Chapter 21: Blossom of Love~
Glamrock Bonnie's P.O.V:
So. . .I am currently sitting on the bed. . .in a HOTEL! W-What JUST happened!? I'm panicking! Okay, let's retrace my steps. . .Freddy & I decided to go on a date before things get busy with me officially being one of The Glamrocks. . .we have so much to talk about, Freddy wanted to talk to me, and. . .and. . .we ended up getting a room in a hotel! WHAT!?
Times goes back a week ago, after the event:
"Guys, we are officially boyfriends~!" says Freddy, finally revealing our relationship to Chica, Monty, & Roxy. "WHAT!?" The three syncs in different tones. "Y-Yea, we are~." I said, my system heating up. "Since when the f*-" Roxanne cut off Monty, "We kinda knew you two had SOMETHI-" Chica cuts Roxanne off, "CONGRATULATIONS~! Oh my god, I'm so happy for you two!" "T-Thanks~." I replied, ahhh! I am embarrassed~! Yet so happy~! "Thank you, Chica." replies Freddy with a smile. "Hehe, hard work pays off, matey~." Foxy says and sips on his drink. "Indeed." says M.X.E.S, sipping his drink as well. "Wait, you two knew?" Roxanne asks. "Bonnie told us, and asked us to keep it secret till, right now." says Foxy. "I'm his boss, I have a right to know, since these two used work time to talk." M.X.E.S says. "O-Oh yea, I thought you weren't coming, M.X.E.S, so why did you?" I asked. "Ask your boyfriend." He replied, and I turned to Freddy, "Oh yes, I asked M.X.E.S to bring your instrument, Bonnie. I told him about you becoming official, and he gladly assisted." "Wha. . .Freddy~. . .but are you guys really okay with me joining?" "Nonsense, Bonbon! Of course we want you to join! You're a good guitarist & bassist, on top of that, you can sing! You are amazing~! And you're cute!" "C-Chica, thank you, and I-" "It was a unanimous thing, Bon. We all agreed on it." says Roxanne. "You all. . .agreed?" I looked at all 4 of The Glamrocks. Freddy holds my hand, "Of course, you earned their trust." "Freddy. . .Chica. . .Roxanne. . .Monty. . ." They all smile at me.
"Sorry, but can I get a drink?" Gregory asks. "Oh, I apologize, Gregory." says Freddy, and pours Gregory a juice. "Thanks, dad." Gregory says, and once again, Chica, Monty, & Roxy syncs, "DAD!?" "Oh, I have to explain about that too, right?" Freddy says, then Monty says, "H*** yes you do!" "Calm down, Crocs. Let a man explain." says Foxy. Freddy introduces Gregory to everyone. "Wow! He's a cute child! Do you like pizza?" Chica asks. "I know Gregory, but never thought he was your son, Freddy." says Roxanne, crossing her arms. "I'm getting a headache." Monty sighs, then gulps his drink. "I am glad that I do not have to keep this a secret anymore." Freddy says smiling, and Gregory smiles. I think Gregory is happy too.
"So, you always went home earlier than us is because of Gregory?" Roxanne asks. "Yes, I wanted to be home before he sleeps." Freddy answers. "The whole time, I thought you were messing with that security guard." Monty says. "Monty, please do not spread any false rumor. Vanessa is someone who knows about me & Gregory, so we talk sometimes about Gregory, but nothing else. Oh, and our manager knows as well." "That's why he's lenient when it comes to you, Freddy." giggles Chica. "Oh really? I thought it was favoritism." Monty says. "Come on, Monty, Freddy had his own reason, and well, sorry to keep secrets again, but when it's something about this big, you want to surprise your friends, don't you?" "It truly was a surprise. I don't wanna imagine you two f****** though." "MONTY!" Freddy & I synced, we immediately turned to Gregory, then saw Foxy & M.X.E.S covering each of Gregory's ears. Thank god. "There's a child present." I pouted at Monty. "My bad, bro." "And can animatronics. . .even do that?" Roxanne asks. "We can." "Certainly." Chica & Foxy say at the same time. Chica's face turns red, while Foxy just casually eats. ". . .Okay, we did NOT need to know that." Roxanne huffs. "Y-You asked, Roxy!" says Chica, embarrassed. "Just need some parts updated & we're ready to go, the operation is actually easy too, ya can do it by yarselves. Since yall are newer models, I think yall have it already." says Foxy. "Huh. . .can we change subject so Gregory can listen without being tainted?" "I agree with Bonnie." says Freddy, and we changed the subject.
"Congrats on achieving your dream, matey." Foxy holds up his glass, newly filled with drink, to me. "Foxy, thank you. Everyone here helped me. . .and I wouldn't have made it without you guys." I gently clinked my glass to Foxy's. "Aww~, Bonnie~!" says Chica. "You earned this. Even if you're not official yet, you will be. Right, Freddy?" Roxanne says, and Freddy replies, "Yes, he will. We just need to set things up, like the outfits, stage plans, green room, etc." "Really?" "It might take a little time, BUT our fans already know about you becoming official, the Fazbear Entertainment surely won't disappoint them." Freddy smiles, then Foxy says, "If they even TRY to revoke it. . ." Foxy's hook hand turns into a knife, "I'll make sure they keep their promise~." "Foxy! Is that a real knife!?" I asked. "No, it's prop." Foxy bends the knife, which wobbles back straight. "The company itself is a disappointment." M.X.E.S says, glitching a bit. "Foxy, M.X.E.S, calm down." I said. "Do not worry, Foxy, M.X.E.S, I will be the one to make sure the higherups DO NOT revoke the decision." Freddy says, Foxy & M.X.E.S smirks at Freddy, who's smiling innocently. "You two, please don't taint my boyfriend into yandere."
We all talked till the night got deeper, then decided to call it a night. Gregory fell asleep, and Freddy keeps him in his chest cavity. "Gregory is a sweet child, Freddy." "He really is. He is my ball of happiness, but now, I have two~." Freddy says, holding my hand. "Freddy~, you're my happiness too~. I really hope Gregory is okay with me. At least as a friend." "Do not worry, Bonnie, I think Gregory already likes you." "I try, and I'm glad to hear that." I held Freddy's hand back. . .oil starts appearing in my eyes. "Bonnie?" "Freddy. . .I. . .I really. . .can't thank you enough. . ." "Bonnie. . ." "You changed my life. . .allowed me to reach my dream. . .I have you as my boyfriend. . .I have all new & old friends. . .I met wonderful fans. . .sorry, I'm. . .getting emotional." Freddy hugs me, "It is okay to be emotional, Bonnie." I hugged Freddy back, "Freddy. . .you are my superstar~. Thank you." "And you are my superstar as well, Bonnie~." "Freddy~. . ." "Bonnie~. . ." We leaned in for a kiss~. I cannot wait for what holds for us in the future~.
Present time:
My life really changed. . .and it's all thanks to Freddy, meeting him was the turning point~. . . WHY AM I THINKING BACK WHAT HAPPENED A WEEK AGO!? Don't be sidetracked! Okay, think about this morning. . .I got ready for our date. . .we hang out, going few places. . .then Freddy wanted to talk to me about something. . .private I guess, that we went to a nearby hotel to get a room & talk.
Few minutes ago:
"A room for two animatronics, here's the key." said the receptionist, handing us the key. "Thank you, sir." says Freddy. "Are you two dating?" "Yes." We replied, Freddy smiles at me, and I felt my system heat up. "Aww~, then have you two had the operation?" he asked. "What operation?" I asked. "Hmm, newer models have it, but. . .I'm guessing the bunny one doesn't? Well, no need to worry, it won't take long to slap it on." "Excuse me?" Freddy & I synced.
And so. . .well, they checked my body for some reason, just a quick scan, and gave me a part? More of a casing? We went to the room, and well. . .now we're in. . .alone. . .no one else around. . .and. . . "I apologize, Bonnie. Lewis is contacting me." "Don't worry, I'll wait." "Thank you, and can you close the curtains?" "Sure." Freddy smiles, and leaves the room. I closed the curtains, it's a nice view, but if Freddy wants me to close it, then I will. We can enjoy it later. I sat down on the bed, it's really comfy. "This is really nice~." I looked around a bit. . .it's a nice room, there's a charging room, T.V, table, chairs, this one big bed for two. . . I looked at the bag, the part they gave me, inside. I checked it, it seems to be a good fit to my endoskeleton & body casing. . .but why is there a rubbery hole? I called Foxy, taking a photo of the part to ask him.
"[This is Foxy, matey.]" "[Hey Foxy, could you take a look at the photo I'm sending you? I got a part, but I don't really know what it is for.]" "[Haha, are ya mistaking me for an engineer, matey~? But will take a look.]" "[Sorry, I don't know who else to call. I hope I wasn't interrupting your work.]" "[Nah, nay worries, matey. And let's see. . .ohh~, interesante~. . .muy interesante~.]" "[What's so interesting?]" "[Matey, ya're gonna give yarself to Fazy, eh~?]" "[Um. . .what do you mean?]" "[Ya gonna have *** with Fazy, right?]" "[EXCUSE ME!?]" "[Yaarg! My ears!]" "Foxy, we're family friendly!]" "[Says the one at the hotel, and this book has 'mature' tag.]" "[FOXY!]" Foxy explained the part to me. . . I covered my face, my system overheated. "[Humans are wild creatures.]" "[Foxy, you owe me my mental innocence.]" "[Pfft! Matey, it ain't all bad~.]" "[. . .You think. . .Freddy wanted to. . .you know. . .]" "[. . .Nay, he's too innocent. He probs have other business with ya. But it won't hurt to learn, matey.]" "[Ugh. . .shut up, don't put words in my mind. . .]" "[Haha, curiosity sure is scary~.]" "[Sure is. . .anyway, thanks.]" "[Nay prob~, and matey, don't think too hard. It ain't scary, and it's actually good to know.]" "[Again, sorry to bother you.]" "[Assisting mi amigo always come first~.]" "[You're an amazing amigo, matey~.]" We hang up, and I put the part away.
Present Time:
So that's what happened, my mind had a bit of panic. My innocence is tainted. . .anyway, I wonder what Freddy wanted to talk to me about. Soon, I heard the door, and Freddy came back. "I apologize for taking long, Bonnie." "I-It's okay, Freddy, and um. . ." Freddy sits next to me, I feel a little nervous, "So. . .w-what did you. . .want to talk about?" "Oh yes, Bonnie, are you ready?" Freddy asks, and my system started to heat up again, I soon start my cooling system to counter it. I JUST had my system overheat! Give me time to cool down! Freddy holds my hands, and says, "Bonnie~. . ." "F-Freddy, w-we're family friendly!" "Of course we are." "F-Freddy. . .I. . .I. . .am ready~." "I am glad to hear that~."
"And so, what is your favorite color?" "Hmm, I say blue or purple, but I like red too." "Alright." Freddy writes down on a worksheet or something. "So. . .what are all these questions?" I asked. "It is like a survey, or a resume, or a profile, or all of the above. Chica, Foxy, Roxy, Monty, & I have all answered these questions so the company would know what to color our green room, stage, merchandises, etc. Lewis told me to ask you these questions, and make sure no one hears or sees." Thus why the curtains had to be closed. "Huh. . ." So, the question Freddy asked me, about 'are you ready', it was about joining the band officially, and Freddy pulled out the worksheets. Freddy~. . .he's so innocent & a sweetheart~. I feel ashamed to even think about what I talked about with Foxy. Shame, Bonnie! Though, that receptionist is part at fault for getting that part for me. . .I'm sure he was trying to be helpful, but it's not for me.
"What should be your symbol?" "'Symbol'?" "Yes, for example, I have a lightening symbol." "Oh yea, Chica has a pizza symbol, Roxanne has a blast symbol, and Monty has a star symbol, right?" "Yes, so what would you like to have as your symbol?" "Hmm. . .I'm actually not sure. . .maybe bowling pins/ball, remember my life before joining the band~." "That is a sweet meaning behind the symbol, Bonnie~." "Hehe, thanks~. Well, you've been asking a lot, and there's still more. Let's take a little break." "Sure, Bonnie." Freddy sets the worksheet on the table, then sits back next to me on the bed. "How's Gregory doing?" "Oh, he has been doing great. He is having a winter break, but there was a little quiz show on the T.V last night, and Gregory guessed all of them correct!" "Ohh, that's amazing! He really is a smart kid, huh?" "He is very intelligent, my proud, only son. His test scores are quite high, every time he gets a good grade, he shows it to me with confidence, and it is just the sweetest thing ever. At first, Gregory was hesitant to show me his grades. Even now, I can tell. . .there is some part of him, worries that he's not enough." "Freddy. . .you are right." "Bonnie?" "Gregory told me at the event. . .his fear of you leaving him, being weak. . ." "Oh no. . .I would NEVER leave Gregory! I am the one who. . .feels like I am not enough for him." "What? Freddy, you're a great father!" "But I do not spend enough time with Gregory. . .I try, but it is never enough, Bonnie. . .Gregory does tell me his fears, worries. . .but. . ." "Freddy, look at me." Freddy looks at me, and I cupped his cheeks, "You are doing enough. Come on, superstar. You saved him from an abusive life he had." "Bonnie. . .Gregory saved ME from the emptiness. . ." "Freddy. . .you both need each other. Gregory loves you, so once you get home, give him a big hug!" "You are right, Bonnie. . .I will never leave him. . .and will do anything for him. . .and you." "Oh Freddy~. . .me too~. Anything for my superstar & his superson." We share a kiss~, pulling each other close.
We talked more about Gregory, Freddy really is proud of Gregory, and it's so wholesome~! "Gregory tried to make breakfast for the two of us, and of course, it is dangerous for a child, so I insisted, appreciating his effort though." Freddy says. "And this was ON the day of the preparation?" I asked. "Yes, remember when. . .I sent you a heart?" I blushed remembering, "Y-Yea, and I was so surprised I fell off the bed." "Are you okay?" "Haha, that was weeks ago, Freddy, I'm totally fine~. And what does that do with Gregory making a breakfast?" "Well, I should explain from the beginning."
Flashback (in Glamrock Freddy's P.O.V):
The day of the preparation, I was going to prepare breakfast, but Gregory was already awake. "Good morning, Gregory, you woke up early today." "Good morning, dad, and well. . .I tried to make breakfast for you & me, since you were busy." "Aww~, that is very sweet, Gregory, and I appreciate it. However, it is dangerous to cook alone." "I'm okay." Gregory tried to grab a frying pan, and I took it from him. "Gregory, I will make breakfast, you should get ready for school." "Come on, dad, you always cook." "That is my duty as a father, feeding my son." Gregory pouts, and I put the frying pan down, "Alright, let's make breakfast together." "Yes! I'll fry bacons!" "First, put on an apron please." "Okay, dad!" Gregory went to grab an apron; he is a good child. I checked my schedule, and I have plenty of time before heading to the preparation. Soon, I checked my message with Bonnie. I was excited to see him, I want to talk to Bonnie more. . .I wonder if he is awake right now. Should I message him? "Done!" I heard Gregory, and snapped out. Gregory had his apron on, and I smiled, "Good job, superstar, now let's cook."
We started to cook breakfast together, "Gregory. . .I was curious how you communicate with the messages." "Hmm? Oh, you mean with the FazWatch?" "Correct, when we send messages to each other, you send a lot of those. . .little symbols." "It's called 'emojis', dad." "'Emojis'?" "Yea, without using words, you can tell what you want to say. Like this." Gregory uses his FazWatch, and sent a message to me.
~Gregory ⭐️~
[🤫. . .I'm hiding, dad.] (3 days ago)
[Any hints?]
[🍪] (3 days ago)
[Gregory, are you sure you are in the safe hiding spot? Not in the oven again?] (3 days ago)
[😅 Nope.] (3 days ago)
[In the oven I check.] (3 days ago)
[😂 Dad!] (3 days ago)
[👋.] (Just now)
"Very interesting, is that. . .a waving hand?" "Yea, see, you got it. I said hi without saying hi." "That is very useful. I mostly have messages & emails with the company, so I was not aware of these emojis." "It's fun." "Hmm. . .maybe I can send one to Bonnie. Where can I find it?" "I. . .don't know, but when you type there's a happy face at the bottom somewhere." I looked around for it, then I saw a yellow wave hand, just like the one Gregory sent me. I tried to send it to Bonnie, but. . . I heard sizzling, and I looked at Gregory, who poured oil in the frying pan. "Gregory!" I grabbed him out of the way before the oil hit him. "The frying pan is hot right now, Gregory." "Sorry dad." I held Gregory in my arm, and quickly checked the message, then. . .I panicked as I had sent a heart symbol to Bonnie, quickly tried to explain myself. "Dad, the bacon!" "Yes, Gregory!"
Flashback Ended (Back to Glamrock Bonnie's P.O.V).
"Pfft! So that's how it happened?" "Yes, I do not know how it happened, but. . .it did." "Haha, what an accident~. Also, I'm more curious & concerned about the text between you & Gregory." "Oh, we play hide-n-seek like that sometimes. Giving hints to each other, this way, I can ensure Gregory is safe." "He hid in an oven before?" "It is see-through, so Gregory does not need to worry about darkness, but I was very surprised when I first found him there." ". . .I hope he doesn't find it 'comfortable' in a tight space, cause of. . ." "Do not worry, I asked Gregory about it, and he was just being clever, but. . .I think Gregory wanted to relive a specific moment. . .being found." "Awww. . .we should all play hide-n-seek together." "Are you interested?" "I'm big, but I can hide." Freddy giggles, "I'm sure Gregory would like that." "Hehe, also, you two are pretty funny together. I wanna hear more about you two." "Of course, Bonnie, and we will make more fun memories together." Freddy held my hand, my face heats up a bit, and I smiled, "Freddy~, you're so sweet & smooth~." "Thank you, Bonnie, but you are sweeter~."
~Alternate scene (Noncanon, just for fun XD)~
"Oh Freddy~!" I hugged him, and we laughed, cuddling & hugging. Suddenly, we hear a 'pop' sound. Freddy & I froze a bit, then I felt something poking against my thigh. We both looked down, then my system overheated in a sec. "I-I apologize, Bonnie, but. . .I-I am unsure what this is." ". . .I-I, you know, Foxy t-told me something about. . .this. . ." "D-Did he?" "Y-Yea, and. . .I did get a part too for. . .this. . .so. . ." We remained silent, both of our faces were red a bit. ". . .Do you want to try~?" I asked. "O-Only if you would like to, Bonnie~." "Yes~."
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