A New Flower 18
Kulabta becomes Dawkmymy (A New Flower)
Glap Jai (กลับใจ – return heart) To change oneself for the better.
Chapter Eighteen
The media was throwing his own words back at him. "I'm a Mad Man when it comes..." He is a magnificent, masterful and marvelous man. He has accepted me contrary to my obstinate rebellion. I know I am prejudiced, but I almost lost him. He is my hero, hope and helper.
I must admit that curiosity has me puzzled. What was Ben talking about with General Boyd? Why the mystery? He is very quiet, and not sharing. It must be top secret. It is beyond my security clearance. He is calm, relaxed, and witty. It seems as if concerns are avoiding him. He is as strong as steel and soft as cotton.
Ben was focusing on the fights coming in three days. His practice sessions were more ferocious than I had ever seen. Most concentrated on mask fighting, and seeing with the ear. General Olander was his sparring partner. Early before breakfast, he was taking on six rivals at once while being blindfolded. It was frightening to watch him prepare for a match. I could tell he was getting ready to do something he had never undertaken in the past. It was all I could do to keep from screaming.
As Ben projected a calm spirit, the more pressure I felt. He became more serene, setting off panic in me. He took my hand and kissed my fingers. He said, "I got this. Don't worry! Almost like magic my mind felt peace. I knew my man could walk on water. He was my Superman, Batman and Hulk bundled into one splendid human being.
Then my thoughts backslid. Every creek and bump had me sitting up in bed, while he was sleeping like a rock. Ten scenarios flooded my mind, none good. I tossed and turned throughout the night, and he had the hint of a grin protruding from his mouth.
Wednesday Mike Thompson and Ben Crossman got a bye on the first three rounds. Round four was an easy win for both. There were fourteen remaining competitors after Saturday morning. Saturday afternoon had the fourteen vying for the top prize. Mike and Ben made bad remarks at each other. They almost came close to fighting ahead of time. Ben yelled, "I can take any five guys like you!" Mike replied, "You're a moron." The audience was frozen with silence.
Malsa and I were sitting next to each other totally confused. Neither of us had ever seen our men so enraged. What had occurred? These were rational men. They were the best of friends. What had happened that instigated them to part ways? There must be some misunderstanding. Maybe they...
That afternoon left seven persisting. Mike said, "You can't fight your way out of a wet paper sack. Thus, five good men would put you down in seconds. You are not young any more. Give it up old man." Malsa and I wanted to cry.
"I can fight five contenders and beat them any time, any day. Pick out five rivals. Give them knives. Put a blindfold over my eyes, and I will still beat them. We wanted to say, "Please stop this madness." Together we prayed, "Lord help these two regain sense about them!"
"You're sick old man, or your crazy. No one has ever beaten five good men together at the same time."
"Like I said, choose five good contenders, give them knives, and put a blindfold over my head, and I'll beat them. We will see who is the old man!"
It came to me like a flash of lightning. I knew what they were undertaking. I whispered to Malsa, "It is obvious what they are doing. You'll see later!" I gave her a wink, and pasted a smile on my lips. She returned a two second smile, and looked baffled. However, I remembered the practice Wednesday morning. Every move was planned.
Mike went over to the five waiting on the bench and said, "We will show him fellows, if we band together. It is going to be easy to pound him. Maybe even kill him. They all laughed. Mike proposed, "I have seen him take down three, but never five with knives. In that scenario, two attempted to kick behind the knees, and one tried a power punch in the front."
Mike continued, "If we surround him with one attacking the front, another assaulting the back, the third assailing the right side and the next two striking the left lateral, since he is right hand, that is too many to handle at one time. Thus, we got him." They all nodded their heads.
Mike went on, "I will take any position that you give me guys. It will be easy." The five of them huddled. Then Bad Bob responded, "We decided that we can handle it by ourselves,"
"Are you sure? I would like a piece of him!"
"The five of us are certain!"
"Well okaaay!"
Ben and I were at the arena early Sunday afternoon. My wonderful husband watched every move that the five-some made and with whom they had conversations. Some of the Intelligence agents in the crowd were also observing as the people gathered. Most individuals would think they were part of the regular security force. The agents had Walkie-talkies. Some sported revolvers. The national protectors were ready for any disturbance.
I don't know the details, but I do have a broad idea of what is happening. I'm not quite sure how The Royal Thai Intelligence Agency fits into the situation. I was still shaky, but something inside was telling me he can manage the strenuous things. He will do it right.
An announcement was made that there had been some changes in the program. The consent by the participants has been agreed. Mad Man was going to fight five opponents at the same time while blindfolded. Words failed me. My arms and legs trembled. The worst thoughts had me trapped between running away or staying. The inside of my stomach felt like it was filled with bricks. Can we back-up and start over? I can picture him lying on the mat with his precious life flowing away. Can't we just jump up and stop the fight?
The bell rung. Ben danced to the middle of the ring with the blindfold covering his eyes and the dark bag draping his head. Three opponents entered the fighting area in the front, back and right side. Two approached the left. The assailants raised their hands with the knives in them like they were going to stab him all at once.
I was frozen, but not able to close my eyes or race out of here. My heart was throbbing. Sweat was pouring out of every pore.
In a fraction of a second he flipped backwards kicking the knives out of three of their gloomy goons' grips. Flipping again allowed him to kick the other two in their grimy groins. They bent down dropping their knives and clutching their manhood. He kicked each of them behind the knees and they collapsed to the mat. Then spinning on one leg gave him the opening to pop all in their heads. He tore the blindfold and bag from his eyes as the announcer declared him the winner.
In less than thirty seconds his challengers were knocked cold on the floor. The audience was on their feet. Cheers were shaking the auditorium. He motioned for everyone to quieten and to sit. Then he grabbed the mike from the broadcaster with one hand and one of the knives with the remaining hand. The announcer looked at him in disbelief. Ben said, "What I'm about to do will be gruesome and embarrassing. I want all the women and children to close their eyes tight and turn away from the ring."
He held the knife up for men to see. The entire onlookers, even the females and kids saw him. He is going to kill them in front of everyone, I thought. Conversely, he went to each rival with the bladed weapon and ripped their pants from them.
Laugher erupted from the spectators. He spoke again, "These, so called, men on the mat are murderers and rapists. They rape your adolescent daughters, granddaughters, sisters and murder them. They rip the clothing from their bodies and do disgusting things to them. Two of these lowlifes are Pink Handkerchief gang members.
The remaining three are grime of the Meow race. I believe these slaughterers deserve to die, but I am going to give them to Thai authorities. We need to let Thai justice deal with them. I am sure they will have a better life than the ones they tortured."
He motioned for all watchers to sit down and remain silent. He said, "There are some filthy traitors in the building seated next to you. Royal Thai Intelligence and local police are arresting them as I speak. They are just as guilty as the ones in the ring with me. They are a shameful excuse of humanity.
Then he pleaded for the families of the fallen by saying, "I know what it's like to see my friends massacred as they were protecting the borders of the great country of Thailand. The murderous slime laying in the ring are guilty representatives of those crimes. It is similar to the way they have butchered innocent young females."
He added, "I have been there. Their bodies are a constant reminder of the price they paid. It is bad enough that a mother cries because she lost her true love. It is heart-rending to see a daughter or son grow up without their Daddy. What we raise today will not compensate them for the one missing from the family, but it will help them maintain their dignity."
He went on, "Everyone within the sound of my voice can help these love ones preserve the self-respect they deserve. I beg with you to help them today. They deserve it. I had never heard Ben speak like that before. He was relaxed, respectful and ready to help those in need."
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