R8-512, or Requiem, was a young sparkling, born to Medical Officer Reverie and Cyber Ninja Quickcut on the planet called Cybertron. The planet was home to Sentient Self-Configuring Modular Robotic Lifeforms, or Cybertonians.
She belonged to the Autobot faction, which was a sub-race to the Cybertonians, but that did not matter because of her destiny to serve and protect all that was good and just.
Although she was a young sparkling, a Cybertronian equivalent to an organic infant, she held the enthusiasm to make her family and her god-father proud. She was ready to make her mark within the Autobot faction. However, her life as the Autobot's newest member, would take a turn for the worst when Cybertron falls under the dark veil of the Great War against the Decepticons.
Before the Great War started, Requiem was under the protection of her family and her mentors, learning to be a competent contributor to the Autobots with her growing intelligence and compassion for the universe around her. Yet, she had that dark feeling that her quiet, simple life would be cut short and she would have to leave all that she knew behind.
And, as soon she reached adulthood, she was proved to be right.
The Great War began and her world around her came tumbling down. Her colleagues and friends were being killed from left to right, the life she knew was going up in flames until no life was present.
It was a nightmare that came true, yet her parents believed that her life could still be saved...even if that chance was slim. Her parents urged her to go into an escape pod, directing her to Earth so she could lay low and be safe...yet she refused. Requiem became steadfast, loyal and prideful in her faction that she believed that running from a fight would be an act of cowardice.
But with the desperate pleas of her parents, and her god-father Optimus Prime, she reluctantly took that chance and escaped when the coast was clear.
As she flew away, her life that she has come to know exploded right in front of her very eyes. Her family getting smaller and smaller in sight, until she got lost within the galaxy, that is until she landed on Ruta for a short-wile, a fragment of Atlantis which was the home to Merlin, The Immortal Wizard.
Merlin, despite his busy job as the Omniversal Guardian, was fascinated by Requiem and her strange appearance. He himself has seen many things, but he always paid special attention to the Cybertonian race and their way of life. He wanted to know how Requiem operated, but after listening to her desperate pleas to have a form to blend in with Earth's people, he agreed. He agreed to help her, as long as she learned to control her newest forms, accompanied by a few new abilities.
Requiem agreed, and was given two knew forms. She already knew how to transform into her alternate form, which was a 2014 Matte Purple and Black Lambourghini Aventador, and her bipedal form. But, she was now given the ability to transform into her fully human form which was similar to a young South-Korean woman, along with a form where she still had her human form, but her body was now vibranium with her purple and black colors with her insiginia on her spine instead of living metal composed of Energon.
She was built to be a bigger and stronger fighter, yet she had to learn an important lesson. She had to learn how to be a native organic.
Requiem was at emotional impasse, where doubts and fears of being found out were coming to light, but as she lands on Earth and meets a single mother and her daughter...she soon believed that there would be hope for her. She decided to take this chance to learn the ways of being an organic with the two females, but her life decided to take another turn where she reluctantly reveals her identity to save the lives of two men and one woman, whom she soon learns to be Steve Rogers, Sam Wilson and Natasha Romanoff.
The chaotic first meeting was to be expected, but she did not expect to be welcomed into the world where gods, super-geniuses, assassins and soldiers existed. Well, soldiers and geniuses were something she already knew since birth due to the closeness with her mentors, but when she brought into a fight against a homicidal android...she soon finds out that Earth was in a league of its own.
She was prepared to fight for the freedom and well-being of her new home, but she was soon rendered helpless when she falls for a newly born android that held one of the universe's most powerful entity's within his body.
So, I went over this summary once again. I hope this flows better than the last time I posted it. I didn't change much, but I hope this is better than the other one. So, enjoy!
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