Chapter 28: My Turn
Gregory's P.O.V:
That night. . .I was sleeping in a cardboard box. . .it was cold, the newspaper didn't keep me warm, I couldn't sleep. I walked out, trying to find something to keep myself warm. I looked into the trashcans, but nothing, just gross stuff. I walked, feeling cold. . .and I'm really hungry. . .I was thinking of eating whatever was in the trashcan. . .even if it's gross. Then I heard something, and I followed the noise, thinking someone threw away food in the trashcan, but. . .I saw a white rabbit lady. . .with red liquid. . .I couldn't see what it was, but. . .I saw a hand. I tried to go back, but tripped on a soda can, and I fell. "Ah!" I shouted as I hit the cold ground, and. . .I saw her turn to me. "Are you having fun yet~?" she asked me, and then I heard clicking noises, and a creepy voice, "It's past your bedtime~."
I ran away as fast as I can. I looked over my shoulder. . .she was chasing after me. . .I ran & ran, I lost my shoe while running, tripping on things. I ran into a building, but I couldn't get in. I ran around, then found a vent. I tried to open it, grabbing anything nearby, then found an orange, blue, square thingy. I used it to open the vent, and crawled in. I crawled & crawled, but I couldn't get out, everything was locked. I was scared. . .the rabbit lady might come in & get me. . .I can't run in here. My eyes hurt from the water in my eyes, and I tried to kick it open. . .then I saw two holes, I used the thing I found, put it in then twisted it. The vent opened, and I crawled through, landing on a desk. I was locked inside, but. . .there was a computer on the desk, and I started clicking & doing anything I can, then I found pictures of the thing I have, it's called, 'FazWrench'. I used it on the computer, and the doors opened, but it caused something called, 'Lockdown'. The screen was flashing the word, 'Security Breached'. I was looking for a way out, then. . . "Is someone there?" I turned around. . .then saw. . .a big. . .orange bear. . .with glowing yellow eyes. "Oh, hello." "Ahhhhh!" I ran away, but he chased after me. That's how I met my dad, Freddy.
"Are you hungry?" he asked me. ". . .Yea." "Well then, I shall make you something to eat." Freddy carried me, and to a room with orange color. He put me on a big chair. . .really soft, like a bed. "Hmm. . .I can only make a quick simple meal, is that alright?" "I-I think so." Freddy was so nice to me. . .he was not like anyone else I met. My parents. . .nor the people walking the streets. . . The food Freddy made that night. . .was the best food I ever ate. "Calm down, Gregory, eat slowly, I do not want you choking on the food." Freddy says, giving me a cup of water.
"Freddy. . .why do you. . .care about me?" "Because you are a child, you need an adult supervision, I do not want you to get hurt again." ". . .Freddy. . .I don't get it. . ." "It is a normal thing. I will keep my eye on you, and protect you."
"Great job, Gregory!" Freddy claps his hands when I win a game. "Thanks." I didn't know what to say. Freddy smiling at me, "You are a superstar, Gregory!" ". . .'Superstar'?" "Yes, you are my superstar! You are very smart!" Waters filled my eyes. . . "F-Freddy. . ." I started to cry, I tried to stop, but couldn't. . . "G-Gregory, what's wrong? Did I say something that upset you?" "Freddy!" I hugged Freddy, he hugged me back, "There, there, Gregory. You are okay, I am here for you."
In 6 hours, Freddy & I had an amazing time in this place called, studio. Freddy is the only one. . .who made me feel like. . .everything is okay & I can have fun. . .I can smile. . .I can be happy.
"Gregory, from today, this is your home, with me. I am like your dad now, if that is alright with you. It is okay if you do not feel comfortable. We can work on that." "Freddy. . .thank you . .for coming back. . .I. . ." "Of course, Gregory, you are very important to me. That one night changed everything. You made me feel & remember something I have forgotten. . .the purpose. We are a family now, Gregory." ". . .Dad!"
Since then, I always wanted to make dad happy. He never hit me, never put me in a dark place, he always cooked for me, always gave me hugs, called me his superstar, gave me clothes, gave me a room, a big bed, toys, and everything. . .he's the best. So. . .when dad talked about Bonnie, I wanted to help dad out. Other than dad, Bonnie was the nicest person I ever met. I had a pretty fun & safe life with dad, but then, this happened.
Present Time:
I looked around the room, searching for any way out. Bonnie trusted me to find a way out, but he'll come back. . .he will. Gabriel was still crying, but calmed down a bit. Susie was crying too, Cassie trying to comfort her. Fritz was staying quiet, looking around, like I am. Jeremy was keeping an eye on all of us. "Did you guys find anything?" Jeremy asked. "Nothing." Replied Fritz. I found a closet looking thing, and I opened it, then found a box. "Hey guys, I found something!" I said. "What is it?" Jeremy asks, and Fritz walked up to me. I opened up the box, and saw my laser gun & a FazWatch, also other stuff. "That's my hook!" Fritz says, and grabs his hook from the box. I looked through the box, and found Gabriel's mic, Susie's cupcake, Cassie's walkie talkie, and a rolled-up cloth. Fritz & I pulled the box closer to everyone else. "Gabe, Cassie, I found your things." I said, Cassie walked up to me, and I handed her the walkie talkie, "My walkie talkie!" Jeremy says, "Susie, Gabriel, come on, there's your stuff in the box." Susie grabs her cupcake & hugs it, "Cupcake!" I hand Gabriel the mic, and Gabriel sniffles, "Thank. . .you. . ." Jeremy grabs the rolled-up cloth, "Hell yes, now I can punch stuff!" "What is that?" I asked. "It's a bandage, I wrap this around my hand, make the knuckles thicker to punch without getting hurt." Jeremy starts wrapping the cloth around his hand & knuckles.
"Bonnie. . .he's coming back, right?" Susie asks. "Of course, he's not a type to abandon us, but. . .if he doesn't come back. . .we need to stay strong." Jeremy says. "We can't just wait here, doing nothing." I said. "B-But. . .we. . .can't do anything. . .I want to go home." Gabe cries. "D-Don't cry, you're a boy." Fritz says, but his voice was shaky. I grabbed my laser gun, and my FazWatch. "Maybe there's something on the computer?" Cassie asks. "Maybe, but I can't read all the words." I said. "Let me see, there might be a map or something." Jeremy says, and we walked up to the computer to look for anything to help us escape. Jeremy reads the hard words & explains it to us. "So, this knob speeds up or slow down something?" Jeremy asks. "I don't know, but I turned it all down to 1." I said. "Hmm. . .this computer has a lot of stuff, like about these two big things." Jeremy says, looking at the files. We see more words, and Jeremy reads it. "What. . .the heck. . ." Jeremy mumbles, and I ask, "What is it?" ". . .It says things about. . .'scooping'." "Is it ice cream scoops?" Fritz asks. "No, like. . .um. . .how should I say this. . .it's like. . .a party cracker. You pull the string, the confetti fly out, and all that remains is a shell of it." ". . .So. . ." I said, and Jeremy says, "Basically, that machine over there. . .takes the. . .inside out of. . .things, like boxes. . .I think. Just know that we shouldn't get close to it." "Alright." Fritz says, but I didn't understand it. . .scoop. . .inside out. . . "Let me read more of it, and I'll tell you guys later. Can you guys keep an eye on Gabriel, Susie & Cassie?" Fritz & I nodded, and let Jeremy look at the computer.
Susie was still hugging the cupcake, Gabriel was holding the mic, sitting down & hugging his knees. "Cassie?" I said, and looked around, then I saw Cassie at the door. "Cassie, what are you doing?" I asked her, as I walked up to her. "I'm worried about Bonnie." ". . .He's okay, I'm sure." I tried to comfort her. ". . .Gregory, you said. . .Monty hurt him. . .is that. . .true?" she asks. ". . .Yea, he hurt Bonnie & brought us here. I don't trust him." ". . .Me neither. . .but. . .Bonnie was sure Monty will help us." "Cassie. . ." ". . .The event we went. . .my dad really liked Bonnie's music. I always ask him, 'who's your favorite', and he always answers, 'I don't like nor dislike any of them'. For the first time, he gave me a different answer, he said, 'I like Bonnie'. We were talking about Bonnie in the car. . .how he was excited to work with Bonnie. . .so, if Bonnie is hurt, my dad can fix him." ". . .Yea, your dad is a great engineer, I'm sure he can fix Bonnie." "And Gregory, thank you for saving me." "You're welcome, but. . .I should've done it sooner. . .Bonnie is hurt because I was slow." "Gregory, don't say that. You're great!" "Haha, thanks Cassie."
We look at the door, "Cassie, let's go back to the oth-" Cassie walks up closer to the door, "Hey, I see a little gap. I'm gonna take a peek outside." "Be careful." I said, ready to pull her away, if something happens. She starts to pull it open, then peeks from there, "Bonnie?" We hear a shout, "GRRR, BONNIE!" Was that. . .Monty's voice? "Cassie, stay back!" We heard Bonnie, and I grabbed Cassie's shoulder, pulling her back. The door closed, Cassie shouts, "Bonnie!" I tried to open the door, but it was shut tight. "H-He- Gregory, we need to help him!" "But. . .it doesn't. . .open!" I said as I tried to open it. We heard noises & the door shakes, I stepped back, holding my gun. Bonnie. . . "You two, stay back!" Jeremy says, running up to us. "But Bonnie is-" "I know, but. . .Bonnie saved us, we can't get hurt & waste his effort! He's protecting us from. . .whatever's outside!" Jeremy says. "I. . .I can't!" Cassie runs up to the door, starting to hit it. "Open, please! Bonnie!" "Cassie, stop!" Jeremy grabs her shoulders, pulling her back. "I want to hear his music again! My dad can fix him, but I don't want Bonnie to get hurt more than he did for us!" Cassie cries. "Cassie. . ." I held my gun tighter. . .Bonnie. . .
We all get away from the door, Cassie sniffling, Susie & Gabriel beside her. Fritz looked sad, he was shaking a bit too. I was scared. . . Jeremy looks into the computer again, and I walk up to him, "Did you. . .find anything?" "Nothing helpful, just useless bunch. Like what's inside the pod." Jeremy looks at the charging station pod, and I asked him, "What's inside?" "A robot of some sort, specifically a rabbit, it says here that it needs casing or something, and that claw thing over there is for this robot. I don't really wanna read all this essay. . ." he trails off, then asks me, "What's that watch?" I looked at him, then at my watch, "I-It's a FazWatch, it was in the box with everyone's things." "Huh. . .looks big for a watch. My friend has a digital one like that, but smaller." "It's what my dad gave to me, it works like a phone." "Wait, really!? Then can you call someone!?" "It's a p-prototype, so it only works with my dad & when we're close." "Dammit. . .worth a try at least. Does it work?" I checked the FazWatch, it still worked. I looked through the messages, but nothing new. ". . .Wait, Gregory, let me see that." Jeremy says, and I let him look at it. ". . .There are bars, indicating internet connection." He says, but I wasn't sure what he was talking about. I looked at it again, then at the top, right corner, it did have bars. "If this really does work like a phone. . .that's right! There's a computer here! If that works, then there's bound to be wi-fi! Gregory, try calling your dad! Or text! Maybe it'll work!" "B-But it only worked when dad & I were close." "We have to try something! Bonnie is out there, and we need help! Please, Gregory!" ". . .Okay." I tried to text dad. Please work. . .please. . .
~🐻Dad (Freddy)⭐️~
[Dad, help! Bonnie, my friends & I are trapped!]
We waited. . .soon a text came back.
[Gregory! Are you okay!?]
[I'm okay, but Bonnie is hurt! We need help!]
[Where are you right now? Can you describe the area? Anything out the window?]
"D-Dad responded!" I said. "For real!? Heck yea!" Jeremy says. "He's asking where we are." "W-We don't know. . ." Gabriel says. He's right. . .windows. . . I looked around, then saw small windows, but it's too high. "Gregory, get on my shoulders, and look outside! We can't waste any time!" Jeremy says, and I nod, we ran up to the window, I got on Jeremy's shoulders, and looked outside. I saw lights from the city, trees, nothing really stood out, but I saw a sign.
[I see lights from the city, a lot of trees, and a sign! It says, 'S-t-o-a-g-e S-c-p c-l-e'.]
[We will be right there! Please, stay hidden, and do not do anything rash. My friends, and I will rescue everyone there!]
"Dad & his friends are coming to rescue us!" I said. "YES! Everyone you hear that!?" Jeremy says, and I got off his shoulders. "We can go home!" says Fritz. "R-Really!?" asks Gabriel. "W-We can!? Daddy, mommy!" Susie says. "Shhh!" Jeremy says, and we all hear the door. "Bonnie?" asks Cassie. "Everyone, hide!" Jeremy says, and we all hid. Cassie & I hid in the closet, Susie & Gabriel hid behind boxes, and Fritz & Jeremy hid behind the charging station. I gasped as I saw who came in through the door. . .the white rabbit lady. . .my body started shaking from fear. . .then. . .I saw her dragging Bonnie, and he was more broken than before! "Bonnie!" whispers Cassie. The rabbit lady pulls Bonnie inside the thing with the claw machine. She came out, and walked up to the computer. The claw machine started moving. . .then it stabbed Bonnie's chest. No. . .no. . .no. . .I thought the claw killed Bonnie, but Bonnie was still moving. Bonnie. . .I-I have to. . .do something. . .Bonnie. . .Bonnie. . .I-I. . . I looked around, then saw Jeremy & Fritz. Jeremy noticed me, and he shook his head. I held my gun. . .
"BONNIE!" Susie's voice came, I turned to the boxes she & Gabriel were hiding, Susie ran to the machine. "Stop! You're hurting Bonnie!" She ran inside the thing, and started to hit the claw machine. The rabbit lady looked at Susie. . .she was holding a knife. . .no, not again! I ran out of the closet, and yelled, "NOT AGAIN!" I shot my laser gun at her eyes, and she stopped moving. Cassie ran out of the closet, ran to Bonnie to help Susie stop the claw machine, "Bonnie, hang on!" Fritz yells, "YAAARG!" He runs to the rabbit lady, and bites onto her arm. "Agh!" she yelled. I ran to grab her knife, she swung it, and it cut my cheek, but I grabbed onto her arm, holding the knife. I won't let her hurt anyone again!
"Aaaaahhhh!" I heard Gabriel, who soon grabs onto the rabbit lady's leg. She moves, trying to shake us off, but we kept grabbing onto her. "Goddammit, you kids!" I heard Jeremy. Jeremy ran towards us, "YOU BITCH!" Jeremy punches the rabbit lady in the face, that she fell, and Fritz, Gabriel, & I let go of her. She holds her chin, laying on the ground. "Come at me, bitch!" says Jeremy, holding up his fists. "LET GO!" I heard Cassie & Susie, I ran towards them to help them. "Bonnie!" I grabbed the claw that was grabbing Bonnie's inside. "Let go of him!" I said, Fritz ran over to us, and started hitting the claw machine to stop it. Please. . .
"I would never hate you, Gregory. Thank YOU for trusting me." Don't. . .don't take him from me & dad!
"Guys!" I heard Gabriel, and looked back over my shoulder. . .I saw the charging station pod open. . .and there was a. . .weird. . .scary. . .rabbit looking. . .monster. W-What. . .is that!? "It's coming towards us!" says Fritz. "Shit! Guys keep doing what you're doing! Gabriel grab anything & break the computer!" Jeremy runs up to the monster, "You're not hurting anyone! The fuck are you anyway!?" I turn back to Bonnie, we need to hurry! "Bonnie, we'll save you!" I said. Just like you saved me. . .it's my turn!
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