Chapter 11: No Stop~
Glamrock Bonnie's P.O.V:
Music Man & I cooperated to do this, he sent me the mapping of the club, then I planned what to do. Soon, I put Music Man on my shoulder, turned my safety function off for the best & fast way to get to the DJ station. I rushed out of the room, and to the station. The plan is good, but the execution might be rough. I tried to get to the station, of course, security tried to stop me, and this is why I turned my safety function off~. I used my hop function, hopping right over them & right to the station, once I land, "Sorry!" I pushed the DJ aside, and let Music Man get on the station. "You got this!" Music Man nods, and stops the current music to put his disk on the slot. "Hey, you can't do that! Get off!" The DJ tried to stop the Music Man, so I stopped them. "I'm sorry, but please let him do this!" "Robots can't play music!" The DJ escapes my grasp to grab Music Man, suddenly. . . Freddy grabbed the DJ's arms. "Freddy!?" "Please, let them do this!" Freddy says, and the DJ recognized Freddy. "Wait, you're. . .Glamrock Freddy!?" With the music on stop, people started looking at the station, at us, wondering what happened to the music, also. . .the mic was still on, and the DJ's voice was heard by everyone.
People started murmuring, "Glamrock Freddy?" "HE'S HERE!?" "I'm a big fan!" This is bad. . . Freddy grabs the mic, and says, "Ladies & Gentleman, I am Freddy Fazbear! I apologize for the sudden change of plan, but we want you all to have the best! Please, give us your time & attention!" People start cheering, Freddy looks at me, and nods. Freddy~. . . I nod back, and turned to Music Man, who starts the music. The music blasts through the club, people starts getting into the groove~, however, a security comes up, saying, "Robots! Get off the sta-"
Foxy slides in, taking the security lady's attention, pulling her by the waist, "Milady~, this is a club to have fun~. Ya shouldn't be in spice~." Foxy? Foxy winks at me, Foxy always knows what to do, without me saying anything, he never hesitates to help. . .thank you. I smiled, winking back. "Come on, let's dance~!" "W-Wait, you're Foxy the Pirate!" "Guilty~, join me for fun~!" Foxy carries the security lady, uses his cowboy lasso function, grabs the disco ball above the dancefloor, and swings down, onto the dancefloor. Freddy & I looked down, and seems like Foxy got all the security guards to join him somehow. . .how does he do this? He's full of surprises~. Soon, Roxy joins, "Dance people! Don't be a party pooper! Follow my lead~!" Roxy starts dancing gracefully, people follow her lead. What a performer! Suddenly, some drinks & stuff flies as Monty flips few tables, building a little stage for Chica to climb on, "Let's party~!" "Heck yea, party people!" Monty shouts. Amazing duo! Friends. . .they are all. . .my friends. . .I've been feeling alone for so long with Foxy being overseas & Monty being in the band. . .I now have them & more right near me. . .
Music Man nudges my arm, I look at him, and he gestures me to play as well. I gladly accepted, and we together played music. People love it! Suddenly. . .a beautiful, magnificent voice & lyrics ring through the club. . .perfectly in rhythm with the music. . . I turned to my side, then saw Freddy. . .singing~. Freddy looks at me, then winks. My system heats up immediately, such a clean wink! FREDDY~!!! All of us do what they like, having fun, and just having a blast! Seriously. . .how lucky am I to have these moments?
I don't know how long it has passed. . .as the music finally slows down, I felt an arm around my waist, I looked at Freddy, who finished singing. . .he looked at me. . .Freddy. . . "HEY! DJ pick up the music!" We heard the audience, Freddy & I turned to Music Man, and Music Man picks up the music once again, a new song on the spot! Freddy & I look at each other, then giggle, continuing the performance~.
Glamrock Freddy's P.O.V:
Club is not actually suited for my liking, I had few performance issues with the music, I could not stop myself from dancing, and caused a little trouble, however, if I can spend time with Bonnie, then it is worth it, however. . .where did Bonnie go? I walked around the club, searching for him, and I tried to send him a message, however, I saw him. I followed, tried to call him, but. . .he entered a room. Why is he going in there?
I followed him, and tried to knock; however, I heard him talking. . .I peeked in, worried someone lured him in to hurt him. It looked like a storage room, I hid behind the shelf, and peek through, then I saw Bonnie with Music Man robot. Why are they together? I wanted to ask & join them, however. . . "Do. . .they not allow you to? . . .Is it cause. . .of what you are? A robot?" Bonnie asked. The conversation sounded sensitive, and I thought it was rude to eavesdrop. Although, I was worried for Bonnie, I decided to step out quietly, and wait.
Bonnie. . .I often find myself thinking about him a lot. . .he's so. . .mesmerizing. It truly was a surprise that Bonnie knew Foxy as well. The world is very small, we were both in the connection of friendship, yet never met until that night. Maybe Bonnie might know more people that I know. Bonnie. . .my system started to heat up as I remember his words at the end of the song he played. . . 'I love you'. . .was it part of the song? It. . .sounded sincere. . .
"Hey Fazy." I heard Foxy, and turned to my right, Foxy had walked up to me. "What'cha doing here?" "Hello Foxy, I was looking for Bonnie." "Oh yea? He's in there." "I know, but he seems occupied." "Huh. . .guess so. Want a drink?" Foxy hands me a cup of drink. I was a little hesitant, but. . . "Thank you." I took the drink Foxy gave me. "The band's been successful, ain't it~?" "It has been, we are all working as hard & best as we can." "I can tell. The two new bandmates are looking nice." "Roxy has helped keep the band afloat, her performance is great! Monty helped the band with expanding the music, we are not only a band for children, but for teens, adults & animatronics as well." "That's great to hear, Fazy." I took a sip of the drink, Foxy is my friend, the three of us started the band, he was the most popular one. He is social, courageous, adventurous, and he was able to capture attention, such a talented performer. "How is your actor career doing?" "Hmm? It's going well~." "Chica & I watched your Pirate movie. You are an excellent actor." "Thanks, I try, I proved myself, and finally got to take a film, playing the protag~." "We enjoyed watching, and congratulations, Foxy. No matter how far you are, we always support you."
". . .Freddy. . .sorry. . .for leaving ya & Chica, ya know?" Foxy says, awkwardly. "It is okay, Foxy. You went for your dream, and I am very glad you have achieved it." ". . .Ya don't hold a grudge against me?" "What? I would never! You are my friend!" ". . .I get ya, but. . .I left ya two for. . .scraps. Good thing ya found the new girl & Crocs." "We were lucky to have them, and I do not think you left Chica & I for scraps, Foxy." ". . .Still, I have many things to apologize for. . .like how I didn't contact ya two. Ya know why with Chica, but. . .with you, I couldn't risk it." "I understand, Foxy. You & Chica. . .had a rough breakup." "Yea. . .and sorry for letting ya. . .clean the mess." "Foxy, we are friends, of course I would help you & Chica." "Thanks, Fazy. Congratulations by the way for the band, I never got to say nor attend concerts, but I always support ya'll." Foxy pulled out a keychain of me & Chica. "Foxy. . .thank you, and we support you too." "Hehe. . .this ain't a conversation to have in a place like this, but. . .I wanted to let ya know." "I understand, Foxy. I do not have any negative feelings for you. I will support you, so will Chica, and you have more friends & fans who support you. You are proud of yourself, and I am very glad." ". . .Ya're always nice. Ya remind me of Bonnie. Ya two are kinda similar." "Me & Bonnie? Bonnie is far better than me. He's cute, talented, kind, observant, has beautiful eyes. . .just. . .perfect~." I stared afar as I talked about Bonnie. . .he's. . .very special~. "Ya seem to really like him~." "I do, he's an amazing friend." "Riiiight. . .'friends'. Ya know, he often got mistaken as a girl." "Really?" "Yea, guys were all around him, so I pretended to be his boyfriend to protect him. I wasn't completely lying about us being boyfriends~." ". . .I see. . .Foxy, do you. . .like Bonnie?" "Who doesn't~?" ". . .True, but-" "You heard him say 'I love you' at the end of the music he played, right?" "I-I did." "I thought it was for me, but Bonnie said different. Ya know who it was meant for~?" "I. . ." I trailed off, my system heating up a little. . .Bonnie. . .did he. . .meant it for-
Suddenly, Bonnie rushed out of the room, before we could call him, he ran off. "Bonnie?" I said, wondering where he was going. "Ooohhh~, when he runs like that, matey's planning something~. Come on, Fazy!" Foxy followed Bonnie, and I followed them. We followed Bonnie, and saw him jump over to the DJ station. "Oh-hohoho~! What a hop, eh~?" "I-Is that really safe?" I asked Foxy. Soon, we heard security officers, "What the h*** is that bunny doing!?" "Get him off there!" "Oh no, Bonnie!" I tried to warn Bonnie, but he pushed the DJ aside, then I noticed the Music Man robot on his shoulder, who moved onto the DJ station. What are they doing? I need to help Bonnie! I tried to go to him, but the security officers were coming. Foxy turns to the security officers, then says, "Go on Fazy, go get yar booty~!" Foxy stands in the security officers' way, there is no way he can hold back all of them! Soon. . .Foxy starts dancing around them, dodging any attacks, pulling their arms to dance & prevent them from reaching Bonnie. "The night is young, mates~!" "H-Hey! We'll scrap you if you get in our wa-" "Ohhoho~, I like a challenge~, beautiful~." Foxy really is a living attention grabber. . .I put faith in Foxy, and hurried to Bonnie, the music had stopped. The DJ was about to grab the Music Man, but I grabbed his hand. "Please, let them do this!" I said, then the DJ recognized me, "Wait, you're. . .Glamrock Freddy!?"
Attention was now on us. . .I need to do something! I instinctively grabbed the mic on the station, and spoke, "Ladies & Gentleman, I am Freddy Fazbear! I apologize for the sudden change of plan, but we want you all to have the best! Please, give us your time & attention!" Bonnie had a plan to come here with the Music Man, I will not let it fail! I looked at Bonnie, giving him a nod, then Bonnie nods back. Bonnie~. . . The Music Man starts playing a music, it is heard through the club, and soon, everyone is dancing. With the mic in hand. . .lyrics flow through my system, I never sang a song on the spot. . .but somehow, it came to me naturally. I started to sing, lyrics fitting to the music. I cannot stop myself, the music is great~. Bonnie joins Music Man to play the music, and I am not surprised, Bonnie is very talented at. . .everything~, he is. . .ah, I am lost for words, no word can describe how amazing he is~. . . As the music slowed down, I gently wrapped my arm around Bonnie's waist, grabbing his attention. Bonnie, there is no stop for how amazing you are~. . .
However. . .the aftermath, we were scolded by the owner of the club, though, since we were The Glamrocks, we were off the hook lightly. "It's not everyday we have guests like you all~. Famous band & a famous actor." "We sincerely apologize for what we did, but we had good intentions." "The music was bomb though~." Monty says. "Agreed, Crocs~. It was such an inspiring music~." Foxy agreed. "Yea, I agree too." Roxy agrees as well. "It was really good! Groovy! Just making me want to dance to it!" Chica says excitedly. "I know, right~!? This Music Man is amazing! You need to listen to them! Please!" Bonnie says the to owner. "Hmm. . .it's hard to believe a ROBOT made music like that. Animatronic is a different story, this robot cannot even speak, they are meant for performances, entertainment." "Not anymore! He deserves it! Give him a chance!" ". . .Well. . ." the owner trailed off. I walked up to the owner, "Bonnie here is very talented, and I assure you, if he thinks this Music Man has a talent, then it IS real. Please consider giving him a chance. We are not just robots, we all are made to be something, and I believe this Music Man was made to be a DJ." ". . .Alright, I'll give it a chance, but still, next time, you all need to follow the rules." "Yes sir." I replied.
We exit the office from the back, just in case of unwanted attention. "Today was amazing! I almost don't want tonight to end!" Chica says. "It's already late, and we have a meeting tomorrow." Roxy says. "Yea, we should all call it a day." Monty says. "Foxy, are you going to stay at a hotel or something?" Chica asks. "Oh, I have a place to crash, right matey~?" "Are you going to stay at MY place?" Bonnie asked. "Righty~. Now, let's all go home~." Foxy says, and we start to go home.
"Bonnie?" I asked, and Bonnie turned to me, "Yes Freddy?" ". . .I had a lot of fun today. You helped us with our concert, and now, you helped a Music Man for his dream. . .you truly are. . .sweet." "I-I just did what I thought was right! I-I'm not s-sweet or anything. I just. . .saw myself in him, you know? And thank you for helping me out earlier. Your singing was amazing! You thought of the lyrics on the spot?" "I did." "That's amazing! Did you make all the lyrics for the songs you guys play?" "No, this was my first time." "Wow! And I got to hear it! Freddy, you're awesome!" ". . .Bonnie, YOU are awesome. I am very glad I met you." "Freddy~. . .you're making this so serious, haha." "I apologize, I did not mean to be serious, it is. . .a genuine appreciation. You deserve everything." "I-I don't deserve EVERYTHING." "I really want you." "W-What!?" "I want you in the band, Bonnie. I am determined to get you the spot." "Freddy. . .then I am determined to fill that spot once it's open~." We giggled, then Foxy called us, "Bon-bon! Fazy! Flirt all you want later~! Now's time to go! Fans are coming!" "Oh no! We gotta get you to safety, Superstar~!" Bonnie winks at me, then grabs my hand, pulling me. We ran to catch up with the others.
Bonnie. . .I think I really am in LOVE with you~.
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