A Royal Mess
A circus made its way to the castle as well. It was the Golden Wing Circus and they were here to perform for the people of Enchancia. Starscream, Pippa, and Maddie were watching the circus arrived.
"The Goldenwing Circus is back!" Starscream said smiling
"Oh, let's go ask mom and dad if we can go!" Pippa said smiling
They ran back to the castle.
"I've never been to the circus before," Maddie said smiling
"This isn't just any circus, Maddie. It's the Goldenwing Circus!" Starscream said smiling
"The grandest, most enchanted circus in all the world!" Pippa said smiling
The twins, guards, maids, servants, and everyone started to sing about the circus. It was safe to say that everyone was excited about the Golden Wing Circus. Meanwhile, inside the castle, Primus and Bruno were looking at a surprise gift for Sarayah. It was a stane-glass window of everyone in the family. But, before he could go and get Sarayah to show her, the kids ran over to him, asking if they could go to the Golden Wing Circus. Primus agreed and asked Bruno to get tickets for the whole family. Starscream then started to juggle as the song continued while Primus tried to stop him. One of the rules of the castle is don't play ball inside. Expensive things could be knocked over and broken. The song ended and Primus got their attention.
"Starscream, you know the rule: No playing ball inside the castle," Primus told him, "there are too many things that could break, like the new stained glass window."
The kids looked up at the amazing new window.
"It's very pretty," Maddie said smiling
"Of course it is Maddie. There's a picture of me in it," Pippa said smiling
"I'm gonna go get your mother right now and show it to her," Primus said smiling.
And he left quickly. Now that Primus was gone, Starscream continued to juggle. Maddie tried to warn him about what Primus said but he didn't care. But his trick went horribly wrong. A ball hit the chandelier, hit a suit of armor, bounced off the ground, and hit the new window, chattering Pippa's face! Starscream knew that he messed up badly. He didn't mean to break the window. Primus was not going to be happy with him.
Maddie suggested telling Primus what had happened but Starscream begged them not to otherwise he wouldn't be allowed at the circus. Pippa said it didn't matter as their father was going to see the window when he came back with Sarayah. So Starscream had the wonderful idea of covering it with one of the armor stands. Maddie was hesitant to help him but he really wanted to go to the circus.
Pippa too was reluctant to help but was soon convinced to help. So, they started to push it over to the window. But it's armor so it was really heavy. To make matters worse, Primus and Sarayah were coming back just as they got it moving. So Pippa offered to go distract them while Maddie and Starscream struggled with the armor. Before Primus and Sarayah could enter the room, Pippa caught them and asked if she could have a few moments of their time.
She was going to distract them with a song she wrote on her harp to hopefully buy Maddie and Starscream some time. Primus wanted to hear it but he was more excited to show Sarayah the window. Pippa managed to drag them both away anyway. So, once Pippa and the parents were gone, Maddie and Starscream continued pushing the armor. They soon had it over the broken part and you couldn't tell it was broken.
Starscream was proud of the idea. But then knocked over the staff it was holding making an even bigger crack. Meanwhile, Pippa still had their parents distracted with her song which she had to make up just to keep them occupied. When Pippa had finished the song, the two clapped for her. But Pippa still had a part two of it that Primus wanted to skip so that he could show Sarayah the new window.
So, Pippa had to think of another distraction. She ran after the two saying that she wanted to show them her new tiara. Primus couldn't say no to her. Sarayah tried saying that saying no was easy as she did it all the time. Pippa acted hurt by the fact that they didn't have time for her, just to try and keep them away from the window for a while longer. Sarayah felt bad for Pippa and agreed to see her new tiara
Meanwhile, Maddie and Starscream were still staring at the broken window. Maddie said that now would be a great time to tell Primus. But Starscream didn't want to miss the circus. He suggested covering it with a certain but Maddie argued that Primus would open it when he showed Sarayah. So, Starscream suggested going to the Royal Glassmaker to make a new one. But Maddie again argued that it would take a long time to make. But she did have a better plan: She suggested asking Selena to fix the window with her magic. So, they went to her tower to go and ask. Selena was working on a potion when the two children ran in.
"Miss Serena, we need your help!" Maddie said
"Oh, do you?" Selena asked sarcastically
"I broke the new stained glass window in the throne room!" Starscream said
"Can you use your magic to help put it back together?" Maddie asked her
"Oh, yes, I could... if I didn't have a thousand more important things to do," Selena told the Princess
"You have a thousand things to do?" Starscream asked
Selena looked at Maddie's amulet, thinking to herself.
"But... I suppose I could make a little time for you," Selena said smiling
"Really? Oh, that's great!" Starscream said smiling
"Thank you so much, Miss Serena!" Maddie said smiling
"Oh, it's no trouble at all. Oh, it's no trouble at all. Now I have a potion to brew, so run along and I'll meet you in the throne room," Selena said shoving them out
Selena just laughed with Diaval once they were gone. So, she started making the potion.
"Little do they know that this potion will not fix their broken window. But it's going to get us Maddie's precious amulet!" Selena laughed evilly, "I just dip my staff into the potion like so and... voila! Now, Diaval, watch what happens when I point my wand at something!"
Selena said a spell and a potion bottle flew into her hand.
"It gets pulled right into my hands!"
Selena started to say the spell over and over making objects fly into her hands. She tried it on the bookcase but it just pulled her into it. Selena slammed into the shelf
"Oh, I guess the spell only works on little objects," Selena said
The spell let her go and she fell to the ground. And some books fell on her.
"Lucky for me, Maddie's amulet is nice and small! And once, I have the Amulet of Avalor, I can use its magic to take over the kingdom! Finally!"
Selena laughed evilly. Diaval did the same but carried it on a little too long
Selena shut him up, "Right, enough evil cackling! Let's get that amulet!"
So, Selena went to the throne room where the children were waiting for her. Selena had a look at the window. It was fixable but she wasn't going to fix it. She told them to stand in front of the window for the 'fixing spell'. But the spell she was using to get the amulet pulled her into the window. Well, the window's fixed but now Selena was part of it! If they weren't in trouble before, they would be now.
Meanwhile, Pippa was taking her sweet time looking for her new tiara. A new tiara she didn't have, surprisingly enough. Pippa picked out one that she thought her parents hadn't seen before but, unfortunately, they had. Having enough now, Primus went to go and show Sarayah the new window. Pippa would continue to try and stall them but they weren't listening to her anymore.
Back with Maddie and Starscream, they just stared at Selena now trapped in the window. Now Maddie was persistent to tell Primus. But Starscream didn't want to tell him yet. Because he thought they could get Selena out of the window. She had dropped her staff and spellbook so they could release her. Maddie reminded him that he wasn't magic but Starscream didn't think it would be difficult. He found a spell and got ready to try it.
As all that was going on, Pippa was still trying everything she could to stop Primus and Sarayah from going to the throne room. But Primus still wouldn't stop to watch and kept walking with Sarayah. Back once again to Maddie and Starscream. He waved Selena's staff and uttered the spell to get her out. The spell successfully freed Selena from the window and fixed it. But something went wrong. Because the window cracked and fell apart completely! And, if things couldn't get much worse, Primus, Sarayah, and Pippa came back to see the now missing window.
"The window!" Primus said shocked
"Oh, it wasn't me, your majesty. It was the children!" Selena said running off
"What is? What's going on?" Sarayah asked
Primus picked up a part of the window, "There was a stained glass window here of the entire family. That was your surprise. I had it made just for you."
"Oh, Primus, that's so sweet."
"I guess I have to tell them I broke the window," Starscream said to his sisters
"But then you won't get to go to the circus!" Maddie said
"I know."
"Children, you know the window was a surprise for your mother and it was very important to me. Now it's broken. What happened here?" Primus asked
"Mom, Dad, what happened was-"
"I broke it! It was my fault," Maddie said interrupting Starscream.
"But Starscream-"
"I was playing ball in the house," Maddie said interrupting Pippa.
"You did this, Maddie?" Sarayah asked
"I'm sorry."
"So are we. This seems so unlike you."
"And it seems a lot like you!" Pippa said to Starscream
"We're very disappointed," Primus said
"And since you broke a castle rule..." Sarayah started
"I'm afraid you'll have to stay home from the circus," Primus finished
"I understand," Maddie said.
Then Bruno came in saying it was time for the circus. But then saw the window and was shocked. But maybe even more shocked when he learned that Maddie took the blame. Primus told him to take Maddie to her room. She followed Bruno but Starscream caught up with them.
"Maddie, wait! I just need to talk to her for a second," Starscream took Maddie away from Bruno, "Why did you tell mom and dad you broke the window when it was really me?"
"Because I didn't want you to get in trouble," Maddie said
"But now you're in trouble!"
"Starscream, I know how much you love the circus. I wanted to make sure you got to go."
"Wow. Thanks."
"You better get going, Starscream, or you'll be late," Bruno said.
"Go on. You can tell me all about it when you get back," Maddie said smiling
"Okay. Bye," Maddie walked away.
Maddie went to her room with Bruno. She watched her family leave for the circus from her room, sad that she didn't get to go. But at least she made her older brother happy
"Maddie, I haven't known you as long as I've known Starscream. But I know both of you well enough to know that you wouldn't play ball in the castle if the king told you not to. Starscream, on the other hand... if you did take the blame for him, that was very kind of you. But a lie is a lie... even if you're trying to help someone," Bruno told Maddie
"I didn't think about it that way," Maddie said.
"Maybe next time you will. Peppermint tea?"
"I'd love some. Thanks, Bruno."
"Any time."
So, they had tea and talked as everyone went to the circus. But, even with all the amazing entertainment, Starscream wasn't having a good time. He hated that he let Maddie take the blame for him. He knew that it should've been him staying at the castle, not Maddie. Feeling too guilty to enjoy the circus, Starscream finally told the truth. Through Starscream's confession, Primus and Sarayah discovered why Pippa was trying to distract them with everything. Pippa was reluctant to tell the truth but quickly did. Upset that his children lied, he suggested that they all returned home, leaving the circus early. The two sat the three children down to talk with them.
"We're very disappointed in you. Starscream, you broke a castle rule," Primus said
"And then the three of you tried to hide it from us," Sarayah added
"I'm sorry," Starscream said
"Me too," Maddie said
"Very sorry," Pippa said
"When one of you makes a mistake..." Sarayah started
"You need to tell us," Primus finished
"Otherwise, the problem can get worse."
"A lot worse," Starscream said
"Families need to be honest and not keep secrets from each other," Sarayah said
"So, next time something like this happens, just tell the truth right from the start," Primus said
"I promise to do that from now on," Starscream said
"So will I," Maddie said
"On the rare occasion that I do something wrong, I'll be sure to tell you," Pippa said
"Good," Primus said
Bruno came in saying there was someone at the door wanting to see Primus. He and Sarayah left the children alone. The one who wanted to see Primus was the ringleader of the Golden Wing Circus. He was worried that the Royals didn't like the show and that's why they left. Primus assured him that they were enjoying it, they just had to tend to some family matters. And that, if the kids had a choice, they would want to watch the circus every day. Already prepared, the ringleader offered to give them a special performance right that minute. Believing that they had learned their lesson, Primus agreed. So, the children finally got to see the show and enjoyed every moment of it.
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