Chapter Seven - Demetria
Queen Lysanna glanced back at the forest until it was impossible to see. She wanted to go back and fetch the foolish prince, but her explict orders were to protect the betrothed. So she rode farther and farther away from the forest, glancing back every once in a while, hoping to catch a glimpse of the long pink hair of the prince. To her dismay, all the way to the Demetria territory, with continuous riding, she saw no such sight. The sun slowly sunk below the horizon, and it became impossible for Queen Lysanna to look back anymore, so she steeled her nerves, looked forward, and rode with the remainder of her elite guard. It took roughly twelve hours of straight riding for the group to make it to the gates of Demetria. The city was massive, stone walls stretched for as far as one could see, but having seen the maps, she knew it ended somewhere. Everyone was rushed inside, after a brief explanation of the situation, and why they were there early. A group of soldiers led the squadron and monarchs towards a large building, where the mayor worked. The elite guard stood outside the doors of a meeting hall, the three monarchs and mayor inside.
Queen Lysanna explained the situation, starting when they left the gates, deliberately leaving out Prince Techno's and hers talk, and ending at entering the gates of Demetria. At the sound of Prince Techno's name, the room seemed to dim and a heavy cloud settled over the group. For the two visiting monarchs, they had a sense of worry, but theirs paled in comparison to his brothers worry. Being inside the carriage, all he could hear was the frantic calls of his brother and the galloping of hooves. After that, the carriage had sped up so quickly that the monarchs had tumbled from their seats and into the floor of the carriage. Now, he was figuring out his brother rode off into a forest that three elite guard soldiers had not returned from... he may be the Blood God by name but he was still human.
"In any case, we cannot leave until our duties here are completed, and we must wait at least a day for Prince Techno," The Queen stated, gesturing with her hands. She had noticed the abrasive look on the mayor's face. He was, as frank as she could say, with the most utter disrespect in her own thoughts, a fat old man that looked like he was ready to kick the bucket. It seemed that his frown deepened at the every mention of Prince Techno's name. Queen Lysanna thought back to the conversation herself and the prince had just half a day ago. He said they hated him, and that King Phil had fled with him as a child. It could only be assumed and inferred that there was an incident that happened when he was seven, Queen Lysanna just didn't know what. She turned to the mayor, "We're going to need your best soldiers to go and assist Prince Techno."
The mayor stifled a sound in the back of his throat, almost seeming to swallow a scoff, "We will need those soldiers to protect the betrothed monarchs if there is indeed vigilants around us."
Queen Lysanna however, didn't try to stifle her scoff, and in fact added an eyeroll, "He's the governing monarch of this land, I would think it would be your priority to retrieve him."
The mayor looked at her, "He was given the land by the king. He's of no royal blood and has no true claim. Prince Techno is never around anyways, and I govern these lands. We're doing just fine."
The Queen could pull the monarch card, ordering him to do it, as King Phil had given her the right to do whatever she needed to protect his family... but she truly wanted to just punch the old geezer so hard in the face she thought that if she spoke to him anymore she would act irrationally. Inclining her head, although not needed because she was taller than the balding man, she glared down her nose at him, "Very well... have some of your precious guards escort us to our sleeping quarters."
The mayor grumbled and signaled a solider that was standing to the side of the room over. The soldier silently walked over and gestured for the royals to leave the room, before following after them. They sped up, walking in front of the group to guide them, the elite guard taking their place at the back. The soldier was a feline, the pale beige colored tail tipped black at the end was lying low towards the ground, swishing back and forth as they walked. They exited town hall, walking through the bustling streets easily as the people parted like two sides of the ocean opening a pathway, and the solider guided them. Within a few minutes they arrived at a picturesque building.
It was two stories, vines crawling up the stoned walls, it's wooden roof steepeled and covered in more vines. Outside the door was a wide patio, wooden furniture adorning the area, along with a small fountain that made the distinct gurgling sounds of water rushing over rocks, that could be heard over the near silent murmuring coming from the street. The soldier led them inside, still having yet to say a word, before stopping at the inns front desk. They handed the innkeeper a slip of paper, before turning back around. Now, the group got a good look at the feline's face.
It was slightly elongated, them having a strong jaw, and it was covered in what was similar to peach fuzz, but clearly was feline fur. Their nose, similar to a cats, was flattened against their face, tipped black and twitched occasionally. Their eyes were shaped like a humans, but their pupils were slit, and it was surrounded by a stunning ocean blue. Their skin was the same color as their tail, but lacked fur except for around the edges of their face, similar to sideburns. Under the helmet, which was a light silver color, a small little plume coming from the top, colored a deep burgundy, with the portion that would have covered their face open, you could see long hair peeking out from underneath, probably a similar feeling to fur. Their ears were distinctly not where a humans would have been, and it could only be assumed that they were hidden underneath the helm. They handed a slip of paper to the Queen, before side stepping them all and leaving the inn.
On the paper, it was four simple words, watch out for yamor.
❦ ❦ ❦
Tommy skidded to a halt outside his brothers room, opening the door and slipping inside the room. Tubbo was finally beginning to walk again, and it was a very happy moment for everyone, especially the two brothers. "Tubbo, let's go horseback riding!"
Tubbo turned to his brother from where he stood, slipping a white shirt on from his wardrobe, "I don't think I can walk that much Tommy. Not yet at least, it took forever for me to get over here."
Tommy pursed his lips, "Well that's why I suggested we ride horseback, you wouldn't have to walk but if you can't make it..."
Tubbo hummed in agreement, "I appreciate the thought though Tommy."
"C'mon, can't you get better faster?" Tommy complained, flopping into a chair that sat near the wardrobe. Tubbo's still recovering body trembled as he tried to button the shirt. He huffed, attempting to do it before Tommy stood, walked over and began silently buttoning it for him.
"Heh, thanks Tommy... but I don't think recovery works that way," Tubbo answered with a grin.
Tommy stepped back when he finished and sat back down, "Yeah yeah, but what if I carried you down there? Please?"
Tubbo thought on it as he pulled his socks on, "I mean... sure. But if you drop me I'll kill you."
"I'm a big stong man, I can do it!"
"Mhm, sure Tommy, could you get my boots?"
He silently grabbed the boots, helping his older brother slip them on, before letting Tubbo jump on his back so he wouldn't have to walk. He left the room, carrying him in silence, stopping every once in a while to adjust, before continuing to walk. They passed many servants and soldiers but they paid the boys no mind, everyone was used to this. From a young age, the boys had been inseparable. Phil had brought them home within a few months of each other, Tommy first, then Tubbo, and they had an instant bond. So every maid, butler, cook, guard, candelabra and carpet knew the two boys were the best of friends. So the sight of the two meandering down the hall, one carrying another was of no surprise. The two almost made it outside when a harried man stormed through the front doors. Immediately all guards were on guard, drawing swords and leaping in front of the young princes, before the boy hollered, "A message from Queen Lysanna from Demetria, Prince Techno has engaged in a battle and his whereabouts are unknown!"
Every single person felt a heavy weight begin to press on their hearts, their shoulders. Most of the guard that had their swords pointed at the man whom was panting from his presumed run through the city of Azgeda, dropped their swords in an ear splitting clang. Most of those soldiers had trained under the Prince, many respecting him beyond just him as a prince, but as a comrade, a friend. Tommy carefully set Tubbo down, letting him get his footing before pushing through the circle of guards that protected him, "Where is the message?"
The messenger fished the letter from his bag, handing it to Tommy with a deep bow, "Queen Lysanna instructed it go straight to King Phil."
Tommy nodded, clutching the paper in his hand, "Very well, I will handle it, thank you for delivering the message."
Tommy turned, walking back through the crowd, and handed Tubbo the letter, helping him back into a carrying position on Tommy's back, before walking to his father's office.
❦ ❦ ❦
Techno spurred Carl forward to avoid the blast of the ghast. It shook the earth behind him, an ungodly screech followed before another explosion happened just a bit to his right. He was in deep shit. To the left was the towering fortress, to the right, fire, behind him, between himself and the portal back to his home, a hulking mass of terror in the sky. Truly the only way he could go was forward, pressing farther and farther away from the swirling purple, and deeper and deeper into the barren wasteland that was a sickening, and nauseating red. Techno pulled Carl's reigns to a stop as a hoglin began to charge forward out of the edge of the crimson forest that stood before him.
He groaned in disdain, quickly scanning his options before swerving to the left, muttering an apology to Carl for the hard trek they were about to endure. He pushed Carl towards a mass of netherrack, uncertain whether he could get Carl up, but it was either the mountain leading to the top of the fortress, a howling beast, or a very angry pig. He chose the first option. Carl, the smart horse he was, already began jumping from ledge to ledge, almost like a mountain goat, slowly ascending upwards. The air was suffocating still, getting a bit more bearable as he began the ascent. The hog had long since stopped following, and the ghast had seemed to lose interest, humming like a sad cat as it drifted away. Carl finished the ascent, panting from exertion as they made it to the top. Techno hopped off his horse, grabbing the reigns, leading him to an empty alcove in the fortress, letting him lie down. The horse gratefully took the rest, having been fighting the urge to collapse for a long while now.
"Good job Carl," Techno muttered, sitting down and leaning against his companion. Carl gratefully huffed as he laid his head down to rest, eyes finally shutting after a harrowing day. Techno's eyes threatened to fall, but he kept them open, giving his stallion a rest and protecting the two of them if need be. He slipped the golden crown off his head, suprised in all the mess of the past few hours that it hadn't fallen off. Techno took his long braided hair in his hands, taking the ribbon that tied the end out, slowly brushing his fingers through the mess of salmon locks. He used to hate his hair, it made him stand out, and in Demetira, it was a sign of eternal bad luck and damnation, but in just pure spite he refused to cut it. It was long, almost reaching his waist, and had it not been so difficult to upkeep, he wouldn't mind it too much. He usually had it in a tight braid or pulled up into a tight bun, especially when training, but when the four brothers were kids, Tommy and Tubbo liked playing with his hair, as it was much longer than everyone else's. The two boys couldn't braid to save their life, and even though Techno tried to teach them, it just never stuck.
He smiled slightly to himself at the thought of his youngest siblings. They were probably the hardest part about the engagement tour. He just wanted to be with his family, and yes, he had Wilbur, but it wasn't the same as when all four were together. Hell, he'd let Tommy beat him in a spar right about now. Releasing a sharp sigh, Techno gathered all of his salmon locks, pulling the hair up and began twisting it. When he fully twisted the never ending stands, he began to spin and wrap it around the base, when it was done, he took the light blue ribbon, and tied it around the bun. The ribbon was thick, and nothing like the small, dainty ribbons he used to use. He had too much hair for that to ever work.
Laying his head back on Carl, he pulled his legs closer towards him, wrapping his arms underneath his shins as he gripped the underside of his thighs. Today had turned out shit, and all Techno wanted to do was go home, and pretend a war wasn't on the horizon. A war he was certain he'd lose friends in.
It was all because of the stupid Triad. Their kingdom was the biggest competition, and it was only a matter of time until Dream's greed got the better of him. Techno couldn't decide whether he wanted it to be now, when he had only so much he could lose, but had the chance of no future, or if he wanted Dream to attack later in life, when his father had stepped down and was enjoying life, when himself or Will was king, having a family of their own, Tommy and Tubbo being adults then, having families of their own if they wanted, or exploring the world.
He wanted to be selfish and say now, attack now while he had little to lose, while Techno had only four people he would defend with his life, because it was easier to die that way, knowing you're leaving less behind. To be a martyr. But Techno knew they would hurt, no matter the age, if he was gone. The question was, would he die in a war when he was an uncle? A dad? A husband? Or just a brother?
No, Techno thought to himself, you're a son too. And he was right, he was a son too, Great King Phil was a father of four, and any death of his would devastate him. He couldn't do that, he needed to outlive Phil, so he never had to feel the pain of losing a son. So Techno steeled his nerves, eyes hardening in resolve, he would survive. He would survive the nether, he would survive his idiotic siblings, he would surive the war. If not for himself, then for his family.
[A/n: sorry for not posting a chapter yesterday i had the draft done but i was crying too hard to Given that I legitimately forgot. If you like anime, and like bl then its one for you. Its so beautiful even if i cried so hard for so long.]
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