Chapter 5: For Bonnie~
Glamrock Freddy's P.O.V:
Chica, Roxy, Monty, & I have been busy with the upcoming concert, we practice and rehearse every day. It is a little tiring, but. . .I still made time to talk to Bonnie, and go home. Bonnie gave me helpful tips, he really is observant, and very good at teaching, another brilliant talent of his. Recently, I find myself thinking about him more & more. He's such a great friend to me, we haven't known each other for that long, but I feel like we've known each other for years. Bonnie~. . .
After practice, "Alright, get some break, guys! Meet back in an hour!" We got off the practice stage, our manager, Lewis, walks up to me, "Freddy! You're doing pretty good! I like how you changed some tones during the song, and it fits well! Did we give you an upgrade that I'm not aware of?" "No, I have not. I was advised to, and I tried." "Well, that advice was great~. Keep it up, Fazbear!" Lewis walks away, talks to other employees. "Freddy!" I heard Chica, and turns around, "Hello Chica." "You're acting really bright recently~. Are you that excited for this concert?" she asked, and I replied, "Yes, I am excited. This concert is very special." "Ooohhh~, what makes this concert different from others?" "Well, my friend is coming, it's his first time." "Oh my god! That IS exciting~! I hope your friend will enjoy our concert!" "I hope so too." "After the concert, we're going to celebrate with pizzas! So DON'T go home early, pretty please~!" "Do not worry, I will stay to celebrate." "Yay~!" Chica cheers, I would like to invite Bonnie to that celebration, then I remembered about some advice Bonnie gave, "Oh, Chica, I wanted to talk to you about-" "Hey Chica!" I heard Monty call her. Chica turns around, and Monty walks up to her, "Wanna practice a bit for our duet section? I might need some help on timing." "Oh! I would love to!" She turns to me, "Sorry, Freddy, but let's make this concert better than our past ones!" "It is alright, go ahead, Chica." Chica waves her hand; she & Monty walk away to practice.
I looked at the music sheets that were sent to Chica, Monty, & Roxy, I got the lyrics. I cannot read the notes well, but Bonnie taught me some points. I looked around and saw Roxy at the other end of the room, checking her hair & make up. Bonnie did mention about her performance. . .I am getting all the advice from Bonnie, but I could not bring myself to tell them. . .but this concert. . .it is Bonnie's first time coming to see us play live. . .come on, Freddy. I want to impress him, and let him experience the best, first concert. I checked the messages Bonnie & I had:
[Freddy, you are my SUPERSTAR! Thank you! It's going to be the best, first ever concert for me!]
[I am looking forward to seeing you there~.]
[Me too~! You are the best!] I want to keep up with the image. . .being his Superstar. . .I cannot & will not disappoint him!
I showed Bonnie the music sheets that were meant for Chica, Monty, & Roxy. "Wow, there's gonna be a duet between Chica & Monty?" Bonnie asks. "Yes, it is one of our new music for the concert." "I see. . .and um, are you sure it's okay to show this to me?" "I got permission, and well, I will keep it a secret. Plus, you are my friend, it is like a perk you get." "Haha, nice perk." "Plus, your advice helped me improve my performance." "Really? You tried what I told you?" "Yes, it is very helpful, and on point." "W-Wow. . .I knew it'd be great! But it's all because of you, Freddy." "Nonsense, Bonnie. It is all because of you~." "You're gonna make me blush~." Bonnie's ears wiggle, and his face turns a little red at his cheeks, what a cute sight of him~.
"Hmm. . .the bass & guitar are different, these notes. . .Freddy, next time when they play this part, could you listen to it closely?" "'Listen closely'?" "Yea, I don't know how they're going to play this part. Let me play it a bit so you might be able to hear the difference when they play versus when I play." Bonnie stands up and grabs his guitar. Bonnie sits back down, looking at the music sheet, he plays the part. I listen closely like Bonnie told me. "So, this is how the guitar sounds like." Bonnie stood up again, then switches to bass, sitting back down, and plays the part with it. ". . .And this is how bass sounds like." "I understand, Bonnie." "Monty has a little habit when he plays bass. Chica, from the videos I hear, like I said last time, she hits the strings differently." Bonnie taught me about the differences, it was very easy to understand. "You are a great teacher." "Thanks, I just really like music, and my ears are sensitive to them. Had some difficulties with it, but I'm glad I still have the function." Bonnie smiles, seeing his smile warms up my heart.
End of Flashback.
I asked Lewis if I could hear the recording of our practice, and when I listen to it, I can hear what Bonnie was talking about. I thanked Lewis and went to where Chica & Monty are. They were sitting together on a couch, practicing. "Okay, so this part, I think we should speed it up a little." Chica says pointing at the music notes. "Sure, I can go along with that. Your guitar starts, at this part, I'd follow in." Monty says. I walked up to them, "Excuse me?" They turn to me, and Chica says, "Freddy! Hi~! Did you need something?" "We still have time before our practice." says Monty. "I wanted to suggest something about you two's performance." "Oh? Is something wrong?" Chica asks, tilting her head a little. "So, ahem. . .about the duet part. I listened to the recording of our practice, and Chica, you seem to hit the strings a little differently." "Oh. . .you noticed? I try not to, but it's only a small part." "Well, I have a suggestion to help you with that." "Really?" "Fazbear, do you really know what you're talking about? You don't play any instruments." Monty asks, and I can understand his suspicions, I do not play any instruments, but. . . "Freddy played guitar before. He used to be a guitarist before settling as vocalist, since the incident." Chica says, and Monty asks, "What 'incident'?" "My vocal function caused a little. . .malfunction, haha." Chica says. "Really? You guys switched?" "I'll tell you the story next time, Monty. And uh, what was the suggestion, Freddy?" Chica asks, and I tell her what Bonnie told me.
"Wow! That's really helpful! Thank you, Freddy, I'll definitely try that!" Chica says excitedly, I was glad she took the advice positively. "You're welcome, Chica." "Do you have a suggestion for Monty too?" Chica asks, and I say, "I do." "No thanks, I'm fine." Monty says, then Chica says, "Aww~, come on, Monty~! It's not fair that I get help, and you don't. You said you wanted help." "On timing, and from you, not Freddy." "O-Oh. . .well, I'm not as good, and you got the timing right, Monty. At least listen?" ". . .Fine." Thanks to Chica, Monty listened to Bonnie's advice that I told him. "See, that wasn't so hard, right?" Chica says to Monty. "Yea, but. . .how the h*** did you know about my habit?" "O-Oh, that's um-" "There's only TWO people who know about it. . ." Monty eyes me suspiciously, and I tried to say about Bonnie, but Chica says, "Freddy is just observant, Monty. I didn't know about your habit, and we practice a lot together! I'm shocked. . .I'm so dull. From now on, I'm giving my full attention to you!" "Y-You don't need to do that, Chica." "I didn't know about your habit, BUT, I know your favorite type of pizza!" Chica says proudly. Monty & I giggle at her positivity. She always keeps the group together, she's a better leader than me. . . "I must go see Roxy next, I will leave you two to practice." "Thank you, Freddy~!" Chica waves her hand, and I leave the two. I went to the other end of the room to talk to Roxy. Bonnie gave me some advice about movements, and surely it will help Roxy.
Bonnie & I perform some movements. "Then a cheery on top, you twirl~!" Bonnie twirls beautifully. "Wow, you are good at this." I complimented him. "Thanks, but I'm out of practice. I used to help my friend with performance, and let me tell you. . .HE WAS A SPARTA COACH." "He's. . .from Sparta?" "Pffft! No, I meant he's really strict~! Haha~!" "Oh." Bonnie giggles at my mistake, his giggles are. . .cute too~. "Anyway, yea, he made me practice with him a lot, but I didn't mind. He's a perfectionist." "Your friend sounds like a friend I know." "Really?" "Yes, we used to be 3-man band." "Wait, seriously?" "This is when we were not famous yet, in the beginning. He liked to run around & did a lot of acrobatic movements, which let us gain some audience. Those people might remember him as 'one of The Glamrocks', he was quite popular. After he left, we struggled to get back, but the company found Roxy, and we gained back popularity, mostly with children. Then Monty joined, and we gained popularity among teens & adults." "Aww~." "I do miss him, but he is doing well with his new job." "That's nice. It sucks to lose someone, I felt sad when my friend had to leave for his job, but he still sends me postcards, and he's gonna come back soon. Though, I am a little nervous to take part in his Sparta lessons." "Haha, I will help you when you have to take part in it." "Would you?" "Yes, I take difficult lessons, and maybe, Roxy would like to learn. She is a perfectionist too." "Oh yea! Speaking of Roxy, I told you before about how her performance had some blocky movements, right?" "I remember you telling me." "Yea, she might be focused on the audience." "Is that a bad thing?" "No, but focusing on the audience can distract you. She might need some relaxation, since she is a perfectionist, right?" "I see. . .and she is." "Hmm, to make it easy, like I said, I'm out of practice, but I can try to copy her performance, and you should see the difference." "'Copy her performance'? But it isn't easy, especially with a keytar." "I learned from, now a pro, friend. Trust me." Bonnie says with confidence.
Bonnie copies Roxy's performance, I was impressed how well he did. I was mesmerized by his movements, Bonnie finishes, and says, "How was that?" "That was amazing~." "Thank you, and did you get it?" "Oh, was I supposed to record you?" "No, the movements, comparing mine to Roxy's." "I apologize, I was lost seeing your movements." "F-Freddy! I-I. . .t-thanks, but I-" Bonnie steps forward, but he slips. "Whoa!" "Bonnie!" I rushed over to catch him, I caught him just in time. "Bonnie, are you okay?" "Oh my god, I'm sorry, Freddy!" "I'm glad you didn't fall." I smiled. His face lights up a little red at his cheeks, "I-I. . .fell for you though." My face lit up a little, hearing that, "Pardon?" "I meant ON YOU! I-I'M SORRY!" "N-No need to apologize, Bonnie." We stay in this position for few more seconds, Bonnie leaning on my chest like this. . .I. . . Soon, we hear little noises. We look to the side, then saw a little wet floor sign bot. "Oh, hey there." Bonnie greeted. "Hello Pat-Pats." I greeted. "'Pat-Pats'?" "Oh, the studio has these bots as well, and our manager calls them Pat-Pats." "Hehe, that's a really cute name. I'm gonna call them 'Pat-Pats' too~." We giggled, then noticed that we were still in the same position, so we parted. "So. . .um. . .should I include that as well?" I joked, and Bonnie replied, "C-Cut that out!" I giggled at his reaction.
End of Flashback.
That was really cute~. . .Focus, Freddy! Now is not the time to think how cute Bonnie- I mean! What happened at the end! I walked up to Roxy, "Hello, Roxy." Roxy turns to me, she seemed a little startled. "Freddy, what do you want?" she asked. "Sorry to interrupt you." "I wasn't doing much. So what is it?" "Ahem, I wanted to talk to you about your performance." "What? You have a problem?" "I have a little suggestion." "Uh-huh. . .you, who only carries a mic & sings, wants to give me a suggestion about MY performance." "I do my own performance & movements. I just wanted to mention that you have blocky movements sometimes." "Y-You-" "I looked at the recording of our practice, and I noticed a certain blocky movement you had." "My performance is perfect, Freddy!" "Yes, that is true, but I still would like to give you a suggestion. You can leave it or take it, but. . .will you at least listen?" ". . .Sorry, I'm on a little edge. Sure, I'll listen. Honestly, I was a little bothered with it." "It is alright, Roxy." I told Roxy, Bonnie's advice.
"Huh. . .I never thought about it." "Relaxing may help, and you do not need to go completely like the script. Adding your movement freely may help smooth it out." "Hmm. . .I can do it, if it really changes." "I'm sure it will help you." "You sound confident, Mr. Face of the Company." "I got a suggestion as well, and I seemed to improve in others' eyes." "Wait, it's not YOUR own idea?" "No, it is from my friend, he has a pro-friend as well, learned directly from him." "Huh. . .alright, I'll bite." "Thank you for listening, Roxy." "I have high standards, but I can take criticisms. Though, I impulsively act like. . .that. Anyway, thanks." "You are welcome, Roxy." I smiled, and let her be alone.
That is all I can do, I told everyone Bonnie's advice, and they all seem to take it positively. I should tell Bonnie about it. . .hmm. . .I should keep it a surprise. Monty already knows Bonnie, but Chica & Roxy doesn't, I should let them all know who made their suggestions. Bonnie deserves all the credit. I should practice & prepare for the concert. . .this concert. . .of course it's for all the children, teens & adults. . .but personally. . .I am performing, FOR BONNIE~.
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