Chapter 20.1: Rock Our World, Bonnie!
Glamrock Bonnie's P.O.V:
The event day is here! The Glamrocks worked really hard on making this event, Foxy & I helped out, and now. . .seeing that once empty location be full of colors & lights. . .it's amazing! "OH MY GOD. . ." "This looks like a déjà vu from few chaps away." Foxy says, having his hands in his pocket. "Foxy. . .FOXY, LOOK! This is what we all made together!" "Yar right, matey. We all worked hard on it." "And look! So many children! They all look happy! I can't contain my happiness, Foxy!" Foxy grabs my scarf, and says, "Calm yar bottom! Save the hopping for when ya see yar boyfriend." My system instantly heats up as Foxy said that, "F-Foxy!" Foxy just chuckles, "Come on, matey. Time won't wait." Foxy starts walking, and I follow him, "Foxy, wait for me!"
We used our staff tags to enter the back of the stage, where The Glamrocks were. My eyes immediately landed on my boyfriend, Freddy~. He's looking so handsome today~, I mean, he always is~, but extra handsome today~. He was talking to Lewis, which I learned that he's actually a fan of Foxy~. Foxy's influence & fame is real~. Freddy notices me, then smiles & waves at me~, or us. I wave back, ahh! I just want to hop into his arms~! Foxy gives me a nudge on the arm, "Go ahead & talk to yar novio~." "F-Foxy! I have a translator now! I KNOW what you're saying!" "Ye, ye~, or did ya wanted me to say in English, in front of everyone?" I pushed Foxy, "Hush!" Foxy laughs, and I walked up to Freddy. "Hey Freddy, g-good morning." "Hello, Bonnie, good morning to you too. How are you?" "I'm good, just so excited for the event!" "I am as well, Bonnie. We will be busy today, so we may not get much time together. . ." "It's okay, we always have next time~. Today is for the children, you gotta focus & be the brightest superstar out there~!" "Bonnie~. . ." Freddy holds my hand, I heat up a bit, then Freddy pulls me close, "F-Freddy, we can't. . ." "O-Oh, I apologize." Freddy says, and pulls away. His ears were down a bit, to be honest, I wanted the kiss. I gently kissed him on the cheek quickly. "B-Bonnie~?" "G-Good luck, superstar~." "I-I will do my best!" Freddy hugs me, making my system heat up. "F-Freddy!" "Bonnie~." I hugged Freddy back, his hug is warm & comfortable~. We slowly parted, "Bonnie, Gregory is here as well, and if you can, can you keep an eye on him? He should be with his friend, Cassie." "Of course, leave it to me, Freddy!" "Thank you~. And ah, I see you brought your guitar." "Yup, just in case."
After Freddy had to talk with other staff, making sure the event is going smooth & has no issues, I visited the others, I found Roxanne & Foxy together, I didn't even notice Foxy had walked away from me & Freddy. I tried not to disturb them. "Matey, we can see yar ear." Foxy says, I tried hiding behind a wall, but shoot, my ear was showing! I stepped out, "Aww, I tried being sneaky. Sorry to interrupt you two." "It's fine, you didn't disturb anything." Roxanne says. "We were talking about the face paints. I'm gonna help Roxy." "Ohhh, sounds interesting~ & fun~. You two really are a good duo~." Roxanne's face turned a little red, "W-What are you saying!?" Foxy laughs, "I supposed we do make a good duo~." "W-We. . .do?" Roxanna asks, her tail swaying a bit. "I should leave you two be~. I need to check on my bro, and then Chica." "Oh, I think they're together near the vans. They have another duet part in today's performance." Roxanne told me. "Thanks for letting me know, Roxanne, and uh, have fun~." I walked away, and to where Monty & Chica are.
I hear guitar & bass sounds, that must be the two. Soon, the sounds stopped, I heard them talking, and peeked around the corner, then saw Monty & Chica. "See! That sounded better~!" Chica says. "Yea, but this part is a bit tricky, so. . ." Monty starts writing on paper, probably a music sheet. "Monty, I can't see, you're too tall!" Chica whines cutely. Yea, Monty is tall, he used to be same or smaller than me. "Haha, you are so small. I'll show you when I'm done writing." "Hey, no hiding~! We're in this together!" Chica jumps onto Monty's back. "Ahh! Chica!" "Piggyback time!" Chica giggles. They laugh, and Monty does give her a piggyback to let her see what he wrote. "Ohh! That's a good idea!" "Right? It's not too different from the original." "You're so good, Monty! I love our duets!" "Yea~. . .me too~." They giggle, and Monty looks. . .genuinely happy. I shouldn't interrupt the- "Bonnie!" I heard Chica. . .oh great.
I stepped out, walking towards them, "Hey you two, having fun I assume~?" Monty's face turns a bit red, "W-What are you im-" Chica cuts him off, "Yes, we are! Monty's giving me piggyback rides!" "I can see that~." I giggled. "S-Shut up, both of you!" Chica & I laughed at Monty's response, soon Chica gets off of Monty's back, then shows me the music sheets. "We have a duet, we were practicing a bit, with some tweaks~. What do you think?" I looked at the music sheets, these are really good, plus the tweaks would give some spice to the music. "This is really good, I can't wait to hear it!" I said. "I know, right~? Monty is good at it!" "I-I ain't that good, Chica." "So humble~. And well, I have some suggestions." I said. "Ohh! Do tell!" says Chica, and I give both of them some suggestions. "That's so helpful! Thank you, Bonnie~!" Chica hugs me, and I pat her back, "You're welcome. I'm looking forward to the performance~!" "We'll give the best show ever! Right, Monty~!?" "Huh? O-Oh yea, no worries, bro~." Monty says, and looks at the music sheets again. He's really focused, I think I bothered them enough. "I'm gonna go check out others now. See you two later." "Bye, see you later, Bon~!" Chica says, and I head over to the booths, I need to find Gregory too.
I looked at the booths, parents, teens, children are all here, enjoying the event already. I love it so much! This is truly amazing~! I scanned the area to find Gregory, but I found Eclipse, so I walked up to him. "Hey Eclipse!" I waved my hand to get his attention, he noticed me, and flew over to me. "Hello, Mr. Bonnie~, what a swell day~!" "Indeed, Eclipse. And you can call me, 'Bonnie'. I consider you as my friend, so no formal stuff." "Oh! T-That is very nice of you! So. . .B-Bonnie?" "Yup! The event is starting off great, isn't it?" "Yes, it is! I am filled with joy! We all worked so hard!" "We sure did~, and oh! Eclipse, I don't know if right now is a good time, but do you wanna exchange contacts? I was worried about your condition with that guy at the diner. Foxy was worried too, and if anything like that happens again, I wanna keep in touch. We three are old type of models, so maybe we can help each other with parts." "Oh! Thank you for you two's concern, I am okay, and I would love to!" We exchanged contact information, and I'm really glad he's okay. Foxy was worried about Eclipse, even though they haven't interacted much, that's one of my favorite things about Foxy, he's always concerned for others, listening & always thinking of a way to help. He's a great friend.
Eclipse went back to work, and I went back to look at the booths, I scanned the area again to find Gregory. I spotted him with Cassie, so I walked up to them. "Gregory, Cassie!" I called out to them. The two turned to me, and says in sync, "BONNIE!" They ran up to me, sweet little kids. I crouched to meet their level, "Hey, how are you two doing?" "I am so excited! I want Roxy to do face paint on me!" Cassie says. "I'm excited too. Freddy's going to make an awesome show!" 'Freddy'? Oh yea, if I remember correctly, Cassie said Gregory LINED UP for Freddy's autograph during the concert. . .is. . .Gregory hiding the fact that Freddy is his dad or. . .? "Are you excited too?" Cassie asks, and I replied, "Of course I am~! I love The Glamrocks, and I helped out with the event too. We all worked hard, and seeing kids like you two happy, it was worth it~." "Wow! You helped out!? That's so cool!" Cassie says, smiling, then we heard her dad calling for her. "Coming dad! Sorry, I need to go, I'll come back." Cassie goes to her dad. "Nice friend you got, Gregory." "Yea, she's funny, and nice." "Is your babysitter here or are you here with Cassie & her dad?" "I'm here with Cassie & her dad. And. . .you know my babysitter?" "Huh? I don't think I've met them." "But you were talking to him." "Was I? . . .Do you mean, Eclipse?" "I don't know that name, but he looked like my babysitter." "Hmm, maybe a similar model as him. Freddy told me, only Vanessa & Lewis knows about you & Freddy." ". . .I don't like the lady." "'Vanessa'?" "She always gets mad at dad, and always tries to catch me when I try to go see him." "Huh. . .yea, I did hear her scolding Freddy. . .well, being a security guard must be stressful or something. Oh! Your dad asked me to keep an eye on you, so why don't we hang out & enjoy the event?" "Sure, Bonnie." Soon, Cassie came back, "Gregory! Bonnie! The show's going to start! Let's go watch!"
We all went towards the stage, grabbed a seat to sit down & watch the show. The show starts, the lights turn on, music comes from the speakers, then The Glamrocks appear on stage~! My fanboy heart is trembling with excitement~! Cassie waves her hand, cheering, "ROXY~!" Gregory cheers, "FREDDY~!" I cheered, "GLAMROCKS~!" The four performs, giving us a taste for the full show for tonight~. I scanned the area to see where Foxy is, but I can't pinpoint him, he's probably in the backstage. Freddy grabs the mic off the mic stand, and says, "Welcome, ladies & gentlemen, boys & girls! Thank you for coming to our event! We hope you all have fun & spread happiness to people all around! Tonight, we have a special show ready for you all! Not only that, we have a special announcement as well! Stay tuned~ & enjoy~!" Special announcement? I wonder what that is. "We have food, toys, music, face paints, games, and so much more! And for the music, please welcome & support the new DJ from MusicMan Palace, DJ MusicMan~!" "MusicMan? I didn't know he was here! I have to go say hi!" We see the MusicMan on the DJ booth, having the headphones I gave him & waving. This event is beyond amazing already!
After show, Cassie pulled us to Roxanne's face paint booth. "Roxy!" Cassie says, and Roxanne notices her, "Hey Cassie~!" We walk up to her, she soon notices me & Gregory. "Hey Bonnie, Gregory." "Hey Roxanne, and oh, you know Gregory?" I asked. "Yea, he's Cassie's best friend, she told me about him." "Cassie. . ." says Gregory. "Oh come on, you two are my best friends!" "You all wanna get face paint on?" Roxanne asks. "Just Cassie." I replied. "Let's all get a face paint!" says Cassie. "Uh. . .I'm fine." says Gregory. "Hey, a lady demands it." says Roxanne, crossing her arms, Cassie copies Roxanne, "Yes, a lady demands it!" "Lady?" asks Gregory, then looks at me. "Well. . .sure, why not? It doesn't have to be big. Let's do it for Cassie, Gregory." ". . .Fine, but I don't want to look like a girl." "Hey, I do other face paints than just mine. Though, right now, I have my hands tied, so you don't mind getting a face paint from other staff?" Roxanne asks Cassie, who frowns, "Aww, but I want YOU to do it." "Aww, Cassie. . .I'm sorry."
"Is a lady in trouble?" We heard Foxy's voice, he walked up to us. "Oh, hey Fo-" "Shhh." Foxy cuts me off, oh yea, I shouldn't blatantly say his name, or another mall rush might occur. "What seems to be the trouble?" Foxy asks. "Oh, well, she wants me to give her a face paint, but I have my hands tied with others." "Hmm. . .little lady, will you allow me to give you a face paint? I'm trying to get better, and I would really like a nice model like you to assist me." Foxy says, crouching to meet Cassie's level. "Um. . .well, okay, but are you able to do Roxy makeup?" "Certainly, little lady." Cassie seems a little guarded up, so I tried to reassure her, "Cassie, he's actually my friend. I can assure you that he will do an excellent job." "Are you sure? He's a little. . .like Monty." "It's okay, and if you want, I can be at your side, make sure he doesn't do anything bad." "Haha, a little harsh." Chuckles Foxy. "Well, I'm okay, and if you say so, I trust you, Bonnie." "Alright, take good care of her." I pat Foxy's shoulder. "As you wish~." Foxy takes Cassie to a chair to apply face paint on her. "Thanks, Bonnie." says Roxanne. "You're welcome, but you should be thanking him." I gestured to look at Foxy, Roxanne's face turns a bit red, "I-I know, and I will." "Now, let's go get a face paint, Gregory." ". . .Are YOU able to do face paint?" "Me? I've tried it, so yea, I can." "Then can you do it on me?" "Uh, Roxanne, can I?" I asked. "Sure, there's an open chair & just use what you want, Bon." "Thanks, and so, yes, I'll gladly apply face paint on you, Gregory." "I want a lightening mark on my cheek, just like Freddy's!" "Great taste!"
I applied face paint on Gregory, "There you go." Gregory looks in the mirror, "Whoa! It's just like Freddy's! Thanks, Bonnie!" "You're welcome~." "Gregory! Bonnie! Look!" We heard Cassie, and turned to her, she has a really nice Roxanne make up on, not too heavy, nor too light, perfect amount, and detailed. "Wow! You look cool, Cassie!" "Right~!? Bonnie's friend did it really good!" Cassie says excitedly, I can see a sparkle in her eyes. "Haha, I tried my best." says Foxy, then Cassie says, "Thank you, mister fox!" "You're welcome, little lady." Roxanne walks up to Cassie, "That's an amazing face paint, Cassie! So pretty~!" "Thank you, Roxy~!" giggles Cassie. Roxanne turns to Foxy, "Thank you." "Don't mention it, milady." Foxy replies with a smile, and Roxanne smiles back, her tail wagging.
After the face paint, Foxy applied star face paint on my cheeks by the way, we headed over to eat something. We saw Chica handing out some pizza slices, and walked up to her. "Hey Chica." I said, and Chica turns to me, "Oh, hi Bonbon~! Would you like to eat?" "Yea, we're hungry." I replied, showing Cassie & Gregory to her. Chica crouches, "Hello there~! Do you two like pizzas?" "Yes!" the two synced, and Chica giggles, "Here you go~! Eat a lot & grow big~! But don't forget to exercise~." "Thank you!" Cassie & Gregory both took a slice, Chica stands up, then says, "Here you go, Bonnie." She hands me a slice too. "Thanks, Chica. The food stands are going smooth, huh?" "Yup! Eclipse is helping with the supplies, and thankfully we didn't run into fans like the one in the diner." "I'm glad, and if another fan like that bothers you nor anyone, let me know, I'll bash them with my bowling ball~!" "Haha, nooo~, you'd make a mess~!" "Hey, gotta teach SOME lesson~." We giggled, suddenly, I heard a sniffle. I turned to the sound, then saw a little girl, sniffling, a pizza slice was on the ground, I think she dropped her food.
I walked up to the little girl & crouches, "Hello there, are you okay?" She turned to me, and. . .she looks familiar. "I. . .bumped into. . .someone, and. . .dropped my food. . ." "Hey, don't cry, it's okay. I'll give you mine." I handed her my slice of pizza. "Really?" "Yea, and you can always get seconds." "I just. . .don't want to waste food. Chica said it's bad. . ." She has a Chica face paint on, so she must be a Chica fan. "It was an accident. Chica would understand." Chica comes up beside me, "What's wrong? Is she lost?" "No, she had a little accident. Look, Chica is here." The girl looks up, seeing Chica, "Chica!" "Hello~, aww~! You have my makeup on~! That is so cute & precious~!" Chica smiles, and the girl says, "I-I. . .I'm sorry, I. . .dropped my food. . ." "Aww, poor girl. There's plenty more food. I'll clean tha-" "I-I'll clean it, Chica! Don't worry." I said, I just didn't want Chica to eat it or something. "Thank you, Bonnie, and oh! Did mister bunny here gave you food?" "Uh-huh! He's nice, he helped me get my balloon too." As she said that, I remembered the little girl I helped get her balloon, no wonder she looked familiar. "I remember you! Nice to see you again, what's your name?" I asked. "Susie, and thank you, mister Bon-bon!" Haha, she remembered me, that's really sweet~.
Susie joined Cassie, Gregory & I, she seemed to be alone, but I remember her mother not liking me, so. . .I hope her mother doesn't cause a scene, though I can't leave Susie either. . . "Bonnie! Let's go check the toys!" Gregory says. "Oh, sure." I replied, then Susie grabs my finger, pulling me, "Come on, Bon-bon!" Cassie pushes my leg, "March, mister~!" "H-Hey, hey, girls! I'm going, haha~!" I giggled, and we headed to the toy booths. We looked around, three kids, looking through the toys. "This looks like a laser gun!" Gregory says, playing with a toy gun. "It sure does. You really like shooting, don't you?" I asked him. "I had fun at the laser tag. Dad & I played with water guns before, it was really fun, so yea, I like shooting~!" "That's really nice, and wholesome~." Freddy is such a nice dad~. "Bonnie, look! Cupcake!" says Susie, showing me a pink cupcake plushie. "Aww~, that's cute, but don't eat it~." I giggled. ". . .I won't~." she says. I think it crossed her mind. "Walkie talkie!" says Cassie, holding two walkie talkies. "Gregory, we can play with this!" She hands one to Gregory. "Ohh! Yea, this is cool!" Three kids having fun & running around, they're like butterflies, so sweet.
I looked at some toys, remembering how Freddy & I carried some stocks of toys here. Being alone with Freddy, seeing him work his arms~, it was really. . .nice~. My boyfriend is so handsome~! I can't help it~! Soon, I noticed a little boy, holding a top hat, looking at the toys, he seemed hesitant to grab one. I walked up to the boy, "Do you like the toys?" He turned to me, "S-Sorry!" "Hey, I wasn't mad or anything. . .you look familiar." The boy looked at me, his eyes were a little watery. I crouched, "Are you okay?" He nods, then I realized, "You're the boy from the mall, aren't you? Do you remember me? Bonnie." He looks at me, then his eyes soften, "B-Bonnie. . .you're. . .the nice mister." "Yay~, you remembered me~!" I giggled, he cracks a smile, then I heard Gregory say, "'Gabirel'?" The boy & I turned to Gregory, who's with Cassie & Susie.
"You know him?" I asked. "Yea, he's our friend." Cassie says. "Are you crying again?" asked Gregory. "I-I. . .just. . .wanted. . .a toy." Gabriel says. "There's a lot of them, look, I got a gun!" says Gregory. "I got walkie talkies!" says Cassie. "Look at my cupcake, it's cute!" says Susie. "Haha, what would you like, Gabriel?" I asked. Gabriel slowly turned to the toys, then his eyes were looking at a toy mic. I grabbed it for him, handing it, "You like this?" Gabriel nods, then he puts his top hat on. . . "Oh my god, you're like Freddy~!" I said, and Gabriel looks at me, forming a smile, "D-Do you. . .like Freddy?" "Yea, I love Freddy!" I replied. "I-I love Freddy too!" Gabriel says, and this is the first time I heard his voice clearer. Aww~, another Freddy fan~!
Gabriel joined us too, and we headed over to the games. I really wonder where the parents are at for Susie & Gabriel. . .though, their mothers' first impression was. . .not good, so I'm kinda glad? At the games area, Monty was teaching some kids how to play some of the games. "Awesome job, kids!" Monty says, and high fives the kids. I tried to say hi to Monty, but I felt someone grab my leg, I looked down, then saw Cassie, hiding behind my leg. Oh yea, she's not too fond of Monty, wasn't she? As much as I want to greet my bro, I shouldn't make Cassie feel uncomfortable. "Cassie, do you want to play something here?" I asked her. "Um. . ." she looks around, then points to a toy car race, "That!" "Ohh! A race!" says Gregory. "Alright, let's go play that~!" I led the kids to the toy car race game.
The 4 takes a controller to control the toy cars, however, a teen grabs a controller away from Gabriel. "H-Hey!" says Gabriel. "Beat it, kid. I have a race to win!" said the teen, and Gabriel tears up. I immediately noticed the teen's face. . .it's those teens who insulted MY SUPERSTAR. . .though, we had a good end to the rap battle, that behavior is NOT allowed. I placed my hand on the controller the teen was holding, so they can't use it. "Hey!" "That's MY line. I saw that you didn't wait your turn, and took it from someone. That kind of behavior is not allowed." "Bonnie? You're here again!?" "Yup, it's me, the one who obliterated you & your friends. Want a rematch?" "J-Jeez, you're a stick in the a-" "Ah! No, no, this is a family friendly event. Be a good example, you're older than these kids." I said, then another teen comes up, "Hey, you okay? Um, did he do something?" This teen is the one I shook hands with.
I explained it, and the teen says, "Sorry about that. Come on, give back the controller." "Aww, come on, Jeremy!" "Hah. . .I'll let you use mine first, so give it back, jeez." The teen who took the controller, gave it back to Gabriel, who smiled. "Good kid, what's your name?" I asked. "I'm Jeremy, and sorry about my friend." "It's okay, and thank you, Jeremy." "Don't mention it. Well, do you guys want to play with us?" Jeremy asks. "Jeremy!" said the friend. "Come on, it won't hurt, and I want a match with Bonnie." "With me?" "Yea, you won the rap battle, but not this race~." Jeremy smirks, and I smirked back, "I say bring it~." "Yes! Bonnie, teach them a lesson for taking Gabriel's controller!" says Gregory. "Sounds fun!" says Susie. "No one get hurt, okay?" says Cassie.
We played few races, everyone getting a turn, we all had fun. This time, we ended in a draw~. "You're so good, Bonnie." Jeremy said. "Thank you, and you're good as well~." We giggled, and soon, it was time for other kids to play, so we had to go. "That was so cool! Bonnie's so good at playing games!" says Gregory. "Y-Yea. He taught me how to control too. He's nice." Says Gabriel. "Hey, you guys are gonna make me blush~." I giggled. "We'll match with something else again." Jeremy says, and. . . "Why are you following us?" Cassie asked. "I just want to hang out with Bonnie. My friends are okay with it." "Well, don't hurt us." says Gregory. "I won't I promise." "Haha, we'll keep an eye on each other. And. . .let's go to the music booth! I gotta say hi to my friend!" I said, then the kids all cheered after me. These kids are really sweet.
We went to the music booth, and we saw people dancing to the music. I wave to the MusicMan, who noticed me, and waves back. "I love his music!" I said. "Let's dance~!" says Susie, and starts dancing. Jeremy follows Susie's lead, starting to dance. "Come on Cassie, Gabriel!" says Gregory. "Um. . .I'm okay." says Gabriel. "Yea, I-" Cassie cuts off as Gregory pulls her hand, and starts dancing with her, "It's fun! Join, Gabe!" Cassie giggles, "It kind of is~!" Gabriel was shy & nervous, I crouch to his level, "Let's dance together, so you're not alone." Gabriel looks at me, then nods. I gently took his hand, and we started dancing too. It's amazing how the music from MusicMan makes people want to dance. This is what talent is, making people feel, whether they start moving physically or mentally~.
More people join, I scan quickly to count the kids to make sure no one is missing. "This is fun~!" says Cassie. "Yea, I told you!" says Gregory. This is great, everyone's having fun, then I noticed a boy dancing alone, he had an eyepatch & a hook hand. . . He's a Foxy fan~! Awww~, that's nice~! I should let Foxy know. The kid noticed me, then ran up to me. "Come dance with me!" ". . .Me?" "I saw ya dancing, and we'll grab more attention!" "Well I. . ." I turned to Gabriel, who nods, then Susie comes up to him, "Dance, dance~!" Susie starts dancing with Gabriel, and I turned to the boy, "What's your name?" "I'm Fritz, yaarg!" he giggles, then Fritz grabs my hand, and we start dancing~. Fritz was really good at it, it's like I'm dancing with Foxy, but little. I should show off my dancing skill that Foxy taught me. "Ohhh! Nice moves, mate!" Fritz says, and I giggled, he's like Foxy~. "You're a little pirate dancer, aren't ya~?" "Ye, mate!" "You're a Foxy fan, right?" Fritz gasped, "You know him? Of course! He's the best!" "Haha, I'm a fan too!" "Ye! We friends!" "Watch this~!" I performed a dance Foxy did in the pirate movie, and Fritz says, "Wow! You ARE a Foxy fan!" "I told ya~!" "Wohoo! Best mate!" Haha, I don't think Fritz knows what 'mate' actually means, and that's so innocent.
The music slowed down, and we all decided to take a break, I gave the MusicMan a thumbs up, which they returned with a thumbs up to me. We sat down, away from music for a bit to relax. It's already getting late, time sure flies. I counted the kids, "1 (Gregory), 2 (Cassie), 3 (Susie), 4 (Gabriel), 5 (Jeremy), 6. Alright, no ones missing. . .wait, 6?" I looked at the kids again, then noticed that Fritz had followed us. "Fritz? What are you doing here? Where are your parents?" I asked. "Over there. Don't worry, mate." says Fritz, pointing at one of the food booth. "Um, did you tell them you're with us?" "Uh-huh." He replied. Well, if the parents know then. . .I guess? "Who wants drinks? I'm a little thirsty." says Jeremy. "Me!" Susie replies, soon Cassie & Gabriel raise their hand. "Alright, let's get a drink." "Ohh! I want strawberry juice!" says Susie. "I want coke!" says Fritz, and they ran off. "Hey wait up!" Jeremy goes after them & grabs their hands. Jeremy's like a big brother. "Let's go, Gabriel. Gregory, do you want a drink too?" Cassie asks. "It's okay, Bonnie & I will stay here." Me too? "Okay, we'll be right back!" Cassie & Gabriel goes after Jeremy, Susie & Fritz.
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