EARTH, 2012
Requiem was now on earth, after a few months of wandering the deserted wasteland, but she decided that it would be a much safer bet if she drove in her alternative form. And that form was the 2014 Matte Purple and Black Lambourghini Aventador. It was in top condition, with newly fresh paint, reflecting the suns rays beautifully while the Autobot insignia was embroidered on her steering wheel as well as the trunk. It was a hot summer in the year of 2012, but she never felt so cold in her life.
She was alone on this planet, her family and mentors call Earth with no one to contact after many months in space and navigating throughout the galaxy. Although she was lucky to have Merlin for company, even if it was a short time, that gaping hole in her chest continues to grow in size. Her parents were not here to love her, her god-father were not here to help raise her and her mentors were not there to guide her through the in's and outs of being a soldier for the Autobots because a young Femme like herself had much to learn. Yet, that sinking feeling in her programming told her that she may have to find the rest of her teachings and lessons on her own.
She would have to learn to become that warrior she was destined to be, on her own, but first she must learn the lay of the land. She must learn about planet Earth...but where should she go first---
Requiem was drowning in her own thoughts, pondering her next move...that is until the radio within the inside of her alternative mode began to whir and move from station to station until it stopped on a pretty interesting story. "Hello everyone, my name is Michael Green and let me tell you! After what could've been a disastrous time for New York, we are lucky to have an incredible group of heroes, the Avengers to stop the attack of aliens that came from the sky itself! It's incredible to say the least!"
The so-called "Michael Green" continued to talk so passionately about the newly made group of heroes, along with including witnesses to the onslaught of violent attacks initiated by this so-called Loki Laufeyson, who is Thor Odinson's brother. Some were supportive, while other's were rejecting the Avengers' efforts to save New York City. The group received a mixture of reviews, but it did not deter Requiem from being curious about this group of super-powered organics. It made her want to know more about them, and absorb these possible allies that she may come in contact with. But...on the other hand, she knew that she couldn't be sure until she found out herself.
"Avengers?" Requiem repeated as she continued to drive down the open road and towards the city. That's new. Requiem added silently as she made a turn, swerving quickly until she settled onto her path towards the hotspot she has learned to be called New York. "I thought that Earth did not have supernatural protection..." She wondered to herself before she hears the organic...who calls himself Michael Green...naming a few recognizable Avengers.
Captain America. The Codename for Steve Rogers.
Iron Man. The Codename for Tony Stark
Thor. Thor Odinson's name...obviously.
The others were yet to be learned, but to know that they exist had her intrigued. They were group of superhuman organics with the determination to protect the world, yet she was unsure if she'd be accepted into their circle if she ever crossed paths with them. It was like she was running her whole life, but instead of running to the loving arms of her family...she was now running from all she knew and towards a world full of strangers with supernatural abilities. It was all new to her, yet it took her back to the time where she had no care in the world, while she ran towards something or someone who would keep her safe.
It was another day on Cybertron, where Requiem accompanied her father on a casual gathering with her mentors. She was a now a pre-adolescent sparkling, whose mind was growing rapidly by the day. She was growing to be smarter than the average organic infant, yet her spirit was still child-like. She still held an idealistic view of her planet and its people, yet unbeknownst to her, her father had to soon teach her about the darkness that resides within Cybertron.
But until the moment comes, her father watched her as she bursts with joy and created a powerful spark that will soon affect many people. Her mentors were no exception to Requiem's charm, despite their ranks within the Autobot faction. In fact, they were amazed by the amount of zeal the child possessed. Yet, they knew she would soon need to be aware of what is out there if she were to become a fighter for the Autobots.
Ratchet, who was one of her mentors, who was concerned for her mental well-being. He had the confidence that she will excel beyond what was expected her...and that wasn't because he was considered a friend to her father. Yet, he couldn't help but question her father's methods. "Quickcut, do you think it is a logical idea to allow your daughter to roam so freely?" He glanced towards his colleague before his optics return towards Requiem and follow her speedy path.
Quickcut understood his comrade's concern, but he himself was confident in his daughter's potential. "Oh, not to worry Ratchet. I have my eye on her and she knows not to roam so far." He chuckles in reply as his daughter scurries around with a what you'd call an endless stream of laughter and enthusiasm.
Jazz gives the established Medical Officer a smirk. "Yeah, you need to chill Ratchet.--" He lightly teased as he found a place to sit within their meeting area. "You have to admit, she is a lil' cutie pie."
The Medical Officer rolls his eyes in retort, but as Requiem bumps into him suddenly, he looks down towards the young sparkling who seemed a little startled by the collision. He watches as she tries to stand back on her own two feet, but fails with a plop onto the hard floor. The Medical Officer watches her laugh instead of breaking down into sobs, releasing an energy of pure joy enough to bring a slight smile onto the visage of the usually stoic Medical Officer. Ah, children. He sighed with a light chuckle before crouching down to pick her up by the waist, then lifting her up to her feet.
"You must take more caution for your safety, young sparkling." He lightly reprimanded the young one, earning an enthusiastic nod before scurrying back over to her father.
"DADDY!" Requiem squealed happily until she finds herself in the arms of her father, hearing him laugh with love in his heart and adoration for her.
Ironhide also watched the young sparkling, optics following her as she wheeled around with a speed that even a mech of his lifespan can't catch up to. Maybe its because he believes that he is getting old, but then again he has witnessed the high level of energy the young sparkling possesses to the point where he needs to take time process her rapid growth. He cocked an inquisitive brow, "You have a wild one, Quickcut." He commented directly with a low, rough tone...yet he makes no move to cease her moment of excitement.
Quickcut sends his comrade a lopsided smirk, while settling his daughter on his hip. "That may be so, but that earnest and zest will make her a force to be wreckoned with."
Ratchet gives the Cyberninja a questioning brow. "You say that now, but she will need to learn discipline in regards to her abilities.--"
"And she will." Quickcut stops Ratchet in mid-sentencing, ending with a promise as Requiem gently leans into him. "With a group of excellent warriors such as yourselves, she will have all of the tools that she needs." He looks towards his daughter, his optics softening gently before leaning his forehead against his daughter's as a sign of love and protection towards her.
Requiem smiled softly with a little giggle before leaning her forehead against his. "I love you daddy." She muttered softly towards her father, earning only a gentle chuckle from her father.
"And I you, my little one." He replied warmly and lovingly before giving her a glance. "Requiem, go ahead and find your mother. I will discuss with my friends when to start your training."
She nodded obediently as she was set down by her father, her purple optics eyeing each of the officer's who will soon be her mentors. Despite her being a young sparkling, her rapidly growing mind told her that she will soon train to be one of the most efficient soldiers who will fight for the Aubot faction. She will make her family proud, but unbeknownst to her, her life will take a drastic turn and she will have to survive on an unfamiliar environment with no one but herself to depend on.
If she was in her human form, her lips would be curling downward into what organics call a "woeful" frown, yet she had to be tough and take on this new challenge. The warm winds brushed against the exterior of her alternative form, yet the touch did nothing to quell the emptiness within her interior. She had no companion, no familiar with her to get her through this time...but she had to brush that aside. She was no organic, she did not have the luxury to let her feelings be known to others, yet she wanted to. She desired to do just that and find someone who can embrace her as who she was.
But, as many times before, she had to remind herself that she was a Cybertronian. She was a machine with newly given abilities.
Within minutes, my life had changed so drastically...but maybe this happened for a reason. Requiem decided silently before gathering the strength to push those thoughts to the back for now. "Hmmm..." A low, hum entered her interior while making a smooth turn until she was beginning to notice tall buildings. Birds flew overhead, along with a clamor of voices slowly getting louder, which meant that she was approaching the city of New York. But before she could turn into the busy streets, she reminded herself to blend in with the crowd to prevent possible suspicion.
"Alright, initiate holoform mode." Requiem directed herself before manifesting a holoform of a young woman in the driver's seat driving her. She had to act normal, yet she had the slightest feeling that eyes will be on her the moment she enters the street.
"Alright, I need to know the lay of the land." She spoke within the interior, but made sure that her holoform was speaking those words. "If I familiarize myself with this planet, maybe protecting it wouldn't be too difficult." Her holoform nodded, as she simply cruised along the busy street. Her scanner moved from left to right, but she had the trick to make it invisible to the organics. From what she has learned, this city just suffered an alien invasion. The last thing that they needed was a giant alien robot roaming amongst them.
"Just lay low," Requiem reminded herself gently before following the street, her car weaving smoothly through the line of cars until she heard a shout.
"Criminal..." She pondered on the word as she was moving in the direction of the hooded attacker, whom from what her scanners detect,is holding a heavy bag with paper currency within it. "A criminal is one who has committed a crime." She recited with a smooth tonality, but if she was in her human form, she would be scratching her head in confusion. "I thought organics would usually call them theives..." She softly muttered, but as she notices the said "criminal" shoving people out of the way and trying to weave out of the busy side walk, she spots an opening where she could possibly block his path...which means doing something out of the ordinary.
But despite the determination to lay low, her compassionate...artificial heart couldn't let her live with herself if she did not intervene. She had to do something, even if it meant risking her safety. It is decided. She nodded to herself through her holoform, before dipping her holographic head in defeat. "Oh well..." She sighs internally before she speeds up, swerving in and out of the traffic to announce her presence. The loud revving of her engine surprises a few people, but she paid them no mind and moved quickly by cutting into the crosswalk. She moved quickly, only to make her alternative do a wide swerve, then hitting the criminal dead on.
She knew that she had enough power to kill someone with a collision such as this, but she used just enough to render the criminal unconscious and stop him in its tracks. Her holoform turns to the direction of the criminal as he was knocked off it's feet, then roughly hitting the ground. She waited for a few seconds, carefully watching the criminal before noticing a man who called out the criminal and a police officer running him. "A man in a business-like uniform, with two slightly broad-looking officers following suite." She commented to herself before revving her engine once more, as if telling the pedestrians to move out of the way.
They immediately listened to her demand, despite their expressions showing wonder as to why a person would do that. A supposed person would do that, but she smoothly resumed her path and speed down the street until the path of cars resumed their travels. Requiem did not think too hard on her action at first, but as she moved farther away from the scene...she couldn't help but to think back, and wonder if she should've allowed the criminal to escape. Maybe, as she decided moments before, she should have continued driving down the street like normal...but it was her good nature that told her to stop the menial crime.
Of course, the organics would probably label her as some sort of maniac, but when the moment was right...when the moment was right, she could actually reveal herself and she could finally find a group of people who could actually accept her.
Or maybe not.
The doubt soon returned as she remembered the mixed reviews on the Avengers and their victory against the Asgardian. Some will reject her...and even try to advocate in killing her, which means her training and her studies would've been for nothing. "Oh Requiem, enough of this...You know that won't happen anytime soon." She harshly scolded herself, until her scanners spotted a tall, muscular man who followed her travel silently from where he sat. "Huh?" She wondered as she surveyed the beings vital signs and physical structure. It was even more powerful than a regular human being, but who could possibly maintain that physique and biological makeup at this time?
A tall male, blonde hair and blue eyed with a muscular build sat casually in his seat in front of a small cafe. He had a hot coffee sitting in front of him with steam ascending from its heat-insulated cup. His eyes were focused on his notepad, his pencil doodling around in attempt to create a picture of some sort until he heard a loud screech from almost a mile away from him.
His ears perked up, telling his head to follow until he noticed a very fancy car executing a sweep...thus blocking the crosswalk. He stood up in curiosity, watching along with other people as it hit a criminal who held a purse in its hand. The impact efficiently knocked the criminal off it's feet, but the honk was loud enough to render him unconscious.
"Why would anyone do that?"
He heard mutters and disgusted curses swirl around him, but those whispers were silenced once the car pulled out from its spot and sped down the briefly empty street. His eyes watched intently, taking in the intricate detail as it passed him until he noticed a foreign symbol on the trunk. It looked like a face, but he was unsure of where it came from. "The only face that is similar to that is Mr. Stark..." He uttered to himself, as his eyes continued to follow the car, "--But its not."
"Strange..." He comments quietly but his words were caught in his throat when he notices something about the driver...or somewhat notices about the driver. The driver did not look like she was really there...or was she. Hmmm...He hums in suspicion as his eyes narrow in concentration. It was she was somewhat like a hologram of some sort. "Hologram..." He repeated to himself as his eyes continued to follow the car that sped down the street until it was only a little dot with his enhanced vision. He made sure that he kept the symbol embedded into his mind before fishing out his phone that was given to him by S.H.I.E.L.D.
His facial expression turned focused and determined, recalling the car that donned an unfamiliar symbol before dialing the number. With quick fingers, he then pressed the call button and placed it close to his ear...waiting for someone to pick up on the other end. He waited for at least three rings from the dial tone until the person on the other side. "Tony." He greeted the latter. "Yeah, listen. I need to talk to you about something, there is something that I think you might be interested in seeing." He waited for a few seconds before sighing. "No, I'm not going to wait. I saw a car with a strange symbol on it. It is not from here."
"The symbol is similar to your mask, but it is too foreign as well." He insisted firmly before recalling the image and sitting back down with a pencil in his free hand. He was going to draw it again to keep it in his memory before handing it over to the latter, who clearly wasn't one to believe words so easily. "It is not from earth either...--" Steve waited for a few moments, listening to the latter's now interested tone before requesting him to bring the picture. "--Alright, I'm coming to you." He accepted before quickly sketching the symbol that he saw on the car. With every curve and every point that was displayed...he couldn't help but look towards it in awe.
It was sort of similar to his teammate's face mask, but from the intricate curves and lines that shined in the sun's rays, he decided that it was something else entirely. Extraterrestrial, but possibly dangerous as well.
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