Once Upon A Princess. Part Three
The next morning, the two birds from yesterday flew to Maddie's window and opened it up. On the end of the bed were the bunny and squirrel.
"Well, should we wake her up?" The red bird, Robin, asked
"Are you kidding? The girl screamed like a banshee yesterday. And I got sensitive ears," the bunny told the Robin
With the two of them talking, Maddie woke up, confused as to who was talking
"I'm not going to scream," Maddie told them
"That's a relief," The bunny said.
Realising that these animals could talk, Maddie did scream, and so did the others.
"You can hear us?" The Bunny asked
"You can talk?" Maddie asked
"'Can he stop talking?' is a better question," Robin said
"Hey!" The bunny said offended," So, what are we dealing with here? Some kind of a magic spell or something?"
Maddie looked at her amulet, thinking to herself, "With each deed performed, for better or worse, a power is granted, a blessing or curse," Maddie gasped, "I helped a baby bird yesterday and I think the amulet gave me the power to talk to animals!"
"Oh. That is great, kid, 'cause there's a few things that I've been meaning to talk to you princesses about," The bunny said
"Lil' Vent, not now. She needs to get dressed for school," Robin told him
"It's okay, Lil' Vent. Tell me," Maddie said hugging him
Lil' Vent didn't like the hugging and told her to put him down.
"Oh, sorry. You're just so cute and cuddly, I couldn't help it," Maddie said putting him down
"Yeah, well, please, help it," Lil' Vent told her, "Okay. Now, why do you think us woodland creatures have been helping you princesses for all these years?"
"I don't know. Tell me," Maddie said as she got dressed for the day
"'Cause we gotta eat. And you got the food."
Lil' Vent and the birds started to explain that, for eons, animals have helped Princesses with their chores and helping them with the littlest things. And what do they get in return? Nothing. So, if they were going to help Maddie, all they wanted was to have some food on their plates. That's all they wanted. Well, Maddie was more than happy to give them what they wanted. Besides, she could use the help if she ever wanted to become a real Princess.
After a quick picnic, Maddie heard the horses on the carriage, waiting for Maddie to leave for school. Lil' Vent assured Maddie that she would be fine and not to worry about the other kids. All Maddie needed to do was keep her eye on the ball. That ball meaning her Royal ball. With new-found confidence, Maddie was ready to face the day and promised herself that she would learn to be the best Princess ever.
Lil' Vent cheered her on as she went to the carriage. At school, Maddie was struggling. She was finding it hard to curtsy properly. But she got it right after a few goes. Then she had to learn how to pour tea correctly. Starscream watched from a distance, becoming slightly worried for his new sister. At break, Maddie started making new friends while Pippa watched from the sidelines, feeling jealous that Maddie was getting all the attention instead of her.
After another long day at school, the three arrived home where all the servants were rushing to get this ball organized for tomorrow. Bruno was ordering everyone around, really wanting to make Maddie's debut perfect. Sarayah saw Maddie watching everyone and decided to ask how school was. Maddie only sighed and explained that she thought being a Princess would be really easy. But, in reality, it was really hard. Thankfully, Sarayah knew exactly how to make Maddie happy.
She led Maddie outside where Morgan and Rose were waiting for her. Sarayah had invited them over, believing that Maddie needed to see some familiar faces. Maddie thanked her and went over to greet her friends. They had a reunion and the two girls had a lot of questions for Maddie. Almost all of them she could answer. When it was time to pour tea for her friends, Maddie struggled, just as she did in class that day. Starscream, who happened to be nearby, walked over and helped Maddie pour the tea while Rose swooned for him.
"What are you doing here?" Maddie asked him
"I'm sorry," Starscream apologised, "I've been a royal dunce. But I want to make it up to you."
"Well... by teaching you all the royal stuff you need to know for the ball. We can start with how to pour the perfect cup of tea."
Starscream took the teapot from Maddie and poured them all tea. Afterward, Starscream started to show Maddie everything she needed to know for the royal ball. Pippa was walking by that point and saw what her twin was up to. He had just taught Maddie how to curtsy.
"Best curtsy I've seen all year. You're all set for the ball now. My work here is done," Starscream said smiling
"There is one more thing," Maddie said
"I can't dance."
"Is that all? No problem. We have dance class with Professor Popov tomorrow."
"But the ball is tomorrow night."
"One class with Popov and you'll be dancing circles around all of us. Trust me. Okay?"
Maddie curtsied, "Okay."
So, the next day, Maddie went to dance class where everyone was putting on their dancing shoes. Some were already dancing, warming up before the class began. Maddie went to grab some dance shoes from the shelf when Pippa walked over, telling her to not touch the and to try on the ones she picked out instead. They practically matched her gown so they were perfect. Maddie thanked her for the shoes.
Pippa said it was no problem but to put them on as class was about to start. Maddie put on the shoes just as their dance teacher, Professor Popov, spoke up. At the moment, he didn't think any of them could do the Waltz but he would need to wait and see. He asked for a volunteer and Starscream pushed Maddie forward. Popov accepted Maddie as a volunteer and told the orchestra to play. They started playing their instruments while Popov led the dance.
Maddie was unsure about it at first but soon got into the flow of the dance. That was until Maddie started to jump and dance on her own, not following the music at all. It was very clear that not even Maddie knew what was going on. But it didn't take her long to figure it out. When one of her legs lifted into the air, she saw that her shoes were glowing. They were enchanted. And not in a good way.
Maddie tried to take them off but the shoes just continued to control her. They made her dance all over the room before throwing her into some pillows, finally stopping. Everyone laughed while Maddie was annoyed. She knew who was behind this and wasn't at all happy. Pippa just played innocent while Starscream had already worked out what had happened. Maddie took the shoes off and put her normal ones back on.
Maddie sat out the rest of the class, angry with Pippa for what she had done. At the end of the day, they made their way to the carriage where both Maddie and Starscream were angry at Pippa for what she pulled in their dance class. Pippa played dumb, claiming that it was obviously Selena's fault because she always leaves her magical objects lying around. Maddie didn't believe her. They returned to the castle where Maddie would meet Bruno in the ballroom.
"Ah. Princess Maddie," Bruno greeted, "The ballroom is almost ready."
Maddie looked at the ballroom. It really was stunning and all ready for her to make her Royal debut.
"It's beautiful," Maddie said
"There's only one thing missing. A princess," Bruno said smiling, "It's your time to shine, Maddie and I can't wait to see your first waltz."
But Maddie still didn't know how to Waltz, that was the problem. From the ballroom window, Maddie could see Selena's tower. That gave Maddie an idea. Maddie walked up the tower and knocked on the door. Selena answered, not seeing anyone at first until Maddie made her presence known, making Selena look down.
"Oh, Miss Serena? Hi!" Maddie said smiling
"It's Selena," she corrected
"May I come in?"
"Must you?"
Maddie walked in anyway.
"What is it?" Selena asked her
"Remember how you said if I ever needed any help?" Maddie asked
"Of course, I remember. I was the one who said it."
"Well, I was wondering, do you have a spell that can make me a good dancer? It's for the ball tonight. I don't want to look silly in front of everyone."
Selena thought about it, "Yes. Everyone will be there. I have just the spell for you."
Selena went to her desk, flipped through her spellbook, and wrote down a spell.
"And here we are," she hands it to Maddie.
Maddie started to read it out loud but Selena stopped her, "No, no, no. Not now! You must wait until the waltz begins. Then just say those three magic words, and you'll become the best dancer in the kingdom!"
"Thanks, Miss Serena. I don't know what I'd do without you," Maddie said smiling, and left.
Selena chuckled, "That makes two of us."
Diaval squawked at Selena, wondering why she helped the young princess.
"Oh, come on. You didn't really think I gave her a dancing spell, did you?" Selena asked Diaval, "When she utters the magic words I gave her, everyone in the ballroom will fall into a deep sleep, even your dear old mum and dad. And I'll only wake them up if she hands over the amulet. And then the kingdom will be ours!"
Selena smirked, loving how great her plan was.
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