Let the Good Times Troll
The three children were flying their kites as it was a good day for it. Starscream was pulling off tricks while Pippa casually flew hers and Maddie tried to copy Starscream. But she accidentally tripped on a rock and let go of her kite. Maddie ran after it as it fell down a cliff, onto the beach below. Seeing stairs that lead down to the beach, Maddie walked down them to get her kite. Pippa asked where Maddie was going and Maddie simply replied that she was going to get her kite.
Pippa advised her not to as that's where the castle trolls lived. They live in a cave by the water. Pippa described them as being green and creepy. But Starscream assured Maddie that they don't come out during the day. He then offered to go grab Maddie's kite but she wanted to go on her own. She walked down the stairs until she reached the beach. She found her kite on the ground with a tear in it. As she examined her kite, she heard clattering coming from inside the cave.
She looked inside to see what the commotion was when a yellow eye suddenly looked through a hole in the rocks. It was a troll. This scared Maddie, making her drop her kite and run back up to her siblings. The troll called after her, trying to tell her that she lost her kite. But Maddie was long gone. Seeing that she wasn't coming back, the troll reached out and took the kite. It was now dinner time and it was time for dessert that both Starscream and Primus were excited for. This felt like a good time for Maddie to ask her father a question.
"Dad, what do you know about the castle trolls?" Maddie asked
"Why? Why do you ask, Maddie?" Primus asked her
"Well, I saw one today, and--"
"You saw a troll?"
"The castle has trolls?" Sarayah asked just now hearing about this
"You don't know about the trolls?" Primus asked his wife, "Surely you've heard the story of King Gideon and the castle trolls."
"No," Maddie replied with her mother
"Can I tell it, dad?"Starscream asked
"Sure. Go right ahead, Starscream," Primus said
Starscream started the story, "One night long ago, When our great-grandpa King Gideon was king, he heard a loud thumping outside the castle. So he went out to see what it was. And right in the courtyard, He saw a bunch of green, bug-eyed trolls Banging their clubs."
In a flashback, we see King Gideon discovering the trolls banging their clubs on the castle ground, believing that they were attacking the castle. He called for the guards to protect the castle.
Starscream continued his narration, "The guards bravely charged the trolls and chased them all the way back to their cave. And no one's seen a troll outside the cave ever since."
"Whoa!" Maddie said amazed
"That night, King Gideon proclaimed that the trolls must stay down in their cave, and we stay up here-- that's the castle rule," Primus explained to Maddie, "It's safer that way for everyone."
Maddie had never heard this story until now and was shocked by what happened all those years ago. But she did wonder what they were up to that night. the next morning, Lil Vent was sleeping on Maddie's bed while Maddie slept at the window. As she slept, her kite from yesterday flew up to the window and started to tap on the window, waking Maddie. When she saw her kite, she opened the window to let it in, seeing that it had been repaired.
But she was surprised to see it after accidentally leaving it the day before. But she soon realised that the troll she saw yesterday likely fixed it. Robin was shocked that Maddie had seen a troll. But all of them were shocked after Maddie said that she was going to the cave to thank the troll. Maddie was starting to realise that maybe the trolls weren't as bad as they were made out to be.
That's why she was feeling brave enough to go thank the troll. She got dressed and left to go to the troll cave. When she arrived outside the cave, she slowly walked in, calling out for the troll she saw. As she walked further in, she saw a wooden bridge that she walked on to find the trolls. As the board creaked beneath her, a hand grabbed her arm, pulling her away from the bridge. It was the troll Maddie saw.
"Careful, princess! Some of those planks are really loose," The troll told her
Maddie gasped and looked at the troll, "You're the troll I saw yesterday! Hi! I'm Maddie."
"Gnarlie," the troll introduced, shaking Maddie's hand, "Pleased to meet you, Maddie! Did you get your kite?"
"So it was you! I knew it."
Gnarlie sighed, "I felt bad about scaring you yesterday."
"It's all right. Thanks for fixing my kite. So is this where the castle trolls live?"
"Right through here. Come on! I'll show you."
Gnarlie ran down some stairs made of stone to another side of the cave. There was a glowing waterfall that helped to light up the place. Maddie admired it while Gnarlie took her to the main area of his home. There stood small houses and crystals on the ceiling.
"I've never seen anything like this before," Maddie said smiling
"This is our grotto," Gnarlie said motioning around him
Maddie looked up at the ceiling, "Those crystals look just like stars!"
"That's why we put them there."
"They remind us of the stars," a small voice said from behind Maddie
Maddie turned to the little troll, "Well, hello there! What's your name?"
"Teeny," she said smiling
"Nice to meet you, Teeny."
"The sun is too bright for our eyes," Gnarlie said coming over to the two, "but starlight is just right. We love watching them twinkle and sparkle."
"Me too," Maddie said smiling, "But why look at pretend stars when you can go outside and see the real ones?"
"We're not allowed," Teeny said frowning
"Not allowed?" Maddie asked, "Why not?"
Gnarlie explained, "One night long ago... our great-grandtrolls went up to look at the stars. It was such a beautiful sight, all those twinkling lights shining in the night sky. The trolls were so happy! But then old King Gideon came out of the castle. He got very angry. The king had his guards chase the trolls all the way back to the cave for no reason at all. And ever since, we're not allowed to leave the cave, not even to see the stars."
"I've never seen real stars-- only these," Teeny said
"I heard this story. King Gideon thought the trolls were attacking the castle," Maddie explained.
"Attacking the castle? No!" Gnarlie said shocked at what Maddie said, "We were just looking at the stars."
"But you were banging your clubs."
"We bang our clubs when we're happy."
"It's our music," Teeny said smiling
"Your music?" Maddie asked
"Let's show her," Gnarlie said smiling at Teeny
Teeny whistled and music started to play. Trolls from everywhere in the cave suddenly popped out and started banging their clubs on the ground, making music. Gnarlie and other started to perform for Maddie and explained why they make music the way they do. They even gave Maddie a club so she could join in too. And she was more than happy to. She spent that entire afternoon with the trolls having so much fun. But she soon had to leave. The trolls let her keep the club they gave her.
On her way back to the castle, Maddie came up with a plan to show Primus that the trolls aren't as bad as they seem. But first, she needed some help. Outside the castle, Starscream was sword-fighting with a statue to pass the time when Maddie ran up to him, asking for his help. She explained what happened with the trolls and told Starscream what really happened all those years ago. She even showed him the club she got to keep to give an example of their music.
Starscream really liked it. Maddie promised to give him her club if he helped her prove to everyone that they don't need to be afraid of the trolls. Before Starscream could say anything, the two of them saw that jugglers and jesters had arrived at the castle. Starscream asked Bruno what they were doing here. Bruno explained that they were there to perform for the royal family after dinner that night. That gave Maddie an idea. She could bring the trolls in to perform for everyone after dinner.
Starscream thought that it was a great idea. Maddie then told Starscream that they needed to go and tell the trolls. Starscream was taken aback about meeting the trolls but Maddie had to tell them the plan now because dinner was soon. Starscream followed her anyway. So, they went to the cave and told Gnarlie their plan. Gnarlie reminded them that trolls weren't allowed near the castle and asked how they would get in.
Starscream suggested sneaking them in but he didn't know how. Maddie had an idea. While everyone is having dessert, she and Starscream would go and get the trolls, sneak them in through the back, and hide them until it was time to perform. Starscream was upset by the fact that he would have to miss dessert but what choice did he have? He wanted to help Maddie. Teeny asked if playing their songs would help the family like them and Maddie assured her that it would.
So, Gnarlie agreed to go with Maddie's plan. So, dinner came around but, just as discussed, Maddie and Starscream skipped dessert. Sarayah was surprised that the two didn't want pudding but Maddie insisted that they were both full and asked to be excused. Sarayah let them leave and they rushed to go and get the trolls. Pippa was suspicious of her brother skipping out on his favorite food but brushed it off when she got hers. So, Maddie and Starscream got the trolls and brought them all into the castle for their performance.
Though they did have to hide from Bruno and the acrobats when they walked passed. Once they had passed by, Maddie, Starscream, and the trolls walked into the throne room to hide the trolls for a little bit. They were hidden behind a curtain. When Starscream saw the rest of the family heading towards the throne room, the two sat on their thrones, acting natural when everyone walked in.
Seeing her brother and sister acting strange, Pippa whispered to Starscream that she knew the two were up to something and that she wanted to know what it was. Starscream just told her it was nothing. So, Pippa just sat on her throne, waiting for the show to begin. Bruno introduced the acrobats who suddenly popped up and started performing seemingly impossible tricks. Pippa started to get more suspicious when she noticed Maddie looking desperate for the show to end.
When the show did end, Maddie told Starscream to go and lift the curtain. As the acrobats left, Bruno announced the end of that night's entertainment. Maddie quickly spoke up saying that there was still one last surprise. Bruno was confused as this wasn't on his schedule. Maddie explained that they were special musicians and their closest neighbors. Primus started to wonder who it could be. Maddie asked for a drum roll and the trolls started to play behind the curtain. Primus admired the different kind of music.
Maddie motioned for Starscream to draw back the curtain, revealing all the trolls banging their clubs to make music. But Primus quickly got worried. As Pippa watched the trolls, she started to like them, as they seemed really fun. But Primus called the guards to seize the trolls. Maddie tried to stop them but they wouldn't listen. Seeing that they were in danger, the trolls started to scatter. Maddie begged Primus to leave the trolls alone but he refused to listen. Soon, all the trolls managed to escape unharmed.
"How did trolls get into the castle?!" Primus asked, angry that they broke the rule.
"I brought them," Maddie said sadly
"We'll talk about this later. Sarayah, could you take the children to their rooms until we make sure the castle is safe?"
"Of course," Sarayah said
Sarayah took the twins away but Maddie didn't move. Maddie looked up at Primus who was giving her a very disappointed look. Sarayah called for Maddie who left with her mother.
"Even if Maddie let them in, the trolls broke the rule. They stay below, we stay above," Primus said to Bruno
"Yes, your majesty. Tomorrow morning, I'll place a guard outside their cave so this never happens again," Bruno said
"Good idea, Bruno."
Maddie heard the new agreement and was saddened by it. All she wanted was to show everyone that they didn't have to be scared of the trolls anymore. Maddie explained this to her mother when Sarayah was tucking her in but she told Maddie that they would talk about it more in the morning. When Sarayah left, Lil Vent asked how the show went. Maddie explained what happened, saying that she only made things worse by doing this. But Maddie had one last thing to do. Getting into her nightgown, she went to go and say goodbye to Gnarlie and apologies before the guards go to the cave the next morning.
Lil Vent joined her with Robin, Mia, and some fireflies for a firefly lamp. The four of them made their way to the cave. But, from his balcony, Primus caught Maddie sneaking into the cave. Fearing for his daughter's safety, he went to go and get her. Maddie walked onto the old bridge, calling out for Gnarlie as she wanted to talk with him. But he was nowhere to be found. Primus caught up with her, telling her that she shouldn't be down there and to come home. Due to the bridge being unstable, it collapsed from underneath them, making them fall into the fog below. They fell into a narrow cave with no way out.
"Maddie, are you all right?" Primus asked
"Uhh, I think so," Maddie said standing up
"Maddie! You knew about the rule. Why would you bring trolls into the castle?"
"Because everyone's wrong about them! They're not mean."
"Then why were they banging their clubs?"
"Because that's how they make music! That's what they were doing the night King Gideon saw them-- Making music. If he listened to them, he would have heard. But he didn't. And neither did you tonight. And now they'll never see the stars."
Primus was confused, "The stars?"
"They love to look at the stars, dad. If only you had listened."
Primus realised his mistake. And his grandfather's. They never wanted to harm the castle. All they wanted was to see the only thing that they can look at properly as they didn't like the sunlight. The cave started to crumble, taking Primus out of his thoughts. As he looked up the way they had fallen, Gnarlie appeared, offering his hand to help them out. Primus was startled but Maddie wasn't as she already knew him. Primus took a hold of Maddie and took Gnarlie's hand. With help from him and the other trolls, Primus and Maddie were brought back to safety. They took the two royals to the grotto where they all celebrated the success. But Primus needed to speak up.
"All these years we thought the worst of the trolls. Yet tonight, you risked your lives to save ours. You showed as much courage as my bravest knights. I humbly thank you, and I'm truly sorry for how you've been treated. But I intend to make it up to you as best I can, starting tonight. Please, come back up to the castle."
"Us?" Gnarlie asked
"Yes, all of you. It's about time we changed some rules around here. I'm going to make a royal proclamation."
"A what?" Teeny asked
Primus picked Teeny up, "Well, well. And who do we have here?"
"I'm Teeny."
Primus chuckled, "You sure are! Well, Teeny, a proclamation is a big announcement that only kings get to make."
"And I know just where you should make it, dad!" Maddie said before whispering in his ear
"Yes! That's perfect."
Teeny cheered, hearing the idea too. So, Primus called everyone in the kingdom to the castle for his proclamation. The trolls were even invited. The proclamation was set in the observatory where Primus spoke up.
"It is time to correct a great misunderstanding. The trolls are, and always have been, our friends. From this day forward, they shall be treated as such!"
Everyone cheered in celebration at the news. Finally, some news even the oldest trolls would happy to hear about. But Primus wasn't finished.
"And our new friends are welcome to come above and look at the stars whenever they like. Or they could come here."
"What does the king mean?" Gnarlie asked Maddie, "Why will we come here to look at stars?"
"Look up," Maddie told him smiling
Gnarlie looked up as the observatory roof opened up to reveal the stars. It was the perfect place to look at the stars as they would study them from there. Finally, all the young trolls could see the stars for the first time. And they loved it. They were so beautiful. Gnarlie thanked Maddie for helping them see the stars again. To celebrate, the trolls started to play their music with everyone finally listening to it.
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