Chapter 12: Admiration~
3rd Person P.O.V:
It has been few days. . .and Freddy has talked to the Fazbear Entertainment higher ups to get Bonnie the spot to be in their band. Freddy showed recordings of Bonnie playing the music, the higher ups did acknowledge Bonnie's talent, but were still not sure. "We admit this rabbit animatronic has a talent. . .but as you know, rabbit animatronics does have a history of. . .blood." "Time has changed, sirs. Please consider giving him a spot in our band." Freddy says. "Reputation is one issue, another issue is. . .his talent base." "What do you mean, sir?" "We mean, he plays STRING instrument, but we already have Chica & Monty playing guitar & bass. It is unnecessary to have another." "There can be another string instrument, with him, I am sure that we will improve!" Freddy says positively, having complete faith in Bonnie. ". . .Alright, you won't back down from this, then here comes another issue, relationship. Will he get along with the band? Family friendly is our brand, if you can get EVERYONE to agree that this rabbit animatronic can be in the band, we'll give him a spot." "Really? That is great!" "But even one disagrees, this talk is over, forever." "Yes sir."
Afterwards, Freddy goes to Chica, Roxy, & Monty's green room to talk to them. First, Chica, "Bonnie joining our band? Well, I don't think it's a problem, I would love to have another bandmate!" "I am sure we will improve with Bonnie joining us!" "Me too, he did help us out with our concert. Though. . .what's he going to play? He played a guitar at Bunny Bowl, but I'm the guitarist." "I do not think 2 guitarist or bassist would be an issue." "Well. . .I guess? I'm not too sure, though. . .I guess I can always go back to being vocalist with you, Freddy." Chica says with a smile, then Freddy replies, ". . .That is one option, just. . .well, with what happened. . ." "I-I'm sure they can fix my vocal function! But I hope it doesn't change my voice completely."
Second, Roxy, "Bonnie joining us?" "Yes, I think he will be a great addition!" ". . .Freddy, I know he's talented, and you like him a lot, BUT. . .if we're speaking about reality, I'm unsure of him joining." "Why not, Roxy?" "He plays guitar, we already have Chica, bass for Monty. We don't need another, unless he can play another instrument like drums." Roxy sits down, her legs crossed. "Do you disagree with Bonnie joining our band?" Freddy asks, his ears lowered. "Not entirely, but. . .look, I don't know him exactly. I'm just being honest, and thinking of the band. We can't choose people just cause we're friends. It's our job, and we represent the company. Monty & I weren't your nor Chica's friends at first, we didn't have any perks getting in, just raw talent. Bonnie has talent, and he IS a good guy, but. . .if I get to know him better, I might consider." "I understand, Roxy. . .but I am sure you will like Bonnie. Getting to know him is what changed me." "Freddy. . .I'll keep an open mind." "Thank you, Roxy."
Third, Monty, "What?" "You & Bonnie are friends, right? Wouldn't you be happy if he joined our band?" ". . .Fazbear. . .friends & work is a separate thing. Sure, I'd be happy to play music with him, BUT. . .first of all, what's he going to play?" "A guitar or a bass, or does he play any other instruments that I am not aware of?" "That's the thing. He plays a guitar & a bass, both that our band already has." "I am aware, but two guitarists or bassists would not hur-" "Even if an idiot like you think it's no big deal, IT IS for me & Chica, and the company! You just say words; you don't know our struggle." "Well. . .Chica did say she could be a vocalist if Bonnie plays guitar." Monty throws a nearby water bottle to Freddy, who winces, blocking the bottle with his arms. "So you want to REPLACE one of us so Bonnie can join, huh!?" "T-That is not what I meant!" "Listen here, Mr. Face of the brand! You don't get this shit at all! You have no worries about being replaced, you're THE Freddy Fazbear! But us, Chica, Roxy & I, are not like you! And I hate the fact that you're dragging my best friend's ass into your mess! He has his own life, and he's working hard enough! He struggled far more than you ever did! Stop meddling into people's life!" "Monty, this is not like that! I just want to help Bonnie! Not only that, having Bonnie WILL improve our band!" "You like helping people, or just Bonnie!? Help ME for once, and get out of here!"
Later. . . "So. . .I need to convince the three to let me join?" asks Bonnie, who's sitting across Freddy, the two were at Bunny Bowl employees room. "That is the deal. Chica seems like the only one who is okay to let you join, BUT concerned about what position she would be put in." "I see. . .and Monty is against me joining as well?" ". . .I think he was concerned about the position as well." "Huh. . .this is. . .tough." Bonnie leans back in his seat. "I apologize for not being able to help." Bonnie leans forward, "It's not your fault, and you did a fantastic job! I might really have a chance! This is a challenge for me, you don't need to worry, Freddy." "Still, I will help as much as I can." Freddy holds Bonnie's hand, Bonnie blushes, and Freddy says, "I will not give up. There must be a way to convince them. I will be there with you, every step of the way." "Freddy. . ." Freddy softly smiles at Bonnie, who smiles back~. "Um. . .Bonnie?" "Yea?" ". . .I was wondering. . .if. . .you have any. . .day offs." "Day offs? Well, I mostly work, but my work is pretty flexible adjusting schedules." "I see. . .well, if you do not mind. . .would you. . .like to. . .go somewhere with me?" "Oh, like a hang out? Of course! Anywhere with you, superstar!" Bonnie replies excitedly. "It is actually. . .as a date." Freddy says, blushing. Bonnie froze for a second, blushing, then says, "'D-Date'?" "It is okay if you cannot or do not want to! I just wanted to be with you alone for once, w-we always talk in here & at night that we do not have much time, so I thought being alone, talking together, having fun as well would be nice! . . .And yes, it is. . .a-a date." Bonnie blushes red, and says, "I. . .I. . ." This was a chance for Bonnie, and Bonnie replies, "YES!" Freddy blushes, his ears wiggles in joy, says, "Really?" "Y-Yes, I would love to!" "That is great! Let me know when you can have your day offs. I will talk with my manager about my day offs, and then we can discuss where to go!" "Yes, yes! Will do, superstar!" The two were still blushing, their non-existing hearts pounding hard~.
Suddenly, M.X.E.S walks in, saying, "Bonnie, help in the front, there's quite a lot today. Baby needs some help." "Y-Yes, sir!" Bonnie says, standing up, startled a bit. "I-I shall take my leave now. I will talk to you later, Bonnie." "Y-Yea!" Freddy stands up, then walks up to Bonnie, taking his hand, then gently smiles at Bonnie. Bonnie's ears stand, blushing red at the tips. Freddy gently lets go, and leaves, when Freddy left the room, Bonnie says, "HOLY SHIT! F-F-Freddy just a-a-asked me out on a date, boss!" "Good, now, get to work." "I HAVE ADRENALINE RUSHING THROUGH MY VEINS!" "You don't have veins, nor blood. Oil, yea, but stop freaking out. It's not surprising." "IT IS!" "Talk to Foxy about it, I'll hear the result, now, WORK."
At Freddy. . .he exits Bunny Bowl, and leans against the wall. . . "I really. . .really did it! Bonnie~, he sounded excited. I-I must plan to not disappoint him!" Freddy opens his chest cavity, and pulls out a book called, 'Relationship Goal: How to Approach Love'. "It really did work. Humans are very clever. I cannot wait for our first date~."
Roxanne's P.O.V:
It was a stupid, little dream. . .I was a hairstylist, but grown to be tired of it. Humans after humans come in & out, some didn't come to have their hair done. It was stupid. I loved it, but hated it at the same time that I grew bored. One day, I met a band, specifically. . .a red fox animatronic, who was performing in the middle of a street, grabbing people's attention. Foxy. . .it was him. His performance was captivating. . .inspiring. . .that I became a fan. The freedom to do anything. . .I was an early fan of the band, the original band. Since then, I aimed to join the band, I wanted to be closer to someone I admire. I threw away my career for my dream, learned how to play keytar from scratch, how to perform, dance, sing, and anything necessary for performance. I took the audition when it was announced that I can become a part of the band. I was chosen, but my dream shattered as I realized Foxy was no longer in the band. . .I could've just left & gone back to my boring, yet successful, old job, but I chose to stay. . .cause there was hope. Foxy. . .you'll come back, right?
Now I'm here, in the green room. . . ["Ahoy, maties! We have an adventure waiting for us!"] No matter how many times I watch. . .I love it! I was watching the pirate movie that Foxy acted as the protagonist. Sometimes, when I get stressed, I like to watch this, and forget my surroundings. Work gets stressful that I must bring the CD with me to work. I have a TV set up in my green room so I can watch, but make sure no one sees me like this. It's pretty embarrassing when I have a reputation to uphold. As I finished watching, I carefully took the CD out, and put it back in the case, "No matter how many times I watch it, I never grow bored of it." I sat down on the couch, "Foxy. . .he's here. . .dammit, I knew he was a former bandmate, but I still can't believe he & Chica used to date. He's friends with Bonnie too. I want to get close to Foxy. . .I want him to. . .give me his autograph on this case! Ohh, this will be my greatest booty~! Ahhh~!" I held the case to my chest, "But. . .I can't just ask, that'll just make me a rude fan, I need to find an appropriate time. He must be busy too. Maybe I can ask someone? Chica? No, she's a good friend, but I don't want her to misunderstand that I'm making a move or something. She obviously still has feelings for Foxy. . .I'm just a fan. Hmm. . .Freddy? He won't judge me or anything, but. . .I feel even more embarrassed to ask him! S***! He's a good friend, but I don't know. Bonnie. . .I don't know Bonnie well though, but. . .he's a fan of us, he might understand my feelings if I just. . .open up- No! Roxy, calm down, don't go crazy & ruin yourself! I should keep the reputation; Bonnie is our fan! I can't let a fan see this side of me! I must be perfect! But. . ." I looked at the case. . .I really want his autograph. . .this may be the only chance I get. . .
I sighed, torn by what to do, and in the end, I always don't do anything. . . "Roxy?" I heard a voice, which startled me, I dropped the case. "OH S***!" I immediately picked it up, making sure it was not harmed. I turned around, and saw Freddy. "Freddy! Don't you know how to knock!?" "I apologize for startling you, but I heard your sigh, and you seem troubled, so I wanted to help. For the record, I DID knock." I was lost in my thought that I didn't hear him knock! Gah! What is the hearing function for, if I can't catch a simple knock!?
"Roxy, are you okay?" Freddy asks, concerned. He's like a worried dad. . .or an older brother. "I'm. . .fine." I replied. "If you need any help, please let me know." "Thanks, Freddy." I just want him out of my room. "Roxy. . ." "What is it?" "Is that, 'Pirate Sapphire'? The one Foxy acted in?" My non-existing heart just pounded out of my chest! Of course he'd notice! "I-It's just a movie! I-I just found it, and d-decided to watch in my free time!" "I see, but did you like it?" "W-Why do you ask!?" "I think Foxy would appreciate some feedback, it IS his first movie as a protagonist." ". . .He would?" "I am sure. He is a perfectionist, according to Bonnie." "B-But it's. . .I mean, he's better NOW, obviously." "I would like to know your opinion. Chica & I watched it too. Maybe we can all watch it together, it is a good movie." Freddy smiles genuinely, sometimes, he's a reliable leader, a worried dad or big brother, or a teddy bear. ". . .Well. . .I. . .guess, we can. . ." "Roxy, if you do not want to, you can tell me. I do not want to force you." "That's not it! I. . .just. . ." F***! He sometimes gets under my skin, he's just. . .comfortable to talk to. . .a reason why I'm still here. . .now's not the time, Roxanne! I need to come up with an excuse! I looked around the room, then at the jacket I put on the couch.
"Clothes!" "Pardon?" "I was just thinking about the clothes! My outfit! Like, we are The Glamrocks, I wanted a little spice, I guess!" "'Spice'? For clothing? Roxy, you should not eat clothes." ". . .You're really cotton brained sometimes. I'm not gonna eat clothes. I just. . .fashion! Yes, fashion is what I was troubled about!" I lied. "Oh, I see. Do you need new outfits?" "I mean. . .I guess, yea." "Hmm. . .then we shall go to the mall." "What?" "We can search for a new outfit for you." "I. . .well, it's. . ." What should I do? I'm lying to him, and I feel. . .bad. Should I tell him the truth? I know, he won't judge me. . .but. . .god, why does he catch me when I feel like this?
"F***!" I shouted. It was a week after I was chosen by Fazbear Entertainment to be in the band. I needed to be perfect. . .they keep telling me to be perfect. . .comparing me with Foxy, because he was perfect. . .I can't take this anymore. Foxy. . .why did you leave? I came here just to be with you. . .on the stage with you. . .I threw away everything to get here! I grabbed an equipment nearby, then tried to throw it, suddenly. . . "Roxanne!" Someone grabbed my arms. "Let go of me!" I struggled, escaping the grip to turn around. I hoped it was a staff or a manager, so I could get called out & maybe get fired, but. . .it was Freddy. "Roxanne, what happened? Are you okay? You seem unstable. . ." "'Unstable'? That's cause I am! What are you even doing here? It's closing." "I was looking for you, I was told to give you some scripts for the practice." "Ugh. . .leave me alone. I'm not in the mood." ". . .Roxanne. . ." Freddy touched my shoulder, and I immediately rejected him, shouting, "Just leave!" I forgot about my nails, I swung my hand to him, which scratched his face.
"Agh!" Freddy shouted in pain. "Oh s***. . .Freddy, I. . ." I backed up a bit. . .feeling scared. . .but. . . "Roxanne. . .would you. . .like to talk about it?" "What?" "If you have any troubles, I will listen." Freddy smiles at me, I just scratched his face, and he's just. . .smiling. . .it was. . .comforting, but. . . "T-There's nothing to talk about! Just leave me alone! I. . .I'm leaving the band!" "What? Why?" "I'm so sick of it!" "Roxanne. . .please, do not be rash-" "You don't understand! I can't. . .I didn't come here. . .to fill in someone's spot!" All week, it was hard work, practice, maintenance, practice, maintenance, practice, & maintenance, over & over again. "I'm not myself anymore. . ." "That is not true, Roxanne." "I came here with a dream, Freddy. . .but no one accepts me as myself, but as Foxy. They want to make me into him!" "I am sorry that you feel that way. I can try talking to the-" "I don't have a purpose here. . ." Without Foxy. . . "I'm lost." My feelings were pouring out, even though I wanted to shut it in. . .I'm embarrassing myself. . . Oil spilled a bit from my eyes. "I can't be him. . ."
"You are not Foxy. You are Roxanne. Everyone knows that." "Humans doesn't! They all think I'm Foxy, all the kids. . .I'm just a rip off, female version of him." "Roxanne. . ." Freddy walks up to me, then says, "You are not alone. You are made to be you, not anyone else." I didn't look at him, didn't want him to see me crying. "Chica & I are here with you. We are bandmates, and we are here for you. I will help you, if you need." "Freddy. . ." "Roxanne, I will respect your decision if you leave. . .but I already see you as a friend, as you, Roxanne Wolf." Freddy smiles, and I felt. . .comfortable. . .it felt like years since I last felt comfortable, because of all the stress. "I. . .Freddy. . ." I couldn't think of anything to say. . .all I wanted was. . .just. . .at least ONE person to see me as me. Freddy was the ONE.
Flashback Ended.
"Freddy. . .can I be honest with you? You've helped me, so. . .I just. . .I just really, REALLY want. . .a-an autograph. . .from Foxy. I want to ask him, but I don't know how, and-" "Roxy, good news! Bonnie & Foxy will company us!" "Wait. . .WHAT!?" "I contacted Bonnie, knowing how unlimited his talents are, I was sure he can help us. Bonnie said Foxy will come with us as well. Also, I apologize for cutting you off. You were saying something about Foxy?" "I-IT WAS NOTHING!" S***! F-Foxy is coming with us!? It's. . .IT'S MY CHANCE!
Glamrock Bonnie's P.O.V:
"Freddy. . .asked me out on a date! C-Can you believe it!? H-He s-s-s-specifically said 'as a date'! Not as friends, not a hangout, but a DATE!" I exclaimed, couldn't contain my excitement. "Ya sur~. Fazy made a move on ya~, I'm impressed~." Foxy says, and sips on his coffee. "I'm being serious, Foxy!" "I'm aware, matey." "Ahhhhh! What should I do!? I mean, I said yes, but like, h-how should I act!? S-Should I bring a gift? Get new parts or something? Ahhh! Foxy, you had a girlfriend, please teach me your ways!" I begged him. "Calm ya bottom, matey. One, FAZY is the one who asked ya out. Ya gotta let HIM lead ya. Think of it as normal friends date, but don't forget to lock lips with him." "'Lock lips'? . . .W-Wait, you don't mean. . ." My system started heating up as I realized what Foxy meant. Foxy just smirks, "Ya got it, mate." "FOXY!!!" Suddenly, a message comes from. . .FREDDY! "Ahh! It's Freddy!" "Oh~? He's quite a fast one~." "I-I'm not ready!" "Don't leave him hanging, or he'd think ya reject him." I immediately checked the message to reply.
[Good afternoon, Bonnie. I apologize for the sudden message, but I wanted to ask for your help. Do you have time right now? If not, please message me whenever you can.] Freddy needs my help! I need to reply quickly!
[Hello Freddy, no worries, superstar! I have time, what did you want to ask me about?]
[That is great to hear. It is about Roxanne, she is troubled about fashion. I was wondering if you have any advice to give & help her out.] Roxy is troubled about fashion? I never thought her outfit had any issues. . .but. . .if she really is troubled about it, I should help her out. However, I'm not that good with fashion.
[I see. I'm not too familiar with fashion, but I can try to help.]
[Thank you, Bonnie. I suggested Roxy that we go to a mall, can you accompany us?]
"Bonnie-mate." I snapped out from the text, and looked at Foxy. "Sorry to interrupt yar mating call, but seems like we caught some unwanted attention." I looked around, some customers were looking at us, mumbling about Foxy, probably cause I shouted his name. . . "Oh! That reminds me! You're good with fashion, aren't you?" I asked Foxy. "Fashion? Ohhoho~, certainly, Bon. I make, choose & design my costumes a lot." "That's perfect! Freddy asked me if I can accompany him & Roxy to a mall to buy some outfits for Roxy." "Yea, I'd voyage with ya." "That's awesome! Thank you!" "Sure thing, can't leave a lady to be a third wheel." Foxy says, sipping on his coffee again. "'Third wheel'? I-It's not like that! We're helping her!" "Don't worry, I'll distract her, so ya two can go hanky panky." "The what? A-Anyway, I gotta reply!"
[Is it okay if Foxy comes with us? He's good with fashion, and he'd certainly be a great help!]
[Of course, he can, Bonnie! I will talk with Roxy about when & what time she wants to go to the mall. Again, thank you, Bonnie.]
[Anytime, Freddy!]
I finished texting, getting back to Foxy. "So, how was it~?" Foxy asked. "Freddy will ask Roxy when & what time she wants to go. Thank you for your help, Foxy." "No worries, matey~." ". . .Also, did you really say that it was a 'm-mating call'!?" "Ya JUST noticed that?"
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