Chapter 19: Acceptance
Glamrock Freddy's P.O.V:
"Hmm. . ." I was reading a book on the couch, "'To ask someone on a date, first, be prepared & confident. You must approach your crush in a friendly way, do not be pushy nor flirty too much.' Will this really work? Just thinking about asking Bonnie out on a date, makes me nervous. . ." "Hey dad, what are you reading?" I heard Gregory say, which startled me, that I dropped the book. "S-Sorry, Gregory, I was-" "'Relationship Goal: How to Approach Love'?" Gregory says as he picked up the book & read its front cover. "G-Gregory! That is too early for you to read!" "Did you borrow this from the library?" "It is actually from the internet." Gregory gave the book back to me. "Did you smooch Bonnie yet?" My system starts heating up a little as I heard what Gregory said. "G-Gregory! Where did you learn that!?" "Cassie heard Gabriel's bullies saying that." "What? Bullying is NOT allowed! I shall contact the school." "It's okay, Cassie & I helped him out. We play together sometimes." "That is great to hear. Still, 'smooch' is. . .not really a word you kids should use in a. . .situation like this." "What situation?" "Um. . .a serious relationship." "I'm okay, dad. Bonnie is the bunny guy who was nice to Cassie, he gave her a Roxy plushie. I'm okay with having him as my mom or another dad." "G-Gregory!" Children these days are really something. I learn about it every day from Gregory. "And I have a book cover for the book, so no one sees it." "Oh, that would be helpful, a book cover will prevent it from being dirty." "Yea, exactly."
Flashback Ended.
"D-Did Gregory really say that?" Bonnie asks me, laying down on my bed together. "Yes, and he always surprises me with how much knowledge a little child can have." I replied. "Y-Yea, and well. . .I guess Gregory accepts me, haha." "Of course he does. He may be a little child, but he is very observant. Once I got to know him, from the start, he was an intelligent child, I am learning more & more about him." "True dad~." Bonnie giggles cutely. I held Bonnie's hand, Bonnie's face lights up a little red, looking at me. "I am very happy to be with you, Bonnie~." "M-Me too, Freddy~. So. . .I can call you. . .my boyfriend, right?" My system started heating up as I heard Bonnie say that, and I felt joy. "Of course, Bonnie~. And you are MY boyfriend~." Bonnie hides his face in my shoulder, "You're too good~." "I think you are too good~. So talented, very kind, sweet, observant, caring-" "F-Freddy! You're gonna make my system overheat!" "Haha, I apologize~." We talked for a while in bed, Bonnie was really nervous about it. I was nervous about it too, good thing I cleaned my room this morning, not that I am messy, but my desk did have some papers for the event. I made sure Bonnie was close to me, so he wouldn't fall off the bed or anything. "Freddy, I'm so glad I met you." "I am glad as well, Bonnie~." I gently kissed Bonnie's forehead. "Goodnight, Freddy~." "Goodnight, Bonnie~." We both drifted into sleep mode.
The next morning, I woke up, and looked at my side, seeing Bonnie. It was not a dream. . .Oh Bonnie~. I held him close, I felt great happiness, Bonnie is my boyfriend, the most talented, kind, caring, observant, cutest, & perfect animatronic I ever met~. Soon, I heard functioning sounds, Bonnie opened his eyes. "Good morning, Bonnie~." I greeted him. "Morning, superstar~. Am I dreaming?" "Haha, you are not." "Freddy~. . ." Bonnie hugged me, I hugged him back. "I wanna stay in bed with you all day~." "I would love to, but we must wake up." "Aww. . .but yea, I do have work today." "You do?" "Yea, afternoon. How about you?" "I do have some work to do about the event." "Excited, aren't you~?" "Very much~." We giggled and decided to get out of bed. Together, we went to make breakfast.
"I don't mind waking up like this every day~." Bonnie says. "R-Really?" "Yea, calm morning, waking up. . .next to my b-boyfriend~." I looked at Bonnie, whose face was a little red, and his ears wiggling. . .such a cute sight. "I would love to wake up next to you too, Bonnie~, my. . .boyfriend~." Now, both of our face was red. "W-We need to work on that, haha." Bonnie says. "Yes, I agree." "And speaking of. . .now that we're. . .boyfriends, um. . .what's the limit?" "'Limit'?" I asked, I was not sure what he meant. "Like. . .is it okay to say I'm dating you, or keep it low profile, or something. You know, you're famous, and sometimes that comes with company policy of like, no dating allowed. Like, it's bad for the brand or something. And Fazbear Entertainment is like, family friendly, so. . .no gays?" Bonnie asks. "Oh, you do not have to worry about that. I am okay with our relationship open to public." "A-Are you sure? What about-" "I will not let the company deny us, and we are meant for children entertainment first, before adults, we can be a good influence to the children, never to judge anyone for their sexuality, accept each other." "W-Wow. . .I mean, I guess. Sorry, I was overthinking." "It is okay, however, I would like to keep it low profile to our friends. We can surprise them~." "Ohhh~, I can do that, but until when?" "How about after event? We are going to be busy, so we would not be able to talk as much." "I see, but can I at least tell Foxy? He helped a lot, and gave me courage to. . .advance." "Of course, you can. Foxy has tight lips, and I trust him." "Thank you~! I'm really happy~!" Bonnie is really sweet~. I started to cook bacons & eggs on the frying pan, then I felt Bonnie hug me from behind. "B-Bonnie?" "Sorry, I just. . .wanted to try." I put my hand on his arm, "I do not mind. I like to feel you close to me~." I felt Bonnie bury his face against my back, muffling, "Freddy~!" I giggled, and kept cooking breakfast for us three.
Glamrock Bonnie's P.O.V:
"Order coming right up~!" I said, and carried the order to the customers. "Bonnie, you seem to be in a really good mood today." "Hehe, I had a really, really nice day yesterday & this morning~. Enjoy your stay~!" I head over to check other customers & their orders if they had any. My body was just running with joy, I can see just roses in my vision from how happy I am~, nothing can ruin my mood today~! "Need any help over here?" I asked Baby, our counter girl, serving food to people at the counter. "We are okay, thank you, Bonnie." "Alright, let me know if you need any help." "You seem really happy, Bonnie." She said. "Today? Especially~." I giggled. "I like the flower on your ear." "Oh, thank you~, it was a gift~." "That's a really nice gift. Was it from boss?" "Nope, it's from-" "Bonnie, little help in the back, please?" I heard my other coworker, "Oh! Coming! Sorry, Baby, gotta go, duty calls~!" I hurried back to help.
I helped out the others with stocks. Time flies by, I don't know why, but a lot of people are here today. Once it calmed down at night, Foxy came. "Hey matey." "Hey mate~!" I greeted, hugging Foxy, "I have so much to tell you!" "Matey~! I can see you're excited~!" laughs Foxy, and I pulled away. "And I thought we're calling today." "Nah, finished shooting early, matey. One take~." "That's a pro~! I'll get you some drinks, my treat~." "Oh~, I can expect some really good news from ya~." "Oh, big, BIG & GOOD news~." I winked at Foxy.
Foxy sat down at the counter, and I went behind the counter to get a drink for Foxy. "So. . .what are ya so happy for~?" "Shhh~, it's top secret~. I mean, I don't know if I can be public yet, or at all, but. . .I told you about me going to Freddy's house, right?" I grabbed a cup of glass & a bottle, placing it on the counter, in front of Foxy. "Ye~, ya were really nervous. Guessing everything went well, after you've been freaking out about his family & relationships." "I-I was panicking, okay? And about that, I was worried over nothing." "Told ya." "You were right, Captain, and for the record, I never doubted you." I poured Foxy a drink. "And so, what happened?" Foxy asks. "So. . .I met his son, Gregory. He's a good kid, and I actually met him at the concert." "Ohh, what a luck." "Yea, crazy, right? And well, Freddy told me about Gregory, how Freddy adopted him & what happened to him." Foxy listens, taking a sip of his drink. "And well. . .it was painful & sad to hear. . .but I'm glad they have each other. Freddy is a really good dad~." "I always knew he's like a father figure." "Haha, and he's great at it~. We did some gardening & had fun, their house was really comfortable & cozy." "I assume that flower is from Fazy~." "Oh, y-yea~." I remembered about yesterday, and my face heat up a bit~.
"And then?" "Then we- wait." I looked behind, and saw M.X.E.S. "Boss! When did you-" "Just now, and I'm interested in this." He says with a smirk. "Um, this is a little private-" "M.X.E.S, come sit & let's hear what Bonnie has to say~." "Foxy!" I said, then M.X.E.S soon floats over the counter & sits next to Foxy. He looks straight at me, expecting a continuation of the conversation. "Um. . .okay, but please don't tell people, alright?" "Pinky promise." Foxy & M.X.E.S syncs, then they give each other a fist bump. Seriously, how did these two become such good friends?
"Anyway. . .so, um, actually after gardening, Freddy told me about Gregory, and I decided to take Gregory to the Laser Tag attraction. You know, the one, you promoted, Foxy." "Oh! Haha, came in handy, huh~?" "I have seen that too. It played on the T.V here." M.X.E.S says. "Good thing ya two saw it~." "Yea, and well, there was a little accident, the arena of the Laser Tag blacked out." "'Blacked out'?" Foxy & M.X.E.S synced. "Yea, we don't know why, and well, long story short, Freddy & I broke some stuff & performed for Gregory." "I did not get a single situation from that." M.X.E.S says. "Another performance, ey~? You really love making a scene, I taught ya so well~." "Haha, Gregory was afraid of the dark, so our like, dad instinct kicked in, I guess? Anyway, when we got home. . .we. . .um. . ." I trailed off, my face heating up. Foxy & M.X.E.S leaned towards me, "Uuuuu. . .we're. . .official." I whispered. "Sorry matey, ya gotta speak louder." Foxy says with a SMIRK, THIS GUY! "We're o-official." "Sorry, but we can't hear with that stutter." Said M.X.E.S, THIS BOSS! "WE ARE BOYFRIENDS." I said, then Foxy & M.X.E.S starts clapping. "There ya go~!" "Took you two long enough." "YOU SON OF A B*- agh! I shouldn't have told you guys!" The two laughs, teasing me. "Well, we would've figured it out either way, right~?" Foxy says to M.X.E.S who nods, "The flower speaks enough." "The flower? You mean this?" I asked touching the flower Freddy gave me yesterday. "You do know the meaning, right?" asked M.X.E.S. "Um. . .no?" I replied, M.X.E.S gestures his hand towards Foxy, letting Foxy explain, "Dahlia is the flower's name, matey. It's a nice gardening plant, and its color, which is purple, represents grace, kindness & beauty~, but also means royalty. It's a perfect gift for someone you hold dear~ & in high esteem~." I heated up listening to Foxy explain, "T-That's what it means!? B-But this is what I liked!" "Still, him giving that means Freddy feels that way about you." M.X.E.S says, and Foxy says, "Yea, matey~. Fazy didn't have to GIVE it to you, but he did, plus, it means both ways. You feel about Fazy that way too~. Flowers have ways of attracting interests." "J-Jeez. . .I. . .ahhhh. . ." I cover my face with my hands. I love FREDDY~!
"Anyway, that's why you are in a good mood today, huh?" boss asks me, I removed my hands from my face, "Yea, and well, this morning went well too. Freddy & I cooked breakfast, all three of us ate together. . .like a family." I smiled remembering it. "Cooking. . .ugh." "What's wrong?" Foxy asks M.X.E.S who gagged. "I just remembered Monty's cooking here." He answered. "Ugh. . .don't remind me. I mean. . .he meant no harm." I said. "Yea, like you didn't get carried to hospital multiple times for the same reason." "My, Crocs is that bad at cooking?" "Yea. . .it was a nightmare." "I'm sure he improved by now." "I know a monster who liked his cooking too." "Haha, definitely not me." I replied.
Glamrock Freddy's P.O.V:
"So. . .you called us all here for what?" Roxy asks me. I have called my friends & our manager to gather. "I appreciate your time. I called you all here, because I wanted to ask something." I said, grabbing everyone's attention. "What is it, Fazbear?" asked Monty, crossing his arms. "Ahem, it is about Bonnie." Everyone looks at me with a little surprised expression. Lewis took out his tablet, standing beside me, I glanced at him, and he nodded. I looked at my friends, "So, these past interactions with him, we must have learned a lot about him. His talent, personality, morals, feelings, and him as a living being. . .I want to know where everyone stands about recruiting him as our newest bandmate! I want Bonnie in our band, but I cannot decide that alone. Please, tell me what you all think of him." The three remain silent for a second. . .
"I agree with you, Freddy!" Chica says raising her hand, "I think Bonnie will be a great addition to our band! Last time, it was our first duet, and he did it flawlessly! Plus, he has nice vocals too! Besides that. . .with how he defended us at the diner. . .I fully trust him. He listened to my problems, and. . .he's a precious friend! I already think he's a part of our band!" "Chica~." I smiled, glad to hear her agree. "Well, he does have a talent, I admit." Roxy starts, "He has some knowledge about performances too. I don't mind him joining us. He. . .he's quite full of talents, and. . .we get along well actually. He's someone I can trust." "Roxy~. . ." I felt relieved to know she agreed with me, then. . .I turned to Monty. This decision must be unanimous. "Monty, what do you think?" I asked, Monty remained silent for few seconds, then says, "Psh! You all know my answer. . ." Monty smirks, "I say f*** yea!" "Monty~!" I was so glad. "Yay! We're all in agreement!" Chica cheers. I turned to Lewis, "Lewis, we all agree. It is unanimous." "Hear ya loud & clear, Freddy~!" says Lewis, writing down on his tablet. Bonnie. . .finally, you'll be able to perform with us. . .become one of us~.
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