Chapter Eight : Trust Me
« I want to live
not just survive »
"Wow." Charlotte gasped in awe as we pulled up to the fair.
This years fair was located on a beach not too far from my apartment. I had decided to take her here right after lunch and stay until the sun set.
We got out of the car and I lead Charlotte to the ticket booth to get us some tickets.
"Pick a ride, any ride." I said to her as we walked into the fair.
"That one." Charlotte smirked as she pointed at a huge roller coaster.
"Perfect." I smiled.
We waited in the line for about ten minutes before it was finally our turn to ride. Luckily the seats for this ride were just two side by side seats.
The ride started up and I looked to see Charlotte had a scared expression on her face.
"Are you scared?" I asked, trying not to sound rude.
"Me? Scared? No." Charlotte answered with a scoff.
"Ok." I shrugged just as the ride finished its climb to the top.
I laughed as the ride plummeted down to the ground and quickly pulled us back up. I looked back at Charlotte to see her smiling.
"See? It's not that bad." I smiled at her.
"Yeah that was actually kind of fun." Charlotte said.
Suddenly the ride sped up and we were headed towards three inverted loops.
"Hold on." I laughed.
"Holy hell!" Charlotte screamed as we started going around the first loop.
We finished going around the loops and the ride came to an end. Charlotte still had a smile on her face.
"Let's go again." Charlotte said excitedly.
She reminded me of a little child who didn't want to leave Disneyland.
"Sure. Let's go again." I agreed with a smile.
The ride started up again and we all screamed in joy as it started its climb back up.
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We've been on every ride at the fair at least three times. Charlotte had a smile on her face the whole time and it brought a smile to my face as well to see that she was having fun.
"Let's go in here." Charlotte suggested as she pointed at the haunted house.
"You sure?" I asked.
"Definitely." Charlotte smirked.
We handed in our tickets and made our way inside. The first thing we were greeted with was a room filled with dolls.
"I hate dolls." Charlotte mumbled.
"Agreed. Let's keep going." I said.
We kept walking further into the house. Suddenly an idea popped into my head and I stopped walking. I hid behind a wall and waited.
"Eliot?" I heard Charlotte ask.
Footsteps came closer to where I was and I smiled.
"Eliot hello?" Charlotte called.
I looked around the corner and saw Charlotte looking around the room. I quickly jumped out and picked up Charlotte. She screamed and landed a punch to my face.
"What the heck!" Charlotte yelled as I put her down.
"Jeez woman. You throw a hard punch." I said as I rubbed my jaw.
"Oh umm, sorry." Charlotte apologized.
"It's fine but it was funny when I scared you." I laughed.
"Whatever." Charlotte said as she rolled her eyes.
We walked out of the haunted house and I looked up to see the sun setting.
"Hey, I've got something to show you." I said as I lead Charlotte to the ferris wheel.
The sunset always looked amazing to me so I thought Charlotte would enjoy the view from the top. Another bonus was that the ferris wheel was on the dock right next to the ocean, so we could see everything from the top.
We got in a seat and the ride slowly brought us to the top. The ride stopped us at the top and Charlotte looked out towards the water.
"Wow." She whispered.
I smiled as I looked at her. She moved and looked down at the bottom of the ride.
"No." Charlotte gasped.
"What?" I asked.
I looked down and saw nothing.
"Do you trust me?" Charlotte asked as she turned to me.
"What?" I asked again.
"Eliot do you trust me or no?" She replied.
"I do." I answered honestly.
"Good. Now jump into the water." She demanded.
"What? No." I said.
"Eliot I'm jumping too but if we don't jump now we'll die." She yelled.
Charlotte stood up and pulled me with her.
"Now." She said.
I gasped as we both jumped off the ferris wheel and landed in the water. As we fell I saw the ferris wheel falling down as well. We landed in the water seconds before the ferris wheel did. I swam towards the top but something hard hit the top of my head. I slowly lost consciousness and felt my body sinking closer and closer to a dark oblivion.
And here's chapter eight. Wasn't a long chapter but hey, what's going to happen to Eliot?
Q: Favourite Sport?
My answer: I personally hate playing sports but I like to watching hockey.
This chapter is being posted today instead of Saturday cause I'm going camping for the weekend and probably won't have wifi
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