"So... --" Steve Rogers started off, before pausing for a brief moment. He was wondering how to properly address the sentient being without possibly being offensive.
So, how do I address them? He wondered as his eyes turned their attention towards the symbol in the middle of the steering wheel, gently moving his pointer finger to trace the intricate lines to complete its design. It was kind of a way to embed the image into his mind before continuing.
"Miss, --" Steve used, earning a gentle, supernaturally smooth hum in acknowledgement. It made him cock a curious brow. So, she is a female. But, where is she from? He wondered, before asking his question.
"Where are you from?" Steve Rogers slowly questioned the alien as she drove down to their destination.
Steve was in the driver's seat, Sam was in the passenger seat, while Natasha was in the back seat. They were looking around the interior of the car, seeing as it was like any car they've seen on the street, but from the way she fought an evil robot that could turn into a police car, they realized that this was no ordinary car.
So, as individuals who had the "expertise" in dealing with the supernatural, they were immediately curious about their planet's newest visitor. But, despite their curiosity, they've decided to wait for that conversation until they were safe.
Until then, Steve politely insisted to take the wheel due to her coming out of a violent fight moments ago. But, after being met with calm reassurance from the alien car, he decided to yield and allow her to drive them herself. And, from the looks of it, they were in good hands.
On the outside of Steve's conversation with the sentient being, Natasha whispered to Sam. "She is a good driver."
Sam nodded in agreement, before waiting for an answer.
Requiem chuckled warmly at the compliment before answering Steve's first question. "Well, I am from a planet far outside your solar system called Cybertron."
The three were silent for a sudden, but nodded in response.
"Huh...Cybertron." Natasha repeated.
She was unsure as to how to process this, but after a moment of letting it, or her (from the sound of the being's voice) answer marinate, she realized that if actual gods and aliens exist, then talking robots can exist as well.
"Correct." Requiem nodded before making a smooth turn. "My planet is just like any civilization, but it is divided into two factions. One faction called the Autobots, and the other called the Decepticons."
"Autobots and Decepticons." Sam repeated.
"Okay, so what side are you on?" Steve questioned her, hoping that she was on the good side.
"I am an Autobot, and the Autobots are on the side of good." Requiem answered truthfully.
"And the Decepticons are bad?" Natasha questioned.
"Sadly, yes." Requiem answered solemnly before smoothly stopping at a red light. " In every universe, every planet, and every species...there is good and bad." She explained to the three human's that sat inside her while in car form. "But that is a conversation for another time." She politely stopped the conversation, before starting a new one.
"I am R8-512, but I go by the name Requiem." She introduced herself in a formal manner. "May I know all of your names? Kind organics...--" She began, only to realize her mistake. "--oh my apologies." She laughs warmly, before correcting herself. "Kind humans?"
Sam quizzically looked towards the technologically advanced radio console, where they could hear her voice. "With all due respect, but aren't you a technologically advanced robot? I mean, with how you've saved our asses back there, I'm sure there is something in your system where you can find out our identities."
Requiem expected this answer, and responded with a sound of agreement. "That is indeed true." She replied.
"I do have a facial scanner, access to the World Wide Web, can hack into government files and do other things to find out your identities. But, if I am going to make Earth my home, I might as well act as humanely as possible."
"You have a human form, beside that robotic form?" Natasha questioned her with furrowed brows.
"I have a form that is like a human, --" She answered directly. "--but instead of human skin I would be in the skin of my alternate form. However, to completely blend in, I also have a human form so I can look like one of you."
Sam nodded before shrugging towards Steve and Natasha. "That makes sense."
"Well, back to the previous point of conversation. I would like to know your names in person, but if you don't wish to disclose your actual names, I understand." She assured them, hoping to get the point across that she is a friendly being, and that she means no harm to them. "I am a peculiar species that you haven't met before. So therefore, I must earn your trust."
Steve nodded, appreciating her formal, yet kind nature which threw him off at first. As he caught up with modern day society, he would think that talking robots would be monotonous, and emotionally unattached. Yet, R8-512, or casually Requiem, proved to be different from what he has seen.
"It's alright, Ms. Requiem." He assured her, before introducing himself. "Well, I'm Steve Rogers."
Sam looked towards his friend, surprised to see that he readily accepted her. However, since he trusted Steve's judgement (most of the time), he decided why not. So, he followed behind and introduced himself as well. "I'm Sam Wilson."
Natasha hesitated for a moment as Requiem was correct. The latter came from a species that she has never met before, therefore she didn't know if she could trusted. So, for now, she simply went with the formal approach. "Agent Romanoff."
"It is a pleasure to meet you all." Requiem replied with a smile in her tone. She wasn't deterred by Agent Romanoff's decision, which meant that she had to earn the latter's trust. But it wasn't the first time she had to earn the trust of another. "I hope we can become well acquainted as time goes on."
"I hope so too." Steve agreed kindly.
"Well, now were past all of the pleasantries. What is the symbol on the middle of your steering wheel?" Sam Wilson questioned, while pointing to it.
So, what is up everyone? I have been M.I.A. for years, but since I was able to get the digital version of Age of Ultron, I have developed the inspiration to continue this crossover! So, I hope this inspiration continues!
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