Chapter 34: Deserved?
Glamrock Bonnie's P.O.V:
When I woke up, I was in Freddy's arms. After I laid Gregory on the bed, we cuddled & went to sleep mode. I look up at Freddy, then kissed him~. Soon, Freddy woke up. I pulled away, and greeted, "Morning Freddy~." "Good morning, Bonnie~." We giggled, and we have things to do today. I'm going to see the green room they prepared for me. Last time, it was under construction, so I'm excited~! I helped Gregory & Freddy to pack their stuff & carry it to their home. "It feels like just yesterday that I was here. Was everything okay after what happened?" "Only the window was broken, we fixed it soon." Freddy opens the door, and we carry the stuff in. The house was clean, and comfortable just like before. That night. . .oh yea, didn't Eclipse warn me to get out? Why & how did he know that we were in danger?
Gregory had to go to school, Freddy sends him to school, while I stay at their home. I wanted to look around a little. . .remember what happened that night. . .and prepare myself for today. . .other than the green room. . .I have to confront. . .MONTY. Freddy briefly told me that he & Foxy know about Monty breaking me. . . Monty. . .my best friend. . .he attempted to destroy me. . .he wasn't there when I woke up. . .what happened to him? Is he okay? What should I do? I walked around the house, things weren't so different from last time. . .probably cause they stayed at the hospital. . .for me. Freddy. . .Gregory. . .how lucky am I to have you two beside me? I think I'm the luckiest in the world. Just having you two in my life. I tried to retrace my memory of that night, it all happened from Eclipse's text, telling me to get out of the house. An animatronic attacked Gregory, so I took him & got out the house, while running, I ran into Monty, and. . .he knocked me out. I woke up in that horrifying place. . .helped the kids, then. . .fought with Monty. I hope they didn't hear us talking or yelling. . .Monty really hated me. . .but he loved me too. . .the contradiction. . .I. . .can relate to him.
Freddy came back, and I say, "Welcome back, Freddy." Freddy smiles, "I'm home, Bonnie~." Freddy walks up to me, then gently wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me close. "I wish I can always come back home to see you." "F-Freddy!" A month & a week passed, and this guy really learned how to be smooth as f***! "I apologize, from now on, I can always see you at the studio." "F-Freddy. . .y-you've gotten really s-smooth with f-flirting~." "Did I? I am just speaking the truth, my feelings for you, Bonnie." Freddy kisses me, and I kiss him back. Ahhhhh~! I love him~! I felt him gently pin me against a wall. . .f***, I feel like we're in a movie or something~. We part, Freddy smiling so innocently, I can just see how happy he is~. "Freddy~. . ." "I love you, Bonnie~." "I love you too~." We shared another kiss~.
Later, we went to the studio. "You two are late." Roxanne says as she was standing with her arms crossed. "S-Sorry." I apologized. "I apologize, Roxy." Freddy apologized. "And Chica's late too." "Chica? She is not present yet?" Freddy asked. "Yea, I checked her green room, asked Monty & Lewis, but neither of them has seen Chica, then I texted her, and she said she's going to be late." "I hope she is alright. And speaking of green room, we must show Bonnie's green room!" "Oh yea, I'm really excited to see!" "Sure, go ahead." "Would you like to come see as well?" Freddy asks. ". . .Sure, if I'm not bothering you two." "Of course not, come on, Roxanne!" I said, and we went to my green room.
I nervously opened the door and walked in with Freddy & Roxanne. The room was blue, it had bowling ball & pin designs on the floor. There's a couch just like the one in Freddy's, but different color, there's a makeup area, closet for clothes, recharge pod, and a star shaped mirror. "Wow. . ." I said. "It looks very nice." Freddy says. "Yea, just like ours, but clean. . .for now." Roxanne says. "Bonnie?" Freddy asks me. "I. . .This is my green room. . .finally, I. . .I. . .I'm gonna be here for work. . .and. . .I. . .I can't express how much I appreciate this!" I turned to Freddy & Roxanne, hugging them both, "I can't wait!" Freddy giggled, and Roxanne says, "B-Bonnie!"
I looked around the room, feeling great~. "So, I can bring my stuff here?" I asked. "Yes, anything you want to, but no furniture." Freddy says. "Wow, this is amazing~! I might bring my Freddy plush here." "But. . ." I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind, "You have me here." "F-Freddy! I-I was talking about the plush! You know. . .the one you delivered to me." "Haha~, I know, I just wanted to hug you." "Freddy~!" "Okay, I should leave." "Roxanne, wait!"
I already made some plans about what to bring to feel like home. "I still can't believe that I have my own green room. . .I'm really joining the band." I said. "And the debut is coming, so we gotta practice." Roxanne says. "That's right! The debut! Ahhh! There's so many things to do! The stage. . .the dream. . .that I've been chasing. . .I'm so close." "Bonnie, we will all work together." Freddy says with a smile. "You're right, Freddy~."
Suddenly, someone came in, "There you are!" We all turned to the door, and saw Chica. "Hello there, Chica." Freddy greets her. "Hey guys, and wow! This is your green room, Bonnie? Amazing~! Can't wait to see how you decorate the room~!" Chica says. "I can't wait too! I already have plans~." I said. "Yes! Let me help when you do~!" "Ahem! Chica, did you want anything?" Roxanne asks. "Oh yea! I was searching for Freddy." Chica looks through inside her bag, then pulls out a small bag. "Can you give this to Monty?" Chica asks. Monty. . . "Oh. . .is he not here yet?" asked Freddy. "He is, but I wasn't able to go in his room, Foxy told me that Monty needs time to practice, and mentioned that you & Bonnie are going to see him later, so, I thought you can hand it to him for me." "Foxy?" I asked. "You don't know yet?" Chica asked. "Know what?" "We were going to explain that to him today." Freddy replies. "Oh, I see! And well, just. . .I'm just worried about him. I hope Foxy isn't being too hard on him. Foxy seemed to be on edge, and well. . .I'm just worried. Monty seemed to be feeling down, and like. . .avoiding us, so. . .I just hope this'll cheer him up." Chica. . . "Alright, Chica. I will deliver this to Monty, do not worry." "Thanks, Freddy!" Chica says with a bright smile. Chica really cares for Monty. . . "Chica, why don't we go to my green room & do some make up practice?" "Oh, sure! I needed help with mine today, I rushed out the house, so I forgot to apply makeup." "Sure, yours isn't that hard so. Later, guys." "See you later~!" Roxanne & Chica left the room. "I wonder what she got for him." Freddy says. "Yea. . .and. . .I think I'm ready." I said, and Freddy nods.
We headed to Monty's green room, we knocked on the door, then heard a thud. Freddy & I looked at each other, then slowly opened the door, then saw Monty on the floor, rubbing his head, and Foxy standing nearby. "What the f***!?" Monty shouted. "Ya messed up the rhythm again." Foxy says. "You didn't have to hit me!" "I don't play around, the hiatus is almost over! Ya've gotten much better though, and look, ya have guests~." Monty turned to us, our eyes met, and he avoided me soon. Monty. . . "Foxy, please do not harm him." Freddy says. "My bad, I just have an urge to punch him whenever he messes up." "F***ing abuser." "Hey. . .YA DESERVE IT, YOU KNOW THAT, RIGHT?" Foxy said in a deep tone. He's clearly mad. . . Monty remained silent, as he stood up. "So, finally made up yar mind?" "Bonnie?" Freddy asks me, and I replied, "Yea."
I walked up to Monty, "So. . .you started playing drums?" I see a drum set in his room. ". . .Yea, Foxy's teaching me." Monty says, not looking at me. "I see, how is it going?" Small talks. . .small talks. . . ". . .As you saw earlier, not good, but I got better apparently." "That's nice. . .you're quite talented so." Both of us remained silent. . .awkward. . .
"Can we just move onto the verdict of his punishment?" Foxy asks, breaking the awkwardness, but now it's tense. "Foxy. . ." Freddy says. "Fazy & I kept our mouth shut & didn't tell police that we have a murder animatronic in the family friendly band, because Fazy wanted Bonnie to have the right to call what to do with him. He's a liability if someone else finds it out, then the stage & Bonnie's dream, would crash into the ground! All because of HIM!" Foxy says. "We understand the risk. . .but. . ." Freddy trails off. I need to call the verdict on what to do with Monty. . . ". . .I'm prepared." Monty says, and I look at him, "I know what I did. . .debut is the last stage for me no matter what." "Monty. . ." I spoke, but nothing else came out. "So make it COUNT. Perfection is what's needed." Foxy says. "I get it, so Bonnie, hurry, and say it." Monty looks at me. I can tell. . .he's scared. I've seen the highs & lows of you, Montgomery. . . I heard from Freddy about what he & Foxy asked Monty in their interrogation. "I have a question to ask though." The most important question. . . "Did you really not bring the kids there?" "NO. I didn't even know about them being there! I just. . .wanted to bring you." ". . .I see. So you really didn't. . ." "I may be a f***ing monster who attempted to murder you, but kids are irrelevant! I've been in this band, a family friendly band! Kids are part of our audiences! Our fans! I wouldn't dare hurt them! . . .I can't tell you to trust me. . .but. . .I swear on my worthless life. . .I didn't." "Okay. . .I understand. Monty. . .your verdict. . ." I clench my fists. . . "Monty-"
Suddenly, the door opened, "I'm so sorry to interrupt!" We all turned to the door, and saw Chica, Roxanne & Eclipse. "Chica?" Freddy says. "Milady?" Foxy asks, and I said, "Eclipse?" Chica runs up to Freddy, "Freddy! Did you give it already!?" "Oh, um, not yet." Freddy replies. "Thank god!" Chica holds up a different bag to Freddy, "THIS is what I wanted you to give Monty. Thank god, I made it before you gave that one to him." "Was there a mix up?" "Yea, that one's um. . .mine." Chica giggles awkwardly, and they switched the bags. "Yea, a 'mix up'." Roxanne giggles. "Hey! Okay, it. . .wasn't a mix up, but I-I-" "She bought earrings for Monty, but he doesn't have ears." Roxanne giggles, and Chica's face turns red, "Bawk! I-It was a simple mistake! Freddy has one, so I know guys look good with it!" "Freddy's is a PIERCING, not EARRING." Roxanne says, and I giggle a bit, "Haha, oh Chica~." "Not you too, Bonnie!" Chica pouts. "Chica, why don't you give it to Monty? He is right here." Freddy suggests. "Oh. . .oh yea! You're right!" Chica takes the bag from Freddy, and walks up to Monty.
"Monty, here you go!" Chica hands the correct bag to Monty. "For. . .me?" "Uh-huh! You've been feeling down, and. . .we never got to do the duet at New Years. . .so. . .a welcome back gift." ". . .Chica. . ." "Come on, open it~!" Monty opens the bag, then takes out a small box, he opens the box, ". . .Chica, this is. . .a necklace?" Monty takes out the necklace from the box, a golden necklace with a double triangle. "Yup! As Roxanne said, I tried to give you earrings, but you know how that went, and I bought this necklace for myself, I was going to challenge myself with a new fashion style so, but. . .I think you'll look better with it." ". . .Haha, this is cool, thanks, Chica." Monty's voice. . .sounds sad? "And-and!" Chica opens her bag, and takes out a small box, opening it, she takes the earrings she bought out, green triangle earrings. "Ta-da~! Look, we're matching shapes!" Chica says with a smile. "Pfft! Chica! You tried to give him that!? A GREEN earring, when he's already green!?" Roxanne laughs. "Hey, stop laughing, Roxy! I-I just made a mistake, okay!?" We all started giggling, Chica sure knows how to lift the mood.
". . .Ha. . .hahahaha~! Oh damn, Chica! You're as clumsy as ever, but I f***ing love it. Thanks, really." Monty says with a smile. "You're welcome!" The mood seems better, but still, his verdict is still in my hands. . . "Come on, Chica, we better go, the boys have business to take care of." Roxanne says. "Okay, but. . ." Chica hugs Monty, "I've told you before, but. . .I missed you. You can always talk to me, when you're feeling sad. I trust you, and you can trust me all the way~!" "Chica. . .thanks, bud." Chica pulls away, smiling, "See you boys later~!" Chica & Roxanne left, Eclipse staying here.
"Monty. . ." I said, Monty turns towards the wall behind. . . He held the necklace. "Bonnie!" I turned around, seeing Eclipse. "Hey Eclipse." "I-I am so glad to see you!" Eclipse says, walking up to me. "Aww, I missed you, Eclipse." "I. . .missed you too. I'm-" "Oh yea! I never got to say this, thank you, Eclipse." "Wha. . .I. . .why?" "You texted me, remember? You warned me to get out of the house now. If you didn't, Gregory may have been taken away. You were looking out for me." ". . .Bonnie, no. . .I. . .I'm the one who put you & Gregory in danger!" "What?" Eclipse confesses about having multiple modes, and how he was used by 'Vanny' & helped Monty kidnap me & Gregory. Eclipse wishes for a rightful punishment from me. . .
Monty. . .Eclipse. . .they together planned & caused this mess. . . "My verdict. . ." I spoke. Monty & Eclipse both look down a bit. Eclipse assisted Monty, kidnapping me & Gregory. . .and Monty hurt me so much. . .physically & mentally. ". . .Eclipse, you're forgiven." Eclipse looks at me, "I. . .am? But-" "You did admit to assisting & kidnapping Gregory & I, but. . .I know your heart lied in the right place. You texted me to get out of the house, and that's all I need. You didn't mean any harm, tried to warn me. . .you prepared my endoskeleton, right? I don't have any hate against you." ". . .Bonnie. . .I. . .I'm so sorry. . ." Eclipse starts spilling oil from his eyes, and I reached out my hand to him, "Come on, Eclipse, you're my friend still." Eclipse hesitantly took my hand. "Now's the real problem, matey." I looked at Monty. . . "Montgomery. . .I'm deeply hurt by your actions & words. You tried to destroy me. . .you hated me. . .lied to me. . .you're not my friend anymore. My verdict to you. . ." I smiled, ". . .You're forgiven."
Monty looks up at me, "What?" "You heard me." "Bonnie, matey, he literally-" "I know, Foxy, and he's not my friend, but. . .my rival." ". . .Why!? Are you pitying me!?" "No. . .but you told me all, what you truly felt about me. . .you hated me, but loved me too. That contradiction. . .I felt it too. That audition changed everything. . .I loved you as a little brother, as my best friend, but also HATED you for passing the audition. I failed because I was a rabbit animatronic. Reputation of us was cruel. . .you were lucky, but they chose you among others, you have talent. I was jealous of you. . .so I couldn't face you, support you like I should've. So. . .if you really think about it. . .I deserved it." "Bonnie, you. . .that's. . .I. . ." Monty trails off, lost for words. ". . .I see you as equal, my rival. Even if you change instruments. . .you still have someone who acknowledge you, cherish you. . .like me having Freddy." Monty looked at the necklace he just received from Chica.
"Those words you said when we clashed. . .were the true reason you tried to destroy me, wasn't it? No matter the hate or love. . .you feared. . .to lose someone who acknowledges you. . .who you look up to. . .who you cherish in life."
"Chica. . ." Monty grips on the necklace, his eyes start spilling oils, "Bonnie. . .I'm. . .I'm. . .REALLY SORRY. . ." Monty says, falling to his knees, "I'm sorry. . .I truly am. . ." I felt my heart ache. . .even if he tried to destroy me. . .he's still the Monty I know & love. I kneel, then hug him, "You're forgiven." Monty just cries on my shoulder.
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