Chapter 27: Retaliate!
Montgomery's P.O.V:
I sat down on the couch, "God, that was pretty smooth~." "Yea! We just need to practice a little more before New Year~!" Chica says, then hands me a drink. "Thanks, Chica." She's sweet. Chica & I practice together a lot in either one of our green rooms. She's just great to hang out with, her smile, her voice, her energy just calms me down somehow, it's strange, but a good kind. Chica sits down beside me, and says, "I cannot wait for next year~! Aren't you excited, Monty?" "Well, I'm looking forward to our duet. You're really good at what you do." "Aww~, thank you~. I'm looking forward to it too! I like our duet~. You helped me improve, and I'm grateful, Monty." I blushed, "W-Well, of course. We're in this together." "Hehe, you're right~. I wish I had more talent like you." "Chica, you're talented enough." "Thank you, but you're better than me. I like how you play, and I enjoy our time like this." Her words are genuine. . .
"C-Chica. . .I-" "It'll be even better next year, since Bonnie is joining us." Bonnie. . . "Oh, y-yea, he's joining. . .right?" "Freddy's been so excited, and he's working so hard. Hope he doesn't break down." Chica sips on her drink, looking out the window. I wish he DOES break down. . . "Are you. . .excited for Bonnie?" I asked her hesitantly. "Of course! He's really good, and he helped us with our performance! He's going to be great!" "Yea. . .I-I know he will, he's my best friend after all~." That's it, be positive. . . "You two are close, aren't you? Like me & Freddy~." "I-I guess. . .and how actually close are you & Fazbear?" "I mean. . .pretty close, I had a crush on him before." "Y-You did!?" "Yea, but well, didn't work out." "I mean. . .I can see I guess, cause you know, you. . .deserve better." "Awww, Monty, you're so sweet~. I'm jealous of Freddy though." "Why?" "He has such a cute boyfriend~. Freddy & Bonnie are so cute together~! I'm glad they're official. I. . .kinda liked Bonnie though." ". . .You did?" "Yea, at the first sight, I thought he's cute~. He talked to me about my problem, then he rescued me at the diner. . .I mean, who WOULDN'T fall for him~?" ". . .I see." "And once Bonnie joins, maybe all three of us can practice & make a trio part!" "Trio. . .huh. . ." "Yup! Or like different pair duets too! I cannot wait~!" ". . .Yea, can't wait." Bonnie even has Chica wrapped in his magic. . .
"I gotta go now, urgent matters." "Aww, you have to go?" "Yea, it's urgent." "We'll practice again, right?" ". . .Yea, of course, Chica." I tried to smile, Chica probably noticed my forced smile, she showed concerns in her eyes, "Monty! I asked Santa for your pizza!" "Pfft! You what!?" "Since Santa failed to do so, can you make it? I really want to eat it!" "Haha, you really like it?" "Uh-huh! I better taste it on New Year, Monty~!" She's a delight, and a funny girl~. "Hahaha, I'll think about it~." "MONTY!" We both laughed, and I exited her green room. "[I'll take it. . .Tonight is the night. . .]" I've decided. . .I'm going to. . .kill Bonnie TONIGHT.
I drove near to Freddy's house, working with this. . .Sun guy. "So. . .this is Freddy's house? Kinda. . .normal than I thought." I commented, I can't really say though, my house is normal too. "Mr. Bonnie is indeed inside the house, and it is almost time for Gregory's bedtime." Sun says. "Alright. . .so, you sure with this. . .operation?" I asked, holding up an electrical wrench & its instruction manual. "W-Well. . .um. . .it is painful, and I rather not-" "There's no backing out of this. So. . .I just stick this wrench behind your head, right?" ". . .S-Sir, are you really. . .going to. . .listen to HER?" "I'm not listening to anyone. I'm doing this. . .for myself." ". . .I-I think there's other-" I stabbed the wrench behind his head where the socket is & turned it. "Aghhh!" He shouted, and I pulled the wrench away, he started twitching, then stopped moving. ". . .Sun?" I asked. I read the manual, then I noticed I twisted the wrong way. SHIT! "Bo. . .nnie. . .run. . ." I heard him mumble, and I quickly put the wrench back in the socket to turn the other way.
Suddenly, lights turned off around the area, somehow. I pulled away the wrench, and says, "Sun? My bad, I twisted the wrong way." "'Sun'? No, no. . .I'm not Sun. . .I'm MOON~." ". . .She wasn't bullshitting when she said you have a different persona." Moon chuckles, and says, "Naughty boy~. . ." He's programmed to do his job, luring out Bonnie from the house, I better get in position once Bonnie runs into me.
I knocked Bonnie out with a taser like thing I got. ". . .Time to go to your grave." I picked up Bonnie, and headed to the car as fast as I can, before anyone saw us. "Bonnie! Wake up!" I hear a muffled voice from him. It was coming from his chest. Shit, did he bring Gregory with him? I tried to open his chest, but it was locked. I need to break it, but. . .I don't wanna hurt Gregory. . . I just hurried to the location. An abandoned warehouse, it had some factory connections. . .is what I heard. I met up with my. . .accomplice. "Have you brought them~?" she asked. "Course I did, Vanny." A white rabbit woman, code name, Vanny walks into my sight. "But. . .I think the kid is in his chest, and I can't get it open." ". . .Okay~." She says, then took out a spray, she sticks it towards the gap on Bonnie's shoulder & neck, spraying it. We heard a little thud inside, then Vanny took out a knife & stabbed the gap of Bonnie's chest plate, then she turned to me. I sighed, and grabbed the knife, forcing the chest plate to open. Once it does, we saw Gregory unconscious, thank god. "Leave it to me~, you bring Moon here~." "Fine, but you know the deal. . ." Vanny nods, and I went to go get Moon. I better hurry, since Bonnie managed to call the cops. . .damn, I hate his multitasking skill, even though he's an older type. Things didn't go as planned. . .
~🌹Chica 🐥~
[Again, thanks for the gift, Chica. I really like what you got for me.] (Yesterday)
[You're welcome! I'm glad you liked it! It was hard to choose, you know. We hang out & practice a lot, I thought I know you, but there's much more to learn!] (Yesterday)
[I still have some mysteries about myself~.] (Yesterday)
[Haha, then I'll be the one to figure it all out~!] (Yesterday)
[Try if you can~.] (Yesterday)
[Just you see, mister~! Oh! I was going to ask you about practicing with me for New Year's duet. Are you able to help me?] (Yesterday)
[Sure, partner. We're both on day offs, so we can meet up & practice as soon as possible.] (Yesterday)
[Awesome~! I knew I can count on you! You're the most talented guy I have ever known~! Let's meet up tomorrow at the studio, around 10am. The studio should be open.] (Yesterday)
[You're the boss, ma'am~.] (Yesterday)
[Yay~!] (Yesterday)
-Chica called you- (8 hours ago)
[Monty! Bonnie & Gregory are missing! PLEASE WE NEED YOUR HELP! WE'RE AT THE STUDIO!] (Just now)
Shit! Wait, how did SHE know? Fuck. . .did Bonnie contact Freddy too? They'll soon find him. . .I can't waste any time. I turned back to the warehouse, and scanned the area for Vanny, but she wasn't there. Fuck, where did she go!? Shit, I need to get going. . .I can't. . .I can't let him escape! I hurried to get Bonnie, once I got to the room. . .I saw Bonnie all broken. . .with 6 kids hiding behind him. What the fuck? Why are kids here? Shit. . .I don't have time. . .BONNIE. . .I'm sorry.
Glamrock Bonnie's P.O.V:
Present Time:
"Bonnie, I-" "I don't care if you destroy me, Monty. . .I made you feel like this. . .BUT. . .I WON'T FORGIVE YOU FOR TRAUMATIZING THOSE KIDS!" Monty pulls his fist away, escaping from my grip. "The hell are you talking about!? Just, fucking. . .DIE!" I used my limited, functioning systems to plan. . . my night vision still works. . .my scanning as well but short ranged. I scanned myself, my body is 62% movement functioning, 45% system functioning, 55% system shut down or errored. . .I can't fight much long. . .so EVERY HIT I make MUST COUNT. Remember your lessons with Foxy. . . Monty roars & attacked me once again, I dodged as best as I can, one of my legs doesn't work anymore, but luckily, there are objects to help me balance & support myself. I put my hand on the nearby pillar to balance myself from dodging. "Stop delaying the inevitable! You're going to die here!" Monty once again attacks me. . .I've noticed. . .the way you fight. . .you have an open. I try to make distance as much as I can, bait him to use the hop function. I threw nearby objects or just rocks at Monty for distraction, so I can make the distance. "You can't run NOR hide, Bonnie! YOU NEED TO END!" I heard a sound from him, the hop function. I turned around, and Monty indeed used the hop function. . .hopping right towards me. Earlier, the distance, he couldn't pin me down, but broke my back casing, which means he has more limited hop than me. Come on. . .think!
["Agh! That hurts, Foxy!" "Of course, I'm trying to hurt you." "Why are we even fighting? I mean, it's a pretend, right? For your acting career." "Ye, but it's also self-defense. . .I won't stand you getting broken again. . .now, stand up, and fight." "I have a hop function to run. Rabbits are creatures which aren't good at confrontations." "That function also has limit, ain't it? Ya can't run forever." "I know, but-" "Just use that function to fight again. You can do a significant amount of damage." "But you dodged it earlier. How'd you even do that?" "Easy, calculating your weight & distance between us. The more you weigh, the less distance you make with the hop, elementary math." ". . .Wow." "Fighting is like a math or a game if you observe. We're gonna learn this together." "Okay, that sounds better than 'fighting'."]
I've never seen him hop before, his legs are thick & can withstand a jump from high place, HOWEVER, thickness equals more weight, plus his endoskeleton isn't used to it. Even I had struggle with it. . .I can't run forever, there's always a cooldown after I hop. . .but I shortened it as my endoskeleton got used to it. . .so. . .once Monty lands, short of me. . .his claws hit me again. . .but I lean forward, putting strength to my arm. . .and hit Monty in the weakest protection area. . .the NECK. I dug my claws into his casing, neck casings are the weakest, since it's not really visible to people, the tip of my claws reached his endoskeleton. "UGH!" Monty groaned, probably got a little shock from the contact. I pulled my hand away, two of my fingers were broken from that, but I can't stop now. Monty stepped back, putting his hand over his neck, checking the damage.
"Monty. . .you said I was treated special. . .but you know that's not true! All because of a history. . .I was cast aside for so long, Monty. . .where I stand right now. . .I EARNED IT. I don't hate you, but I am fucking pissed!" I pushed myself toward Monty, swung my fist at him, hitting his face. Using him as support, I kept punching him, right in the damaged neck over & over again. "Society was never on my side! You don't know shit about what I went through! Just because I'm a rabbit, people hated me, feared me! I was scared. . .I hated my life. . .hated being a rabbit. . .I was JUST LIKE YOU right now!" Words were pouring out of my mouth. . .now Monty's words sunk into me. . .how WRONG he was.
Monty grabs my arm, and throws me away, I bumped back into the counter thing, I forced my system & body to function as quick as I can, I leaped forward to attack Monty. He caught my fist, using his other hand to cover his damaged neck. "Bonnie, you. . .son of a-" "You betrayed me! I TRUSTED YOU!" Oil streaming down my cheeks. . .for a second. . .I saw Monty's eyes soften. . . "You are wrong, Monty. . .you were the one ahead of me! I was behind you! You became a star! Reached the stage! I was chasing YOU! I was JEALOUS of you!" "You're full of shit, Bonnie!" "You don't know shit, Monty!" We struggled, fighting & breaking each other, I'm more damaged, but with his weakness exposed, I made sure my hits damage him internally.
Once again, Monty catches my fist, and I say, "You & I aren't so different! And whether you like it or not-" "Shut up!" Monty swings his fist at me, I put weight on my limping leg, which made me fall to my knee, dodging Monty's punch. He still has a hold of my arm, so I used that for balance, I put strength in my working leg, then uppercut Monty, right in the jaw. Monty stumbles back, letting go of my fist. I leaped towards him, closing our distance.
As our shouts mixed in, sounds of breaking parts echoed through this place. . .Monty managed to damage my left eye. . .with the limited time & vision, I managed to grab his jaw. . .another weak point. . .I shoved my fist into his mouth, and my claws came in contact with his endoskeleton neck. . .inside the mouth is always hollow, both humans & animatronics. Managing to grab his endoskeleton throat.
An electric shock came, affecting the both of us. I was pushed back from that, bumping against the wall once again. I slid down, body functioning 25%. . .left leg & right arm shut down, left arm overheating from electric shock, right leg barely functioning. . . I looked at Monty, his mouth was smoking, I heard static, he's trying to speak, but can't. . .that's right. . .don't speak anymore. . .I don't want to risk the kids hearing how much you hate me. . .I don't care, but. . .you're still an idol, Monty. . .but you'll pay the consequences. . .for the kids. Monty fell to his knees & hands, struggling. . . He looks at me. . . "Monty. . .I love you too, bro." I said, Monty crawls towards me, but soon falls unconscious. . .an attack towards the endoskeleton directly is effective. . .Monty sure took his time to destroy me. . .he probably wanted to vent the hate. . .I'm at my limit. . .but. . . I forced my barely functioning arm & leg to crawl towards the door. I promised the kids. . .they'll get out safe. They're waiting for me. . .I need to at least. . .tell them. . .
I crawled to the door, trying to reach for the handle, suddenly, my vision goes weird. . .staticky. . .I can't shut down yet. . .please! However, this wasn't caused by my system. . . "Did you have fun~?" I turned around, but. . .I can't see anything. . .however. . .I got a glimpse of vision from my broken left eye. . .a white. . .rabbit? Suddenly. . .I fell from system exhaustion. . .then I heard the door. . .and. . .I started moving. . .I'm being. . .dragged.
I was dragged somewhere. . .leaned against a wall. Where am I? Using my right eye & its limited scan, I understood my bearings. . .I was in the cylinder thing with the big claw machine. . .the machine started moving. . .before I can understand what's happening, it thrusted into my chest, grabbing my endoskeleton. . .slowly pulling! I grabbed the machine with my barely functioning hand. Stop, stop, STOP! It's gonna yank my endoskeleton out! I felt it pulling my endoskeleton, my system giving me red flashing alerts, it ripped my wires that I started losing more contact of my system. Please stop! Help! Please! FREDDY. . .I don't want to die! "BONNIE!"
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