Chapter 15: Growing Love & Friendships
Glamrock Bonnie's P.O.V:
Since our first date at the golf course, Freddy & I have been much closer~. We went for a second date~, got to be alone this time. "Thank you so much, Freddy." "You are welcome, and thank you as well, Bonnie." Freddy says with a smile. We went to a fancy restaurant Freddy made reservation for, and it was really good! Before dinner, we did hang out a bit~, did some shopping, since there's gonna be an event The Glamrocks are going to do. "I was really nervous, I've never been to a fancy restaurant like that." "Were you uncomfortable?" "No, no, a little nervous, but with you, I feel comfortable & secure." "Bonnie~. . .do not worry, I will protect you." My face heat up a bit, there has been space since our first date, and. . .I find myself falling for Freddy more, not as a fan. I really do wish to be more than friends with him, b-but I don't really know how to. "Thank you, Freddy~, I feel so honored~! B-But, don't worry about me too much. I can handle some dangers. I always have my trusty bowling ball, well. . .not always, but most of the time." We were walking to Freddy's car, I looked up at the night sky, the moon was beautiful, it has been pretty cold recently. I rubbed my arms, feeling a little chill from the wind. I should start up my heating system for my en-
"Ah!" I squeaked in surprise, as I felt a pair of arms around me. . .Freddy's arms. "F-Freddy?" "I apologize for scaring you, I thought you were cold." S-So close! W-What should I say!? I- Freddy knows that we, animatronics, have heating function for our endoskeleton, so it doesn't freeze up or something, but. . .I-I really. . .kinda like this~. Freddy feels warm. . .he must have a newer heating function than mine. "I mean. . .I-I DO feel a little cold." "Then let me warm you up, Bonnie." I feel more warmth from Freddy. . . Damn~. . .this is so relaxing~. . .having Freddy close to me, feeling his warmth. . . "Mmmm~. . .Freddy~. . .you're so warm~." My ears wiggle, liking this. "I am glad you feel my warmth, Bonnie. Are you still cold?" "I feel warm already~." "Is that so? Should I stop?" "No, no! Please, a-a little more~. Like. . .5 minutes." "Haha, as you wish, Bonnie~." We stayed like that for a bit more~.
"So um, this event you guys are going to have. I didn't ask earlier, but is it like a charity?" I asked. "It is, for the children. There are poor children out there, who cannot afford toys or food, so we are going to perform & share them joy." "That is really sweet~. Did you come up with it?" "Yes, I did. Our manager agreed & talked to the higherups. For the children, even if they say no, I would still ask my friends for help & do the charity as a personal host event." "Awww~, that's really nice~. You are such a father material~." I giggled. "I try." I glanced at Freddy, he. . .'tries'? Wait, does he mean. . .he wants a kid? . . .WAIT, BONNIE! That's way too early to think about! I mean, I-I'm not a material for parenting! Calm down, what am I thinking!? Freddy. . .as a father. . .having kids. . . My face lit up a bit thinking of it. "How are you with the others?" Freddy asked, and I got a bit startled. "H-Huh? Oh! W-With Chica, Roxanne, Foxy & Monty? It's been great! I-I've been talking to them all." "That is great to hear! You are getting along with them. I have been talking to them about letting you join, and I think they all have positive opinions of you." "R-Really?" "Absolutely, I just need to talk to the higherups more & get you the spot you deserve~." "F-Freddy. . .I can't thank you enough." "You deserve everything, Bonnie. You earned their trust & friendship; I did not do anything." "That's not true, because of you, I have a chance. I wouldn't be this close if you weren't here. I appreciate you so much." "Bonnie. . ." I leaned towards Freddy a bit, we were silent, just enjoying our time together~.
5 minutes or more passed, and we finally parted to go home. Freddy drove me home, and when I exit the car, he says, "Bonnie, do you have time next week?" "I can check my schedule, but why?" "I was wondering if you would like to come check our preparation for the event." "Wait, really? But isn't it a little early?" "Preparation takes time, and it's when we get a little freedom from rehearsing. I would like you to come see." "That is. . .really cool! Yes! I would love to check it out! A rare scene of The Glamrocks' stage & location before it comes to reality! It's a great opportunity!" "Haha, I am looking forward to seeing you there. I will inform you more about it tomorrow." "Yes, superstar~! Thank you~!" "You are welcome, and goodnight, Bonnie." "Goodnight, Freddy!" Today's date went amazing~! I can still feel Freddy's warmth. . .d-don't be a creep, Bonnie! I-It's just, literally, Freddy shared warmth & my system is running heat function, so I feel the same or similar warmth Freddy gave me! Anyway. . .Freddy is just. . .so cool~, kind~, handsome~, and more~.
I called Foxy, since he told me to let him know how the date went, earlier. "[Captain Foxy, you awake?]" "[Ye, matey, done with yar date?]" "[Yea, just made it home, and HOLY S***, IT WAS GREAT!]" I hopped on my bed, hugging my Freddy plushie. "[Congrats~. But now that yar calling me. . .ya two ain't at hotel or something?]" "[Why hotel?]" "[Yar innocent. Anyway, it's a next step, right now, yar quest is to get a kiss from Fazy.]" "[W-Well, it's just a second date, a little early, isn't it?]" "[Not if ya two really like each other. And don't say you don't know that. It's obvious, as an experienced lover, I can guarantee. Do not be in denial.]" "[W-Well, I got invited to a preparation for The Glamrocks event next week.]" "[Huh, so it's not a third date, still, it's a point.]" "[Yea, and well, do you wanna come with me?]" "[Fazy invited YA.]" "[But all of The Glamrocks will be there, so I'm sure he doesn't mind me bringing you.]" "[Ah~, I get ya~. Ya want to make Fazy jealous, so he'll be alpha. Alright, I'm in.]" "[That's not it!]" "[Nay worries, matey. I got ya back~.]" "[FOXY!]" "[Hahaha, yar fun to tease~.]" I pouted, then gets an idea, "[Well, you should focus on yourself, captain.]" "[Ohhh? What ya mean by that? If work, don't ya worry bout' a thing. I got it.]" "[No, I meant about making friends or find a new. . .you know, love~?]" "[Pfft! Like ya need to worry about that~, how kind of ya.]" "[Well, you seemed to be in good terms with Roxanne.]" "[Roxanne, she. . .does seem nice, I guess.]" "[Oh, yes, VERY nice~.]" "[Ey, nothing wrong with nice. I admit, she is. . .hermosa, and she seems like a buena amiga to hang out with-]" "[Wait, what did you say? I need a translator system now. What's next? French?]" "[My bad, matey, got lost. Matter of fact, I DO have a French character coming up.]" "[Okay, top priority, get a translator system.]" We giggled, Foxy & I talked till we both had to sleep.
The next day, I went to work, it was a little busy, but still had time to talk to boss, more like a report, I guess. I don't know why, but M.X.E.S is interested in me & Freddy's relationship. "So, you had fun last night?" M.X.E.S asks. "We had a lot of fun. The Glamrocks are going to do an event, and Freddy invited me to come check the preparation! Already got information from him this morning too!" "Sounds like he's taking good care of you." "He is, and I cannot wait!" "I don't get you fans. What's good about seeing a preparation?" "It's not like everyone can see & join, boss. Oh, would you like to come too? That way you might change your perspective." "I am not getting close to anything related to Fazbear Entertainment." "Why? I mean. . .I guess it makes sense, sorry." "No need. Just be careful." "Aww~, you're worried about me? I'll be fine~." "Anyway, get back to work, don't let it distract you." "Yes, boss!"
Things have been going up & up in my life, and it's all thanks to Freddy~. I'm in love with him. . .I can't believe it took me this long to realize. He's not just an idol to me anymore. I need to keep trying, I want to play music with Freddy beside me, also with my new friends~. Speaking of new friends, I have been talking to Roxanne & Chica, I'm becoming good friends with them, we text a lot too. Roxanne & I get along, we're both fans of someone so. With Chica, we talk about anything random, and she seems very supportive of me & Freddy, so that's a relief. While working, I got a text from Roxanne.
~Roxanne 🐺~
[Thanks for letting me know, bun.] (Yesterday)
[No problem, Roxanne. I'll keep you updated.] (Yesterday)
[Hey bun, hope I'm not disturbing. I heard from Freddy that you & Foxy are coming to the preparation?]
[That's what I told Freddy, and Foxy seems on-board with it, so most likely he will join us.]
[Isn't he busy though?]
[I'm sure he is, but he didn't say anything. Even if he can't, I'll make sure to bring him on the event day.]
[How are you doing by the way?]
[I'm fine. The system I told you about has been shutting up, so that's good, thanks by the way. . .for the headbutt.]
[Glad to help, Roxanne. ^w^]
[But don't do it again, cause I feel like my eyes would pop out next.]
[Nothing popped out last time.]
[Don't, bun.]
[Haha, okay.]
[I think I bothered you enough, and I gotta go, so later.]
[Good luck, Roxanne!]
I'm glad she's doing better. She really likes Foxy, and showed her fan side to me, it was really sweet. Foxy seems to like her as a friend. Come to think of it, I've never heard Foxy talk about anyone else, any other friends before, he does talk about Mangle, his manager, but no one else. He needs more friends, and he should kind of rekindle his friendship with Freddy & Chica. I'm sure Roxanne & Foxy would work out together, I'll give them a push. And I'm sure Monty will like Foxy, once his worry for Chica lessens, I guess?
It's already night, I helped my boss close Bunny Bowl. "No visit tonight, Bonnie?" M.X.E.S asks me. "Not tonight, sir. Freddy has been busy with preparation, and we can always text or call." "Hmm. . .so this preparation. . ." "Ohh~? Are you interested? Have you changed your mind?" "No. But this preparation, what's it about actually?" "It's Christmas event, a charity to raise money & donate to children in orphanage, poor family, & hospital." "Oh. . .I'm guessing it's not the COMPANY'S idea." "Yea, it's Freddy's idea." "Thought so, that company wouldn't do something this nice." "You really think so?" "I KNOW, Bonnie. Just. . .be careful once you get in the band." "You really hate Fazbear Entertainment, don't you? I mean, they fired you. But didn't you HACK & got fired?" M.X.E.S looks at me with a blank stare. "I'm sorry." ". . .It's fine, but yes, I hacked their system & got fired. Not that I care, they're just dumb viruses." I think you care A LOT if you hate them so much. I can feel his hatred. "W-Well, if you say so. Anyway, yea, I asked some customers for support. I know some are a fan of The Glamrocks." "Well, good luck." "Thanks for the support, boss~." Suddenly, I got a text from Chica.
~Chica 🍕~
[I owe you a pizza for helping me~!] (Yesterday)
[No worries, Chica, but I do like me some pizza.] (Yesterday)
[Got it, pizza-bud!] (Yesterday)
[Bonnie! I heard you're coming to the preparations! And I am so excited! It's like you're already a part of the band~!]
[Haha, I want to be, and yes, I am going to the preparations. I am excited~!]
[I can't wait to hang out with you again! We're gonna make decorations, buy toys, get food, and everything~! It's going to be busy, but also great!]
[I would love to help, and just to let you know, Foxy will be joining me. I hope that's okay for you.]
[Oh, I see. I'm a little nervous, but I'll be okay, Bonnie.]
[Are you sure? If you feel awkward or uncomfortable, let me know, okay?]
[Thank you, Bon-Bon. Oh! You should totally bring your bass! You need to try playing with us!]
[Is that really okay?]
[I'm sure it's okay, and shhh, don't tell anyone, it's a surprise! I have a song for you too!]
[A song for me?]
[Yea, I didn't write it, BUT it's a song Freddy likes, so you should play it for him! He'll be super happy~!]
[Well, okay, Chica, I'll gladly play it!]
[Awesome~!! Oh! And sorry for texting you late at night~. Have a goodnight, bunny~!]
[Haha, it's okay, and goodnight, Chica. P.S: I hope you didn't eat trash today.]
[XD Don't worry, I didn't.]
I giggled at our conversation; she's doing much better as well. I really hope she's okay with me bringing Foxy, I'm going to help them become good friends again, exs or not, they're both my friends, and I'm sure both wishes to be like before, not as lovers though. "Bonnie, are you done?" "Huh?" I noticed that M.X.E.S was waiting for me. "Oh! I'm sorry, I had a text from Chica." "Chica? She better not be making moves on you." "No, no! Nothing like that, she's my friend, and she supports me." "Alright, anyway, I'm closing, you want me to shut you in or you coming?" "I'm coming, boss!" M.X.E.S drove me home, and once I'm inside, I thought I should text Monty, since Foxy is coming too, I don't want him to be hostile to Foxy.
~Bro Monty 🐊~
[Thanks for the heads up, Bon-bon.] (Week ago)
[You're welcome, and remember, be a gentlegator. Chica's delicate.] (Week ago)
[Shut up, I already know that.] (Week ago)
[Haha, love ya!] (Week ago)
[Love you too, bro.] (Week ago)
-You called Bro Monty- (2 days ago)
[Hey Monty, I don't know if you're awake or not, but just in case, letting you know that I'm going to the preparation next week with Foxy to help you guys out! Don't be hostile, k?]
I walked up to my closet, opened it, and took out my bass. It's been a while since I played bass. I bring the guitar to Bunny Bowl for performance, and keep the bass home, just cause. . .I like the bass more, but there's a bitter memory. I hold it up to my chest. Freddy. . . "I love you." Suddenly I got a text, that made me startle. It was from Monty.
~Bro Monty 🐊~
[How the h*** did you know about the preparation? Was it Fazbear?]
[Good evening, and yup. Freddy invited me.]
[Ugh, that b******.]
[Come on, you had the chance to tell me when I called you 2 days ago.]
[Yea, but I wanted to keep it a surprise. That bear sure knows how to ruin the surprise.]
[Monty, don't be so jealous, k? Share the fun, and like I texted earlier, don't be hostile to Foxy, okay?]
[Fine, fine, I can be mature.]
[That's my gator bro!]
[Well, I'm still a bit busy, so I gotta go. Have a goodnight, bro.]
[Alright, and goodnight, bro!]
I gently put my bass in the case, everything is amazing. . .my life. . .Freddy, you are truly a blessing~. I can give everything to you. Looking forward for the preparation, I worked to earn money, I performed to get in the groove, prepare myself to play the song Chica prepared. I wonder what song it is, the song Freddy likes~. . .I'm so curious, and I hope I can play it just how Freddy likes.
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