Angie - The Run 8
Sa deang naam Jai (แสดงน้ำใจ – show water heart)
To show ones spirit, or offer to help others;
Angie – The Run
Ben suggested we run an hour the first seven days, then increase it to an hour and a half the second week. During weeks three to six bump it up to two hours a day.
Furthermore, he continued, the MDCC training should be an hour every other evening the first week. Expand it to every evening the second through the sixth weeks. In this way, you will avoid the heat of the day, and build them up gradually.
Follow-up, by submitting a request to the commanders of each school to incorporate a mandatory element of MDCC and running into their individual programs. You will find most are offering it as a voluntary curriculum.
Accordingly, send memos up two levels to the colonels and generals as a suggestion to include these fitness applications in all their programs. Along these lines, offer your services as a speaker to help their squadron commanders know how to encompass the benefits of mandatory running and MDCC benefits in their individual schools. List ten advantages in your communications. Recruit your study group, first sergeant and your Executive Officer to aid you in the process. Turn in the results as your final project in OAS.
Ben was helpful with his advice. He reminded me that girls who were in programs like basketball, soccer, Lacrosse and cross country in school would be the only ones substantially fit enough to attempt to run and practice MDCC at first. The others must gradually be brought to the point, but it would take longer than six weeks. That is why the fitness aspect needs to follow through to the tech schools.
Thus, the schedule was modified according to his advice. The follow up would become the responsibility of my staff and study group. That will require a substantial PR concentrated effort.
Everyone was present the following morning at 0400 hours. I welcomed them and encouraged them to practice with all their strength and power. Moreover, Ben, Lilly and my parents appeared with their workout attire.
I asked, "?" Out of a hundred, only two raised their hand. "Let me tell you about a girl who was seventeen. She was raped by a gang of hoodlums. After the rape, she was left to die. While naked and bleeding, no one came to her defense."
I continued, "She was treated like it was her fault and rejected by most of her schoolmates. No boys wanted to date her. The rape resulted in pregnancy. The school would not let her attend daytime classes. She was forced to hide away in night classes for disobedient girls. It did not make a difference that it was not her fault." Some of the girls were crying. Others looked horrified.
I paused for a moment while looking at every girls' face and said, "I am that young person who was raped nine years ago, and was discarded by society as trash. You might say I am an outcast. Don't feel sorry for me. I am blest. My blessings include a wonderful husband and a beautiful daughter. My parents are caring and supportive."
There was a deep sigh emitted from the attendees. Pleading with the audience I explained, "The motivation of my story is that no girl should ever have to experience what happened to me." The question was repeated, "Who here has been raped or beaten by a man?" A dozen more lifted their hands. My breathing was even and comfortable.
The tension in my body faded. An awareness of peace overpowered me. "I am proud that you can admit what happened to you, because the most horrible part is over. From now on your life will change for the better, with a simple daily run and physical practice. Yes, it will be hard work, but it is worth the transformation that will take place in your bodies."
I added, "Today finds me a changed woman. There is no fear within me. There is a secret in the military that women do not understand. You can defend yourselves without a handgun or pepper-spray. It was designed for battle where a woman facing a mugger or rapist confronting a struggle for her life can make that bugger regret his actions. Many soldiers and marines are aware of the mystery, but most women think it is for men. I was fortunate to learn the undisclosed method of defense."
I continued, "What altered my opinion was that the secret is not withheld from us at all. It is called Multi Discipline Close Combat (MDCC.) Our First Sergeant and my husband are experts in MDCC. Before we were married, my spouse taught me how to take care of myself. The first step we need is to increase our stamina. We do that by running. The second is to learn the proper techniques that can transform your perception and boost the image of yourselves. The choice is yours. Now get out there and run your buns off."
Sergeant Hardcore, with tears richly flowing from her eyes hugged me and said, "That is a wonderful story about what it means to triumph over evil." A short thin trainee named Lizzy came up and claimed, "That is what we needed to hear. It gives me hope. Thank you very much."
Later Lizzy and four other girls came to my office proclaiming, "We did not raise our hands earlier today, because all four of us are rather timid about expressing our feelings in public. Each of us has been raped and I have a one year old child resulting from that encounter. She is living with my parents. You made us feel special. Your speech gives us hope. We observed your daughter running with us. That spoke more than words could ever do."
She went on, "All four of us were top students in our respective schools. The perpetrators were the school bullies, and among the most popular students. Their parents have money. The defense lawyers made us look like we raped ourselves, and all of us were branded as tramps. One rapist received community service. The other three obtained light sentences. It was a joke to everyone but us."
"I am sorry. Sometimes we are stomped on by those who should care about us. They kick us to the gutter like we are dead rats stinking up the house. Let me promise you there is a day of reckoning. It comes when you stand tall, convinced of who you are. The Air Force has a way to reward bright students like you. Let me do a little research. Maybe the service can do for you what it has for me."
Going on, "I will meet with you later in the week. At that time, we will find out if we can use your academic accomplishments to your advantage."
Respectfully each one of them saluted and said, "Thank you, mam. Lizzy said, "You stand as one who identifies with our plight, mam. We have trust and comfort in you."
My expectations are that the Air Force will be as generous to them as they were with me. A deep relaxing breath engulfed me.
Lizzy and her friends were received into the Upward Bound Program. Which is similar to the program the Air Force provided me.
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