyes locked with mine, and then I was pulled in. Into her eyes.
My vision blacked out for a minute. When it returned I looked around the room. The doctor and Jared had disappeared, but the room was still the same. And the girl was still here.
"I'm not crazy. You just have to look."
The voice belonged to the girl. It had to. She had a melodic and peaceful voice.
"So look." She demanded.
I turned my attention away from her to look around the room again. Then I saw them.
There in the corner opposite of the girl and right behind me, others appeared in the room. Yet they weren't people, I knew that. They were like something out of a nightmare. Standing there and staring at me and the girl.
Yet as quickly as they appeared, they were gone.
"I'm not crazy. You just needed a bit of a push. You needed to see further." The girl spoke.
"Why?" I asked.
"Cause I'm not like your friend. I'm like them." She replied.
The girl stood up and walked towards me. Her hair fell away from her face and it gave me a view of who I was talking to. A small, angelic, almost doll like face but with a scar running from her left eyebrow to the right side of her lips.
"What do you want?" I asked.
"I want a lot of things, but I need your help." She answered.
"Help with what?" I said.
"Help getting out of here and back out. Out to where I belong." She replied.
"Why me then? Why not ask one of the doctors? Or that officer?" I asked.
"You ask a lot of questions. Yet to answer you, it's because you're special. You're not like your human friends. You are like me." She answered, a smirk on her face.
"What are you?" I asked.
"Some call me an angel, but the smart people call me a demon." She replied.
I was about to talk but she held a finger up to my lips.
"No more questions Eliot. It's time to go." She spoke.
I stared at her. I had never said my name. Not even Jared or the doctor in the room had.
The girl walked back to the corner she was in and sat down.
"My name on the other hand, is Charlotte." She smirked.
That was the last thing I heard, until everything snapped back to reality.
A.N : So chapter 1 is now complete. Let me know what you guys think about it.
I'm actually really exited for this story.
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