Once Upon A Princess. Part Four
Night came quickly and everyone from every kingdom arrived to attend the Royal Ball. Two maids were helping Pippa get ready while Starscream watched, still angry at his sister. He walked up to the three, asking the maids to let him talk with his sister alone. They curtsied for him and left.
"How do I look?" Pippa asked smiling at herself in the mirror
"You gave Maddie the trick shoes on purpose," Starscream said, calling her out
"If I recall," Pippa turned to her brother, "you played a prank on her, too."
"What you did wasn't a prank. She needed those dance lessons. You're trying to ruin her ball. And I know why."
"Because she doesn't belong here?" Pippa turned back to her mirror.
"No. Because everyone likes her more than you. And after what you did today, so do I."
"You don't mean that."
"Yes, I do."
Starscream walked away while Pippa sat there in shock. She knew her brother was right but was too proud to admit it. She tried to follow her brother, only to get her gown caught on the stool she was sitting on, ripping it. In a panic, Pippa tried to call the maids back but they were busy. Busy helping Maddie get all pretty for her ball. She even overheard them telling Maddie how pretty she was, giving her more compliments than they did for her.
Upset by it all, Pippa ran to her room, crying. She wasn't attending the ball tonight. At the ball, everyone gathered around to see Princess Maddie for her Royal Debut. Bruno introduced Maddie to the crowd just as she appeared at the top of the stairs. She was wearing a red gown for this ball. Everyone cheered for her as Primus made his way to the bottom of the stairs to meet Maddie. Maddie curtsied and made her way down the stairs to her father.
All the while hiding Selena's sleeping spell behind her back. Speaking of Selena, she was watching the ball from the side, waiting for Maddie to utter the magic words. Primus met Maddie at the bottom of the stairs. She took her father's hand and followed him to the middle of the ballroom. Primus asked if the two could dance and Maddie said the magic words. She waited for the spell she thought it was to work before taking Primus' hand.
But she realised now that Primus was asleep and everyone else was joining him. The only one who stayed awake now was Maddie who just stood there, confused as to what was going on. This included Selena who forgot to leave the ballroom after Maddie said the magic words. So she ended up falling asleep too.
Panicking, Maddie started to run around the palace, trying to find anyone who could help her. But there was no one around because they were all in the ballroom. Feeling hopeless, Maddie fell to her knees in the hallway and sobbed. What could she do now? One of her tears landed on her amulet, causing it to glow. She then saw a flash of light behind her. She turned around to see...
"Cinderella?" Maddie asked surprised, "What are you doing here?"
"Your amulet brought me here," Cinderella explained, "it links all the princesses that ever were. And when one of us is in trouble, another will come to help. Why are you so sad, Maddie?"
"I tried to use a magic spell to make myself a good dancer, but it put everyone to sleep. I should have just let them laugh at me. Can you undo the spell?"
"Only you can do that. But I think I can help you find your way. Everyone's heard about the day that true love came for me. He carried me off and far away from my stepfamily. But ever since I wed the prince and left my hurt behind, there's one regret I won't forget that weighs upon my mind,' Cinderella led Maddie up the stairs, 'My step sisters let their jealousy harden their hearts. But when they ruined my ball gown, that's not all they tore apart. If only we had tried to see a way to start a new. We may have found that this time 'round our friendship only grew. We could have been true sisters if we only made amends. True, true sisters and ever-after friends.'
Cinderella led Maddie to Pippa's room, where she was still upset from before but still very much awake.
'You suddenly feel that all is lost. Frightened and alone. But maybe yours isn't the only heart that's sinking like a stone. Though many of the ones you love are frozen in a trance, someone who's a lot like you never made it to the dance.'
"But Pippa's been so mean to me," Maddie told her
"Maybe all she needs is a second chance," Cinderella suggested, 'You could be true sisters.'
'If you only make amends. True, true sisters.'
'And ever after friends,' the two said
Maddie looked back at Cinderella to see that she had disappeared. Her job there was done. Maddie walked into Pippa's room. She was lying on her bed when she saw Maddie walk in. Maddie had a sad look on her face.
"What do you want?" Pippa asked turning away from Maddie
"I've done something terrible," Maddie confessed," Come on, I'll show you."
Maddie took Pippa to the ballroom, where everyone was still fast asleep.
"A dancing spell put everyone to sleep?" Pippa asked surprised
"I must have said it wrong. It's all my fault," Maddie said still guilty about it
"No, Maddie. You wouldn't have needed the spell if I didn't give you those trick shoes. I was just jealous because everyone likes you more than me. Even my own brother."
"That's not true. You're the most popular princess at Royal Prep. You have no idea how happy I was when I found out we were going to be stepsisters."
"Maddie, we're sisters."
The two shared a hug for the first time since they met.
"How are we gonna wake them up?" Maddie asked
"Not even my magic can undo something like this," Pippa said before thinking to herself, "But I bet Selena has a counter-spell in one of her books. But her workshop is always locked."
"Not if you have the key."
Maddie and Pippa went to Selena's tower where Maddie pointed to where the kay was. The hallway was too small for Pippa to fly up and get it so she helped Maddie reach for the kay. When she had it, she unlocked the door and opened it. But neither of them got far because Diaval flew off his perch and made the door shut. Pippa almost forgot about him. With Diaval in there, they'll never get the spellbook.
So, they needed more help. And Maddie knew just who to ask. She got Lil' Ven and the others, asking them to distract Diaval while they got the spellbook. Pippa recognised the animals almost immediately as they used to help her clean her room. But not anymore. The two girls walked in again with their extra help. Diaval was sitting above the door, ready to use a surprise attack on them.
Well, let's just say that he didn't succeed. With the help of Maddie's birds, Lil' Ven, and the squirrel, they kept Diaval distracted while Maddie and Pippa went for the spellbook. Maddie grabbed Selena's spellbook while Diaval was busy. But he soon saw Maddie with the spell book and charged at her. But Pippa stepped forward, using her powers to shield her sister.
Maddie put the spellbook down as she had a plan. While Pippa had a go at Diaval, Maddie saw a cage in which they could trap Diaval in. Maddie called out to Pippa who got the idea and used her powers to push Diaval into the cage. Maddie locked it and started to look in the spellbook for a counterspell. But there wasn't one in the book.
"Yo, Diaval! Why so quiet?" Lil' Ven asked the trapped raven, "Worried we'll tell the other ravens you got outsmarted by a rabbit?"
"Hardly!" Diaval said revealing his Irish accent, "We'll see who has the last laugh. They'll never find the counter-spell."
"Oh, they've got your mistresses spell book, birdbrain."
"But the counter-spell book is hidden behind the painting. So the joke's on them."
Maddie heard the entire conversation and looked up at the painting Diaval was talking about. It was a painting of Selena's parents: Erik and Christine Destler. Maddie thanked Diaval for the information and grabbed the spellbook. Diaval just now realised that Maddie could understand him and panicked. Maddie and Pippa left the room while the others annoyed Diaval in his cage. The two made their way back to the ballroom, ready to wake everyone up.
But Pippa didn't want to be a part of it. She didn't want everyone to see her in her ripped ballgown. But Maddie wouldn't wake everyone without her so she sewed up Pippa's gown, just like she did with her dolls' dresses whenever they ripped. When Maddie finished sewing it back up, it was like nothing even happened to it. But, with one problem fixed, there was still one more.
Maddie still had no idea how to dance. Realising this, Pippa finally gave Maddie the dance lesson she so desperately needed. They Waltzed all the way back to the ballroom. Now it was time to continue the ball. Maddie got into place and said the counter spell, waking everyone up. The best part was, no one knew what happened. So, Primus and Maddie finally had the chance to dance the first Waltz. Seeing that she had failed, Selena used her magic to escape back to her tower.
So, the dance continued. All be it, rather painful for Maddie. Despite being the king, Primus wasn't a very good dancer as he never paid much attention to Popov's classes. But he noticed that Maddie did as she was really good at it. Maddie thanked him but did mention that she got help from Pippa. Maddie even called Primus 'Dad' for the first time which made him smile. Starscream soon asked Sarayah if she would dance with him. She happily accepted. But Maddie had something to ask her new father.
"I've been wondering, why do they call you "Primusthe Second"?" Maddie asked him
"Because my father, the former king, was also named Primus," he explained
"So I guess that makes me Maddie the First."
Primus chuckled, "I guess it does."
Soon, the entire Royal family joined in the Father-Daughter Waltz. And a few guests joined in too. Maddie was happy with her new family and more than ready to become a Princess.
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