Chapter 20.2: Rock Our World, Bonnie!
Glamrock Bonnie's P.O.V:
". . .Gregory, are you okay?" I asked. ". . .Yea, I'm okay." he replies, but his eyes seemed a little. . .sad. "Something's bothering you, isn't it?" ". . .Bonnie. . .are you strong?" "'Strong'? Well. . .I can carry bowling balls, do some heavy lifting at work, and my legs are able to withstand some weight from the hopping, so. . .I guess I am." ". . .Dad won't leave me, right?" "What? Of course not." Gregory remains silent, and I scoot a bit closer to him, "Gregory. . .why did you think that?" ". . .Because I'm weak." "You're a child, Gregory. Nothing's wrong with being weak either." "But I always get protected. . .they told me. . .I can't do anything alone. . .so don't cause troubles." "Who are 'they'?" Gregory remains silent, he hugs himself, rubbing his arms. . .and I had an idea who THEY are. . . "Gregory, I was meaning to ask. . .at the concert, Cassie told me that you lined up to see Freddy. . .but you don't need to do that, right? So. . .why?" ". . .I have to. Dad doesn't want people to know about me. Things I do. . .is all trouble." "That's not true." Gregory looks up at me, and I say, "I know so. Freddy is open about his relationship." "Then why? Why does people keep telling me to stay away from dad?" ". . .I don't know their intention, but Freddy loves you, Gregory. You feel love, don't you?" ". . .Yea, I do. . .but. . ." "No one's leaving you, Gregory. Even if you think you're weak, you're smart. Freddy told me that you're an intelligent kid. You breached a security before, not all kids can do that. You're special to Freddy, special in general, Gregory. You'll grow strong & even smarter to protect Freddy. Right now, you should be yourself, laugh, cry, be mad, and be honest to your feelings. That's how kids should be, free & enjoy life." "Bonnie. . ."
I took out the guitar from the case I was carrying on my back, "Let me play you a song for you." "A song?" "Yup, I know just the one~." I set up my guitar, make sure the tuning is right, then I started playing.
"Staring down the face of fear
Gotta keep breathing
When the negative is all you hear
Gotta keep believing
'Cause in the dark there is a light
Your truth it keeps on burning bright
Brave enough to fight the fight
And shout the battle cry" I looked at Gregory, and smiled.
"You'll never stop me I'm a warrior
When I fall down I get stronger
Faith is my shield His love is the armor
I'm a warrior
I'm a warrior
I'm a warrior"
Gregory, you & Freddy are a wholesome son & father, no one can break that, no matter what. I want to protect you both, so I understand Gregory's feelings. . .I'm weak too, I want to be stronger. Seeing you two. . .it's the most precious thing I ever saw, I don't want anyone to break it. . .break the family bond. . .I won't allow it. Soon, the kids returned. Cassie, Susie, Gabriel, Jeremy, Fritz. . .you kids as well, I want to protect you all, you guys are the future that we, adults & animatronics, should protect, their innocence, their hearts, & their dreams.
"I will keep the hope alive
I will find the strength inside
I will keep the hope alive
I ended the song, then applause & cheers came from the kids. "That was great, Bonnie!" says Cassie. "Bon-bon, you sing cute!" says Susie, Gabriel nodding. "You are really good at singing & playing!" says Jeremy. "Awesome! Yaarg!" cheers Fritz. "Aww~, thank yo-" I cut off as Gregory hugged me. "Gregory?" ". . .Thanks, Bonnie." I smiled, and gently hugged him back with one hand, "You're welcome."
We all played around a little bit, the kids were having fun, I had fun too. Fritz is on my shoulders, playing with my ears, "Yaarg! I am the captain!" Gabriel was a little tired, so I'm carrying him with one arm. "I want to get on next, Bon-bon!" says Susie, pulling my finger. "Fritz, don't fall off." says Jeremy. "Okay, hold on, Susie." I said, and carefully crouched to pick her up with my other arm. Thank god, these kids are small, not heavy enough that I'll fall over. "Cassie, Gregory, Jeremy, are you three okay?" I asked. "I'm okay. You have your hands full, Bonnie." giggles Cassie. "I'm fine, you sure you're okay though, Bonnie?" Jeremy asks. "I'm okay, kids are light." I giggled. "Bonnie, do you have an open stomach too?" asked Gregory. "Oh, yea, I do, why?" Suddenly, Gregory tries to open my chest cavity. "G-Gregory! Wait, wait, let me put Susie & Gabirel down first!" I forgot that Freddy lets Gregory in his chest cavity, right? "Nooo! Don't put me down!" says Susie, hugging onto me now. Gabriel does as well, and I say, "K-Kids!" "Ahoy, Bunny!" Fritz shakes my ears, telling me to start walking. "F-Fritz! Don't fall!" I said. Jeremy laughs, Cassie & Gregory tells Susie & Gabriel to let me go. Oh boy, kids really are something.
Soon, the show was about to begin, and I delivered the kids to their parents, tried not to get too close though, cause I know Susie & Gabriel's mothers doesn't like me. Jeremy went back to his friends, I have Gregory & Cassie with me, we went to take a seat to watch the show. Foxy ran up to me, "Bonnie, there ya are!" "Hey, show's about to begin~!" I said excitedly. "Ye, so we got ya a seat in the front~." "No way! Really!?" "I never kid, matey~." "That's a lie, but yes! I love you, matey! Oh, but what about-" I cut off as Foxy says, "Already prepared for the little lady & the gentle boy. Also, I'll take your guitar to the back, since it'll probably be in the way." "You are the best~! Right'o, Captain~!" I handed my guitar to Foxy, then turned to the kids, "Gregory, Cassie, come on~!" We all went to the seats Foxy prepared for us. This is just amazing!
The show starts~, bright lights & smoke comes, welcoming The Glamrocks on stage~! No matter how many times I see, they are AMAZING~! "Welcome everybody~! I hope you all enjoyed our day event, now is the time to give our best performance!" says Freddy to the mic, for everyone to hear. The audience cheers, including me, Gregory, & Cassie. The Glamrocks starts performing, Freddy sings with passion~, and it's truly beautiful~. He's my boyfriend~! The performance was great~, I love it so much~! Freddy~, my superstar~, singing beautifully, his movements are smooth & I can just feel the energy of joy from him~. Roxy playing the keytar, moving her body, the physics of her hair & tail swaying just speaks natural beauty~. Chica playing the guitar, her bright smile bringing energy that fills people's hearts~. Monty playing the bass, the sounds of the bass giving off bravery, with his body giving off strength, impressive~.
Time passes, the show went amazingly~! Everyone loved it~! Freddy brings up the mic to his mouth, "Thank you, every single one of you for coming~! It is almost the end of the event, but I want to let you all know, that this event was made possible with all my friends' help, the company, the staffs. . .all with wishes for the children all around the world to enjoy, be happy. Do not be afraid to reach out, we are here for you." Awww~, Freddy is such a sweetheart~. I glanced at Gregory, who was smiling, watching Freddy, and I can't help, but smile~. "And for our special announcement! We want you all to give a big round of applause to our guest, Foxy the Pirate Fox!" Foxy? He didn't tell me anything about getting on stage. Foxy gets on stage, in his pirate outfit, audience cheers, giving a round of applause. Foxy had a mic on him, and says, "Ahoy maties! Sorry to interrupt The Glamrocks." "Do not worry, Foxy. You helped us make this event happen as well." Freddy says with a smile. "Always so kind, Freddy. Ahem, here I stand on this stage is to tell ya'll, that there is just ONE MORE show to end the night~. Me just here for a little steppingstone~." Steppingstone? Freddy steps back a bit, Chica, Roxy & Monty start moving as the light dims in the back the three are at. "The Glamrocks are an amazing band, ain't it~?" "YEA!!!!" Audience responds. "Let's hype it up for their last performance for the night! Kids, hold onto ya friend or parents if ya're afraid of the dark~." What? "COUNTDOWN!" Foxy says, suddenly, the lights went off. Huh? I felt a hand holding my hand, I held it back, gently, knowing it's Gregory. . . Foxy's voice rings through, counting down from 10. Once he says 0, lights turned back on in a second, then. . .spotlight was on. . .me?
I looked up, seeing Eclipse aiming that spotlight on me. What's going on? "Please welcome the brilliantly talented, going-to-be our newest bandmate, BONNIE~!!!" says Freddy into the mic, and applause rings through. . . .WHAT!? I looked at Freddy, who walks up towards me, on the edge of the stage, "Bonnie is someone very important to all of us, the dearest to me. . ." He crouches, and reaches his hand out to me, "Come on up the stage. . .and ROCK OUR WORLD, BONNIE~." W-Wha. . .FREDDY!? I-I'm panicking! Oh my god, what!? Suddenly, I felt a push. I looked down, then saw Gregory & Cassie giving me a push with a smile. I calmed down, and looked back at Freddy. . .at his hand, then placed my hand on his. Freddy holds my hand, giving me a good pull, pulling me up onto the stage.
Foxy brought my bass, handing it to me, then says, "Knock em' with music, Bonnie~." I smile, and nodded. "Now, ladies & gentlemen, let's give it up for Bonnie~!" Foxy says to the audience, I see Roxy, Chica, & Monty getting their instruments ready once again, they had something on the floor next to their feet though. I turned to the audience, things look so different from the stage. . .I was always the one WATCHING the stage. I'm not sure what to play.
[Bonnie, relax.] Freddy texted me, I looked at him, and he had a reassuring smile.
[It is your time to shine, superstar~.] Freddy~. . .
"Bonnie!" "Bon-bon!" I heard familiar voices, I looked towards the audience, spotting Susie, Gabriel, Jeremy, & Fritz with Gregory & Cassie. These kids. . .yea. . .I can do this. This is my dream. Dream will come true if you put effort in it. . .with people who supports you. I noticed a commotion at the side, "The hell you think you're doing, Freddy!?" Huh? I glanced at the side, and saw some staffs & security guards running up, but. . .someone's stopping them, is that. . .M.X.E.S? "Don't worry, matey, I got this." Foxy jumps off the stage & helps M.X.E.S, I think, with the guards & staff. "Play a song, Bon-bon!" I hear Susie. The audience is waiting.
[C: We got your back~! Play whatever you want, just let us know the name~!]
[R: Don't let anything distract you! Be the idol for the children!]
[M: Let's rock & roll together, bro!]
[F: Bonnie, I know you can do it. We are all here for you.]
[Fo: Yea, matey! I'll get the commotion settled in a sec~!]
Everyone. . .my friends. . .I held my bass, then chose a song to play, I started playing, on que, Freddy sings~.
"I will run, I will climb, I will soar
I'm undefeated, ooh
Jumping out of my skin, pull the chord
Yeah I believe it, ooh
The past, is everything we were
Don't make us who we are
So I'll dream, until I make it real
And all I see is stars
It's not until you fall that you fly
When your dreams come
Alive you're unstoppable
Take a shot, chase the
Sun, find the beautiful
We will glow in the dark
Turning dust to gold
And we'll dream
It possible"
We picked up the music from the slow melancholy to a bit hyped up version. Freddy leans closer to me, then shares his mic with me, and I sang~.
"I will chase, I will reach, I will fly
Until I'm Breaking, Until I'm Breaking
Out of my cage, like a bird in the night
I know I'm changing, I know I'm changing
In, into something big
Better than before
And if it takes, takes a thousand lives
Then it's worth fighting for"
Soon, smokes of different color come from behind, I looked slightly back, then see that Roxy, Chica & Monty activated a gadget at their feet, so that's what it was~. From the sky, snow starts falling, but it's not an actual snow, Eclipse was above, using his flight function, and creating a snow effect, then I saw Foxy swinging, using his lasso, from one spot to another, helping out Eclipse. Now I see M.X.E.S also helping out above, I guess the two took care of the commotion from earlier. Everyone is working together. . .I look at Freddy, who smiles, and we sing together the last part of the song~.
As the song ends, I hear applauses, cheers. . .voices of joy. I felt my heart flutter, people are. . .happy to see me on here? "BONNIE!" "BON-BON!" I hear the kids I met cheer my name. "Thank you all for coming to the event~!" Freddy says, then he wraps his arm around my shoulder, pulling me close. I felt my face heat up, and Freddy says, "Please give another applause for going-to-be our newest bandmate, Bonnie~!!!" Another shower of applause came. "F-Freddy. . .I. . ." "Bonnie, you deserve this~." Freddy hands me the mic, and I held it up to my mouth, ". . .T-Thank you for t-the applause, and the warm welcome. I'm Bonnie, and I-I can't believe that I'm standing here. . .on stage. . .with my idols." I glance at Freddy, who smiles, making my face light up. "I. . .What an amazing day~!" I smiled, and another wave of cheers came. I hand the mic back to Freddy, soon Foxy lands on the stage, and says, "Ahoy! What a performance~!" Foxy walks up next to me, pats my back, "You really ROCKED OUR WORLD, Bonnie~. Am I right, maties~!?" "Yes, he did~!" I hear Chica. "Absolutely~!" I hear Roxy. "HECK YEA!" I hear Monty, the audience follows, starting to chant my name. I can't believe it. . .really. . .am I dreaming? Suddenly, Freddy gives me a kiss on the cheek, my system overheated in a sec, "F-Freddy!" "Haha, welcome aboard, Bonnie~!" he giggles cutely.
{Songs used:
'Warrior' by Hannah Kerr
'Dream it Possible' by Delacey (Emanuel Diaz Remix)}
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