Chapter Four : Fears? Let's Forget
« One false move
could kill someone »
"Judging how I can't just send you on your way without you looking suspicious, you'll probably be here for at least a month." I stated.
"A month. A whole month!" Charlotte yelled.
"Yes. A month at least." I said.
"That's stupid! Why the hell can't I just go in a week or two?!" She yelled.
"Because, they'll think it's suspicious and will probably take a whole ton of tests on you to test everything." I explained.
"So what?" She asked.
"The tests they do will involve needles." I said.
Charlotte's face paled immediately after I said the word needles.
Charlotte and me had had two sessions now, this one being our third. Each session we would just sit in a corner of the room, side by side, and talk. Over those two sessions I learned at Charlotte was terrified of needles. Apparently the world where she came from needles were filled with horrible things and used for punishment and torture. I knew we do that on our dimension but Charlotte had explained it's a million times worse than here. Of course it would be different. That world was filled with literal monsters. Yet I'm one too. Apparently.
"Ok. Ok. Fine. No needles." Charlotte stuttered.
"Hey, relax. I won't let a needle come near you." I said as I put my hand over hers.
Charlotte's eyes snapped down to where our hands were touching. She stared at them for a moment before snapping back into reality. She pulled her hand away from mine as fast as she could and stood up. Then she sat down in the opposite corner of the room I was.
"Don't touch me." Charlotte whispered.
That's another thing about Charlotte: she hates it when I touch her, or even try to comfort her. I'm lead to believe that she's just using me to get out of here, but there's something about her. Something that I can't explain, but it draws me to her.
A loud buzz indicated that out session was over.
"I'll see you in our next session." I said professionally before exiting the room.
As I left the building and started my walk home my mind was focused on Charlotte. I wondered why she always pulled away when I tried to get near here. To be honest, it hurt. I wanted to help Charlotte, but it's hard to help someone when they're not trying to help themselves. She may have convinced me to help her get out of the institution, but she left everything else up to me. It's a lot of pressure, yet I'll do it. That's the kind of person I am.
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When I entered my apartment, my phone rang.
"Hello." I said without looking at the caller ID.
"Hey man." Jared greeted from the other side.
"What's up?" I asked.
"There's this new club opening up tonight. It's down by where that old movie theater was. So I was wondering if you wanted to come along." He explained.
I looked at my watch to see it was almost eight at night.
"Why not." I smiled, even though he can't see me.
"Great! I'll swing by yours in about twenty minutes." He said before ending the call.
I sighed before making myself a sandwich. I hated drinking with an empty stomach, it made me feel even worse the next morning.
As I finished my food and waited for Jared to come and get me, I grabbed a bottle of Advil and a glass of water. I placed both things beside my bed just as the doorbell rang.
"Who's ready to get so drunk that we won't remember this night?" Jared asked as I opened the door.
"Definitely me man. Definitely me." I answered as I exited my apartment.
"Tough day at work?" He asked.
"Yeah. The new patient isn't the best, but she's getting better." I answered.
"Well let's go. Maybe screw a few girls, get drunk off our asses. Who knows man? The night is still young." Jared smiled.
He's right. All I wanted to do right now, was relax and forget.
A.N : Chapter Four is up. Let me know what you guys think about it. Felt like posting another chapter idk why.
Q: Whats your favourite Tv show/shows?
My answer: Stranger Things, The Walking Dead, Riverdale and End Of The F***ing World.
Next chapter will be up Saturday
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