Requested by - Y0VR_B0Y_D31M0S
—Characters in this chapter—
GN!Reader -> [Any pronouns]
—This chapter contains—
- Angst to Fluff!
- Some swearing n Minor gore
[Somewhere in Nevada ]
Narrator's Pov;
Y/n was on a supply run with Hank, Deimos was on look-out by the truck incase they needed backup or something to be hacked into. While Y/N and Hank were clearing out the building they stopped to search a few rooms for supplies such as (Medical supplies, food, Ammo or guns). They managed to find some ammo, scraps of food and Medical Supplies it wasn't much but it'd last them for a week Y/N decided the smart idea to split up to traverse more ground in the building Hank agreed and reminded Y/N to turn on the communicator incase they need backup or assistance Y/N nodded and they then went there separate paths.
Y/N's Pov;
I was walking though the 'almost' empty halls of the A.A.H.W building, shooting any Agents or Engineers I'd run into a few got the upper hand on me.
I had a few bullet wounds and slashes it hurt like hell but i'll ask Doc if He could tend to them later, I heard the comms buzzing and picked up the communicator off my waist and hit the green button.
"Is everything still alright on your side Y/N? And have you found anything else?"
"Yeah, I have a few bullet wounds n cuts but I'll be fine. I found a few more 3 more ammo cases and some medical scraps I'm gonna ask Doc to patch them up when we get back"
"Alright.. stay safe Y/N, I'll let you know when were heading back"
And with that the communicator made a 'beep' signaling that no one was on the channel anymore. I'd sigh and continue my walk around suddenly hearing a loud crashing noise and gripping my SMG tightly, checking my waist band for a flash-bang incase i needed to skedaddle (i'm sorry-) I slowly approached where I thought i heard the noise and clung to the wall closest to door.
I breathed in and out before kicking the door in and firing at will a few agents were gunned down by my SMG but I missed 2 and they shot me in the leg and lower abdomen I clutched my side and tried to reach my flash-bang, I wasn't able to grab it in time before I was grabbed and was stabbed repeatedly in the stomach I flailed and tried to reach my SMG but best I could do was play dead.
So I acted as if I passed out from blood loss they shot me a few more times in the body to make sure I wasn't gonna get up, it hurt so much but I had to wait till they were a good distance before I could call for backup.
Deimos's Pov;
I was minding my own business mainly getting ready to light another cig but I heard the communicator buzzing and looked around before finding it on my left, I picked it up and answered it hearing Hank's voice on the other end.
"Everything alright Hank?"
"Have you heard anything from Y/N? They won't answer me"
"I can try, but they could be fighting agents off try going down their path to see if you can find em"
I got off the line and swapped to Y/N's radio line and waited to see if they'd respond, after a few good minutes I heard the communicator buzz and I quickly picked it up and spoke into it.
"Y/N? Is everything alright?"
I heard some coughing on Y/N's side.
"I-I need backup, I'm losing blood faster then i'd like my body let out to.."
"Try to stay awake or- find something to slow your bleeding Hank should be there soon!"
"Alright.. I'll try using some of the scrap bandage"
I kept talking to Y/N to try and keep them awake and occupied so they wouldn't pass out, I was getting up, grabbing my things and rushing to the vehicle. I hopped into the drivers seat threw my things in the back and checked back in with Y/N before slamming on the gas pedal, sending the truck to go full speed ahead.
"Y/N? You there? I'm currently on my wa-"
"Don't worry I got them Dei, i'm making my way outside now for collection."
"Alright i'll be there shortly"
Hank's Pov;
Y/N wasn't looking to good, i'm hoping we can get them to Doc before blood loss gets to them first I kept running carrying Y/N over my shoulder while Holding my pistol on the other with the supplies on my arm.
I was approaching the exit and saw the truck I opened the door to the back and set Y/N down and yelled for Deimos to step on the gas, and off the truck went, Searching through the bag of gathered supplies I grabbed what I could I wrapped some gauze and bandages around the cuts mainly.
I took out my dagger and patted Y/N's head trying to reassure them that they'll be alright, I did my best to make digging out the bullets less painful for them as soon as I got the bullets out I'd wrap the openings with the bandage.
I comforted Y/N again for reassure that they'll live, I carefully picked them up and held them in my lap to let them rest till we got back to the base.
(Time Skip)
Narrator's Pov;
The truck finally pulled up to the base and the three got out Y/N was mainly carried by Hank while Deimos carried the supplies they found from the A.A.H.W Base. Y/N was soundly sleeping having passed out on half the ride back exhausted, Deimos walked into the Base and held the door open so Hank could walk in with a sleeping Y/N.
Hank entered the base and Deimos closed the door behind them Deimos placed the bag on the counter and went with Hank to put Y/N in their room, while walking to Y/N's room they slowly woke up feeling somebody setting them down on their bed.
Y/N looked at who set them down and it was Hank with Deimos behind Him watching, Y/N gathered the rest of the energy they had left in them and asked if they could cuddle for the night. Hank shrugged and looked at Deimos to see if He wanted to join the night cuddles, which He did join once they got into comfier clothes before going back to
Y/N's room to cuddle the night away.
Heyo!^^ I hope I did good on this end everything turned out how it should, and I hope to the person who requested + the people who read this emjoy it too!^^
If I messed anything up please let me know!
Have a wonder day/night folks^^
Word count - 1195
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