Angie - Satisfaction 29
Tung Jai (ถึงใจ - to one's heart content)
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Angie – Satisfaction
Wars go on, and evil plagues the world, but the little place in my heart has found contentment. My breath
swells, a warmth radiates within my soul. As I glide in air which causes me to notice kind words, and the smell of flowers in the field. The wonder of the stars renders a realization of how tiny my desires are compared to the greatness of all creation. Humility haunts me with awe. There are things grander than my limited imagination.
Sangdoaw was carrying Dek Noy Teerak (เด็กน้อยที่รัก - Dear little girl) in her arms while Pudd Fi was bouncing Pudd Fi Noy in his lap. Frank was patting Chewy Moo's rounded belly. Mom and Dad shone with satisfaction. The entire Olander clan were filled with cheerfulness. Lilly and little Ben were tugging on Dog while big Ben and I were bathing in ecstasy.
Mom and Martha has prepared Turkey, dressing, bar-b-que beef brisket and ham. The rest of us brought side dishes and pies. Rufus and John took the kids to the ponds to feed the fish while we women set the table. The remaining men scrutinized the morsels of satisfaction being set on the counter. Their drooling was embarrassing, yet brought approval to the ladies.
The children and men returned from nourishing the water dwellers. Rufus offered a brief blessing for Thanksgiving. All of us replied, "Amen!"
Martha and Beverly said, "No uniforms and no rank allowed at the table. We are all good friends, resembling family. We can use endearing titles such as Mom, Dad, Granny and Pappy. Business can wait to another hour."
Rufus said, "It will take more than an hour to do justice to our table." Dog waited patiently for a treat to hit the floor, and quietly grumbled, "Growl, howl!" Every face, little or big, was focused on the strategy of attacking the contents on their plate. Beverly had completed a batch of homemade frozen orange-crème. Skipping the dinner, Lilly went for her favorite part of the Thanksgiving meal.
Captains Eva and Adam Treadwaters emerged on Mom's and Dad's doorstep. They apologized, evidently the wrong road was taken, Before I had a chance to introduce them, Dawkmymy said, Hi Adam and Eve glad you have returned to Chiang Mai." Adam said, "We were treated well on base, but we lived in a new subdivision off base. As a mixed racial couple, we were not accepted, even though I speak Spanish and Eva speaks English. We had no friends in the community."
I retorted, "Their loss, our gain! We would love to have you in Ben's and my neighborhood. Dawkmymy and Bobby resides in Ling Noy's and James old house. Our neighborhood is mostly Thai and American military families."
Bobby said, "Their house is where Dawkmymy and I use to live. However, the home next to them is empty. The owners are willing to rent or sell.
Eve questioned, "Do you know the owners?"
"My daughter and her husband Mike. It has three bedrooms and, Western master bathroom a guest bathroom, and an American designed kitchen and a family room. There is new insulation and air conditioning in the master bedroom. The other rooms all have ceiling fans."
"When can we see the house?"
"Call Malsa at the Regal Garment Coop."
The Women Fight
There have been several local women's matches of MDCC, but none on a national scale. Many had been held at Lackland AFB. Most of them my former students.
Eva reported, I went to classes with Elizabeth Harding (Lizzy) in Officer Training, Flight, and Cargo Transport Schools. She said to tell you Hi!
"Lizzy and I have corresponded over the last few years."
"She and several other young women claimed you inspired them to become the best women in the Air Force. They have gone on to become Grand Masters of MDCC, and trained hundreds of others to become Masters. I was one of those they taught."
"I have not heard from her in a while, and was unaware she was becoming an officer."
She is strong, confident and focused. Her top choice was to be assigned to Chiang Mai. However, an appointment took her to the headquarters for the Military Airlift Command (MAC) at Scott AFB in Illinois. She is the lead pilot for a group of generals who are flown to various points around the world. The last that I heard that her rank was Major."
"Lizzy has organized several ladies' tournaments at the same time men are fighting. Most in the states, but also in Canada, England and Germany. The next set of fights will be in the Philippines. It is invitational."
"I did not know any of what you shared. Wait a minute. Recently there was a challenge request to attend a match for women at Clark AFB in the Philippines." That sparked me to search for the memo in my purse, where I saw the wired correspondence which read. TO: COLONEL A. CROSSMAN (stop) FROM: MAJOR L. HARDING, USAF (stop) YOU ARE CORDUALLY INVITED TO DEFEND YOUR TITLED (stop) CLARK AFB, PHILIPPINES (stop) DEC 23 (stop) ANGIE LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU AGAIN (stop) LIZ (stop)
"I need my Commander to approve a three day leave to go to the Philippines December 21-23 to be one of the eight contenders fighting for the championship.
Bobby said, "Denied!" Every set of sullen eyes in the house were gazing on him. Where he retorted. "We have orders from Lieutenant General Matthews to attend a command conference December 20 to 23 at the Southeast Asia Headquarters. The orders include Colonels and above. E. Treadwater will be our pilot and A. Treadwater will be our co-pilot."
Ben said, "The headquarters is at Clark AFB in the Philipines."
"That's right, the meetings are from 0800 to 1200 hours December 20, 21 and 22. The after noons are free. On Dec 23 the recap session is scheduled 0800 to 1000 hours. The rest of the day is scheduled for MDCC demonstrations. Each day the Captains Treadwater and Treadwater will be required to attended or instruct advance MDCC sessions.
Dawkmymy asked, "Can wives attend?"
"No, but housing, food and garment consultants will be invited."
Everyone's expression went from gloomy to jubilant. Ben and I ran every morning as usual. Each evening Bobby was Ben's practicing partner, and Eve was mine. Our first week workout was two hours a day. Then we increased to three. Jerry Lee would sub for Bobby twice a week. We returned to two hours daily determining that any longer would have had a negative effect.
Ben, Eva and I were traveling along with thirty others as we journeyed to Clark AFB. When we arrived, many were preparing modestly. On the twenty-first fifty men were eliminated. December twenty-second whittled the men down to Mike and Pudd Fi the survivor to match Ben. Eva and Lizzy won the elimination bouts to fight me.
My brother looked different than the Doug in St. Louis. Working on the farm in Southern Thailand had darken his skin. Combined with the MDCC training has melt the chunkiness away and replaced it with a chiseled body. He looks like a Thai superman. He spoke Thai well enough and his mannerisms went from an obnoxious self-centered excuse of a man to a humble, generous and loving human being. No one would recognize him now, because he has morphed into an improved creature.
Pudd Fi and Mike fought with no fear. They blocked while avoiding rapid hits and kicks. Both flipped forward, backward and sideways. Mike almost had the edge for two seconds, but Pudd Fi escaped. The judges declare a no-win, Me China (ไม่ชนะ.) Pudd Fi graciously withdrew from the contest with a Thai Wye and a bow from the waist. The crowd gave him a standing ovation.
Eva and Lizzy were journeying in a parallel direction in there match. With four seconds to go in the second round Eva tripped on her own left foot. As Lizzy pulled her arm. The judges ruled Lizzy the winner by one quarter of a point.
I was sitting next to General Matthews, and said I would like to have that young woman as my executive officer.
"Because, she is a younger version of me, and she was my favorite student in basic training, when I was her commander."
"You are proud of her ability?"
"Yes sir!"
"No promises, but I will see what I can do."
"Thank you, Sir!"
Ben won his match by rulings of thejudges, and Lizzy came close but lost by a tight decision. When we reloaded theaircraft, Lizzy was on board with orders in hand. She had already talked withher roommate who was bringing her personal items and her daughter wh
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