Chapter 4: Start of Us
3rd Person's P.O.V:
Bonnie performs on the little stage in the Bunny Bowl, customers enjoy listening & drinking, including Freddy~. Freddy watches Bonnie perform, he smiles. "Enjoying the show?" M.X.E.S asks, and Freddy turns to him, "O-Oh, why yes. His music is really calming, very talented." "Of course, he is." M.X.E.S wipes a glass cup and puts it back on the shelf. "Are you the boss?" asked Freddy, and M.X.E.S answers, "Yes, I am." "I do not think we had a proper introduction. I am Freddy." ". . .M.X.E.S." "Oh, what a unique name." "I don't have a proper name, just call what you think it sounds. Bonnie pronounces as 'Maxes'." "If you do not mind, may I call you the same?" "I don't mind." Freddy smiles, and he looks at Bonnie once again.
After the performance, Bonnie hurries to go see Freddy. "Hey! S-Sorry for making you wait." "Do not worry, Bonnie. I am the one who asked if we could talk in the first place. I should be the one apologizing." "N-No, it's okay! I wanted to talk to you too, mutual feelings!" "Why don't you take Mr. Fazbear to the backroom to talk privately?" M.X.E.S asks, more like ordering Bonnie to. "Y-Yea! You're right! Um, follow me, let's go to the backroom." Freddy stands up from the seat, and says, "Sure, lead the way, Bonnie." Bonnie leads Freddy to the backroom, so they can talk privately.
Freddy & Bonnie sits down to talk, Bonnie says, "S-So um. . .what did you wanted to t-talk to me about?" "About your music. You are very talented; how long have you been playing guitar?" "Oh, well. . .since I was made. Like. . .few years ago. I prefer bass, but I can play guitar too." "You were made to be a musician, but you are working in a bowling alley. You told me that Fazbear Entertainment rejected you. . .I cannot believe that occurred." "Well. . .yea, they did. But it's also understandable. I'm. . .you know, a rabbit." "Is there something wrong being a rabbit?" Freddy asks, confused. "Oh. . .you don't know?" "I do not think I am aware." "Really? Rabbit animatronics have a bad reputation, and humans are afraid of them." "But that is not you." ". . .Yea, but humans can't see the difference." ". . .I-I apologize for starting a conversation like this." "It's okay." "I really like your music, Bonnie. It's the most beautiful music I've ever heard." "Y-You're overreacting~! I'm not that good." "You are a humble bunny." Bonnie blushes a bit, being called a 'bunny' by Freddy~.
"You. . .did purchase our merchandise yesterday." Freddy asks, and Bonnie blushes in embarrassment, "T-T-That! I-I'm not-well, I um. . .I really like you guys!" "Are you a fan?" "Of The Glamrocks? Of course, I am! I love the music & song you guys make!" "That is great to hear! We are working on a new song. Everyone is trying their best, they are truly amazing friends & bandmates." "Don't forget about yourself, Freddy, YOU are truly amazing as well! Your song, your voice, it brightens up anyone's heart & day. It always does for me~." Freddy blushes a bit, and says, "Thank you for your compliment, Bonnie. I try my best." "You have the perfect voice pitch, Freddy. You hit the notes perfectly, timing is perfect too. I never sang before, so my opinion might not mean much, but I really enjoy listening." "Bonnie. . ." "S-Sorry, I just really like your songs." "No, please, do not apologize. I appreciate it." They smile at each other and talk about the band.
"The big show about this song is Chica's guitar solo. I've listened to the live ones & recording ones, and she has a habit of hitting the string differently." "She does?" Freddy asks curiously. "Yea, she doesn't have claws, so she uses a pick, right? I think that's one of the reasons." "I see, I never noticed. I have played a guitar before, but I do use my claws." "You can play a guitar!? Oh my god, I must hear it!" "I am not good at it. I only played few times." "Maybe I can teach you! I've taught Monty, so I know I'm a good teacher." "You taught Monty? No wonder he is good at it." Bonnie blushes a bit, "Awww~, and speaking of Monty, how is he?" "He is doing great! His performance is great, and he is getting more popular." "I'm glad to hear that~. Man, I feel like a proud parent." "I can understand." The two giggles, then Bonnie says, "Monty really wanted to join the band, and I have you guys to thank for." "If you taught Monty, then you have my thanks for letting him join the band." "Haha, I did teach him, but he was chosen because he's talented. No need to thank me for anything." "Still, you have my thanks." They stare at each other, Bonnie still can't believe he's talking to THE Freddy Fazbear, and having a casual conversation with him~. Seeing Freddy this close, he can't help, but notice how handsome & adorable he is at the same time~. "You have. . .very nice eyes~." Bonnie compliments Freddy, making him blush. "O-Oh, why, thank you." Bonnie blushes more, saying, "D-Did I say that out loud!? S-Sorry! I-"
Suddenly a knock comes, and the two turns to the door, M.X.E.S opens the door, and says, "We're closing." "Wait, it's that time already!? Oh shoot! I'm sorry, boss!" Bonnie apologizes, standing up from the seat. "It's fine, you did your job anyway." "I apologize for taking his time. I have not noticed the time either." Freddy apologizes, and M.X.E.S says, "It's fine, sir. Clock out, Bonnie." "Yes, boss! And thank you." M.X.E.S gives a thumbs up, and closes the door. Bonnie turns to Freddy, "I'm sorry, I guess that's all the time we have." "I understand, and it was very fun, talking to you." Freddy smiles, Bonnie blushes, his ears wiggles.
Freddy leaves the room, Bonnie sighs in happiness, "He's amazing~. . .I-I need to hurry, I've caused boss enough trouble already." Bonnie soon clocks out, and exits the Bunny Bowl, then sees Freddy, who's leaning on the wall. "F-Freddy?" Freddy turns to Bonnie, leaning off the wall, and says, "Bonnie, I apologize, I was waiting for you." "It's okay, but why?" "I wanted to walk you home and talk to you a little more. Is that okay?" "Oh! S-Sure! I want to talk to you more too! Sorry for making you wait, I guess." "It was my own decision to wait, you do not need to apologize." "Well then, let's go." Bonnie smiles, and the two starts walking & talking.
"Roxy's movements seem a little blocky sometimes." "Is that so?" "Yea, she's pretty, & her talent playing the keytar is great, but sometimes, I see her moving a bit blocky. Like she's thinking about something other than performance. Or too focused about perfection." "You can tell all that from seeing us perform on screen? You said you haven't been a fan that long." "Well yea, but I'm observant, I guess. You guys are still great though." "I appreciate an observant fan~. Maybe, you should meet them & help them out." "W-What!? I-I don't think I c-can handle that! I-I mean, I'm not a long-time fan, and a-an outsider like me telling the p-pros these. . .amateur opinions. . .it'll be better if YOU tell them." "But it is your opinion, and I have not noticed at all. I cannot take your credit." "I give permission!" "Well. . .still, I. . ." Freddy frowns a bit. "Is something wrong?" "I. . .Chica may listen, but I doubt Roxy & Monty would." "Why not? They're your friends, right?" "They are, but. . .sometimes. . .Roxy & Monty seem distant. I can understand if they're not comfortable. Still, they are great when we all hang out together." Bonnie remembers that Monty does not like Freddy, and he felt bad asking, though he didn't know Roxy was distant as well.
Bonnie stops walking, Freddy notices, and stops as well, turning to Bonnie, "Bonnie?" Bonnie grabs Freddy's shoulders, and says, "Freddy, I know we don't know each other well yet, but we're friends! You are my superstar, and I am your fan! If you need to talk, I'll be there to listen! I'm sure they'll open up to you, but you need to step in first. Remember how you stepped into the backroom, talked to me, and here we are! I still can't believe we're friends, but we are. You guys are my dream now, and I will do anything to help." Freddy was lost for words, soon he smiles, "Thank you, Bonnie." "Anything, superstar!" Bonnie smiles, Freddy blushes.
They arrive at Bonnie's house, Bonnie says, "Thank you for walking me home. You sure you'll be alright alone?" "I am alright, Bonnie. I enjoyed talking with you." "I enjoyed it too! I hope we can talk again soon." "I hope so as well~." "Hehe, goodnight, Freddy." "Bonnie. . ." "Yea?" Freddy places his hand on Bonnie's cheek, Bonnie blushes, then Freddy smiles, "You have beautiful eyes~. I really wish you would join us." Bonnie blushes hard, and says, "Um, t-t-thank you, F-Freddy~." "Goodnight, Bonnie." Freddy, smiling innocently, pulled his hand away, and walked away. Bonnie's face was heating up, he closed his door, starting up his cooling system. "Holy s***. . .his hand. . .ahhhh! I'm such a fanboy!" Bonnie jumps on his bed, hugging his Freddy plushie.
Freddy walking home, he couldn't help, but blush & smile, remembering what Bonnie told him. "Bonnie~. . ."
After few days, Bonnie & Freddy has been talking at night at Bunny Bowl, building more friendship. One day, Bonnie wakes up, getting a message from Freddy.
[Good morning, Bonnie, I apologize for the sudden message, early in the morning, but I think there is something delivered to your home. Please check it out.]
Bonnie wonders what was delivered, he goes to check it out, then finds an envelope. Bonnie opens it, then his eyes widen as he sees that inside the envelope, there was. . .a V.I.P concert ticket for The Glamrocks! "HOLY S***! This is a concert ticket!" Bonnie quickly messages back Freddy.
[Holy moly! Freddy! Did you send me a concert ticket for The Glamrocks!?]
[I am glad it was delivered to you safely.]
[And it's V.I.P too!]
[You told me that you have never been to our concerts, I wanted you to see our performance, so I got you the best ticket I can for you. The V.I.P ticket includes photo pass, free soda, pizza, and a gift.]
[Freddy, you are my SUPERSTAR! Thank you! It's going to be the best, first ever concert for me!]
[I am looking forward to seeing you there~.]
[Me too~! You are the best!]
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