Chapter 1: Plane Crashed/Getting on a Circus Train
Author's Note: I'm only doing parts or scenes from the "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted" movie of Vitaly in those parts or scenes so (Name) could be in the same parts or scenes as Vitaly until Alex, Marty, Melman and Gloria are captured by Animal Control and get rescued by their circus friends and (Name) will be in the front row to see Captain DuBois giving her little speech and seeing the circus animals arrive to save the gang.
Also, Jamie (JEDI271217) and I have been messaging each other about this kind of story.
From what Jamie said, she has this story in the works since someone has already asked her that already from what she said.
I will have the Reader Key here and let me know if I need to add anything else to the Reader Key in the comments down below so I can edit this part/chapter to add anything I missed in the Reader Key.
Reader Key:
Last Name
Nickname (Make a nickname up if you don't have a nickname)
Wrong Name close to Name (Like how Stefano calls Alex "Alice" in the movie)
Hair Color (The fur of the ears & tail will be the same color as your hair color)
Eye Color
Hair length
Mom & Dad's Names & Last Names
Favorite Colors (If you have more than one favorite color)
Favorite Flowers (You'll know why I added "Favorite Flowers" for the story.)
Daughter & Son's Name (The daughter and son will be twin half neko and half human kids, which makes the son have (Name)'s personality and the daughter having Vitaly's personality.)
Also, any dialogue or actions given to the reader, (Name) or added in the story belongs to me, just in case if anyone got confused on anything in or for the story.
This story is also a spoiler to "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted" movie and I highly suggested any reader reading this story watch the movie first or reading the story while watching the movie if they want to.
After the plane had crashed, Alex, Marty, Melman, Gloria, and (Name) groaned in pain from the crash and got up to shake the pain off.
(Name) brushes off the dust of her clothes and adjusts her (favorite color) scarf that is around her neck while muttering under her breath how the fixes on the plane were done by chimps, literally and not as a metaphor.
(Author's Note: The picture is up there and you can use you favorite colors to use for the outfit in the picture up above.)
Everyone was trying to process on what to do after the rest of the chimps, except for Phil and Mason, left and how they were going to fix the plane until they heard police sirens in the distance and knew it was Animal Control with the police looking for them.
"It's the fuzz! What are we going to do? We can't hide forever!" Marty said.
The four friends run away from the police sirens.
"And we can't just blend! You know this isn't Africa." Gloria said stating the fact.
(Name) nodded in agreement to what Gloria meant while the group was still running.
Melman started to slow down in front of a circus train car with a painting of a tiger and the name of the circus on it.
"Oh, what's the point? Tell me one conceivable way that extra-large animals and a 19 year old half-neko & half-human girl like us are gonna be able to move through Europe without attracting unwanted attention." Melman said giving up on hope.
The others went up to him.
Then the group looked at the circus train car with a painting of a tiger and the name of the circus on it.
(Name) was walking up to the train car door and had an idea as well.
"Hey. . ." (Name) said reaching her hand out at the door.
Suddenly, the door suddenly opened to reveal a 7 foot tall tiger looking at them with an angry look on his face.
"Aah!" Everyone screamed in surprise and fear.
His name is Vitaly.
"Where are you coming from?" Vitaly asked crossing his arms.
"Please, you've got to hide us. Just until the heat dies down." Alex said.
"Absolut no outsiders. So wipe that Smirn off your face and Popov!" Vitaly said pointing at Alex and pointing back to where the gang was coming.
"Oh, come one, man. You gotta do one cat a solid. Cat to cat. Do a solid here, buddy. Come on." Alex said.
Alex was then interrupted by Vitaly.
"Nyet! This train is for circus animals only." Vitaly said closing the doors to the circus train car.
Another voice started to talk to Vitaly.
His name is Stefano.
"They sound like they be in trouble." Stefano said behind the closed circus train car doors.
"Stefano, we do not invite trouble into our circus. I don't trust lion. Hair too big and glossy!" Vitaly said referring to the gang and then referring to Alex's mane.
"Aw, come on, Vitaly, you're being mean." Stefano said a little shocked at what Vitaly said about the gang and Alex's mane.
"He not lion. He lioness. . .with a beehive." Vitaly said laughing at his remark by calling Alex a lioness with a beehive.
"This is awkward. We can hear everything they are saying." Alex said looking at Marty, Gloria, Melman, and (Name) about Vitaly and Stefano talking about them in the not so blocked off unsound proof circus train car.
"It is not our problem!" Vitaly said.
Suddenly, the train whistle blew to be ready to take off and it started up to go off to their next stop to preform for people.
"No, no! Wait, wait, wait!" (Name) and Alex shouted in panic.
The gang started to follow the now moving train on the track.
"Just give us a minute. He's on the phone and. . .can't get him off! We cannot leave them there!" Stefano said after opening and closing the two circus train car doors on his nose.
"Only circus animals on this train!" Vitaly said as if to finish the argument.
"Wait, listen! We are circus animals. You got to let us in!" Alex said.
The lion still continued running with the gang to keep up with the circus train car.
Alex started to hit the two circus train car doors with his fist.
That's when a jaguar opened the two circus train car doors with a look as if to say if they were sure to be circus animals.
Alex then looked at her with an amazed look as if to be in a trance as he slowed down a little.
Her name is Gia.
"You really are circus?" Gia asked the group as if to not believe them fully.
"Yes. Full circus!" (Name) and Alex said.
"Absolutely!" Gloria said.
"My momma was circus. My daddy was circus." Marty said.
"Gia! Shut the door!" Vitaly said coming right next to Gia as with Stefano.
"Please." Gloria and (Name) said with pleading in their eyes.
"Over there! Over there!" Police voices said.
Gia looked at the gang and then looked at Vitaly and Stefano with a determined look.
"They are circus. Circus stick together." Gia said seriously.
"Ugh. . ." Vitaly said groaning in annoyance.
Marty, Alex, and Gloria got into the circus train car and helped (Name) get Melman in the circus train car and closed the the two circus train car doors behind (Name) and Melman just in time as the police looked into the direction of the moving train and looked away.
Stefano then light a lantern and smiled nervously at the group.
Alex and Gia looked at each other and looked away.
(Name) was looking at her hands and then looked up to see Vitaly glaring at her while twirling a throwing knife between his fingers and she nervously looked at the wall on her left side while she started to blush lightly.
"Wow! Circus Americano! You all must be very famous!" Stefano said.
"Yeah, we, uh. . ." Alex started to say.
"Absolutely." Gloria said as (Name) nodded in agreement.
"We're relatively known. . ." Alex started to say again.
"But Alex is really the star." Marty said.
"Well, I'm not. . .I wouldn't say "star." More like. . .more like. . .well, star." Alex said.
"What is your act, Alice?" Stefano asked curiously.
"Well. . .I basically, uh, I jump up on my rock. . ." Alex said.
"Rock?" Gia asked.
"Yeah. It's a very high. . .rock." Alex said.
"A really high rock!" Melman said as (Name) rolled her eyes and smiled softly.
"And then?" Stefano asked for Alex to continue.
"And then, well, I roar like. . .like a serious "Rawrrr!"." Alex said.
"And then?" Stefano asked wanting to know more.
"And then I jump off the rock." Alex said.
"And then?!" Stefano asked wanting to know more still.
"And then. . .and then what?" Alex asked confused.
"That is all?" Gia asked.
"Into a pool!" Gloria said.
"Full of water" Marty spoke as well.
"Full of cobras!" Melman said as (Name) face-palmed her forehead at how the lie went on to Alex's act being whatever it was.
"Actually, it appears like I'm jumping into a pool. . ." Alex said.
"With cobras!" Melman added.
"Aquatic cobras. For effect. But I pull up at the last second." Alex said.
"Pull up?" Stefano asked curiously.
"Yeah." Alex said.
"How do you do that?!" Stefano asked wanting to know how.
"Wire harness!" Melman said.
"Balloons!" Gloria added.
"Jet pack!" Marty added as well.
"Well. . .I flip off the wire harness, ignite my jet pack, and then toss balloons to the children of the world. Kids love it. Kids always love that." Alex said.
"Hmm!" Vitaly hummed as if to not be impressed what the group was talking about.
"Is this like the trapeze?" Stefano asked trying to clarify it or not.
"Yes! Trapeze! Exactly!" Alex said.
"Wow! Trapeze americano! Hey I have an idea! Maybe you come with us to Roma!" Stefano said when Vitaly threw a throwing knife in front of Stefano.
This freaked the gang out, including (Name).
"Hey, Vitaly is just playing around. He is good, not?" Stefano asked as he hung the lantern by its handle part of it.
"Yeah, thanks. Thanks. But we're gonna get off at the next stop so we can get back to America." Alex said trying to not take the offer.
"That is such a coincidence! Because we're going. . ." Stefano said, but was stopped by another throwing knife in front of him by Vitaly.
"Going to. . ." Stefano said when a third throwing knife was thrown in front of him by Vitaly.
"Let me finish! We're going to America as well! Ergh!" Stefano said glaring at Vitaly after a butcher's knife was thrown in front of his face.
"What?!" Marty asked surprised at what Stefano said.
"America?" Alex and (Name) asked surprised as well.
"Going to America?" Gloria asked surprised and excitedly as if she was ready to get back to New York City with the gang.
"What?" Melman asked shocked what the news.
"Si." Stefano said confirming it.
"Wow! When?" (Name) asked with a smile on her face.
"After Roma, we go to London. And then a big-time promoter will see us and then send us to New York." Stefano explained.
"They're going to New York!" Alex said to Marty, Melman, Gloria, and (Name).
"Well, only if he likes what he sees." Gia said as if to say the circus was loosing its circus touch.
"New York? Seriously? That's our home. That's where we live." (Name) said excitedly.
"Isn't that fun?" Stefano asked as if it was a coincidence.
"Could we go with you?" Marty asked as (Name) nodded in agreement.
"Sure! You can bunk with Vitaly!" Stefano said excitedly.
Suddenly, another butcher's knife was throw in front of his face as two knifes were thrown next Marty and Gloria's sides, one knife was thrown next to Melman's neck, one knife was thrown between Alex's legs, and one knife was thrown above (Name)'s head, which she was lucky to not have a knife impale her.
"Whoa!" (Name) said in shock.
"Or not." Stefano said.
"Nyet!" Vitaly said somewhat showing his anger towards the newcomers.
Vitaly walked up to them very angrily, which made Gia and Stefano wonder what he was going to do.
"Oh, no. I don't think Vitaly likes that idea. What's he gonna do?" Stefano asked a little scared.
"Which one of you is leader?" Vitaly asked.
Marty gestures to Alex, causing (Name) to face-palm her forehead again.
"Tell your comrades there is one rule we do not break!" Vitaly said.
Alex started to get on top of the knife thrown between his legs.
"Thou shalt say it and not spray it?" Alex asked nervously.
"Nyet! Circus owner no allow stowaways!" Vitaly said.
"I hear you, Russki. Although, the circus owner may allow stowaways if the stowaways just happen to be the owners Riddle me that." Skipper said after making a hole in the floor.
"What is sharply dressed little birdie talking about?" Vitaly asked.
The penguins and the chimps ended up showing what Skipper meant and was talking about.
That's when the whole circus animals, the gang, the chimps, and the penguins got to Roma and ended up getting chased out by the Roma people after a terrible circus performance.
Author's Note: I literally almost kept putting my name for the reader's name and I really need to remember that it's the reader's name, not my name. XD
"Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted" characters and movie belongs to DreamWorks
You belong to yourself
Added/given dialogue/actions given to the reader, (Name) belongs to me
"It's The Fuzz" scene belongs to DreamWorks
All rights reserved
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